Driving on US-75 today, I saw a Texas Department of Public Safety alert I had never seen so I researched.
The Texas Department of Public Safety implemented two new alert systems in 2019: the CLEAR alert, and CAMO alert. CLEAR Alerts are for adults who have been abducted, and Camo Alerts are for missing veterans with mental illness or injury.
We thought it would be a great time to remind everyone what the different alerts mean in case anyone else was unaware or needed a refresher!
CLEAR stands for Coordinated Law Enforcement Adult Rescue Alert. This new alert system will assist law enforcement in locating and rescuing missing adults who may have been kidnapped, abducted or who are in immediate danger of injury or death, as well as aid in locating any potential suspects.
The Camo alert is designed to notify the public of a missing current or former member of the United States armed forces, including the National Guard or a reserve or auxiliary unit of any branch of the armed forces.