Our Story
Mod Squad Racing Media covers mainly all stock car and modified racing in the North East as well as dirt. We do photography,hero cards, shirts, graphics, racing news stories, promotional pieces, press releases and insights along with weekly recaps and blog post’s on our web site. We have over 75,000 photos on our full photo site and store front at https://modsquadracingmedia.zenfolio.com . We got started with live radio and still do some occasional shows and Pod Casts. We also make hero cards, custom photoshop works and editing work along with custom composites and high quality photo prints and canvas’s. We can also help with marketing and promotion whether you are a team or business involved or thinking about getting involved in motorsports. Our main website is www.modsquadracingmedia.com Our photography site is https://modsquadracingmedia.zenfolio.com Our official Facebook group is here https://www.facebook.com/groups/NorthEastModifiedsandStockcarAutoRacing/ This is where we have lots of discussions,information and post sharing! Join up! We also have a “Live Feed” and current race updates page at https://www.facebook.com/modsquadlivefeed/ Follow us on Twitter and Instagram both at @mod_squad_radio . That being said we have a strong focus on the North East local asphalt tracks as we are based out of CT. We do hit as many dirt races as we can fit in (75-100 per season) and travel up and down the east to catch races. To see some of our racing photography and photo edit/graphic work, be sure to check out our "albums" here on Facebook and some on our main website as well and a ton on our photography site. The Mod Squad has plenty of news, information and guests from all forms of stockcar racing with lots of attention focused on modifieds and local/regional short track racing.
The members of The Mod Squad: Team #ModOn
Host/producer/writer/photographer: Ryan Gilbert is a long time passionate fan of stock car racing. He loves local/regional tracks along with all the asphalt modifieds. Ryan attends 2- 5 races per week during the season. He is very out spoken and supportive of local as well as regional racing and their teams. Ryan had built relationships with many teams, drivers, tracks and fans by being at the tracks every week interacting with and introducing himself to many. He can always be found at the track with a camera in hand too. He also has gained a strong following on social media because of his out outspokenness, "tell it like it is" attitude along with his great support for the people and sport he loves.
Show Producer/Co host/writer/photographer: Melanie Thomas is making the magic happen behind the scenes and will also guest host. Melanie is also a very dedicated and passionate race fan who attends 2-5 race per week during the season. She too is all about local tracks and loves them Mod's.She can be found at the track always with a smile,interacting and supporting the fans and race teams alike! She also enjoys taking photos. With real world business, sales and tech experience she makes a great fit to the team as producer.
Co host: Alan J Piquette, Owner and editor of The Racing Times. Alan has a deep rooted history in auto racing as a press and media person along with being a radio show host. Where ever Alan goes no matter if its a cup race, drag or local tracks he is recognized and greeted warmly by many, drivers, teams, track workers and fans alike.
Ryan Gilbert and Melanie Thomas contribute many photos to Mod Squad Racing Media and the racing community. Feel free to contact us for photo information, prints, book sessions and photo editing/projects, hero cards and graphic work.
A key philosophy of our program is to be interactive with the racing public, through social media, call ins and in-person at the tracks. We want to see you, hear from you and meet you. We wont hold back about controversial issues and opinions going on in the racing world while we bring you the latest news and results. We always say we are race fans first, you can see, hear and feel our passion. Not everyone always agrees with us and us with them. We are all human and this just furthermore shows our honest feelings and passion for the sport! This is also why before and after the race we can usually be found on the track or in the pits conversing with everyone and shooting lots and lots of photos as well as with our camper. But once the green flag drops 99% of the time we are in the stands with the fans! We feel we have a unique situation and relationships as we bring the behind the scenes to the fans in the stands, and bring the fans to the teams that are on track and behind the scenes. We help bridge the the gap between fans, teams and tracks. As it is not possible for everyone to have the chance or access to be in the pits, or the teams to see a race from the stands with their fans. We like to think of ourselves as unofficial liaisons/Ambassadors! We proudly claim the origination of our hash tags " #ModOn " “ShortTrackNation” and “BowlStrong” See you soon!