Emelia is now in love with the park! But with the cold and wet all we can do is walk around and making silly faces! I'm excited for the future as my E proves time and time again she can break through her roadblocks! I think maybe I will too!
The last time my 6 year old enjoyed herself at a park was at age 3. Since then it has been an up and down challenge for her to play with others and enjoy all the playground fun. Her anxiety got the best of her most days and we just stopped for long periods of time. This day she asked to go to the park and with hesitation I took her. It is hard to watch my child struggle and I feel uncomfortable so selfishly I stop trying. But she proves me wrong every time! As we scooted together to slide I felt her joy bubbling up. The swing was next! My girl does NOT do swings! Well she again showed me what her will can do! It started off rocky but she endured and I watched her push through her fear and soar!
Upon discovery of these emojis E and I have our bedtime routine on repeat LOL!
May baby tried to fit it all in this morning lol!
❤️Click follow to be in E’s Village, Milzville
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Motivationals quotes: Overcoming Obstacles @DefeatingDifficulties
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