What I am about to tell you is the truth and it really happened. Now, If you believe that God can talk to people in their dreams, you will understand what you are about to read. However, if you do not believe that he speaks to people in their dreams, then you will think I am nuts and ready for a straight jacket and a rubber room. But, everything that you are about to read really did happen to me.
A few years ago, I was watching a live broadcast of “Feed the Children” on TV. During that broadcast, as they were feeding the Children, the unthinkable happened, they ran out of food. To see the faces of the 60+ Children that they had to turn away was more than I could take. I wanted to sell everything that I had and ship them more food ASAP, but that was not Resortan option. So I prayed and ask God how could I give more money to help those in need. That is when the Lord spoke to me and told me to build a Christian Theme park. A few days after God spoke to me to build the Park, I shared my dream with Pastor Lonnie Nix of the Way Ministry of Sacramento, California. As I started to tell him what God wanted me to build, he got very excited. He started to share with me that just 2 weeks earlier God had given him a dream of a Christian Theme Park being built here in Northern California. In his dream he saw cars on the highway bumper to bumper as far as the eye could see in both directions trying to get into the park. He did not know what it meant until I started to share what God wanted me to do. At that time I thought I would build a park on about 40 to 50 acres, because the original Disneyland only sits on 45 acres. So I started researching amusement parks to find out what I should do. I researched other parks around the world. I needed to see what had worked for them, what rides were popular, what was the pitfalls, how much money it would take etc. I spent hundreds of hours on the internet finding out everything I could about building and running an amusement park. Then one Sunday morning in January 2005, God changed everything. As I was praying in the prayer room before morning service, another Minister came up to me and said that God had told him to tell me something. He said that he had never said anything like this to anyone else and that he did not know what it meant. The words that came out of his mouth next changed everything that I had been working on. He said that God wanted him to tell me that “ My horse is bigger than the barn that I am trying to put it into”. I knew instantly what he was saying and after spending time in prayer that next week, I understood all that God wanted me to build. That”s how Grizzly Mountain grew from a 40 acre amusement park to a 505 acre Resort. In June 2007 I was working on the plans for the Resort. I had been on the internet collecting prices for rides, equipment and everything else I could possibly need. As I started to add up the costs, I felt overwhelmed by the amount. I remember crying out to God and asking “How am I going to do this?, I don’t have a national television Ministry, nor do I have a national Radio Ministry. And only a hand full of Churches knows who I am”. Well, that night God gave me a dream. In that dream I was standing in front of hundreds of Children. Some
were skin and bones and starving for food, others were in dirty and ragged clothes and some just wanted someone to love them. As I looked out over those Children, I began to weep. As the tears flowed down my cheeks, I lifted my face to heaven and cried “ God, please help the Children”. As I said that, a man came walking up to me and said ” God has sent me to you to help you build your park”. After that I woke up, but I can remember it like it happened last night. In November 2009, God spoke to me and told me that it was time to move forward with the Resort. So I started looking for property on which to build. I had been looking everywhere that I thought would be a great place to build, but nothing was available. So, on December 19th 2009 God gave me another dream. In the dream, my daughter and I were driving and looking for property. I came to a pull out along the side of the road and parked my car. As I got out I looked around and said to my daughter that this would be a great place to build the park. It was at that time that I heard the voice of the Lord tell me that he had given this area to me. I remember the over whelming feeling of excitement that came over me because I had finally been given the property. There was a road off to my left that went down to a small lake. I remember that I wanted to see what God had given me, so I ran down to a small hill over looking the lake. I remember that the lake looked muddy and I could not understand how people could swim or play in it. I decided to get a closer look so I went down to the edge of the water. As I got to the waters edge I stopped. It was at that time that I noticed that I was no longer still dressed in my jeans and tee shirt but instead I had on a white robe. I also remember that I had a feeling of something that felt like warm electricity that flowed through my body and I started to float in the air about a foot above the ground. It was at that time that I started to move around the lake not under my own power but being moved around by God. As I got around to the other side of the lake God spoke to me and said “ Look”. I looked over and saw people coming out of their tents, their campers, and from their parked cars running down to the side of the lake to see me floating. I remember that God stopped me and told me to stretch out my left hand over the
Water. As I stretched out my hand God started to move me forward again. I remember seeing the muddy water turn crystal clear as my hand passed over it. This went on for about 200 feet and then I woke up. In this dream, I knew where I was in relationship to a small town located just north of Sacramento California. That next day the Lord spoke to me and said that “my people loose out on my blessings because they fail
to act when I tell them to”. So that next day I went on a drive to find the property that God had given me. I went searching the roads around the small town that I knew that I was close to in my dream. I searched about 3 hours without any luck and was about to call it a day when I found a road that I had not yet driven down. As I drove down the road there was still nothing that looked like the area that I had seen in my dream, but as I came around a corner there it was. I saw the small lake that I had seen in my dream. I also noticed the road that went down to the lake on my left and the pull out to my right where I parked my car in my dream. It was like God had taken me there in my dream because everything that I saw was exactly like those things I had dreamt about, even down to the way that the mud looked on the edge of the lake, everything was the same. As I started for home the Lord spoke to me and said that I needed to stop at a small building just down the road on my right and talk with the realtor there, her name is Trina Quinn. As I started to share what God wanted me to build, tears came to her eyes and she got very excited. The next day she had a list of properties for me to look at. As we came to the last property on the list, she told me that it was for sale but it had been pulled off the
market. We were taking a tour of the property when God spoke to me and said “ Remember that day 5 years ago when you were driving down highway 65. As you passed this property you said to me that this would be a great place for the Park? Well, now I have given it to you”. At that point I felt the excitement rise up within me because God had answered my prayer. Everything you have just read really did happen. God has confirmed this vision to me in many more ways, too many to list here. Other Christian Men and Women have seen bits and pieces of what the park will look like even though I have not shared the design God gave me with them, that is something only God could have done.