The only dancing this week is tomorrow night @highhorsesaloonandeatery! Come down for the best country dance music for all the dances you enjoy!
#billings #montana #montanadancing #swingdancing #countryswingdancing #countrylinedancing #linedancing #waltz #twostep #countrytwostep #polka #montanaswingdancing #dance #fun #billingsdancing #fyp
Billings Montana Honky Tonkin’
@highhorsesaloonandeatery is your only destination in Billings that plays late night dance music to ALL the country dances out there. No one else comes close!
#billings #montana #montanadancing #montanacountrydancing #countrydancing #countryswingdancing #swingdancing #countrytwostep #twostep #linedancing #countrylinedancing #waltz #cowboychacha #msub #dance #fun #fyp
Billings Montana Country Dancing
The High Horse Saloon is your local honky tonk on a Friday night in Billings MT. The only place in Billings that plays music for all country dancing #billingsdancing #billings #billingscountrydancing #montanadancing #montana #msub
Country dance lessons at casual space every other Friday. Next one is December 6th!
#billingsmontana #countrylinedancing #montanadancing #Billings
Granite health and fitness brings you dance lessons every Tuesday! We learn popular dances but also take requests for dances to be taught. This is all about the dancers so they can have fun on a Tuesday night, learn new moves and then learn how to use those moves to music on any dancefloor in the world! Come join us!
#billings #montana #dance #dancing
The @highhorsesaloonandeatery is the place to be on Friday nights. Don’t miss out on the best dancing in billings to the best dance music. Music for all styles of dance!
#billings #montana #montanadancing #countrydancing #countryswingdancing #swingdancing #countrytwostep #twostep #waltz #linedancing #countrylinedancing #dance #fun #fyp
Premier Country Dancing on Fridays at the High Horse Saloon @highhorsesaloonandeatery. This is from September 6th, 2024
#billings #montana #billingsmontana #countrydancing #countryswing #countryswingdancing #countrytwostep #twostep #waltz #coubpntrylinedancing #linedancing #cowboychacha #fun #dance #fyp
Premier country dancing
#billings #montana #countrydancing #countryswingdancing #countrylinedancing #countrytwostep #twostep #waltz
Premier Country Dancing at the @highhorsesaloonandeatery!
Next one is August 23rd 9-12pm MST
#billings #montana #countrydancing #countryswingdancing #swingdancing #countrylinedancing #linedancing #redlodge #lockwood #huntley #joliet #laurel #columbus #dance #fyp #