Social Lord Gaming

Social Lord Gaming Welcome to Social Lord Gaming! I started streaming recently, and it's been something I've wanted to do for a very long time.

I hope you all enjoy, come by, watch, converse, and relax, and remember, drop those reactions, follows, and shares!!


Day 19 of People I Am Thankful For:

He wrote about me, so I’m going to write about him, so HA!!

But for real, Zeus, ever since he started following my page just a short while ago, has been an absolute legend when it comes to showing support.
You’ll see his comments on my posts, his likes on my streams, and he just thrives on making other people feel on top of the world.

His content is a variety as well, not limiting himself to Warzone. He plays several games that are outside the normal high view platform, and he never lets the potential low viewership of Non-Call of Duty games get him down.

He truly enjoys what he does, as well as supporting others in what they love to do. He recently just wrote a post about me, much like what I do on here, and to see that I have an impact on him like he does on me, that meant the world to me.

This post may not be as long as some of the other ones I’ve done, but trust me, the more I get to know Zeus, the longer this post will be the next time I do something like this!

Zeus, you are an awesome dude with a heart of gold, and I am so happy that we connected over our love of streaming. You’ve got nowhere to go but up my dude, and I hope all of the love and recognition for your hard work continues to flow your way!!

I am thankful for you ⛈ 💥 👑

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Hey everyone

So after a lot of discussions with family and some friends, I’ve decided that it’s financially best for me at the moment to unsubscribe temporarily to the streamers I currently have a subscription status with.

Just know, to those of you that follow my page that I’m subscribed to, this is only temporary while I get back on my feet. I love each and every one of you, your content, and I absolutely love having the opportunity to be able to support you.

However, while I build my finances back up, I need to focus on putting aside “unnecessary” purchases so I can maintain, and support myself, as well as my family, first.

I love you all to death, I appreciate the support you’ve given me from the start and in the future, and I hope you can all understand.

Know this though:
I WILL have those supporter buttons back for all of you, because you all deserve it more than you can possibly imagine.

I love you all ❤️


Day 18 of People I Am Thankful For:
Bracewar Gaming

When I first met Brace, I didn’t realize just how hard working of a guy he really was when it came to improving each and every day.
Along with his great gameplay and humor, Brace always tries to find different ways to improve his stream, from cross platforming, to increasing his schedule time, to charity work and constantly marketing himself.

He’s also a devoted family man, making sure he does everything he can to provide for his wife and amazing children. After recently becoming full time, Brace has devoted as much time as he can to make his stream a success, and from what I’ve seen, it’s certainly heading in that direction.

He’s also a very devoted streamer when it comes to his followers, as well as his fellow streamers. He’s raided me several times, and each time, his followers are always so kind and genuine, showing me just what kind of a person Brace is from a second hand nature. The best part about his followers is they aren’t just the type to come in and drop a like and leave. They hang around, see what you’re about, and enjoy the time they get to spend in your chat, which speaks volumes about Brace’s stream and what he brings to the table.

Brace, each time we play together, it’s like some way or another, we always find a way to pull a miraculous win out of our butts!! Call it great teamwork, call it luck, but I’d like to call it two streamers with an awesome understanding of what it’s like having fun while ripping it up. You are heading great places man, you’ve become and awesome colleague, and a good friend, and I look forward to see where this grind takes the both of us! Congrats again on 1K followers!!!

I am thankful for you 🪓 ⚔️ ☠️

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Sorry everyone.
The stream crashed, and with it being very late, I won’t be restarting it.
Y’all killed it though!!!! Coming in strong with those likes and shares and follows, y’all are amazing!!
Thank you so much!!!


A personal message to everyone:

I know I’ve had a lot of fun days on stream, I also know that I’ve had a lot of down days where I couldn’t even go on stream at all.
Through everything, for those of you who have been there for me, I have the deepest and utmost appreciation for you all.
Thank you so much for everything, I’ll be on later tonight, and let’s absolutely crush it when I go live.



Day 17 of People I Am Thankful For:

Tay is one of the only streamers that I can have the distinct honor of saying that I’ve been there since Day 1. It’s safe to say that without her and her chat, I would not have the support and love of so many people that are in my life today.

An absolute monster in Verdansk, Tay took her gaming talent from the bottom to the top just as fast as a Phoenix rises from the ashes. From playing follower games every day to playing with the likes of Disabledgamr and Jeff Leach, her gameplay knows no bounds, and if you are opposite of her in the lobby, you had better stay hidden.

But the way I’ve gotten to know Tay goes far beyond her gameplay. A hardworking single mother of a beautiful boy, she never fails to put her priorities first, and she always makes it known that if she can’t stream to prioritize her family, then that will always be the case.

Going back to her gameplay, while she is killer in Warzone, she never hesitates to fly outside of the plains of the battlefield, switching up her variety of games on the regular to keep everything fresh for her viewers.

Without Tay, I would have never met some of my best friends in the online world, from the share Queen Amithi Milan to the flyin Hawaiian Richy Palalay, and several others that if I were to name all of them, this letter would be at least 3 pages. While we all have our own paths in life, me, Tay, Richy and Amithi will be forever intertwined as the squad that started not just her adventure to the top, but mine as well, which I could never find enough to repay Tay for bringing us all together.

Tay, you are a true inspiration as a family first human being and a great streamer. I know I haven’t been in your chat as much as I feel I should be with my own ventures, but know that I have and always will see you as an amazing colleague and friend. We will rip it up on the battlefield again soon, that’s a guarantee, and I very much look forward to see just how far the both of us will go!!!

I am thankful for you 🦅 🔥☠️❤️

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming

Yourpalsteve Gaming

Hey everyone!!!
So Steve, one of the streamers I posted about earlier this month, has decided that he is going to be making a new gaming page. This decision comes from the large amount of non-organic followers he had on his original page, which, as a streamer, can be very damaging when it comes to trying to rise up in the algorithm.
If you could all drop over to his new page and give him a follow, I would very much appreciate it!! He’s an awesome streamer, a greater person, and you won’t be disappointed when he goes live!

Husband, Father, Full-time worker, Part-time streamer, Army Combat Veteran HOOAH!


Day 16 of People I Am Thankful For:

“Suh dude!!!”

If you want to know where that quote came from, and you’ve ever wanted a streamer that most exemplifies kindness and prioritizes family oriented content, look no further than Greenbaykill, aka, Noah.

I first came upon Noah’s stream at random, the Facebook algorithm throwing me a bone to find what I would discover to be a streamer-diamond in the rough. Reading every single comment, I ended up hanging out with Noah and his chat for over an hour, loving the vibes of the stream and the fun his chat seemed to have, whether it be commenting on the gameplay or having a war of jokes with Noah.

After a while, I finally got a game in with Noah, and the whole time we could not stop cracking jokes, which I found calming for the game and we ended up finishing 5th and 6th in our two games together. That’s an awesome thing to see in a streamer, someone who can still have fun talking to you while lasering people from across the map.

The Greenbaykill show is not however, just the Noah show. His wife and his son constantly appear on the stream, with the adorable father son vibes and the hilarious husband wife banter making the stream feel more like home. Noah and Key make an amazing couple, both on and off stream, and it’s amazing to see such support between the two while Noah works hard to pursue his dreams on stream and Keyonia works so hard behind the scenes to watch their son and work as well.

Noah is an absolute laser on the field, dropping bombs left and right, but the humbleness is what really draws you to him.
He will almost never brag about his skills in game (unless it’s in a joking manner) and he always defers to his teammates to share the spotlight to his followers and supporters.

The biggest memory I have of being on Noah’s stream is when he was trying to reach 100 supporters. I wanted so bad to be the one to get him there, and he was at 94 supporters for nearly the whole night. When I got to the point where I had to leave, I threw down the supporter button anyways, for how much I love the stream and wanted to at least get Noah closer to his goal. His reaction was “ERIC!!! You jumped the gun!!! I wanted to see you get that hundredth supporter spot my dude!!!” along with his usual warming thank you and metal song that followed.

Noah, Key, you both provide such warmth and happiness to my day whenever I get a chance to pop into the stream. The awesome connection you two have with the chat, and the amazing sense of family you have with your entire community is just awe inspiring, and the FREAKING KILLSQUAD has nowhere to go but up in this industry!! I appreciate all the fantastic times y’all have given on the stream and I look forward to many more!! I’m proud to be a member of the KILLSQUAD!

I am thankful for you 💚💥👾💨

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Day 15 of People I Am Thankful For:

I just met Ben today, as a matter of fact, but in the 2 hours that I got to watch his stream, it showed me a reminder of what it’s like to have your dream just starting off, and trying to work your way up.

Streaming for a few months now, Ben told me he had been working so hard to make his way up the ranks to get to the Level Up status on Facebook Gaming, which, as I look back to August when I was first working to get there, was such a grind.

Without that Level Up status, it can be so difficult to get noticed by people who don’t know you already, and Ben did nothing but keep his head high on the stream and put his name out there on the GCSQ page, and hope for the best.

That’s where I found him, through Jeff Leach and his supporter page where people can share their stream pages on Sunday, and I’m proud to say that after those two hours on stream, and amongst a massive amount of shares from me, Ben’s friend Danny, Pole N Co Gaming, and several others, we managed to get the 23 followers Ben needed to get to his Level Up status tonight!!!

To many streamers, 100 followers may not seem like a lot, but to those just starting, it means the world to hit that mark, for it signifies the next step in our journeys to become full time streamers.

The moment that inspired me the most on the stream was when I had told Ben he had finally hit 100 followers. The look on his face of shock and disbelief, then followed by near tears and gratitude, will forever be cemented with me, for it shows that as a streamer, big or small, if you want to make a difference and help someone, you can.

I promised him right when he started his stream that we would get him to 100 followers by the end of the night (at the start he had 77), and nobody gave up in the chat until that promise was fulfilled.

Ben, you inspired me tonight, even though you may argue that those of us in your chat were the real inspiration. You revived my faith in the statement that anything can be possible if you just try hard enough and be patient, and when you claim that success, it is ever so rewarding. I look forward to seeing your future streams my dude, and I very much look forward to the work we will do together in the future!! Much love, and congratulations again!!! Hail to The Biker Gang!!!

I am thankful for you 🏍 🔥🏍

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Day 14 of People I Am Thankful For:
Nitro Luke DX

Nitro Luke was the very, and I mean the VERY first streamer I ever watched when it came to Call of Duty, and needless to say, I was not disappointed.

From the aggressive gameplay to the unreal knowledge he has of the game, watching Nitro is an experience in itself, for he sees what so many people fail to see while dominating the plains of Verdansk.

He never hesitates to call people out on their cheating or their toxicity, for the honorable play and respect are truly what matters to him when it comes to his opponents.

The greatest thing about Nitro Luke however, is not his gameplay or his witty banter to shut down the haters, but his work as a charitable human being who only looks to give back.
He donates every cent of his star donations to the EABLE program to help those with disabilities and special educational needs, giving them an opportunity to learn how to become a gamer and participate in E-Sports.

He also does whatever he can to promote up and coming streamers, those who had the same dreams he had, to achieve success in the world of gaming. From the raids, to the watch parties, to the now-famous Warzone custom lobbies, he has gone above and beyond to use his community to help others grow, and for that, it shows why Facebook Gaming is truly a platform to be admired.

A true pioneer for this platform, Nitro is never afraid to speak his mind, and when he does, people listen, becoming sponges for the information he has to give in order for they themselves to get better at what they do.
From the moment I started watching his stream way back in April, I was always in awe of the talent he has, as well as the ability to use his platform to bring awareness to charitable causes and other streamers.

Nitro Luke, you are one of the core reasons I became a streamer. I’m clearly not on the gameplay level that you are, but the opportunity to build an amazing community like yours where I could find a platform to make a change in the world, no matter how big or small, is an opportunity that you helped pave the way for. You are truly an inspiration to many, you are a master of the games we know and love, and you are truly on an unreal level as a gamer and as a human being, which has been named the God Level.

I am thankful for you 💜😈☠️

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Hey everyone
I’m gonna be late tonight, but I may also not be streaming at all tonight depending on how my night goes.
I have a lot of stuff to do around the house that I’ve been putting off, and it’s good for my mental health to get it done.
I love you all, and hopefully, MAYBE, we will have a short stream tonight to game it up and hang out for a bit.


Thought y’all would like to see some epic highlights from the 10 kill solo dub from last night for those of you who missed it!!
Let’s go!!! 💪🏻🔥


Day 13 of People I Am Thankful For:
Hitman Gaming

Yes, you are about to read the most erotic post I will be making all month, and you’re about to find out why.

This post is about the one, the only, the charismatic, aromatic, tower climbing, woman stealing, pie eating, 19 inch dealing streamer, Hitman.

Hitman’s streams are among the most entertaining you will find on Facebook Gaming, or any platform for that matter. From the cackling laugh that makes you feel like your Christmas is about to be stolen, to the dancing that makes you feel like you’re spending a night at the Roxbury, the entertainment this man provides knows no bounds.

If you cross him on stream, he will turn you into a meme. This, I can guarantee. I’ve seen many people try to take this charismatic juggernaut down with words, only to be turned into the fool on the pedestal who tried to cross the bearded lord.

But you see a softer side of Hitman as well, and you always see the generosity and the appreciation on his face during these moments. He takes the time to read as many comments as possible, even stopping his gameplay to do so, and shouts out every notification he gets, making sure everyone is acknowledged for the love they are showing for his stream. He also raids every day, pummeling unsuspecting streamers with the average of 1.2 thousand viewers he has, showing his appreciation for the work of others.

That’s actually how I discovered Hitman, for I was watching my girl BbyBri and her stream, and all of a sudden her viewership skyrocketed. I looked down at the comments and all I could see were flows of comments saying . Moving forward a few days, I was in the middle of my Stream Spawn interview with Player2Gaming and suddenly he stopped me and said “Eric, you currently have over 600 people watching our interview right now.” I thought he was joking, and then he told me that Hitman had just raided our interview on his stream, and my heart almost dropped.

Truly selfless to the core, Hitman doesn’t stream for the money, and he’s said this himself on several of occasions. He streams for the fun of it, to provide entertainment, and during such a dark time, I can’t think of a better form of entertainment than to watch the sexiest dude on Facebook do his thing.

Hitman, you inspire me to be as great of a streamer as I can be, always putting your chat and your content before your gameplay. Your heart is about as big as your 19 inch p***s, and your charisma is unmatched in the world of streaming. You have provided me with endless entertainment, and I am more than appreciative of all the love you give your community. I’m proud to me a member of the Hitsquad, and keep up the awesome work!!

I am thankful for you 💣💥🔥💪🏻

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Day 12 of People I Am Thankful For:

Lyiinxx is one of Facebook Gaming’s newest partners, and trust me when I say this, it is very obvious to see why. I started following Lyiinxx when I heard she was teaming up with my guy Jarrod at Salty Vet Gaming, which I could not have been more excited about. All I had known at the time was that Lyiinxx was someone who was growing closer to 100 thousand followers and is a wicked good gamer, but once I visited her stream, I found out she was so much more than the stats.

When you go into her chat at the start of a stream, Lyiinxx will be sitting there waiting for you, not in a game lobby, no no no, waiting for YOU. She chats with her followers and supporters for close to 10-15 minutes to start off the stream, greeting each and every person with bubbly enthusiasm as if they were a distant family member who just so happened to show up to the Christmas party.

Her reactions to gameplay are hilarious, with either an epic 2 second rage or a shot so ridiculous that she lets out her infectious laugh because she can’t believe what just happened. That’s the thing about watching her channel, there is never a moment where you will not be entertained, and I caught that just as quick as I had clicked the button to follow.

Lyiinxx always puts her supporters first, making sure they have amazing content to view pretty much daily, and a supporter game sprinkled in every other week whenever she can. Being involved in nearly every social media platform I can think of, she certainly has her hands full, yet I have seen this girl take anything challenging and turn it into a chance to make something great, and trust me, the results are amazing.

Lyiinxx, while I have never personally had a chance to stream with you, it doesn’t change that you are one of the biggest inspirations I have in the world of streaming.
You always bring a smile to my face whenever you interact with me in your chat, and I’m sure everyone else feels the same, because you always react like each and every person who comments makes your day, from what I can see, it does. That genuine emotion and love for what you do can, will, and has been inspiring to so many, and I am more than proud to say that I am a supporter on your page.

I am thankful for you 🐈 💜🔥

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Day 11 of People I Am Thankful For:

DG is the prime example of what a streamer should be, from his gameplay to his demeanor on stream, however, his generosity and his positive mindset extends far beyond from when he goes live.

The first thing you’ll notice when you go into DG’s stream is the greetings, not just from DG, but from his moderators. They’ll be the first ones to greet you in chat, but not just that, they’ll engage in conversation with you, help you out with any issues or questions you have, and even offer to direct message you if you have any questions outside of the chat.

These people are directly chosen by DG, through a process where he determines if you are everything he’s looking for to keep his chat lively and pleasant. This showed me that he thrives on positivity, and wants people to have the best experience possible when they visit his stream.

He always does his best to make sure he gets as many supporters in as he can, as well as posting constantly to his supporter page to give his Real Bois the best highlights and updates they can get.

But like I said before, his generosity spreads much further than his content. One of the first high profile streamers I’ve gotten to interact with on a more personal level, DG was one of the first to help promote my stream to help me get to the 100 follower mark and get into the Level Up program.

He’s also the reason I got to meet several of my other favorite up and coming streamers, such as ByrdDawg, Mrgiggidygiggidy, and BbyBri, and spreading the love and raiding every night to those he admires in the gaming community for showing just as much love for what they do as he does.

DG, you are a true inspiration to us up and coming streamers who look to achieve the dream of becoming Partner here with Facebook Gaming. You are a shining example of what a streamer should bring to the table, with your positive outlook on life and your unrelenting support of those in the streaming community and your chat. Keep up the amazing work my dude, you are truly one of the realest people I’ve met. .

I am thankful for you 🦽 💣 🔥 💥

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


Day 10 of People I Am Thankful For:

Josh has always been a guy where, before he was streaming, always enjoyed sharing his knowledge of the games he plays. I used to only use certain types of guns, with a very low kill and win rate, but his advice helped change all of that.

But beyond the gameplay, he’s always the kind of guy that will play a game with you, no matter who you are. Whether you’re the best to grace the lobbies of Verdansk, or if you are someone who is just starting out, he takes the opportunity to play games with you in stride, always willing to pass along the knowledge he’s picked up to help make others better.

An awesome player in his own right, his stream has started to grow rapidly, and I couldn’t be more proud to see that from someone who has helped me so much.

Josh, you are truly an awesome gamer and a great friend, your advice has helped my game tremendously, and I can’t wait to see how far your stream goes. It’s an awesome thing to be able to stream, and so far, you are killing it my man. Thank you so much for everything and I look forward to see what our futures hold!!

I am thankful for you 🌟🔥🧑🏻‍💻

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


30 minutes everyone.
Your first brunch with Social.
Let’s get it 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻


Day 9 of People I Am Thankful For:

MrGiggidyGiggidy, aka Jai, is one of the most intense, yet most supportive people I’ve ever seen grace a Warzone lobby. Having discovered Jai through DG, I thought that seeing someone who played with such a great player as DG would be awesome, since the whole squad always did well together whenever I would watch DG’s streams.

Watching his stream for the first time, I saw that there was so much more to Jai than just the game or the content on his stream. While I had always enjoyed his charisma while watching him play with DG, you get to see a more personal side of Jai, where he interacts with his chat deeply, reads every single comment between gameplay, all while giving his own advice as to how he plays the game and takes in how others play the game so he can adapt to their play styles.

The intensity he has in game is unmatched, daring other players to come challenge his team, and showing endless support to his teammates when they work together. He never leaves a man behind, running into the crossfire to rescue a teammate if they’re downed, or taking a potentially dangerous route to revive someone if it’s the only buy station available.

Every time I’ve played with Jai, along with showing uplifting support, he positively critiques the teams mistakes as well, giving us pointers for the next game that he noticed, and taking ours as well if he realized there was something he could have done better.

Truly a selfless player, the man himself is even more selfless. He takes the time to thank every single person in his chat, acknowledging their support of him and his channel, and he never fails to share how blessed he feels to be having the success that he’s had. He talks deeply about his roots, and how he never takes for granted the hard work you need to put in to succeed, not just in the world of streaming, but in life.

Jai, you have been such an inspirational figure to me since I’ve met you. Your skill in Warzone is unreal, and your heart is made of gold, and I’m proud to call you a fellow streamer and a friend. You have nothing but amazing things ahead of you, and being the selfless person that you are, there is nothing that can stop your stream from reaching amazing heights.

I am thankful for you 💥👓💨

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


I may or may not stream tonight.
If I do, it will be later tonight.
If I don’t, it means I’ll be taking time to reflect on some things and have some moments to myself.
Just know I love you all very much, and I appreciate all of your support every single day.



Day 8 of People I Am Thankful For:

Steve is the kind of guy that just by popping into his stream once, you immediately feel welcome and at home. I found his page by surfing through the algorithm, and thought “hey why not?” Right when I got in and hit that like button, he got very excited and immediately tried to strike up a conversation with me. It’s rare nowadays to find a streamer that has more than 12k followers and still gets as excited over a like as they do a follow or subscription to the page, so if you look for that, look no further than Steve.

He plays a variety of games, ranging from Destiny, Borderlands, Warzone, the dude can do it all, and he absolutely loves creating a variety of content for his viewers.
But focusing now on what Steve is like outside the stream, he’s a family man through and through. He and his wife do streams together on occasion, and each time we see them together, all I can think of is how they compliment each other so well.

A family man to the core, Steve may not be streaming as long other streamers, but it’s due to him taking the time to be a fantastic father and a friend to his kids. Being that family man, he also brings that into his stream, investing his time to get to know every person that comes into his chat and remembering each face and story that is shared.

He is also a HUGE hype man on FB for his fellow gamers, much like my dude Pole N Co. He pops into everyone’s chats, spreads the love with the likes and the shares, and drops kind hearted messages so he can acknowledge your efforts and share his connection with you through your chat.

Steve, your positive vibes, your friendship, and your kindness to everyone you come across is absolutely infectious, and I’m so happy I found your page 2 months ago.
You always work to promote others more than yourself, and you feed off of seeing other people succeed, as well as being a bright calming light in everyone’s day when you go live.
You really are my pal, Steve!

I am thankful for you 🙏🏻🦹🏻‍♂️👨‍👦‍👦👓

Sincerely, your friend,

Social Lord Gaming


What is everybody down for tonight??

Would you prefer a multiplayer follower grind or a Warzone grind??

Give me your thoughts and we will get it going at 9pm est!!


Boston, MA


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