Another video of our partner Orange County Public Schools, Florida and the New Beginnings program. We have worked together on this for years and it truly is a great program for supporting teachers new to the profession!
Congratulations to Orange County Public Schools, Florida for another successful start of the year with their New Beginnings program for new teachers!
Collegial Conversations
The Collegial Conversations DVD features an amazing array of collegial conversations between mentors and their protégés. You can use these conversations and interviews in training for mentors and for supervisors and evaluators. All educators who are engaged in promoting professional growth through coaching will find much to learn from these clips.
Points to Ponder
The Points to Ponder DVD contains three collections of thought provoking quotes, some motivational and some humorous. Set to music, each of the five minute videos provides a powerful closing to workshops or staff meetings. The third video in the collection presents words of wisdom for new teachers from teachers completing their first year in the classroom. It is the perfect ending for your teacher orientation. Mentors love it too.
TL 21: 4th/5th Grade Writer's Workshop
The Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century: 4th/5th Grade Writer's Workshop DVD includes a 14 minute uninterrupted classroom episode followed by an in-depth interview with the featured teacher providing thoughtful and provocative responses to the reflective questions asked. Short classroom scenes enhance the interview. The DVD focuses on Sheri VanderVelde’s 4th and 5th grade multi-age classroom, where students are engaged in Writer’s Workshop. The class includes four special needs learners, an English language learner who recently moved from Mexico, four gifted and talented learners who are working two to three years above grade level, and three new students whose families recently moved into the neighborhood.
Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: 3rd Grade Science
The Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: 3rd Grade Science DVD includes an uninterrupted classroom episode, an in-depth interview with the teacher, and a second version of the lesson with extensive commentary and play-by-play analysis of the planning, teaching, and learning involved in this episode. The DVD focuses on Nicole Chase’s 3rd grade class at Orchard Avenue Elementary in Grand Junction, Colorado. The students are engaged in a science lesson on the solar system. There are 24 students who have a range of learning and social needs. Seven students are on individual learning plans, two have special education support, and three are in the gifted and talented program. One student currently lives with his family in a rescue shelter, and another just arrived in the United States and speaks no English.