Our sitting president did an interview on CNN, and the news outlet stated: “...his acknowledgement that American bombs had been used to kill civilians in Gaza was a stark recognition of the United States’ role in the war.” Our country sending arms to support the Israeli military regime as it commits a genoc1de against the Palestinian people, killing more than 14,000 humans, mostly children, is not okay. This is a story of the military regime of Israel murdering innocent humans. Our American media is working to further divide us by acting as if this genoc1de is not happening as we watch it in real time, and attempting to distract us from the heart of the matter. This is not a war of oppressed humans against oppressed humans, this is a fight of the oppressed vs. the oppressor.
In Britain, the Labour party’s Andy McDonald, called for a stop to bombardment and explained that, “These words should not be construed in any other way than they were intended, namely as a heart felt plea for an end to killings in Israel, Gaza, and the occupied West Bank, and for all peoples in the region to live in freedom without the threat of violence.”
As I’ve taken responsibility for the harm I’ve caused in my lifetime thus far, I’ve woken up to the atrocities committed against different groups for all of human history. From the kidnapping of African humans to use them as slave labor for the colonists (colonialists) that stole Native American land, to the atrocities against the Jewish humans in Germany at the hands of the N***s at the same time as Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps in CA, to the atrocities committed today against humans in the Congo, Sudan, and Palestine. (this is not a full list)
The Palestinian fight for survival, and their rallying cry, is one of resistance against ALL oppressors. Students and staff, and humans globally protesting, are done with the oppressor, whether that be government or corporations. Humanity is awakening and boycotting hate of every kind. I for one will continue to use my voice, in all my imperfections to fight for folks because while I freely admit I do not know everything, I do know one thing: starving and killing women and children is absolutely wrong and must stop. If it was you being starved and bombed, I would absolutely use my voice to stand up to those oppressing you.
I will continue to fight against anti-semitism AND for a free Palestine and for an end to oppression globally. As women before me stated, “Until we are all free, we are none of us free.” - a quote by 19th century Jewish American activist and poet Emma Lazarus; and “No one of us can be free until everybody is free,” - a quote by a 20th century American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou.
Caption: Amanda, a wh1te woman, sitting in a shearer in the hot, humid NC summer in eastern NC.