Wisdom of Solomon 1:1-3
"you who judge the earth, love what is right. Set your mind on the Lords goodness. Seek him with a sincere heart."
"Those who donβt put the Lord to the test will find him. He makes himself known to those who trust him."
"Perverse reasoning separates people from God. His power exposes the foolish people who test him."
No one can really decipher the Word of God correctly, but we try to. Looking back over the last sentence in verse 1 makes me think of the times I've tried bargaining with the Lord: " If you make me successful, then I'll believe." If everything turned out the way I wanted it to, I have to ask myself, would I really be sharing the Word of God right now? Who knows? But what I do know is that I was not searching God with a sincere heart. I was testing God and he made me a fool. Now we are full circle, nothing turned out the way I wanted to instead I was blessed with a beautiful wife who reinforces my faith, and handsome baby boy.
I Stopped bargaining with God and sought him with a sincere heart.
Now I see him everywhere, where he was the whole time.