Do you agree? 🫧😂
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#momlife #motherhood #momhumor #parenthood #parenting #momsofinstagram #raisingboys #toddlerlife #raisingtoddlers #toddlerstruggles #parents #sahm #sahmlife #motherhood
Communication is important 😅
Poor boy 😂
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CORRECTION: that is actually 7.5 containers of margarine 😂🧈
I promise we are not gross people and we DO NOT use this much butter and margarine every month 😅
#wifelife #sahm #comedy #truestory #momhumor #motherhood
Was not expecting that 😆
Was not disappointed 🧡
Also, feel the need to add that my mother in law bought these at the zoo with us. It was brand new. 😂
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All I know is…
They will be awake by the time I figure it out 😅
Follow @bauer.story for more relatable mom moments
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What is something you didn’t think you needed but now use frequently? 👉🏻 Let me know in the comments!!!
Comment “LINK” and I’ll send you a link to this grape cutter. :)
#motherhood #momlife #toddlerlife #raisingtoddlers #feedinglittles #toddlers #momfinds #parent
Here’s the context 👇🏻
Rambulets = ambulance
“I hear the rambulets! There’s a rambulets!”
I thought he was saying “rainbow lights” but my husband cracked the code and ambulance made way more sense. Toddler confirmed that he was in deed saying ambulance.
Green Man = Wellerman
“I want to listen to the green man!”
The Wellerman is such a fun song! We listen to a lot of Irish/Scottish music in our house.
Tormato = Tornado
“The tormato is breaking the house!”
“We need to check on the tormato.”
“Can I watch the tormato while I go poop on the potty?”
He has been very concerned about the monthly tornado sirens since we moved here. I tried explaining them to him and why they do the sirens. He is now a little bit obsessed with tornados 🌪️
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I don’t know about you…
But I felt this.
I’m not sure who said the original quote but it said this:
“The majority of your relationship with your children will be when they are adults. But for a brief moment, you get to know them as kids.”
I think sometimes we get so excited for the next phase with our kids that we forget to slow down and appreciate the current stage they are in.
This quote was a good reminder for me and I wanted to share in case it helped you too!
#motherhood #momlife #parenting #parenthood #slowliving #intentionalparenting #momsofinstagram
Why does this keep happening??? 😭
I always thought that parents were poor because of they buy lots of toys. Nope. It’s the amount of berries that kids go through! 😅
Let me know in the comments if you can relate!
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Can you guess how many times I had to shampoo the carpet?!
Let me know in the comments what you think! I will post the answer in the comments later tonight!
✨ Be sure to follow @bauer.story for more real life mom stories and humor.
Also follow for tips and ideas on play, homemaking, & adventuring with young kids!
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Share with a friend that’s roadtripping with young kids this summer ☀️
Ok…. So it was probably 15 minutes, but it definitely felt longer 😂😅
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