Empire Strikes Facts

Empire Strikes Facts Anonymous tips welcome!! This page has multiple contributors. Benton Harbor rise up. Who planned the

Your current commissioners chose whirlpool over the Community now whirlpool is suing the city to keep from paying taxes....

Your current commissioners chose whirlpool over the Community now whirlpool is suing the city to keep from paying taxes.
None of them have spoke out against this.


The current commissioners have constantly voted against the Best Interests of the Children and Community.
Adams Isom Singleton Henderson.
Look at their voting records and ask them what have they done to improve the Inner City?


After years of sitting in the Commissioner seats now they finally getting leadership training classes after all of the votes which have given away precious assets now they want to get educated about politics.
This is why New Leadership is needed We are the Change we need. ( President Obama).


Under the Enterprise Zone Whirlpool and other entities were exempt from paying taxes until 2024.
In 2024 all entities will have to start paying taxes to the City however Whirlpool is taking the City to Court to fight having to pay the taxes yearly.
Why would they not want to pay their taxes like every one else??
We have a lot of local organizations and churches that have taken money from Whirlpool and by doing so they can't speak up about the corporate takeover?
There is also a lot of people who have taken a handout from whirlpool and sit on various boards and in City government that have voted on things which have not been in the Best Interest of the Community or Children. Why would a school board member vote against fixing boilers in schools that should have been done immediately yet they have come up with excuses that makes no sense its considered a stall tactic.
Change in Our Community is necessary to ensure the Present and Future of Our Community.


Every time we have a election they try to start fixing sidewalks and streets to make it appear like things are happening then after the election nothing happens in the Inner City.
Why start projects during the winter period to inconvenience Inner City residents who are hard working families?

The City mayor received this letter and refused to inform the commission however in the letter the lawyer is suggesting ...

The City mayor received this letter and refused to inform the commission however in the letter the lawyer is suggesting the mayor let them know.
The mayor knew the water was contaminated but didn't inform the Community.

After seeing the False information that the mayor put out saying Plante and Moran was doing a good job for the City but ...

After seeing the False information that the mayor put out saying Plante and Moran was doing a good job for the City but they refuse to turn over the financial records to the City Finance Director who the city hired. Why pay Plante and Moran 250,000 or more when you can pay your own Finance Director?? The mayor said at the debate they left because of the 80.000 salary when the FACT is they left because they didn't want to be held accountable for the misappropriation of Funds.
There should be a Forensic Audit to see how every dollar from the Community statistics was used for.

When School board members should be talking about how to bring back the Students and CTE CLASSES.  trenton is working fo...

When School board members should be talking about how to bring back the Students and CTE CLASSES. trenton is working for corporate Why would a board member in the District want to sell their property which is worth millions for pennies to help gentrify the community..
Who is for gentrification of Benton Harbor?

Full interview with journalist and thoughtleader Bankole Thompson about reparations for Benton Harbor Area Schools.    h...

Full interview with journalist and thoughtleader Bankole Thompson about reparations for Benton Harbor Area Schools.

Elnora Gavin, a newly elected member of the Benton Harbor School Board, is speaking out about what Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Democratic Legislature in La...

"Now as the governor begins a second term with a Democratic Legislature, her administration's response to the needs of c...

"Now as the governor begins a second term with a Democratic Legislature, her administration's response to the needs of cities like Benton Harbor, and other Black communities across the state, will be closely watched because Democrats have blamed Republicans over the years for standing in the way of helping these cities.

Come January, neither Whitmer nor her fellow Democrats can blame the opposition party. They must confront the plethora of persistent urban inequities head-on because they are in the driver’s seat."


Benton Harbor has been a political albatross for Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during her first term in office.



Environmental Justice organizations stood with the Benton Harbor Water Council and fought to get the State Of Michigan to replace the lead pipes. Now the State Of Michigan and the Environment Protection Agency is trying to pressure the City of Benton Harbor to raise your water bills again ON TOP OF THE OTHER RATE INCREASE from July of this year. These government entities are now pressuring city officials to clamp down harder on the residents to collect these unethical past due bills on unsafe water that should have been zeroed out. The State of Michigan and the Federal Government has access to billions - more than enough dollars to upgrade the City of Benton Harbor water plant right now, but government agencies are choosing to put the financial burden on black residents in crisis knowing that Al Pscholka and Governor Snyder's Emergency Manager systematically dismantled Benton Harbor’s water plant causing the city to lose thousands of customers, critical contracts and key workers. The State Officials know that greater rate increases will cause greater economic hardship and gentrification, but for some reason, the State of Michigan has been broadcasting their help in one area (the pipes) while neglecting to take responsibility for their strategic harm against the city's water plant and the added pressure the state is placing on vulnerable residents to pay for the necessary restoration. Will elected officials request emergency Water Crisis and Infrastructure dollars from Gov. Whitmer and the federal government so that we can properly complete the job of restoring our water plant asset, jobs, safe water and health resources to our residents or will city officials again follow the advice of opportunistic bigots, turn against the residents and try to force us to pay even higher rates for government malfeasance? The city asked to hear from you. You have the power to tell the City of Benton Harbor to keep our water plant, hire and train our people, but zero out the water bills until the water is safe to drink.

Come together to put an end to overpaying the City of Benton Harbor for unsafe water bills. This Thursday at 6:30pm. Ins...

Come together to put an end to overpaying the City of Benton Harbor for unsafe water bills. This Thursday at 6:30pm. Inspire better governance.


Mental health in education is the first topic of the show. At the 42:20 mark, Elnora Gavin, Dr. Paulette White and Dr. Thomas Pedroni discuss education justice issues, healing black schools from the aftermath of racist school shutdowns and replacing harmful public education policies with policies that work.


Made a pit stop this morning for some breakfast in the Pancake Town! 🥞

Thank you for joining Don Doggendorf!


For real though! 💯
📷 Unique Teaching Resources





Open SmartNews and read "Betsy DeVos calls for abolition of federal Education Department — that she once led" here: http...

Open SmartNews and read "Betsy DeVos calls for abolition of federal Education Department — that she once led" here: https://share.smartnews.com/FsyjF
To read it on the web, tap here: https://share.smartnews.com/MCSb8

Former U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, appointed by former president Donald Trump, told conservative activists in Tampa Saturday that the federal Education Department should be abolished, leaving education decisions to state and local boards. “I personally think the Department of Educat.....

Friday at 6:30pm

Friday at 6:30pm

As another Juneteenth celebration approaches, the question arises...Are we finally starting to create racial protections OR does the blocking continue with racial barriers??🤔🤔 The S.H.A.R.P Shooter Show will be hosting a special FB LIVE and Zoom show this Friday, June 17th. It will be our "Season Finale " show and will consist of various highlights from our recent events and discussions around Juneteenth and the blocking of racial protections in our city! You don't want to miss this last show of the season....it's going to be POWERFUL!✊🏾 So please share and be there! Click the link below to join our show! You can be LIVE in the room with us on Zoom!


United States Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and member of the Get The Lead Out Caucus is a leader within a Federally commi...

United States Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and member of the Get The Lead Out Caucus is a leader within a Federally commissioned causcus charged with helping to create solutions and funds that will solve this estimated $60 billion problem. Congresswoman Tlaib decided to kickoff her tour of Michigan at Benton Harbor High School during our Peace Day Reunion Art Of Peace Museum Exhibit.

“Water is a human right," Congresswoman Tlaib said. "No resident in our country—the wealthiest country in the world—should ever be footing the bill of doing nothing this long.”


Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was out at Benton Harbor High School to meet with community activists as part of a tour to raise awareness on lead-water contamination. The 'Get the Lead Out Tour,' as it's being called, is all part of an effort to learn more about lead crises all over the state, to help....



THIS JUST HAPPENED: Mayor Pro Tem Seats added the Benton Harbor Reparations Resolution to the agenda today and also said that he WILL move this important item FORWARD to the Full City Commission Agenda for a Formal Vote. Mayor Pro Tem Seats said he is tired of pushing this can down the road and that the issue should be voted on. Seats spoke of other communities like Kalamazoo that has a Racial Equity Office. Commissioner Henry and Commissioned Adams, the resolutions' sponsor spoke very strongly in favor of the Reparations/Racial Equity Office. Commissioner Sharon Henderson said "No."

Henderson, 1st Ward Commissioner said that the City of Benton Harbor should NOT have such an office at the city level. *See video below for full discussion. Gratitudes to the hundreds of people who signed the petition, the people who spoke up at multiple meetings and to the Commissioners who supported. We know that Commissioner Henderson is set to vote against Reparations Resolution on June 6ths meeting, but hopefully the majority of our lawmakers will move forward with a way long overdue Yes vote. We can tell that only greedy corporate influencers would cause stalling or no's to something so important, but people speaking up and coming together for what is good and just will prevail as we have been doing when we remain united and consistent.



All state and local governments should put the safety of residents at the top of the list! Fire safety should be a priority in ANY community as well as the respect of the residents. Tune in to a SPECIAL Virtual Press conference this Friday evening on the S.H.A.R.P Shooter Show LIVE via Zoom and FB. The lovely and powerful Samantha Jordan and family speak up on behalf of their beloved Shamika and the community and speak out against the injustice they experienced!!
Click below to join the show and listen to solutions that will save lives!


Or call in:
Passcode: 85017210665



When Unity and Integrity meet Teamwork, victories are declared. ✊🏾

When Unity and Integrity meet Teamwork, victories are declared. ✊🏾


After much debate, the criminal charges and jail time were finally removed from the Benton Harbor Lead Law last night, April 18th, 2022!! This historic victory only emerged because of your civic engagement. HUGE GRATITUDES to every call to city lawmakers, every social media reaction and share, petition signature, and every person showing up to the Lead Law Town Halls, Special Racial Equity Chamber Sessions, and City Hall meetings. Together we were able to stop a very dangerous legal precedent that would have criminalized Michigan water crisis customers fighting to survive systemic infrastructure and environmental crises.

Witnessing both the Mayor and the majority of City Commissioners' determination to raise the fees and fines last night, in spite of the Director of Public Safety’s recommendation to lower the fine, we immediately recognized that the movement to inspire lawmakers to drop the water rates on unsafe water continues. We thank them for dropping the criminal charges, and yet duly note the tremendous need for a local Racial Equity Relief, Recovery, and Reform Office that will help restore human dignity to policy making practices and ensure that laws are analyzed with a lense of fairness and great care for human rights.

Nevertheless, we remain focused on humanity-centered solutions and with great joy, we shall not hesitate to celebrate this pivotal victory with tremendous gratitude for your tenacity on this very important issue!!

Special thanks to the Racial Equity Chamber Reps,
S.H A R.P. Foundation, Benton Harbor Water Council, We The People MI, Atty. John Beason III, Lead Law Town Hall Panelist(Rev. Edward Pinkney, Atty. John Beason, James Sims, Commissioner Ricky Hill, SHARP Shooter Audience, Commissioner Mary Adams and Commissioner Ethel Clark-Griffin)


3 years ago today, while schools all over the country were existing without yearly shutdown threats disrupting their learning environments, our youth and one of the most dedicated educators in the world, their beloved African American History teacher, worked diligently after school to keep our community's only high school from being dismantled. Thanks to their courage and tenacity, the school was saved from closure, but the African American History class is no longer at Benton Harbor High School. As Americans fight over Critical Race Theory, we are asking for a miracle to restore that valuable inspiring course back to our BHHS. Their beloved teacher has since retired with honors, but I can't think of a reason not to keep that class in our system. Can you? If somebody tries to give you one, please let me know what they said. I'm super curious.


Why would anybody put law abiding citizens in a position to be arrested?
These are the facts:
The City Attorney said that there were no laws like this in Michigan, so he brought it to Benton Harbor without mentioning the jailtime part. Benton Harbor lawmakers put a law on the books that would give water customers jail time and misdemeanor criminal charges if they do not get their lead pipes replaced in time. Some of them knew about the jailtime when they voted. Others did not, but either way, the law is here. This is a law that other cities could copy. We must create FAIR laws for others to copy in order to have safe cities. Even some police officera disagrees with this law. But also know that others will enjoy it too much. So why did city reps not keep this issue on their agenda? Who stands to gain the most from residents facing criminal charges and jailtime? City Hall meeting is Monday at 7pm. BH has the power to remove this cruel hypocritical jailtime penalty. Be there Monday and/or sign the petition.


This is Huge🔥🔥🔥!! World renowned Actress and Activist Kerry Washington AKA Olivia Pope featured our community organizers as Real Life Gladiators in celebration of their 10 year Anniversary of Scandal!!!🙌🏾❤❤❤ We The People Michigan has always focused on uplifting the voices of our people and I love it here! Please show some love on Kerry's Instagram Page and spread the word! We are so grateful for Gwen Johnson Swanigan Marvin HaywoodBey and every person and org who put in selfless work over the years towards building a Fresh Start for our community and schools. Yes..You!! Our beautiful people. I wish I could tag you all. Thank you🙌🏾Your personal sacrifices and contributions are appreciated and matter greatly. We are super grateful to Kerry Washington for her endearing demonstration of support and solidarity with our community issues!!✊🏾🙏🏿🐅🖤❤💚. Benton Harbor and our loved ones across the state are overcoming so many challenges, but know that as long as we stick to our values, WE ARE WINNING! Not against anybody else, but winning together manifesting our dignity, education justice, land equity, racial equity, safe water and peaceful lives. We continue our journey towards inspiring our City to create a Racial Equity Office that will help restore our community, and with belief inspired action, the battle is already won and done.


The current Benton Harbor Area Schools Superintendent, Andrae Townsel wins school board vote to be hired as the new Superintendent of Calvert County School District in the State of Maryland.

Did you know about this new  law in Benton Harbor? If you want to remaim free from criminal charges and learn safety pro...

Did you know about this new law in Benton Harbor? If you want to remaim free from criminal charges and learn safety protocols, find out what the law means. There is a 60 min. Town Hall 2 part series starting Friday, March 18th, 6:30pm Facebook Live or join the zoom audience at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85017210665

JAIL TIME!?!?!?! 😱🤔 for residents in the Middle of a Water Crisis???
S.H.A.R.P Shooter Show Presents a Special Lead Law Town Hall. We will have experts weighing in on the subject this Friday at 6:30pm. How many people knew about it? We’re going to help the community understand what this new Benton Harbor law means both the pros and cons. Was the law made known to the residents before The Mayor and Commissioners passed it? Did the lawyer explain the lead law properly to the Commission? Why did the law pass with so many commissioners absent? What rights do you have now? We will unpack all of this within our special 2 week back to back series starting Friday, March 18th. Sound the alarm. BE ON THE SHOW TO BE IN THE KNOW!

So Click Below👇
Join the Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85017210665
Please SHARE with everyone you care about.



JAIL TIME!?!?!?! 😱🤔 for residents in the Middle of a Water Crisis???
S.H.A.R.P Shooter Show Presents a Special Lead Law Town Hall. We will have experts weighing in on the subject this Friday at 6:30pm. How many people knew about it? We’re going to help the community understand what this new Benton Harbor law means both the pros and cons. Was the law made known to the residents before The Mayor and Commissioners passed it? Did the lawyer explain the lead law properly to the Commission? Why did the law pass with so many commissioners absent? What rights do you have now? We will unpack all of this within our special 2 week back to back series starting Friday, March 18th. Sound the alarm. BE ON THE SHOW TO BE IN THE KNOW!

So Click Below👇
Join the Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85017210665
Please SHARE with everyone you care about.

How do we transform the corroded lead school to prison pipeline into a pipeline of peace and prosperity for Benton Harbo...

How do we transform the corroded lead school to prison pipeline into a pipeline of peace and prosperity for Benton Harbor families and their descendants? Catch the S.H.A.R.P. Shooter Show tomorrow in conversation with the lead attorney bringing the class action lawsuit defending residents impacted by the water crisis.


Is a Federal Lawsuit suit about the BH water crisis a good move for the residents? We're going to hear from the man who's leading the efforts! Join the S.H.A.R.P Shooter Show LIVE on Zoom and FB this Friday for this exclusive interview with an amazing attorney and our very own Benton Harbor Alumni, Mr. John Beason III. Let's talk facts!!

Click below to join us live on Zoom!!


Or call 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 850 1721 0665


Benton Harbor, MI



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