Hounding: A Tale of the Heaving Sky by Travis Randall () will have updates coming soon! In anticipation, we thought it'd be fun to ask the author to tell us a little about himself:
"Why did you begin writing?"
When I was a young boy, I read R.L. Stine’s Hide and Shriek. I remember sitting down in the morning and opening to the first page. Then I looked up and it was night. I’ve fallen in love with authors like Ramsey Campbell, Brian Evenson, and Cormac McCarthy since then—their ability to conjure with words—and it made me want to do what they do.
I started writing in high school, mostly love letters to those authors, to the stories which were foundations of my childhood and young adulthood.
By now, I have my own developing style. Hounding: A Tale of the Heaving Sky is a novel which I hope, for readers, summons the same feelings I experience when being swallowed by one the books on my shelf.
"What is your favorite book series?"
It’s hard to beat Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun. There’s a saying, that you can’t read a Gene Wolfe story, you can only reread one. I find that to be true. His ability to juggle ideas, to create puzzles within the text, remains unmatched. But the worlds and moods he evokes keeps me returning to his works. I consider the Book of the New Sun to be one of the greatest achievements in literature over the last one-hundred years.
"What characteristics do you think is important for a fantasy novel to have?"
There’s so many different styles out there. But I think real fantasy should come with a sense of longing. When you close the book, you should feel like you’ve been broadened, but also as though you’re missing some important part of yourself. Like the story completed a circuit for a time. When I was a kid, I would look up the stars and feel a bit sad—that’s the hole good fantasy should fill.