Hey guys it’s been a while!!! To tell you the truth I felt very discouraged after my partner in the Lola influence and I parted ways literally the day before the podcast was going to launch. 💯 transparency, I was incredibly embarrassed and felt defeated. Now things have changed and I will tell you why-
We are in some really crazy times right now world wide! However we have a unique opportunity to change our direction and ways of thinking. Yes this podcast will still be sales and motivation based, but it will be so much more than that. This will be hope based and it’s time to come together and get into solution not seclusion! Sure continue to social distance yourself, however I am absolutely positive this is happening now to challenge us to come together and make a change!!! If you didn’t already know I am a marketer for business all over the nation. Imagine what kind of conversations I have been having for the past week!!!! It was all doom and gloom with my clients and honestly I got lost in it! I locked up and broke down!!! They were scared and so was I. But today I chose to shift!!! Rather than letting this take me down I felt lead to become a beacon of hope! The conversations that have been had were life changing for both parties today. I believe with all of my being that there is something to that for not only business owners, marketers, sales people but EVERYONE!!!
I will continue to share where this is going and I would love all feedback! This podcast is NOT about ME! This podcast is about EVERYONE no matter where you are in your life. Change is happening now! And we have the power to decide how we are going to use this change for good!
Get ready!!! I’m comin! And I want you all to join me! I will have guest speakers of all walks of life. We all have a voice and it’s time to be heard!!!!