Wow ️🩹 #heartbroken #fakefriends #nycfriends #nycrestaurant #nycgirl
#prettygirl #nycgirl #videographer
Ik #greeneyes #prettygirl #prettyeyes
Is he fr #nycdating #dating #nycmen #nycgirl
He’s wild for that #uberdriver #prettygirl #nycgirl
Like who does that #nycparty #nycapartment #nyccontentcreator #nycgirl
It’s impossible dating in nyc #nycdating #datingstorytime #nycmen #dating
Wow ️🩹 #heartbroken #unbelievable #sadlife #sad
Why #heartbroken #nycgirl #nyc
I’m so glad I found someone #prettygirls #perfectgirls #nycgirls
He can’t be for real #nycdating #datinglife #nycguys #nycrestaurant #dating
Why would she do that after I helped her #helpinghomeless #helpingothers #bekind #payingforfood
Still grateful 🤍 thank you @Variety for having me #nycevents #nycgirl #varietyparty
Why #helpinghomeless #helpingpeople #bekind #nyclife
#prettygirl #nycmodel #nycsmoothie #nycgirl
Why #nycrestaurant #nycdinner #nycgirl
I’ll find a way to block it #nycmodel #hairgirl #nycgirl
Wow ️🩹 #serviceindustry #nycrestaurant #nycgirl #heartbroken
Exactly #prettygirl #perfectgirl #nycmodel #nycgirl
I hate it when the sandwich isn't perfect #sandwich #tunasandwich #nycrestaurants