Just and update on books in progress.
Okay, first of all is Michael D. Winkle's Beasts Beyond Belief: Sneaky Werewolves, Flying Cats, and Accidental Apes, which I just need to finish proofreading and typesetting, so hopefully before Halloween! This is a really fun book that includes some new stories of familiar beasts (Bigfoot, Nessie) but also some less familiar tales such as flying rabbits and interdimensional hamsters. You'll be both spooked and amused by this one!
Next is my cowritten book with Grubbs Grizzly called The Furry Book: The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of the Furry Fandom. I don't mind telling you that this has become quite the project. I am now sympathetic to Margaret Mitchell, who took 10 years to finish her Gone with the Wind. I am on track to match that as the book is now 170,000 words in length. If I play my cards right, my ambition is to make this the bible of the furry fandom. No, I'm not God LOL. It's bible with a small "b." It is quite evident that this project will continue even after this edition is complete because as the fandom changes (which it is doing at an astonishing pace) I will need to produce new editions every couple of years.
Third is Rod O'Riley's Movies for Furries: An A to Z Guide. So far, he has written the A's through the C's. He hopes to finish it by next spring, and having read these first chapters, I can tell you it is a terrific book that any furry who loves movies will want to own.
Down the road further, I will be writing a "Best of Ask Papabear" book, which, being a selection, should easily come out in 2025. Another project is in the proposal stage that is written by a singer and composer about their trials and tribulations making it as an entertainer in the furry world. I'm also keen on writing a book all about s*x and s*xuality in the fandom (along the lines of Dr. Ruth). Might see if I can't find a licensed s*x therapist to help me on that one.
I am always open to book proposals. There are so many things that could be written about. For example, I would love a book about gaming in the fandom, and I would love to see an in-depth book on the furry fandom's history from the 1970s to the 1990s.
Thanks for reading! I hope to have more news in the coming months.
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