If you find yourself in a place (emotionally, mentally, spiritually, relationally, or financially) that you didn’t anticipate, hope for, or imagine… be gentle with yourself today.
Give yourself permission to be open to the possibility of beauty happening, even in the midst of your struggle.
Ask God to carry you through and help you find joy in the midst; 🙏 prayer doesn’t have to be anything more than that.
God will meet you where you’re at,
in any moment you’re in.
You don’t have to leave the room…
You don’t have to write it out…
You don’t have to speak the words…
just invite Him in.💔
God hears what only your heart knows.❤️🩹
It’s ok to be disappointed in how things turned out… but remember, today is just a page in your story.📖 It’s not over yet. Your “turned out” is just “turning into…”💥
Resist the urge to give up hope.🔥 Don’t allow your heart to be filled with discouragement. The Truth is that as long as you’re still breathing, your story isn’t finished.🎉
So give God the difficult places today:🙏
the discouraging bank account…
the overwhelming anger…
the never-ending guilt…
the broken relationships…
those discouraging thoughts…
and the impossible circumstances…
Allow Him to fill every hard moment with more than you can imagine.🤯
Refuse to let the devil destroy this moment in your story. Today may not be the day you dreamed of, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be more than you dreamed… because even now, God is still working, and when you MAKE ROOM in your heart for more hope… God WILL fill it.❤️
Embracing the struggle with you,
Amy | Christmas 2023