George Ofwono

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George Ofwono Journalist/Podcaster, Content Writer, Documenterian, Graphics Designer & Youth advocate/Researcher

  Ladies, gentlemen and fellow young People in this platform,Today, us the World  pay tribute to the late Hon. Cecilia O...

Ladies, gentlemen and fellow young People in this platform,

Today, us the World pay tribute to the late Hon. Cecilia Ogwal, a remarkable leader who paved the way for governance and advocacy in our country. As youth leaders, it is our responsibility to carry forward her legacy and continue the fight for a just and transparent society.

Hon. Ogwal was a true titan, a beacon of hope in the realm of governance. She tirelessly advocated for the rights of every citizen, regardless of their social or economic status. She believed that the power to effect change lies within each and every one of us, and it is up to us to grasp that power and use it wisely.

In embracing Hon. Ogwal's legacy, we must remember the importance of transparency in governance. We must demand accountability from our leaders and strive for a system that values the voice of every citizen. Let us not be afraid to question those in power and challenge the status quo. It is through our collective efforts that we can create a government that truly works for the people.

Advocacy was at the core of Hon. Ogwal's beliefs, and it should be at the core of our actions as well. Let us stand up for what we believe in, amplify the voices of the marginalized, and fight for justice and equality for all. Whether it is advocating for better education, healthcare, or social welfare, we must be relentless in our pursuit of a better future.

But let us not forget to inject a little bit of humor and creativity into our advocacy. It is said that laughter is the best medicine, and in the face of adversity, a well-placed joke can be a powerful weapon. So, as we follow in Hon. Ogwal's footsteps, let us tackle serious issues with a twinkle in our eyes and a smile on our faces. After all, a little laughter can go a long way in bridging divides and bringing people together.

In conclusion, fellow youths, let us honor the late Hon. Cecilia Ogwal by carrying her legacy forward. Let us be the change we wish to see in our governance and advocacy. Together, with determination, transparency, and a good sense of humor, we can create a future that Hon. Ogwal would be proud of.

Thank you, and let us march forward in unity and purpose.

The Writer is Ofwono George BP the Youth chairperson Nyangole subcounty (UPC) | Youth Advocate for Social-Political and Economic justice / Researcher.

 I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Cecilia Ogwal, a truly an exceptional individual who made a significa...

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Cecilia Ogwal, a truly an exceptional individual who made a significant impact in her community and beyond.

She dedicated her life to serving the people of Uganda and played a crucial role in the political landscape as a member of the Uganda People's Congress (UPC). Her contribution to the UPC fraternity cannot be overstated. She was a passionate advocate for the party's ideals and worked tirelessly to promote unity and progress within its ranks.

Beyond her political career, Cecilia Ogwal was known for her unwavering commitment to the development of Uganda. She fought tirelessly for social justice, women's rights, and the empowerment of marginalized communities. Her dedication and advocacy for these causes have left a lasting impact on Uganda, inspiring many to continue the work she started.

Ogwal's immense knowledge and experience made her an invaluable asset to the Ugandan Parliament, where she served as a Member of Parliament for over two decades. Her contributions to legislation and policy-making have helped shape the country's governance and social welfare systems.

Her passing is undoubtedly a great loss for Uganda and the UPC fraternity. We will remember Cecilia Ogwal for her passion, integrity, and unwavering determination to make Uganda a better place for all its citizens. Her legacy will continue to inspire future generations to strive for positive change and social justice.

During this difficult time, let us all come together to celebrate Cecilia Ogwal's remarkable life and the indelible mark she has left on Uganda. May her soul rest in eternal peace.


George Ofwono Youth Advocate for Social-Political and Economic justice | Youth chairperson Nyangole subcounty (UPC).

The Joluo people in Kisumu, Kenya have an incredibly rich and vibrant way of life. They are known for their strong sense...

The Joluo people in Kisumu, Kenya have an incredibly rich and vibrant way of life. They are known for their strong sense of community, love for music and dance, and their deep connection to the Nile River.

One of the defining characteristics of the Joluo way of life is their communal living. They place a great emphasis on extended family and have a strong sense of kinship. In fact, it's not uncommon for multiple generations to live together under one roof, creating a warm and supportive environment.

Music and dance are integral parts of Joluo culture. You can often find the Joluo people gathering for vibrant celebrations, where traditional songs and dances are performed. The traditional musical instruments, such as the nyatiti (a stringed instrument) and the drums, are used to create beautiful melodies that fill the air with joy and energy.

The Joluo people also have a deep connection to the Nile River, which is a significant part of their identity. They believe that the river has spiritual powers and plays a vital role in their daily lives. Fishing is a common occupation among the Joluo, as they rely on the river for sustenance and economic activities.

In terms of food, the Joluo people have a varied and delicious cuisine. Fish is a staple in their diet, given their proximity to the Nile River. They also enjoy dishes such as ugali (a maize-based porridge), sukuma wiki (collard greens), and a variety of traditional stews and soups.

Overall, the Joluo people in Kisumu, Kenya, have a deeply rooted and vibrant way of life, filled with strong community bonds, joyful music and dance, and a close connection to nature. It's a culture that embraces togetherness and celebrates the richness of their traditions.

Hey there, friends and community!. I want to take a moment to send you all warm Christmas greetings and spread some holi...

Hey there, friends and community!.

I want to take a moment to send you all warm Christmas greetings and spread some holiday cheer!

During this joyous time of the year, let's remember the true spirit of Christmas: love, togetherness, and giving. Let's sprinkle kindness like confetti and share laughter like a never-ending supply of Christmas jokes.

May your cups be filled with hot cocoa, your homes be adorned with twinkling lights, and your hearts be full of hope and gratitude. And if you find yourself in a snowball fight, may your aim be true, and your snow fort impenetrable!

Let's cherish the moments spent with loved ones, whether it's gathered around the Christmas tree, exchanging gifts that make us go, "Oh wow!" or indulging in delicious holiday treats that magically disappear before our eyes.

Remember, it's not about the size of the presents under the tree, but the warmth of our presence among friends and family. Let's make memories that will last a lifetime, and maybe even start a new tradition of wearing matching reindeer onesies!

As we bid farewell to this challenging year, let's look ahead to a new one filled with renewed hope and endless possibilities. May the coming year bring you success, happiness, and an abundance of giggles that make your belly ache!

So, let's jingle all the way, rock around the Christmas tree, and make this holiday season the most unforgettable one yet!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a fantastic start to the New Year!

With love and festive cheer,
George Ofwono Youth Advocate for Social-Political and Economic justice.

"Saturday 23rd - December 2023 a sunny-day-turned-sudden-downpour" While cruising along on a bike back to Tororo town fr...

"Saturday 23rd - December 2023 a sunny-day-turned-sudden-downpour"

While cruising along on a bike back to Tororo town from Paya-Paragangi, enjoying the glorious sunshine, feeling the wind in my hair, and the dust sticking to my clothes like a loyal sidekick. Everything seemed perfect, until a moment an erratic rain cloud, turned to ruin my day!

As the first few raindrops fell, I tried to play it cool, thinking it was just a passing shower. But oh, how wrong i was!. The rain started pouring, as if the sky had opened up a giant water hose directly above me . I was caught off guard, on open roof between Mawundo village and Nagongera health centre IV, no raincoat, and no hope for a dry ride.

Now, my once sunny day transformed into a muddy mess. The dust that clung on me like an unwanted friend while on a ride to Paya-Paragangi through the famous Nagongera road became a mushy concoction, sticking to every inch of my body, making me feel more like a muddy masterpiece than a graceful cyclist. My stylish ride became a makeshift waterpark slide, as the rainwater creates a slippery track beneath my tires.

As i wheeled through the downpour, desperately trying to reach a shelter, I couldn't can't do much but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. The rain turned my dusty adventure into an unexpected water sport. I embraced the chaos, pretending to be an Olympic motorist tackling a rain-soaked course, all while trying to keep some semblance of dignity intact.

Finally, I spotted an open shelter at Nagongera health centre IV where i branched though still it didn't help due to the windy situation. And as i stepped in here, it was just joy on what the unexpected twist my sunny bike ride took. It soaked me to the bone, but it also gave me a hilarious story to share and a memorable adventure to cherish.

Remember, even in the most uncertain situations, there's always room for laughter and a little spontaneous fun. Just be prepared for the unexpected, because it seems Mother Nature has a mischievous sense of humor!
George Ofwono and life experience.

Hello  , in today's write up am telling you about the Jopadhola community and their delightful communal approach to gath...

Hello , in today's write up am telling you about the Jopadhola community and their delightful communal approach to gathering and feasting! When it comes to visiting relatives.

The communal approach of eating different foods and dishes symbolizes a couple of things. Firstly, it showcases the spirit of unity and togetherness within the Jopadhola culture. It's all about coming together as a family and celebrating the bond that exists between relatives.

Secondly, the variety of foods and dishes represents the diversity and richness of the Jopadhola culture itself. Each dish carries its own unique flavors and ingredients, reflecting the diverse traditions and influences within the community. It's like a culinary journey through their heritage!

So, when you see the Jopadhola's gather and enjoy different foods and dishes during visits to relatives, it's a beautiful expression of family ties, unity, and their vibrant cultural heritage. Plus, it's a delicious way to bond and create lasting memories!

Waya Julie wafwoyo rwec. (Thanks auntie Julie for all the eatables.

Adhola winni Kunne Jopadhola Community UK PADHOLA A PECHO Proud jopadhola Wan Luo TV

George Ofwono and culture.

50.6km ride using a motorcycle without light at night from Tororo - Mbale!.  The journey was like attempting to navigate...

50.6km ride using a motorcycle without light at night from Tororo - Mbale!.

The journey was like attempting to navigate a dark forest with a blindfold on! It's definitely not a situation we wanted to find ourselves in, but so happened that we had no other alternative.

Imagine cruising on a moonless night, enjoying the open road with the wind in our hair, but suddenly, darkness strikes. Our motorcycle light decides to take an unexpected vacation, leaving us in pitch blackness. The first thing we noticed was the eerie silence except for the sound of our own heartbeat escalating rapidly.

As we struggled to see what lies ahead, stress levels rose faster than a speeding bullet. We started questioning every bump, every shadow, and every rustle we hear, wondering if it's an innocent squirrel or something straight out of a horror movie.Our imaginations went into overdrive, and suddenly the squirrel transforms into a mythical creature chasing us down.

The absence of light also made it impossible for other road users to notice our presence on the road, turning us into a real-life ninja on wheels. It was like playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek, except this time, the stakes are far higher than just finding a hiding spot. Trucks zoomed past us, unaware of our presence, making it a heart-stopping experience for our bravest souls.

Navigating through dark roads became a mind-bending puzzle. We strained our eyes, hoping to catch sight of anything that resembles a road sign or a familiar landmark. But all we found were unforgiving shadows and invisible potholes, which feel more like surprise speed bumps determined to launch us into orbit.

But guess what?. Safety became our number one concern. Our overactive survival instincts kick in, making us hyper-aware of every sound and movement around. Our sense of hearing got extra sensitive, and we became a human bat, relying on echoes and distant car horns to guide our way.

In the end, what i can tell my readers is that riding a motorcycle without light at night is like entering a realm of perpetual uncertainty, where each moment feels like a scene from a suspense thriller. It's an adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster ride that you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. So, always remember to keep your motorcycle's lights in perfect working order before embarking on any nocturnal adventures. Safety first, my friends!

George Ofwono and life experience.

Happy Birthday to the prettiest sister-in-law in the world. Spread your charm all over the world and bag every success t...

Happy Birthday to the prettiest sister-in-law in the world. Spread your charm all over the world and bag every success the universe offers you.


Here Onana got truthful to himself.

Hello  , still on why one should find his or her time to visit Padhola (Tororo district) in this writeup am telling Kong...

Hello , still on why one should find his or her time to visit Padhola (Tororo district) in this writeup am telling Kongo Kali, the locally brewed alcohol of the Jopadhola community,

It's indeed a unique beverage made out of millet flour and yeast. It is a traditional drink that holds cultural significance among the Jopadhola people.

To make Kongo Kali, the first step involves fermenting millet flour with yeast. Yeast helps in the fermentation process by converting the sugars in the millet flour into alcohol. The mixture is then left to ferment for a few days, allowing the yeast to work its magic.

Once the fermentation process is complete, the resulting liquid is strained to remove any solid particles. At this stage, Kongo Kali may look a bit cloudy and have a slightly sour taste. However, fear not, as this is just part of its charm!

The final product, Kongo Kali, is typically served in traditional clay pots or calabashes. It is often enjoyed during social gatherings, celebrations, or simply as a refreshing drink. Its alcohol content can vary, but it is generally known to have a moderate potency.

It's worth mentioning that while Kongo Kali is a beloved traditional beverage, like all alcoholic drinks, it is essential to consume it responsibly and in moderation. And if you ever get the chance to try it, embrace the unique flavors and drink in the rich cultural heritage it represents.

If you're interested in delving even deeper into the world of traditional drinks of the Jopadhola, Please find free time and visit Padhola (Tororo district) we will be there to explore through!.
Adhola winni Kunne Jopadhola Community UK Proud jopadhola PADHOLA A PECHO Luo dialect Wan Luo TV

  Hello, one might be there asking him/her self why they should visit Padhola (Tororo district). Today i am here to tell...

Hello, one might be there asking him/her self why they should visit Padhola (Tororo district). Today i am here to tell you about Nyakiriga cultural site (Odi bwor) of the jopadhola (the people of Adhola).

The Nyakiriga Cultural Site is a significant historical and cultural landmark for the Jopadhola (people of Adhola in Tororo district (Padhola), Uganda. It offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Jopadhola community, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in their traditions and history.

At the site, you can learn about the Jopadhola people's unique customs, beliefs, and practices. It's like stepping into a time machine and experiencing their way of life firsthand. From traditional dances and music to storytelling and unique artifacts, the Nyakiriga Cultural Site offers a holistic cultural experience.

One can also explore the beautiful surroundings of Tororo district while visiting the site. Tororo is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the Tororo Rock, Mwelo Rugot (got Mwelo), Namalogo cultural site among others which offers breathtaking views of the area.

If you're planning to visit Padhola (Tororo district), be sure to take your time and fully immerse yourself in the Jopadhola culture. And of course, don't forget to capture some memorable photos to share with your friends and family.

Remember, learning about different cultures is not just educational but also a fun and enriching experience. Enjoy your journey to Padhola (Tororo district) and specifically Nyakiriga Cultural Site!.

Click the link to exploring the site.

Adhola winni Kunne Jopadhola Community UK Proud jopadhola PADHOLA A PECHO Wan Luo TV .

The 11th parliament really is the "100 million bonanza" worth yet Uganda's service delivery is sick.   I've heard about ...

The 11th parliament really is the "100 million bonanza" worth yet Uganda's service delivery is sick.

I've heard about the "100 million bonza" allegation by Hon. Mwanga Kivumbi and it has since left me wondering wether we still have members of parliament who understand their roles or hungry hyenas.

According to Hon. Mwanga Kivumbi, there was a supposed 100 million bonanza that was distributed among certain members of Parliament. Allegations of this nature are not uncommon in politics, with various accusations and controversies popping up from time to time really why are you not ashamed of describing yourself as Hon members yet you're stealing from the disadvantaged population just because you hold power.

To the investigation organs in situations like these, it's essential that you prove you're in place to serve ugandans regardless of their position by conducting a comprehensive inquiry. Transparency and accountability are crucial pillars of any democracy, and it's the responsibility of all involved parties to ensure that the truth comes to light.

As George Ofwono a youth activist for social-political and economic justice i call on you fellow Ugandans to be wise or else the money will get finished and the horrible leaders turn to steal our heads.

Click the link and hear from Hon. Mwanga Kivumbi.

In this edition I am telling a bit of the history of my tribe (Padhola).  The Jopadhola (people of Adhola), a fascinatin...

In this edition I am telling a bit of the history of my tribe (Padhola).

The Jopadhola (people of Adhola), a fascinating group indeed! The Jopadhola, also known as the Wadama or Acholi-Bang, are an ethnic group found in the eastern part of Uganda, primarily in the districts of Tororo, Butaleja and Busia.

The history of the Jopadhola is deeply rooted in the ancient Kingdom of Alur, which existed in what is now Uganda and South Sudan. They are believed to have migrated from the Nile valley region of Bar-el gazel centuries ago and settled in their current homeland.

The Jopadhola are known for their rich cultural heritage, including their traditional dances, music, and folklore. Their language, Dhopadhola, is part of the Luo family of languages , which is spoken by several ethnic groups in East and central Africa.

Over the years, the Jopadhola have faced various challenges and have played a significant role in Uganda's history. In the colonial era, they were subjected to British rule, like other ethnic groups, and experienced the impact of colonial policies one of which was forceful payment of taxes which involved ruthless approach of collecting.

Today, the Jopadhola are an essential part of Uganda's diverse population and contribute to the country's social, economic, and political fabric. They have also made significant strides in various fields, including education, business, and public service.

So, there you have it, a brief overview of the history of the Jopadhola people. If you'd like to explore more about their captivating culture, I encourage you to delve deeper into their traditions and customs by visiting Tororo in Eastern Uganda.

Click the link and explore abit abit of the history.

George Ofwono Adhola winni Kunne Wan Luo TV Jopadhola Community UK PADHOLA A PECHO

Can anyone help me publish his book?

Hello, Today in this article I am telling you why my mother tongue Dhopadhola should one of the languages for you to con...

Hello, Today in this article I am telling you why my mother tongue Dhopadhola should one of the languages for you to consider learning.

Dhopadhola is a fascinating language spoken by the Jopadhola people (People of Adhola), who primarily reside in the Eastern part of Uganda specifically Tororo district. It belongs to the Luo language family, which is also spoken in other neighboring countries like Kenya and Tanzania.

Now, if you're wondering what makes Dhopadhola unique and interesting, let me share a few tidbits with you. Firstly, Dhopadhola has a rich oral tradition, with folk tales, storytelling, and music playing a significant role in the culture. It's always exciting to dive into a language that has a vibrant history of storytelling, isn't it?

Secondly, Dhopadhola is known for its melodic and rhythmic qualities. If you ever have the chance to hear a fluent Dhopadhola speaker, you'll notice the musicality of the language. It's like poetry in motion!

And finally, Dhopadhola, like any language, has its own quirks and nuances. One peculiar thing about Dhopadhola is the way it uses various tones in speech. It's like adding a musical flair to your words to express different meanings. How cool is that?

So, if you ever find yourself in Eastern Uganda, make sure to explore Jopadhola (People of Adhola) culture and language. It's a gateway to a whole new world of storytelling, music, and linguistic charm.

Keep on page for more of my highlight

Click the link to start exploring the language.


Adhola winni Kunne Wan Luo TV Luo dialect Jopadhola Community UK PADHOLA A PECHO Adhola celebrity news Proud jopadhola

I wrestle with the notion of having others face reality.  Wan Luo TV

I wrestle with the notion of having others face reality. Wan Luo TV

African wake up otherwise we're gone to the graves while still alive because of thinking that whites bringing of religio...

African wake up otherwise we're gone to the graves while still alive because of thinking that whites bringing of religion to Africa was good intentioned.

PLO LUMUMBA - Religion has been used to manipulate Africans into poverty . In one of his speeches, Professor PLO Lumumba, a renowned Kenyan lawyer, and poli...

They await suffering paangs of conscience for failing to preserve such African culture of togetherness.George Ofwono

They await suffering paangs of conscience for failing to preserve such African culture of togetherness.
George Ofwono

The Padhola ancestry.

The Padhola ancestry.

Thiss is a video of a narration of the history of the padhola [Luo of Eastern Uganda] in the Padhola language.


When people disrespect you, confront them immediately.

George Ofwono

"He who fears death will never do anything worth of a man who's alive" ~ Seneca the younger.   George Ofwono

"He who fears death will never do anything worth of a man who's alive" ~ Seneca the younger.

George Ofwono

"The further we move away from nature, the further we move away from our own nature too"George Ofwono hikes Torororock 2...

"The further we move away from nature, the further we move away from our own nature too"

George Ofwono hikes Torororock 2023.


"Anything worth having takes sometimes".

George Ofwono

Better that our leaders finally thought beyond their stomachs.

Better that our leaders finally thought beyond their stomachs.

Read more

"Education is all about igniting young minds and enabling them to attain their fullest potential".

"Education is all about igniting young minds and enabling them to attain their fullest potential".

Wan Luo TV news bulletin 8PM  today, We bring to you  more onKWERO EID - ALFITR I TORORO.Lutela olego gamente keto neno ...

Wan Luo TV news bulletin 8PM today, We bring to you more on


Lutela olego gamente keto neno matut I yup me peko lim me ryemo can I kin anywali me Uganda.

Gin waci profit ma nyete I will lim ma ki miyo ki lwak tye ka weko dano ma pol cayo pi lim dem I tyer yupa gamente

Man okati I kare mwe kwero nino Eid ki dyae bar Masjid Noor i Tororo municipality I yum me kwero Eid – Alfitr. I George Ofwono


Uhuru Drive





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