He is the absolute sweetest little man, he takes any opportunity to compliment everyone all the time and my gosh it melts my heart! Unfortunately I stopped filming him before they realized what he said and everyone was waving and laughing at him. I’m in trouble with this boy 🥰
Kids, cute kids, toddler mom, sahm, mom life, boy mom
#boymom #boymomlife #toddlerlife #lakewinnipesaukee
NGL these are the BEST croissants we have ever had! @wildgrainbox is a must!! If you don’t have time to make fresh sourdough yourself, homemade pasta, and delicious pastries, you need to get yourself one of these boxes and trick your family into thinking it was all home made by you 🤣🥰
Mom and daughter, summer break, mom life, home made, sourdough
#momlife #sourdough #homemade
My new favorite thing to do to her all summer break 🤣😂 if you saw part 1 - she loves to wake me up asking me the most ridiculous questions all year long and always at least 45 min before I actually have to get up. So the payback continues 🤣😂 love ya dal!
Also my favorite question (she’s woken me up like 10 times with this one) “can I take a shower” like what? Why do you need to wake me up to ask me for permission to take a shower 🤣😂
Mom and daughter, pranking my daughter, pay back, mom and daughter humor, girl mom, mom of tweens
#girlmom #prank #momanddaughter #momhumor
Summer is officially here and pay back is coming for all the things she tortured me with during the school year 🤣😂 love doing to her exactly what she does to me, stands over me heavily breathing while I still have at least 45 min left to sleep and asks me the most ridiculous questions that could have easily waited until I got up 😂😂😂
Obviously she always wants to go to @divitreecoffee every day 😂😂 NGL I’m not mad about it
Pranking my daughter, mom of teens, mom of tweens, girl mom, mother and daughter relationship, relatable mom
#girlmomproblems #girlmom #girlmomlife #motherdaughter
Looking for something different to do this summer in NJ, you HAVE TO GO to @thesteakandtheegg. A private dining experience featuring a 7 course tasting menu packed full of absolutely incredible dishes!
Block 2 menu & reservations will be live this week! Send a message to @thesteakandtheegg page to secure your spot!!
Private dining experience, secret food spots Nj, NJ foodie, NJ spots, must try, night out, date night, Monmouth county NJ
#njfoodie #njfood #monmouthcountynj #monmouthcounty
This audio tho 🥹 if I’m being honest, if you would have told 20 year old me with baby Dalis this is where I’d be today, I would have never in a million years believed it.
Love to take any opportunity I have to spend the day with her, bring her to cool places, and see that smile and that giggle that truly lights up my whole world. 🌎 🥰
@kristinesshair thank you so much for having us! We are so obsessed with all of our products 🥰🤍
@deanna_first I will cherish this drawing and the memories forever 🤍🤍🤍
Mom and daughter, nyc, girls day, mom of tweens, girl mom, young mom
#momanddaughter #vlogs #girlsday #nyc #kristiness #kristinesshair
I can’t tell if it’s over or not with that response 😅🤣😅 The end tho 🥲🫢 he’s so sweet and romantic, I can’t ever hide when I’m videoing from him, he had to think about his response 🤣😂 the end is a more accurate answer LMAO
PS This is a joke, my husband and I have a playful relationship there’s no need for hate comments , he does not speak to me that way seriously.
Husband and wife, pranking my husband, marriage humor, jokes
#prank #prankmyhusband #husbandandwife #marriagehumor
If there is one thing I’ve learned about being a boy mom, it’s that they will push you to the brink of insanity and then do something like this, so sweet and so genuine, and you completely forget about everything naughty they’ve ever done. 😍🥰🥹 he is so wild and crazy yet sooooo sweet to his mama 🥹🥹
Boy mom, relatable, adorable, toddler boys, sahm
#boymomlife #toddlermommy #toddlerboy
@maddoxbatson Dalis is a big fan. I’m so happy that in today’s day and age there’s still good music to set an example for the younger kids! I hope one day she finds someone who feels the same as these lyrics she’s singing 😭 because as her mama that’s exactly how I feel about her!!
PS @maddoxbatson is a young Justin Bieber but country 😍
#daughterlove #momanddaughter #momofteenagers #girlmom #girlmomlife
I will never stop warning all of you about how hard it hits you when you’re little baby girl is all of a sudden grown up and she has no idea how incredibly beautiful she is 😭 if you haven’t noticed I’m quite obsessed with her and she is quite over me 🤣😅
If you don’t know, I had Dalis 3 months before I turned 21. My life was on a completely different path, I was just starting out as a hairdresser, I had big dreams to move to Nashville, but gosh the second I looked into her eyes I knew none of that was meant for me. She has taught me everything I know about myself and she has no idea how grateful I am for her. 🤍
Mom life, young mom all grown up, mom of teens, mother daughter relationship
#girlmom #girlmomlife #momanddaughter #momofteens
His gentleman training is going SO WELL 🥰 this little boy melts my heart. He never forgets to tell me when I look pretty, he’s so genuinely in love with his mama and I will miss these days when he’s all grown up 😭
Boy mom, boy mom life, raising boys, cute toddlers
#momlifestyle #boymomlife #toddlermom
Need a last minute gift for a special mom in your life? These Costco planters are great! I buy them for my mom every year and she keeps them by her pool all summer! Can’t beat the price, and flowers that last! 😍🥰
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!
Mother’s Day gift, Costco find, Mother’s Day
#mothersday #mothersdaygifts #costcofinds