“What is a prophetess?”
The question came from my four-year-old daughter as she crawled into my lap after a good nights sleep. The Spirit of the Lord came over me in power and I knew she’d had some kind of encounter with God, but before I could get a word out of my mouth, she continued.
“God came to me last night and breathed on me and said, ‘You are a prophetess.” As she spoke, she cupped her hands together under her mouth and blew over them, then opened her hands wide. She talked calmly, but with power and authority. I knew what she said was true. As I’ve raised her, I’ve seen the Spirit gift her in voice, and see she is called to prophetic worship. After a short number of lessons, her voice coach encouraged her to apply to Juilliard where she’d attended, but my now 14-year-old daughter says, “No. God has called me to sing worship.”
Levi was four years old when he began talking about being in heaven and talking to God as he slept. The prophesies and Words that came from his mouth were not taught or exposed to him, but came straight out of the Word of God. His mother listened intently as she watched her son talk nonchalantly as he put plastic, magnetic letters on the refrigerator, like hearing from and talking with God was a casual, common occurrence. She herself has had prophetic dreams throughout her life that have manifested in spades.
Elijah is twelve, but fourteen years before he was born, when I was single, God told me I’d have a son in my forties. He told me to name him Elijah Crusade, to raise him up in the power and admonition of the Lord, and he would be an evangelist in the last days. Elijah means, ‘The Lord is my God’ and Crusade means, ‘A military advancement towards the Holy Land.” I met and married his father when I was forty-one. He worked as an evangelist for the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. Elijah was born three years later. Elijah’s spirit is tender and responsive to the Holy Spirit. He walks in the Power of God because he is sensitive to His calling.
In Acts 2:17, the Bible says,
‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
People of faith sit, waiting for revival to come to us and our nation, when in fact, it is upon us in power and authority. Our nation’s children are wandering in the desert seeking Truth. They are spiritual savants seeking out a place to call their own. They hear from God, but don’t know His voice, so they drink from wells of idols.
Samuel was approximately twelve years old when he first heard God call him. He mistook his voice to be the priest Eli calling him three times as he rose from his sleep and ran to the elderly, but wise prophet.
Go and lie down, and if He calls you, say, ‘Speak Lord for your servant is listening.’
When Samuel heard God call him a forth time, he answered the Lord, and God gave him prophecy. It was the beginning of the young priests call to service.
We must teach our children to hear and discern the voice of God. We must teach them the Truth of who He is in the Bible; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In doing so, the power of God will be released upon our nation, and the lost children, wandering in the desert will drink Living Water and rise to fulfill the callings of their lives. We must stop criticizing and demoralizing them by calling them evil and rejecting them in our churches. We must stop pretending in the church that we are perfect and welcome painful, broken, and hurt kids, who are spiritual byproducts of our own sin. We must take them by the hand and lead them to the well of Living Water, baptize them in Truth, and lift them up to serve God. Jesus did not seek out and call the self-righteous Pharisees and Sadducees to be his disciples and share the Gospel. He chose men who were spiritually broken, and who grappled with sin, and He mentored them to become men of power and authority.
We must not wait for God to bring revival any longer. It is upon us, and we must have spiritual eyes to see and walk in it. We must open our ears to hear the trumpet call to fulfill our calling to raise these spiritual savants up to lead the lost to Him. It will not be our churches that bring salvation and revival, for these kids are not welcome there. We have rejected them and taught others to do the same. We must repent for our self-righteousness and begin our own journey to Truth in Christ. It is our calling to raise these children up in Christ. This is a call to the church. All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags. We have hidden our face from our responsibility of reaching out to these kids. God has said that before he formed them in our bellies, He knew them and called them, sanctifying them for a purpose.
We have missed our call and rejected our duty spiritually, so God will raise up another generation to do what we have not been faithful to do: bring in the harvest. It is not too late for us to abandon our selfishness and self-righteousness, for God will use a heart that is abandoned to Him. Repent and go forth in power and authority and abandon your will and surrender to His so that we can do now what we have yet to do: raise our children in the power and admonition of the Lord and walk in the Spirit of Truth so they can bring the lost to Jesus in the open areas, on the streets, and in the hidden and dark alleys. God is upon the church. It is time for the harvest. and the separation of the wheat and the tares. Step up or step out, for God will spew those who are lukewarm out of his mouth. Bring forth your glory Lord and may Your will be done