Long Post Alert
Sit with the lowly
“You never know how blessed you are to have no shoes until you sit with the man that has no feet.” Unknown
Sitting with the lowly gives us a deep gratitude for the things we tend to miss that are blessings.
Sit with a blind man and you can’t help but be thankful for sight.
Sit with someone who lost their spouse and you can’t help but be thankful for yours.
Sit with someone who lost a child and you want to run home and kiss your babies.
Why?? Because God uses other peoples brokeness to show us that our problems pale in comparison to others.
He has been so good to me in this way. To give me the humility to sit with those who have suffered much. And endured great tragedy. They have been my greatest sources of wisdom.
Right now… as I type this. There are people (Cali ppl 🤣🤣) complaining that they have to drive to work in the rain. And yet those same people will drive by hundreds of homeless people who are soaked by the rain they are complaining about.
So, Today. Sit with someone less fortunate than yourself. Offer someone a hot cup of coffee or a hot soup. Give them Jesus. And watch Jesus give you a thankful heart.