-Boston Undead ‘horror’ brand is established celebrating all things dark. As Boston Film Family celebrates its ten year anniversary.
-Witch Hunt, now titled Witch Hunters, is released on worldwide steaming platforms including Amazon Prime, Tubi, and Google Play.
-Parts Unknown is released on worldwide streaming platforms, including Amazon, and Google Play.
-Principle photography for new horror/crime movie, Rats, is complete.
2019 AD:
The world was cast into darkness.
2018 AD:
-Witch Hunt returns to production for a special ‘director’s cut.’ In talks for wide release. -Parts Unknown completed and premiered. In talks for wide release. -Segment shot and completed for international horror anthology, 60 Seconds to Die 3.
2017 AD:
-Parts Unknown is in post-production. Parts Unknown is a pro-wrestling based horror movie following the infamous ‘Von Strasser family’.
-Witch Hunt was granted a limited release on DVD and Blu-ray from LC Horror.
-Horror anthologies 2 Die For, 60 Seconds to Die 2, and Badasssssploitation segments completed. Set for distribution.
2016-7 AD:
-Witch Hunt completed and premiered.
-Horror anthologies 60 Seconds to Die (Sector 5) and Grindsploitation 2 (Troma) released.
-Silent Night, Dead Night to be released on VOD and DVD.
2015 AD:
-Gilgamesh, feature length horror/sci-fi/epic was granted a wide-released on VOD, DVD, and Blu-Ray, August 2015, from LC Horror. The Lilith Trilogy is re-released within the same year.
-Completed principle photography for Euro-horror film, Witch Hunt. Witch Hunt focused on a coven a Satanic witches, police corruption, and Bosnian witch hunters.
-Completed segments "Beyond the Wasteland" and "Hobo" for Grindsploitation 2 and 60 Seconds to Die respectively.
2014 AD:
-Boston Film Family completed principle photogrpahy for its largest project to date, the sci-fi/horror/epic: Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh explored ancient aliens, a giant meteor threatening to destroy the earth, and a deep rooted government conspiracy.
2012 AD:
-Chandler has produced a web-series entitled Boston Massacre; each episode is directed by a different locally-based indie director. Available to watch on Youtube.
2010 AD:
-The gang briefly moved away from the horror genre and got into raunchy comedies; first producing the 'Old School'-like drinking comedy Legless and then Blaxplotation/spoof/holiday film, Scrooge in the Hood. By 2011, RCP had been transformed into the business, Boston Film Family, LLC. Scrooge was later released on VOD by Cinema Epoch under the stage name “Silent Night, Dead Night”.
2006 AD:
-Boston area native, Richard Chandler, while still attending college, founded Richard Chandler Productions. Under that name, we produced The Lilith Trilogy (Our Kingdom Come, Sons of Perdition, and Heaven and Hell) between the years 2005-2009. The trilogy, all feature length horror films, follow the story of Lilith, first wife of Adam, in her attempt to obtain revenge against God. Our Kingdom Come achieved distribution from Knight Entertainment, while the others appeared in several horror based film festivals. Later down the line, in 2016, the Lilith Trilogy was granted a wide DVD release from LC Horror.
Also in 2008, we produced Hangar 18, a widely popular sci-fi/horror short known for its gorey and disturbing nature.