SELAH: a dangerous set of words to use right now … ‘well -I- thought-that …’ [period]. God’s thoughts are now our [thoughts] and God’s way[s] are not our ways … COMMIT -your-ways and plans- unto THE LORD [capital LORD … not ‘lord’ …] and -your thoughts - will be ESTABLISHED.
The ‘lord’ mindset, can and will lead you to trouble. [period]. We do not control nothing in this universe .. we are NOT GOD. We are people. Some belong to HIM, and some don’t.
Selah. Proverbs 16:3.
The world has watched a region of wealth burn to the ground and could do nothing to stop it; if we ‘controlled’ everything, why didn’t we make the rain fall from the sky to stop it? Bc we could not! Then we watched the other side of the world get blanketed in snowfall with ‘childlikefavor; as the other region continued to ignite and burn.’ Not to mention, bringing the entire solar system into alignment; or the East coast flooding in areas like Asheville; omg.
If we ‘cared’ as people and human beings, what would we have done differently? Therefore, either we ‘couldn’t’ or we didn’t‘care.’ I wonder what you chose to say. Selah. California on my mind.