Now, we are tasked again with dealing yet another disordered Nate McMurray campaign. All of this background, which is tedious to review, is to underscore the fact that Nate McMurray’s descent from credible Democratic congressional candidate to professional Twitter narcissist has become quite tough to swallow. As someone who promoted and supported McMurray’s previous congressional races, I find it infuriating and difficult to witness his disingenous heel-turns against Zellner and Poloncarz last year, and his embryonic, ill-informed hatred of Tim Kennedy now.
McMurray pretends as if Tim Kennedy hadn’t been there all along. Now, he discovers who Kennedy is because Kennedy stands between McMurray and congressional seat to which McMurray feels entitled.
I have been very critical of Tim Kennedy in the past. In the Erie County Legislature, Kennedy simultaneously disgraced and promoted himself with his self-serving and short-sighted alliance with Chr…