If you have any information contact the state police 
Come on out to Nokesville day it’s not raining no more we were out here selling toys
Come on out to Nokesville day the rain has stopped and get your toys for Christmas 
Good morning y’all come on out to the toy show lots of stuff to see in berryville Va
We had a great time at the show in Weyers Cave Virginia, Got to meet a lot of new people and hang out with some friends, and make a couple hundred dollars. The next show is Berryville Virginia March 25 2023
All the neighbors corn will be gone soon, The combine is a rolling JD 8630, KZ 840, JD S680,
Good morning y’all November 30 we got are first snowfall this morning it’s not much but it’s more than I would like to see
We had a brand new baby bull today
Started cutting hay May 11  with one heck of a sunset
It’s such a beautiful day to show off the new babies
Fired up the ponies over weekend Farmall 1456 
Fired up the ponies over the weekend Farmall M