R E M O T E Adventure of the Year Finalists!
sponsored by @hydrovane
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaaaand your 2024 finalists are…..
W A T E R P E R S O N of the Year Finalists!
sponsored by @headhunterspearfish
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaaand the 2024 finalists are…….
@sailingwithsix (Archie)
YouTube C H A N N E L of the Year Finalists!
sponsored by @navigareyachting
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaaaaaand your finalists for 2024 are…..
@spear_it_animal / @sascha_meyers
YouTube E P I S O D E of the Year Finalists!
sponsored by @spiceislandmarine
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaand the finalists are…..
@elayna.carausu / @riley.whitelum
F I A S C O / Sh*t Show of the Year Finalists!
sponsored by @thequalifiedcaptain
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaaand your finalists are…
B E S T Emerging YouTube Channel Finalists!
sponsored by @highfieldboatsnorthamerica
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaaaand the finalists are…
T I K T O K of the Year Finalists!
sponsored by @northsails
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaand the finalists are:
Reel/ Short of the Year!
sponsored by @battlebornbatteries
presented by @seapeopleapp
Aaaaaaaand the Finalists are…
B E S T YouTube Episode of the Year 🎥
sponsored by @spiceislandmarine
presented by @seapeopleapp
These episodes were handpicked by the creators to be their best of last year! All of these deserve a watch, so definitely tune in and give each entrant a like and subscribe. These are the last hours to vote for your favorites and what better to do on a lazy Sunday than tune into some of the best cruising content of the year?! Head to cruisersawards.com and cast your vote!
Entrants 💪🏼🏆
@elayna.carausu / @riley.whitelum
@sascha_meyers / @spear_it_animal
@expeditionevans / @pirateprincesschronicles
🎥🏴 @silvi4s
B E S T Emerging YouTube of the Year!
sponsored by @highfieldboatsnorthamerica
presented by @seapeopleapp
Some of these accounts have just begun while others barely made the cut of 10,000 subscribers. A lot goes into capturing your life on the water and it’s no small task to keep the channel going. Don’t forget these names, they’ll be playing a big role in shaping the industry 🤘🏼!
Entrants: 🏆
🎥🏴 @silvi4s
R E D carpet interviews will be done by your guy, Andy (@oceancruiserspodcast) again this year!
Do you have your tickets?!
Have you entered yourself for a category?!
Did you vote for your favorites?!
Head over to cruisersawards.com to join the party 🤙🏼
R E M O T E Adventure of the Year
sponsored by @hydrovane
presented by @seapeopleapp
Taking the path less traveled is an understatement for cruisers in this category. Head over to cruisersawards.com to enter or vote while it’s still open! Huge prizes available to entrants and the voters this year 🙌🏼
Entrants 💪🏼🏆
🎥🏴 @silvi4s