Joel Belz
Our latest magazine issue honors the life of our founder, Joel Belz. Writer Kim Henderson reflects how Belz spent his life unveiling the wonder of God and His creation.
"Planted in the middle of a cornfield with a family-owned printing press, the boy longed for a larger gospel reach. He got one," she writes.
Read the full story:
Lawless Season 2
The first two episodes of Lawless Season 2 release this Thursday, May 4th.
In Season 1, we heard the start of Terri Schiavo's story, a bitter legal battle over a brain damaged young woman’s right to live or right to die...But only the start. On one side is a husband who says he’s trying to fulfill his wife’s wishes. On the other side, parents who want to save their daughter.
This season, we’re finishing our deep-dive into Terri’s story. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Effective Compassion S4: Ep 1
James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
But what does that look like today? The government plays the biggest role in caring for children in crisis. So where does the church fit in?
This season, we’re exploring how we care for orphans and the ways God has called His people to provide help that is challenging, personal, and spiritual. Those are the hallmarks of help that really helps. Or, as we like to call it, Effective Compassion.
Listen to Season 4, Episode 1 at this link or wherever you get your podcasts:
WJI 2023
Our journalism course gives college students and recent graduates the opportunity to hone their skills, think and write from a biblical worldview, and gain experience they need to succeed in a media career.
Applications close 3/31. More at
Safe Delivery
Safe Delivery is a new, three-part special report, launching this Saturday, February 11th, that delves into the topic of Safe Haven laws and baby boxes.
Tune in on our website or wherever you get your podcasts!
Concurrently: The News Coach Podcast
Introducing Concurrently: The News Coach Podcast
Hosts Kelsey Reed and Jonathan Boes from God's WORLD News are starting a dialogue between parents, educators, and mentors. They created this podcast to walk alongside you as you discuss the fundamentals of life and faith with your children.
Each episode answers practical questions and identifies resources for fostering a non-anxious learning environment and cultivating a Biblical approach to culture.
We can teach children about the news with calm, clear discernment. Let’s disciple kids in God's world together.
Subscribe on your preferred podcast app or listen at starting January 18th.
The dismantling of Roe v. Wade started in 1983 with Becky Currie, a young Mississippi nurse who cared for a baby that had been miscarried at fifteen weeks. Her short time with the infant changed her life forever.
Hear the backstory of how that nurse worked with the pro-life movement in Mississippi to directly confront nearly 50 years of Supreme Court precedent.
Listen at this link or wherever you get your podcasts:
Giving Drive
Today’s students face subtle – and not so subtle – secular, media influences daily. It is vital they are presented with a Biblical counter to that message.
That’s where WORLD Watch comes in.
Help us introduce even more students to this important resource by donating today.
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June Giving Drive
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It's your LAST CHANCE to support WORLD's Spring Giving Drive. Help us finish our fiscal year strong.