We Speak For The Nation-Ugandamagazine

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We Speak For The Nation-Ugandamagazine This is aimed at compiling articles tackling issues on political,social and economic state we are li

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni  has promoted Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba to the rank of General.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has promoted Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba to the rank of General.

NRM's Central Executive Committee has endorsed Anita Annet Among as it's flag bearer for speakership.

NRM's Central Executive Committee has endorsed Anita Annet Among as it's flag bearer for speakership.

Rest in peace Jacob L. Oulanyah the 11th Speaker of Uganda's Parliament.Jacob L'Okori Oulanyah  (23 March 1965 – 20 Marc...

Rest in peace Jacob L. Oulanyah the 11th Speaker of Uganda's Parliament.

Jacob L'Okori Oulanyah (23 March 1965 – 20 March 2022) was a Ugandan agricultural economist, lawyer and politician, who served as the Speaker of the 11th Parliament of Uganda since 2021 until his death in 2022. He was elected to that position on 24 May 2021, after defeating the former Speaker Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga. He served as Deputy Speaker of the Ugandan parliament, from May 2011 until May 2021. Oulanyah was also the member of parliament representing the Omoro County constituency, Omoro District, Acholi sub-region, in the Uganda's Northern Region.

On the evening of 10th March, 2022. Journalists from The Alternative Uganda operating an online TV known as   were whisk...

On the evening of 10th March, 2022. Journalists from The Alternative Uganda operating an online TV known as were whisked away by a drone to unknown destination after a heavy military siege of their offices in Naganda - Lukuli, Makindye Division.

Our reporter managed to identify the names of the journalists and these are Tumusiime Kato, Bikobere Faridah, Turyahabwe Rogers, Nabukera Teddy, Luwedde Lillian, Mukose Anorld Anthony, Mukibii Jeremiah, Jacob and their Executive Director Mr. Norman Tumuhimbise a renowned activist for social justice and author of Unsowing The Mustard Seed, Komanyoko Politics and Liars and Accomplices, all books criticing President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni 's poor governance in Uganda.

Mr. Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, the Ugandan satirical bolshevik novelist and unequivocal critic of President Yoweri Kaguta ...

Mr. Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, the Ugandan satirical bolshevik novelist and unequivocal critic of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni's government and his son Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has fled the country to exile.

Repose in Eternity Prof Tumusiime Emmanuel Mutebile, the governor Bank of Uganda. Born on 27th  January, 1949 – 23rd Jan...

Repose in Eternity Prof Tumusiime Emmanuel Mutebile, the governor Bank of Uganda.

Born on 27th January, 1949 – 23rd January, 2022. He was the longest serving governor of the Bank of Uganda. He was first appointed to that position on 1 January 2001 until his death.

You have served mother country Uganda with dignity and honor.

Today two bomb explosions within the close vicinity of Central Police Station and Parliamentary Avenue in Uganda's capit...

Today two bomb explosions within the close vicinity of Central Police Station and Parliamentary Avenue in Uganda's capital city, Kampala is said to have left at least five people dead and others with injuries.

This is the third explosion in Kampala since October, when a bomb at a restaurant killed one person and injured five others



It is Babylonian wisdom that the whismical goddess of good luck and fickle fate cannot single you out of many to serve or enjoy the good things life can offer, when you are not equally deserving.

The above applies to a one Raymond Kamugisha popularly known as Eiraka Rya Sheema, who has been appointed head of presidential projects and industrial hubs at state house by Hisexcellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of Uganda.

This is a blessing to the young generation, where his age category falls for they can approach him, people of Sheema district, where he hails and then Uganda in the general, because he is a renown hardworking man as per his past presidential assignments.

It is a worthy noting that Raymond Kamugisha has contributed much to the development of sheema and Uganda within his limits, for those who have been lucky to work or witness his actions can testify on the same most especially appointed the youth, so his appointment by the fountain of honor to serve this nation again is a manifestation of his capabilities. No wonder some of those who have known him for sometime had this to say: We thank God and hope to tap much from his new position towards self sustainability and building our mother country.

His smile to every one,the hug he gives to every one and the hard work are not excluded to be considered for this success.

THE RAYMOND you may know or not:
He holds a Masters in Science Construction Project Management Makerere University.
A certified Project Management Professional PMP.
He formerly served as a private secretary to HE, the president in charge of youth affairs:
He has also worked closely with big shots in this country we all call motherland for example the DG ISO Balya, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, former principal secretary to the president Molly Kamukama, not forgetting handling special assignments on youth for the President amongst others .
He will be now reporting directly to the State House Comptroller,
Sheema people we must be excited about the President action to re-appoint their own.

He is also a known businessman Heading Serena based EIRAKA GROUP with interests in farming, construction ,Real Estate , solar energy development and a chain of many other businesses.
He contested on sheema municiapality parliament seat to mention but a few.



African continent has suffered multitude of dark events that underscore attainment of peace and
security. From the maiden self-rule celebration in Gold coast in 1957, to the latest South Sudanese superlatively celebrated independence in 2010 which raised global anxiety a reflection of uncertified hope that the event would mark an end to decades of bloodshed and anarchy. Africa has seen a lot of social, political and economic instabilities, hence insecurity. Whereas some insurgencies are caused by personal political ambitions of the perpetrators as
it was with Jonah Savimbi’s UNITA that led to decades of civil strife in Angola, Joseph Kony’s LRA insurgencies in northern Uganda, some events of instability arise from mishaps in leadership as it was in 1979 when Tanzania led ’’Kikosi Maalum’’ forces were inevitably
compelled to wage anti Amin war to create breathing space in Uganda, mass uprising in Burundi against late Nkurunziza as well as Laurent Desire Kabila’s’ rebel activities that ousted cross generational self – made Joseph Mobutu Seseko Kuku Wa Bazanga.”

Economic crisis as also caused uprising such as the recent Arab spring which affected Tunisia, Egypt and Libya with the subsequent unfortunate outcome while post-election violence created a month of hell in Kenya -2007 due to Samuel Kivuitu’s disputed tally sheet .

African leaders should do the following to ensure that peace and security is achieved and sustained in Africa;

Establish strong security agencies locally such as intelligence, police force, army as well as community policing. Then engage regional governments in stepping up measures that combat domestic, regional and continental insecurity. This would amicably solve
threats imposed by organized terrorist groups such as Al-Shabaab , Al Queada and Boko Haram which have caused a number of crimes against humanity.

Spearhead policies that create equitable distribution of resources
and regional balance especially in terms of infrastructural development such as roads and social services such as schools and health centers. This would undoubtedly resolve stalemate that
result from some regional or ethnic stalwarts of isolation and neglect. The bloody civil war in
Nigeria between 1967 and 1970 as well as Moise Tsombe’s Katanga attempt to secede from Congo Kinshasa was all attributed to imbalanced development.

Call for constitutional overhaul or amendment
targeting widened democratic space, enhance people participation in decision making, allow independence of institutions, establish boards and commissions such as electoral bodies credible enough to organize acceptable free and fair elections. 2007 post-election mayhem in Kenya resulted from insufficient trust in independence of electoral body while Yahya Jameh’s refusal to concede defeat created turmoil in Gambia in 2016, a scenario that resembled Laurent Gbagbo’s adamant refusal to honor people’s will causing Ivorian “moment of hell”.

In consultation with educational experts should wage a revolution
in the syllabus in order to promote skill based training with deliberate target of creating job more creators rather than job seekers. The current educational system in most of African countries is colonial in nature rendering majority of youths jobless hence turning into hooligans. This vice
has drastically hikened crime rates, a threat to security and peace as was recently witnessed in South Africa when disgruntled youths attacked foreigners in the scramble for scarce jobs.

Together with other stakeholders, they should render splendid cognizance of global co- existence of my state and honor both regional and global call for observation of human rights, gender equality and protection of the marginalized groups. Give ultimate regard to international instruments, accords and pacts such as the Rome statute that created international criminal court that indicts perpetrators of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Grant indispensible respect to civil society and religious leader’s quest for peace and harmony. Former Kenya Archbishop Ndingi Mwana Nzeki played a pivotal role in restoration of multi-party democracy in 1992, while the political crisis that loomed DRC in 2016, when Joseph Kabila attempted to imitate from perhaps his neighbors {Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda} in ensuring life presidency was amicably solved through dialogue, organized by catholic clergy.

Adequately direct resources towards strengthening and professionalizing immigration department. Provide adequate facility of digital detection at the boarders; install CCTV
cameras among other devices. Ugandan government has embarked digital mass registration all citizens in order to combat this monster of insecurity especially as threatened by Al-Shabaab terrorist groups among others.

Preach harmony and unity among nationals and discourage chauvinism, corruption and tribal supremacy. The ethnic fanatism led to 100 days of darkness in Rwanda when ethnic hostility between Hutus and the Tutsi erupted into the infamous Rwandan genocide of 1994 that led to the death of above 800,000 people. Learning from the above and upon focus on Somali decades of statelessness, leaders should create policies that unite the people, create harmony and make people more patriotic.

Champion pan-African policy aimed at promoting
African values, identity, morals and heritage especially in line with peace and harmony. This would amalgamate patriotism and engagement in regional integration such as COMESA,
ECOWAS, IGAD, EAC, and SADC among others. AMISOM has played great role in restoring peace and security in Somalia while ECOWAS as a regional block in West Africa intervened to end civil strife in Gambia when president Yahya Jameh refused to hand over power after 2016 elections.

Forge means of increasing and boosting food production and security. Through commercialization of Agriculture, using modern methods of farming, building food reserves as well as waiving taxes on importation of basic food stuffs. This would out rightly combat famine and malnutrition in the country. A society that is adequately provided with food will certainly observe peace, harmony as well as security.

In a conclusion, peace and security are paramount elements to every individual and state. Whereas it is the duty and task of every stakeholder such as religious leaders, civic groups,
educational institutions and family members to ensure that the two golden elements of life are attained, it is the core obligation of any leader to do all within his ambits to achieve and sustain
peace and security in Africa given his or her responsibility.

Atwemereireho Alex , is a young lawyer with interests in political economy, [email protected].



By; Kened Ngise III

Dear Mr. Tibuhaburwa,

I don't know if this letter can ever reach your heavily guarded heaven on earth, but I still wrote it to remove the poison off my system.

I hold it devine to apologize for not calling you sukulhu( grandpa) as you love being called since the grandparents where I come from are so loving and generous. They are also blessed with basic knowledge which you maybe lacking.

Quote me well Mr. King of kings, I am not lamenting, I am just wondering if you, in your full capacity has not followed the several change the National Curriculum Development Centre of this country has carried out throughout the years.

Mr. President, majority of the arts teachers in this country have undertaken the same education system you designed for them, and are shocked to learn that you who claims to be in charge of this country can blatantly state that all they studied is useless. Who is useless in this case? A president who creates useless content for the children and turns around to criticize the same children for attaining the useless content or the children who dream of a great future as they spend sleepless nights consuming what has been designed only to learn at the end that the contents they partook are useless?

Sorry Mr. President, we are not saying we shall forever tell how we are victims of this sick education system, we shall derive proper means to bring forth a government that takes full responsibility of what it has created.

In your last careless utterances you said all this country needed to survive were sciences, and I vehemently agree with you. It is true that a man with no values cannot know the use of values. You did arts and you are a president today.
The last time I addressed students I told them that if they did arts well they would be president or ministers like you and your vicious circle. I therefore painfully listened to you when you mocked what made you. To me it meant that you are not pleased with the works of your hand as a president, and so you therefore want the opposite of yourself to lead this country.

Mr president, if the office you hold is now a burden to the arts product you are, think if you were ever the best at anything, if not then know that there are other people who can do better in that position you occupy.

Mr president, you have had several chances to appoint minister for education, but of all the scientists in this country you have always selected your wife. Is she a scientist? Hahaha! Stop this joke.

We know the value of these arts subjects and so we shall practice what they teach if there are no students to be given these values.

We have known throughout history that a disgraceful man is first dishonest to himself before he can treat others the way he thinks is better for humans.
You, yourself knows that literature does not end at copying Shakespeare. If it did, you wouldn't have arrested Kakwenza or Stella Nyanzi when they wrote their literature pieces. We beg you Mr president to remove literature completely so that we can get enough time to monitor you as we document your every flaw.

I also know that it is well known to you that CRE does not stop at the apostles' creed. I am not here to educate you on what you already know but choose to ignore.

The truth is that you are suffering from megalomania and so you only want sycophants around your aging ass so that no one checks you.

You are joking Mr president, just as a music legend on the black soil sung,"no body can stop reggae, because reggae is strong." these arts are here to stay and so you better start doing what is right because we are here to put things right.

We have been on our own, and so we know we shall forever be here to struggle as you take a share of what we sweat for in terms of taxation.

Mr. President, are you proud of the works of your hands as a president or you wish you had remained a mere resident?

Greeting to your parasitic family, Mr president. Thanks!

Happy birthday Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye. May God grant you more years and good health to realise Uganda, you're fighting...

Happy birthday Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye.

May God grant you more years and good health to realise Uganda, you're fighting for, where all citizens will swim in the pools of liberty, equality and fraternity.

Hisgrace The ArchBishop of Kampala Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga found dead this morning in his house.Requiescet in pace.

Hisgrace The ArchBishop of Kampala Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga found dead this morning in his house.

Requiescet in pace.

I WILL NOT SUBMIT TO YOUR SILLY POLICIES.By Atwemereireho AlexTime and again you abduct, kidnap, torture, oppress, unlaw...


By Atwemereireho Alex

Time and again you abduct, kidnap, torture, oppress, unlawful detainee and arrest those who tell the truth claiming that, they are instablising the country, how are they doing so...To be sincere you will be remembered for what you have left undone.

Whoever refuses to go in peace must be ready to go in pieces, kicked by those with out military ranks, calling for mercy which you yourself know not...You capture powers amidst clouds of smoke from your guns disguised as liberators, where is liberty in my motherland? This is a warning to you who make our African states monarchies with no royal backgrounds.

You give orders to the people you rule, quoting from the constitution written in foreign language which people don't understand, why can't you translate it to the local languages? "He who pays respect to the great paves way for his own" writes Chinua Achebe...You who don't understand and we who understand, who should respect the other? It is only who want to live a miserable life that can imitate you.

Since independence my motherland has only seen ruler's protected by a strong arsenal you command..."Those people are not thieves...the government is free from war", why should you tell us? Do you think that you understand morethan everybody in this country?

"I fear no body rather I fear the gods on whom I depend the result of any fight", what is true must be true, this our country not anyone's country..." I would better die on my feet than live on my knees," asserted Emiliano Zapata the Mexican revolutionary.

The writer is a student of law with interests in political economy, and an activist for human rights. [email protected]

The living history of Counsel Bob KasangoBy Andrew M. Mwenda On Saturday night, my best friend and brother, Robert Aldri...

The living history of Counsel Bob Kasango

By Andrew M. Mwenda

On Saturday night, my best friend and brother, Robert Aldridge Kasango, died in Murchison Bay Hospital inside Luzira Prison. The cause of death was heart failure! He was only 46 years. Bob didn’t have to die at this early age and in the way he did – alone and lonely, away from the care of his family and friends or competent doctors, in a prison hospital not equipped to handle his condition.

At Murchison Bay, he had no access to the medical attention he needed. Why? Because our judicial system denied Bob access to all reasonable medical care. First the prosecution bitterly protested his application to go abroad for heart surgery in spite of specialist doctors recommending it as urgent and critical. Then one day the judge arbitrarily cancelled his bail and later convicted him. Court rejected bail pending his appeal, so he could access a better-equipped hospital and competent doctors able to handle his complicated condition and also be cared for by his family.

In a country where people accused of murder, robbery, treason, defilement and terrorism regularly get bail I found the treatment of Bob depressing but also illuminating. It suggested that there was an invisible power pulling strings from behind. We may never know who this power was. What we know is that Bob did not just die. He was killed by a perverted system where judicial power was not used judiciously and in some cases actually abused.

But this is not the time and place to indulge in quarrels and recriminations. It is the time to celebrate the life of this great man, to give testimony to this victor in a thousand battles: beaten but unbowed, down but not out, jailed but not destroyed, fought but not defeated, frustrated but never depressed, always imitated but never equalled and even when killed his memory will continue in the lives he touched.

As Amilcar Cabral said at the funeral of Kwame Nkrumah, quoting an old African saying, “No man’s hand, however big, can be used to cover the sky.” No amount of bad press, however vitriolic, could hide Bob’s generosity to friends, kindness to fellow human beings, legal excellence, intellectual acumen and good humour. But died frustrated but fulfilled. He knew his weaknesses and mistakes, and with time he would have corrected them. He and an enduring faith in repentance and redemption

I met Bob in 1992 during a school debate when we were both teenagers and became instant friends. It was like love at first sight – within one minute of our meeting we were hooked. People who knew us thought that we would be friends – if we met. It could only be that way because Bob embodied many attributes which made him magnetic: handsome, intelligent, articulate, jovial, humorous, witty, name it. It became a lifelong long union. And now he is gone, yet still young with so much he could offer.

Across the years, Bob and I spent a lot of time together, read books together, debated together, attended conferences together, did business together, travelled locally and internationally together, dined and wined together, struggled together, celebrated together, lent each other money, spent time at each other’s home, we became twins. My first date with Fifi, the love of my life, was in hospital on Bob’s side. His wife Nice brought us the dinner there.

Then misfortune struck. The state accused Bob of theft of Shs 15.3 billion. The money belonged to pensioners and had been properly appropriated and paid to his law firm. The pensioners testified that Bob had served his role to their satisfaction. The Shs 15.3 billion was what they agreed to pay him. The state had no right to complain. The case was pursued with relentless tenacity. Finally in a judgement that will live in infamy Bob was sentenced to 16 years in jail.

I visited Bob regularly in Luzira, almost every weekend, especially before COVID. When COVID struck, prisons were set off limits and visitations stopped. But because of his sickness and the kindness of prison authorities, I was allowed to visit him twice this year. Prison is a horrible place: it separates inmates from family and friends. Its confining walls can suffocate even the most resilient, making them sad, depressed, resigned and despondent.

But Bob was a resilient man and tenacious fighter blessed with a competitive spirit. Adversity always seemed to bring the best out of him. Thus in Luzira, he preserved his optimism, his good humour, confident tone, kind heart and generous spirit. Each time I visited, I took him books to read, friends to share experiences with. He was always jovial and conducted himself as it he was on a short leave.

Before going to prison, he bad been diagnosed with a serious heart condition. For nearly a year he could barely work or walk. He spent a lot of time in hospital, often on oxygen. He needed urgent medical attention abroad but the DPP vigorously opposed his application for a passport and the judge agreed. They claimed Bob was faking his illness, in spite of letters by some of the best doctors recommending his urgent medical attention abroad. Many people are broken by adversity and for a while I feared the burden of his trial and the stress from the biased press would push Bob over the cliff. But he held on.

Yet when he went to jail, Bob seemed to recover. I recognized his inner fighting spirit was ticking. He was determined to prove his innocence and stage a dramatic comeback. He acted like he had made a strategic retreat, preparing his offensive to return to the stage. The disease that had threatened to kill him now seemed to be in miraculous retreat. In prison Bob found renewed energy and vitality.

He read books, reflected, introspected. He developed an incredible insight into the weaknesses and strength of both the judicial and prison system and began writing a treatise on how to improve the system. When I visit prisoners, all they talk about are their troubles – the people who betrayed them, those who fought them and the injustice they are facing, which is understandable.

Yet Bob rarely complained about the injustice meted against him, or his personal situation. In almost all cases, he talked for the forgotten inmates of Luzira: men wrongly incarcerated, others lacking legal representation, those with medical or family problems, and sought my assistance to help them. It is rare to find such a selfless soul – concerned about the issues of everyone else when his own weighed heavily on him. Who does that?

That was Bob, instead of jail putting him down, it fired his creativity, inspired his brain, stimulated his intellect, challenged his assumptions and gave him a new purpose. He had no time for self-pity, never allowed his anger to cloud his judgment or let short term reversals undermine his optimism and his enduring faith in a bright future. He saw in every setback an opportunity to learn, in every misfortune a chance to sit back and reflect and in every disaster the stirrings of his imagination, giving him new horizons.

Thus in Luzira, physically weak and sickly, seemingly crushed by a 16 year sentence and bad press, Bob bounced back with renewed energy and vitality. He helped extend legal services to other inmates – for free: listened to their cases, provided them advice on how to go about their cases (how to plead or appeal), wrote their appeals and using his friends paid some of their legal bills making them feel treasured, cared for and human again. Within two months of him in Luzira, he had helped over 50 inmates get their freedom.

He became a lecturer inside the prison teaching law and helping inmates get degrees from the University of London. He read books, lectured and tutored, wrote and analysed, helped his inmate-students focus, inspired them to look beyond their prison environment to a future after prison. The prison officials too were both intrigued and inspired by Bob’s selflessness, his boundless energy, his enduring optimism and his unbroken and unbreakable spirit.

He organized inmates to pray and fellowship with the Lord, invited prison officials to communion with him and other inmates making everyone feel equal and loved. Prison warders fell in love with Bob; they always went to him for advice or to seek help to solve their problems using his large network of friends. He became a celebrity, a mentor, saviour and adviser to many and thus earned a place as a sage of Luzira Maximum Security Prison.

Bob derived satisfaction, fulfilment, meaning and purpose in life from helping others. I have met few generous persons who can even compete. His generosity knew no boundaries. Initially, his generous spirit made me feel guilty because I just lacked the inner spirit to give endlessly without expecting a return. But then I realized this should instead inspire me as well and make me a better person to my family, friends and the community around me.

Yet in little efforts to help others, I could never match Bob. Wherever he went, he expressed his gratitude to those who served him by learning their names, asking about their lives and giving them tips. In banks and restaurants, in clinics and clubs, on planes and in taxes, Bob always gave generous tips to those who served him and established relationships with them that survive to date.

Whenever he visited our offices at The Independent, staff crowded around him, listening to him discourse on social, political and business issues. He was a Socrates surrounded by Plato, Crito, Antisthenes, Aristippus, Aristophanes, Xenophon, Alcibiades, etc. Then Bob would be in his element: rigorous, insightful, ambient, dashing, humorous, witty, poetic. He just commanded presence and got respect and admiration. Staff just felt good being around him.

Aside from his discourses, he listened to the personal and family problems of staff, understood their struggles, then digested their aspirations and challenges and wherever and whenever possible extended help – in form of a connection or money or just advice.

Anyone who met Bob would immediately feel the tinge of his magnificent personality. He never lost hope, never lost his humour, never got bitter, never lost faith in the goodness of the human soul, never lost his cool, never abandoned his friends. He got angry and frustrated but that was only momentary. He possessed and inspiring ability to stand out of the moment and keep his gaze at the big picture.

Bob was a committed Christian who believed that life on earth was only a short stint to life eternal. We know he has gone to communion with God. To his dear wife Nice and his kids Samora, Stephie and Ivana, your grief should be relieved by the fact that Bob has not died. He has retired from this world to the next and is waiting for you to join him. To those who knew him, Bob was not perfect, and he would have been the first person to admit this. He made many mistakes and misjudgements. But looking at his life, one conclusion is unmistakable: he was much bigger than those mistakes.

By Elias Lukwago The doctrine of "Judicial Activism", enunciated in the US constitutional jurisprudence in the mid 20th ...

By Elias Lukwago

The doctrine of "Judicial Activism", enunciated in the US constitutional jurisprudence in the mid 20th century, is such a potent weapon in non-violent revolutions as well as guaranteeing constitutional or political stability. Countries like India managed to stave off catastrophic political upheavals using this legal-political tool which has since become a rockbed for robust state structures and systems in a number of strong democracies.

This "legal innovation" enjoins the judicial arm of the state to be ingenious enough to the extent of defying orthodox or conventional fetters in dealing with potentially explosive political or constitutional matters. Simply put, the judiciary, as a bastion of Rule of Law and constitutional governance , carries on its shoulders a daunting task of jealously protecting the sovereignty of the people and averting a political or constitutional crisis, even in circumstances that warrant doing so "suo-motu" (on their own volition).

The judicial bodies in Kenya and Malawi demonstrated aspects of this novel doctrine in the recent presidential election petitions. I would like to believe that it's the spirit of that same dotrine that informed the provisions of Art. 104 of our Constitution which commands the Supreme Court to INQUIRE into-as proposed to hearing-a presidential election petition.

In all honesty, and with the utmost respect, Justice Owinyi Dollo, who ought to have executed a noble duty of a midwife or handsmaid of Justice has instead facilitated an abortion or miscarriage of justice. The petition before him was not about Hon. Kyagulanyi but the political and constitutional stability of Uganda, and the prosperity. Slamming the judicial doors in the face of Kyagulanyi's lawyers loaded with voluminous affidavit evidence on account of minor infractions or delay by an hour or two obviously amounted to abdication of that noble duty.

It's now abundantly clear to all and sundry, particularly to peace loving Ugandans of different political persuasions that the lifeline to salvation of our motherland lies in Art. 3 of the constitution.

The writer is an advocate for constitutional law and human rights and Lord Mayor Kampala City.



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