Stay tuned for our #Testify interview #5 with Mike Smith. His story is POWERFUL and I know it will impact you. Check us out on YouTube @Testifyinterviews for other interviews.
Stay tuned for our #Testify interview #5 with Mike Smith. His story is POWERFUL and I know it will impact you. Check us out on YouTube @Testifyinterviews for other interviews.
Recap of our interview #4 with Eli Howard a #cancersurvivor who experienced the power of God in a hospital bed. Tune in hear his story and see how #God got him through it all. It will bless you and encourage you. Available on YT 1/11/2025 @ 9pm. Check out our YouTube channel @Testifyinterviews and SUBSCRIBE to get notifications as new interviews come out. #Testify
All through Christ. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 #Testify
Stay tuned for our #Testify interview #4 with Eli Howard. You will see the power of prayer and community in his testimony. Check us out on YouTube @Testifyinterviews for other interviews.
Un pequeño adelanto de nuestra más reciente entrevista con Karen totalmente en español. #Testify #Testifica
Si has visto lo que Jesús ha hecho en tu vida tienes una historia que se debe contar. #Testify #Español #Testifica Pronto saldrá nuestra primera entrevista en español. Subscríbete a nuestro canal en YT @Testifyinterviews para que recibas notificaciones según los videos están disponibles.
If you’ve seen what #Jesus can do then you got a testimony. It’s your story. Tell’em about #JESUS YOU BETTER #TESTIFY Let the world know 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Nada más que #JESUS #CHRISTO Todo lo puedo en el!! Chequea nuestro canal de YouTube @Testifyinterviews para ver nuestra mas reciente entrevista. Dale ME GUSTA Y SUBSCRIBETE para que seas notificado cuando salen nuevos episodios.
Nothing but #JESUS #CHRIST All things!!! #TESTIFY Check out our YouTube channel @Testifyinterviews to watch our most recent interview. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to get notified of new episodes.
Contentos de anunciar nuestros primera entrevista de #Testify en español. Pendientes pronto estará disponible.
May this be a happy and prosperous year with plenty opportunities to #TESTIFY #JESUS #TellTheWorld