Launching with our first edition on May 1, Local Food Shift magazine is on a mission to catalyze food localization, working to ignite, inspire, guide and empower those who celebrate the awakening of our foodshed. In the meantime, we are offering you an opportunity to be among the first to participate in “community supported publishing” by becoming a member today! We want Local Food Shift to be a r
egular part of your reading “diet.”
Similar to the community supported agriculture (CSA farms), we would like for you to consider Local Food Shift as your magazine. A growing community of committed members is what will make it possible for us to better serve our readership with the very best regional local food magazine possible. We want to shift the way people think about food, where it comes from, and what local food security means. In the pipeline are new digital initiatives (including video, newsletters, and a major website) and we want to be able to print the magazine while keeping our advertising rates affordable.