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Don't SELL yourself short! Choose John Soliman for all of your Real Estate needs. Serving all of the Tampa Bay area Why?
867 W. Bloomingdale Avenue #6794
Brandon, FL
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Sometimes the best way to find a good real estate agent is to look at the names on all the "Sold" signs in your neighborhood. If you've been "watching the signs" in your area, you've no doubt noticed that my name appears on many of them. Why? Because, as you already know, I get the job done, I keep my clients informed every step of the way, and I always give them the VIP treatment. That said, my clients use my services again and again, and they also refer me to their family, friends and neighbors. Over the years, one quality that has distinguished me from many other real estate agents is that I've always tried to find new and better ways to do my job. This has meant upgrading my education, expanding my network and, perhaps most importantly, utilizing the latest technologies, which enable me to do everything I've always done, only much more efficiently. Not only do they help me to optimize my time, but they also allow me to keep extending the range of services I provide to my clients. So if you've considered selling your home, or if you hear that any family or friends are, please call or email me. I promise to provide the best of both worlds: state-of-the-art resources and state-of-the-heart committed, quality service!