
BuffaloChoose Advocate for local solutions via networking churches, businesses & farmers

Jonathan Powell is a business owner, entrepreneur and Radio Show Host with emphasis on Middle East research monitoring biblical text correlations to current events.

Three things I spoke of last week to watch and they all blew up in our face: 1) The America Competes Act almost an act o...

Three things I spoke of last week to watch and they all blew up in our face: 1) The America Competes Act almost an act of War against China, 2) the New York Registrar as it has adopted 2 out of 4 COVID-19 government over-reach regulations and 90 day extension for the most egregious—the Face Mask fine of $1000 per violation and the Isolation & Quarantine and lastly 3) war with Ukraine.
I want to jump right into the slight-of-hand we are watching here in New York. On one hand the governor is removing all mask mandates and on the other, her department of health is passing regulations that enforce the mask mandate with $1000 penalties per violation along with isolation and quarantine at her whim! It’s a magic show. While you’re looking at one hand the other is doing the trick. It really is affecting us all—we just don’t see it…yet. While experiencing the temporary illusion of relaxed restrictions, the trap is being set behind the scenes to tighten the control grip at the next opportunity.
Look, our job, your job, is to continue to write to [email protected]

WAR!! ...and Slight-of-Hand

EMERGENCY UPDATE: NOT ADOPTED!HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF HLT-50-21-00001-EP extended 60 days (not permanently adopted, but ex...


HLT-50-21-00001-EP extended 60 days (not permanently adopted, but extended 60 days)
HLT-50-21-00002-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/15/22 Investigation of Communicable Disease; Isolation and Quarantine Control of communicable disease.
• HLT-50-21-00002-EP not adopted—effective (enforceable) until 90 days up 11/24/2021 Feb 21, 2022 expired (Emergency rule ceases to be enforceable after 90 days from draft date but can be adopted/withdrawn/extended/modified anytime within 1 year from Dec 15, 2022)

HLT-50-21-00003-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/15/22 Face Coverings for COVID-19 Prevention To control and promote the control of communicable diseases to reduce their spread.
• HLT-50-21-00003-EP not adopted—effective (enforceable) until 90 days up 11/24/2021 Feb 21, 2022 expired (Emergency rule ceases to be enforceable after 90 days from draft date but can be adopted/withdrawn/extended/modified anytime within 1 year from Dec 15, 2022)

HLT-50-21-00004-EP . . . . . . . . . . . 12/15/22 Personal Caregiving and Compassionate Caregiving Visitors in Nursing Homes (NH’s) and Adult Care Facilities (ACF’s) To require NH’s & ACF’s to establish policies & procedures relating to personal caregiving & compassionate caregiving visitors.
• HLT-50-21-00003-EP not adopted—effective (enforceable) until 90 days up 11/24/2021 Feb 21, 2022 expired (Emergency rule ceases to be enforceable after 90 days from draft date but can be adopted/withdrawn/extended/modified anytime within 1 year from Dec 15, 2022)

Emergency Update

Last week I spoke about how Governor Hochul went around the law and brought the same wording of a Bill A416 to the Depar...

Last week I spoke about how Governor Hochul went around the law and brought the same wording of a Bill A416 to the Department of Health Regulation Title 10 which was published for review over the holidays in December to empower the Department of Health to implement and execute it. Amendment of Part 2, Section 405.3 and Addition of Section 58-1.14 to Title 10 NYCRR (Investigation of Communicable Disease; Isolation and Quarantine). I called in to inquire about this regulation and got a voicemail. The links on the Department of Health for SAPA and Frequently Asked Questions were broken links and went nowhere. Finally, I called New York’s administrative Rules Hotline and got confirmation that to leave a comment you must send an email to [email protected]. Now, having talked with AttorneyTodd Aldinger, this rule is actually in effect now as an emergency rule, and implemented as you will hear in my interview with Williamsville Mayor Deb Rogers who was fined for not having enforced the mask mandate at her committee meeting—I will get to her interview shortly, but again, this is extremely disturbing and we are asking everyone to comment to [email protected]. This is dangerous regulation that should never go through a bureaucratic department, but rather legislation where they are (or should be) held accountable to the people. Isolation and quarantine without due process? Give up our freedoms? No, if you are sick, you can choose to stay home until you get well based on your own intuition and logical conclusions. This is dangerous. Discrimination, lack of accuracy, political retribution, punitive coercion…this should come to your mind when writing to the health department at [email protected].

Williamsville Mayor Deb Rogers interview--Dept of Health Power-Grab

I have to be honest with you.  This regulation has given me and my family pause.  We have had to ask ourselves the tough...

I have to be honest with you. This regulation has given me and my family pause. We have had to ask ourselves the tough question. If this regulation is adopted, are we going to stay here and wait to see how this plays out??

These are no ordinary regulations. $1000 for each violation of not wearing a mask—it makes rule breakers into law breakers with criminal and civil penalties. It enforces businesses to take action against customers in a new way.

On top of that, it gives local health authorities isolation and quarantine authority to be enforced by local police authority—by the way, did you know where the term “POLICE” came from? It is from POLICY ENFORCEMENT. So, are we going to see Policy Enforcement of Isolation and Quarantine actions by Polencarz and other health departments? Your health department head has been given totalitarian type authority to detain you without due-process on only a suspicion of you being ill and can enforce isolation with phone COVID tracking or worse in their chosen facility for an unspecified amount of time depending on you submitting to medical treatments of their choice. And all this instituted by a bureaucrat’s whim because COVID-19 is already declared by the WHO as an Emergency Pandemic.

So, please tell everyone you know—friends, family and co-workers.. Give them the phone number and link to email and comment on these specific proposed regulations because they MUST NOT be adopted.

If this regulation is adopted, MOVE

That’s what I’m talking about today—the shift in what we see happening, but I also want to share with you the smoking gu...

That’s what I’m talking about today—the shift in what we see happening, but I also want to share with you the smoking gun of undeniable correlation of injuries and deaths from the COVID vaccine that even the media can’t get around though they are trying. And, I’ll also share the importance of family activism if you have to take someone you love into the hospital—be active, engaged and have an attorney at the ready—you’ll hear why.

But first, It’s important to continue to educate the public that this is not a partisan issue. The vaccines are obviously not accomplishing what the bureaucrats have suggested and in fact are doing great harm. This is a power-play not a health help.

Save Your Kids and Your Family

March for Medical Freedom Rally in AlbanyThis week I’m going to take you to the March for Medical Freedom held at the St...

March for Medical Freedom Rally in Albany

This week I’m going to take you to the March for Medical Freedom held at the State’s Capital in Albany. Listen to the attendees, the Assemblymen, those opposing Governor Hochul and many others as they opposed the vaccine mandates, the vaccine database bill, the bill eliminating religious exemption for workers in the state, and opposing the bill forcing children to get vaccinated to attend school.

March for Medical Freedom Rally in Albany

Last week I spoke of the PLAN—the planned pandemic, the planned economic collapse, and the planned biblical anti-Christ ...

Last week I spoke of the PLAN—the planned pandemic, the planned economic collapse, and the planned biblical anti-Christ rule—currently all pointing in the same direction. This week I want to show you how collectivism is taking over individualism. My purpose is to spread the word and open eyes to the truth—which has the power to set you free.

You see, all of the proposed regulations and vaccine pass mandates are in opposition to the principles of individual freedom upon which our nation was formed. They are opposed to the individual’s right to choose and focused rather on conformity to the collective.

These rules and mandates bypass the constitution and the bill of rights that protect individual liberty. They are communist, Marxist, totalitarian in nature…those who forget history are bound to repeat it. N**i Germany brainwashed an entire population into participating in or turning a blind eye to the genocide of hundreds of thousands of people that had been systematically ostracized and labeled genetically inferior and disease carriers. This agenda was sold under the pretext of the greater good. We are witnessing a repeat of the same historical patterns that ushered in Ancient Rome’s world-wide over-reach which led to collapse, and of course Hitler’s Fascism which brought about a World War. All of these dictatorial rises to power relied on propaganda and justified their measures because of economic necessity.

Local Bills Taking Away Individual Freedoms NY Legislature Vote is Jan 5th

It’s clear to see at this point that compliance with Phase I will not prevent Phase II from being enacted since more str...

It’s clear to see at this point that compliance with Phase I will not prevent Phase II from being enacted since more strict mask wearing will not reduce hospitalizations that are increasing because of the increased uptake of the vaccines and the normal seasonal increase in viral illness. As we have heard from Deborah Conrad and others on the show, much of the COVID ICU cases are actually vaccinated individuals. Unfortunately for many small businesses who clearly understand, that if the vaccine mandate comes they will be done for. Same too, with many good public servants who recognize that if the vaccine mandates go out, they too will lose their jobs and positions and the very ones we elected will no longer be able to represent the unvaccinated just like in Australia.
The direction our country is going is pretty disturbing. Our social credit system set-up is right around the corner and there doesn’t appear to be too much opposition. If you haven’t read the book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., I highly recommend it. It is important to comprehend the total conflict of interest perpetrated from the top. Here’s just a few of them: placing elderly with active COVID infections back into nursing homes, preventing the treatment of COVID patients until respiratory illness sets in and then only allowing the use of medications with the worst list of severe organ damaging side-effects. Also, did you know that the CDC owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion dollar annual tax-payer supplemented budget on the buying and distributing of vaccines. Likewise, the FDA receives 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry via “user fees.” This is like the EPA receiving 45% of its annual budget income from the coal industry as Kennedy Jr. states in his book. As they say, follow-the-money and the good book says “the love of money is the root of all evil.”


Hochul, Fauci, Mr Global and the CDC Racket

Have you noticed the speed with which all governments are implementing MAJOR societal and social structures?  Let me giv...

Have you noticed the speed with which all governments are implementing MAJOR societal and social structures? Let me give you an example. Since March 2020 we have seen the digital vaccination pass instituted in many democratic countries and now the digital currency—what governments are calling stable-coin. Electronic digital currency tied to the currency of the country and backed by the central bank of that country. Now, normally a digital drivers license or a digital pass of any kind would have to be instituted locally, then approved by a local legislature, put on a party platform, initiated in a working group for consideration into congress through a sponsoring member and then brought to legislation and if passed, verified by the senate and then possibly even challenged by the courts…think Obama-Care for example. That took years to consider, and even that was considered radical, political and a drastic move from the norm in the healthcare industry.
HOWEVER, NOW we are seeing power grabs under the auspices of an endemic, perpetual pandemic through emergency legislation at such a rapid pace and widespread reach that the normal channels of consideration and approval can’t respond fast enough. HOW has this happened and WHO is behind it you might ask? Well, it is the WHO. The guidance for these moves affecting the whole world has come from the WHO…and the recent World Health Organization TREATY talks with the World Health Assembly aim to further solidify its centralized control over sovereign nations. I will explain the details of this treaty later in the program, but first

Proposed WHO Treaty Consolidating Power for Perpetual Pandemic Intel and Surveillance

Buffalo Choose is a program dedicated to connect, inform and equip you to understand the signs of the times, recognize t...

Buffalo Choose is a program dedicated to connect, inform and equip you to understand the signs of the times, recognize the government’s over-reach and opt-out of unjust systems. It’s important to know what’s happening locally and worldwide to prepare and protect yourself and family. The program today is focusing on Polencartz and Hochul’s calls for Phase I mask mandate measures for the holidays with what I believe is to push the vaccine mandate which is Phase II. If you notice, Phase IV is actually shut-downs and I believe they are using masks to make it uncomfortable enough for all to want the vaccine and then, become angry towards the unvaccinated if they get to Phase IV shut downs. This has nothing to do with your health, since the only viable option to stop the implementation of these government restrictions is to get the vaccine and booster shots, not actually show immunity, or demonstrate antibodies or prevent transmission since none of the COVID vaccines were designed to do that. And to add insult to injury, they use the Holidays to add fuel to the fire.

Phase I Masks Phase II Mandate-- Vaccines causing COVID spikes

007, Australia, Banks and us…that’s the program I have for you today.  Australia, with one move abdicated its freedom, b...

007, Australia, Banks and us…that’s the program I have for you today. Australia, with one move abdicated its freedom, banks are closing down world-wide and we are not in a position to barter… many are wondering what we are to-do knowing the aggressiveness with which the President and world leaders are pushing this vaccine mandate.

First off, have you seen the latest James Bond movie No Time To Die? The teaser reads like this: “James Bond has left active service. His peace is short-lived when Felix Leiter, an old friend from the CIA, turns up asking for help, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology.
Okay, so you know what the mysterious new technology is? Sounds a lot like the COVID mRNA technology.
In the credits alone you have the Statue of Liberty fallen over and drowning in sand, you see bullets shooting through the DNA helix, what does this symbolize to you?

Well, the movie hits too close to home, just like what is happening in the democratic nation of Australia. Elected by its people, mirroring its legislative, executive and judicial powers to that of England and America…just took a turn towards Communist China.

007, Australia and the banks

If you voted, thank you! We had mixed results from the polls yesterday. A huge win for Buffalo is Mayor Byron Brown’s wr...

If you voted, thank you! We had mixed results from the polls yesterday. A huge win for Buffalo is Mayor Byron Brown’s write in victory. Thank you to all who wrote-him-in! There was a lot of work behind that effort and it’s a huge win against the socialist candidate.

John Garcia won sheriff of Erie county and Kevin Hardwick defeated Republican candidate Lynne Dixon for Erie County comptroller whom if you recall was STEFAN MYCHAJLIW’s position which he left to run for Hamburg Town Supervisor, but lost to Randy Hoak—that is a huge loss for a conservative opposed to government over-reach in a town that he should have won. It was a loss by less than 1000 votes. Brian Kulpa was re-elected town supervisor
And a new young mayor in North Tonawanda Austin Tylec was voted into office.

All of these folks need you to contact them, congratulate them, but more importantly tell them your concerns about these vaccine mandates and to stand opposed to the rampant government over-reach. They must hear it from you. Especially your local mayors and sheriffs. These have the power to enforce these mandates or not and we need their help to delay this irresponsible over-reach to allow for all the legal battles to make their way to the supreme court.

Please continue to spread the message of freedom. Send out a personal letter of congratulations and add your concerns of our freedoms. They will open them and read them. This can have an impact on their perspective and your voice matters. Please take a moment to personally hand write that letter—it goes such a long way.

Thank you for tuning in to WEBR Radio AM 1440 and LIVE on WEBRradio.com every Sunday night at 5:30pm. This is Jonathan Powell with Buffalo Choose. Sponsored by The Josh James Team of Keller Williams. If you are in need of selling or buying a home, call Josh at 500-SOLD that’s 716-500-7653, 500-SOL...

Now is the time for the church, local business owners and us individuals to consider how we can facilitate trade in a wa...

Now is the time for the church, local business owners and us individuals to consider how we can facilitate trade in a way that allows us to live independently of government welfare with strings attached and assist those that are coming out from large corporations and government systems. If you have a home, you have an asset—airbnb it. If you have a car, you have an asset—uber it. If you have a yard you have an asset—farmers market it. Please look at your assets in a new light and consider how you can work as an entrepreneur, maybe even team up with others with similar goals and complimentary skills to start something new. I know a lot out there are ready to move out of this state—I don’t blame you. I am personally wondering if other states are going to be caught off guard by the administrations forced mandates, but I’m also hopeful that those are the states that take down this absurdity. Can we do it in our own state too? Can we make a difference right here in Western New York? Let me know your thoughts. Are we too late? Is it over here? Can we make a difference? If so, how do you see it? If not, why not? Email me at [email protected] Let me know your thoughts!

5 Year Olds Covid Vax, Walgreens and Buffalo

I reported after that report that digital documentation would be coming out in full force and it is happening folks.  Ra...

I reported after that report that digital documentation would be coming out in full force and it is happening folks. Rapid roll-out. Now, in Italy, the strictest digital documentation requirement for all private and public workers is a fine of 1-month salary (~$1200 Euros) if caught without it. This is rolling out to Italy…watch France, Israel, all the EU will implement in. How about watching Australia and Canada closely. The digital roll-out has begun and we knew it because of this published WHO documentation. They are following the new world order playbook.

Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE

We have a major shutdown looming (not to mention an Evergrande default of epic proportions) and this will put all debtor...

We have a major shutdown looming (not to mention an Evergrande default of epic proportions) and this will put all debtors on notice--right as we go into the winter. Was this timed? Was this coincidence? Providence—Evergrande really??? Whatever it is, it is chaos on top of crisis. And that never turns out well folks. We are in for a wild wintery blame game on fault finding and street chaos and anarchy and confusion and defaults and stock collapse or, at best, wild gyrations. Now, when America is on its heels, at such a time as this, when chaos and fear and skepticism and suspicions prevail--and prevent calmer considerations and trust—and the threat of China invading Taiwan turns into a reality—then...

Is America doomed? A patriotic American Jew bemoans the state the country finds itself in. Op-ed.

Where is the accountability?!

Where is the accountability?!

Listen to the latest broadcast here...

Now that nearly all businesses and government entities are being forced to take the vaccine and to show proof, are you n...

Now that nearly all businesses and government entities are being forced to take the vaccine and to show proof, are you now seeing the writing on the wall? This is not going to stop until every last person is vaccinated or alienated from society. It’s a dire picture, but one to prepare for. There is no indication of the powers-to-be letting up in any way, shape, or form. This is not just being played out in tyrannical, dictatorial countries like China and Venezuela, but also in famously democratic nations like Australia, Canada and Israel. It is so odd to see, but true, that democratic nations are behaving more tyrannical than tyrannical dictators such as Sisi of Egypt or Xi of China. We are truly watching the collapse of democratic freedom and the rise of a merging Communist/Islamic power.

China threatens to send warships inside US territorial waters

Democracy vs. Socialism

Democracy vs. Socialism

President Biden's sweeping new vaccine mandates are the 'ultimate work-around'


SEPTEMBER 2 , 2021
7:00 PM


You know we have come to a point where all the past conspiracies and predictions have come true…like the Wuhan virus is ...

You know we have come to a point where all the past conspiracies and predictions have come true…like the Wuhan virus is man-made. Or, the Wuhan virus was made in a lab and released by the Chinese. Or, the election was stolen and the virus enabled the mail-in ballot debacle an easy way to oust Trump. Or, how about Biden is not mentally fit for President of the United States.
Our concerns have all been validated and I am looking now at what we might see in the future. Because now, here in Buffalo New York, we must speak up about some of these things and resist the pressure or they will impact us too. For example, the vaccine mandates in New York City are going to have horrendous implications for the unvaccinated—do you move? Stay? If you stay, what can you really do? If we see a socialist mayor in office I’m afraid we might face the same fate. Did you hear the latest news regarding 800,000 military service members who refuse to get the COVID vaccine may be court-martialed?

Countries went on a gold-buying spree before coronavirus took hold – here’s why LISTEN TO THE BROADCAST HERE

Stand against the weaponized mandates!

Stand against the weaponized mandates!

The world is spiraling into chaos again—France is having mass strikes and riots, South Africa is in absolute anarchy, an...

The world is spiraling into chaos again—France is having mass strikes and riots, South Africa is in absolute anarchy, and now Afghanistan is being takeover by the Taliban. It hasn’t got that bad here, but if we don’t start taking action to resist the tide, we could find ourselves in some dire circumstances. As I mentioned last week, this broadcast is all about our choice here in Buffalo and what we must do here in order to preserve our freedom. There are three active confrontations in each of our lives right here in NY It is our duty to stay vigilant here in Buffalo to maintain our freedoms against 1) Medical Tyranny and the weaponized vaccination pass, 2) socialist indoctrination in schools and potential vaccine mandates and 3) private businesses choosing to enforce the vaccine mandates or testing. We have a socialist who won the democratic primary, a Governor who was ousted and a transition occurring as we speak. Small businesses are still in precarious positions from the last lockdowns, again our schools are mandating masks for children and pilot programs are setting up inoculation sites at the school with legislation in the works to bypass parental consent.



are you an American? Will you defend and protect the freedom of your neighbor should they choose to not take the vaccine? Are you willing to protect and shelter them from the authorities? How about go to jail for 1 year like business owners are being forced to in France

Sounds too biblical... The issue of how to "motivate" vaccine compliance has generated increasing interest, with comment...

Sounds too biblical... The issue of how to "motivate" vaccine compliance has generated increasing interest, with commentators such as Mike Cernovich writing this: "Government won’t force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine."

Health Ministry Director claims vaccines won't be forced, but Dr. Eyal Zimlichman tells Knesset committee 'they'll understand themselves.'

If you have children in school, or relatives who have children in school, call Love Story Library at 716-681-4896 and sc...

If you have children in school, or relatives who have children in school, call Love Story Library at 716-681-4896 and schedule a one-on-one consultation for homeschooling. The option to not wear masks has been removed, and worse yet, other stuff may be required to attend school (and without parental consent).

We were censored from YouTube and unable to load content to our website...we have now re-loaded via VIMEO! Watch Dr. Gold's presentation below!


Buffalo, NY



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