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Naye omwaaana onoooo


There is unconfirmed bad news circulating about the Newly Lubaga elected LCV Mubiru James which we are yet to confirm after doing alot of research.

NB our aim is not being the first to brake the story but to give our followers an authentic news


Ssegirinya aleese wiino

Omubaka omulonde owa Kawempe North era nga Munnakibiina kya National Unity Platform - NUP Ssegirinya Muhammad Mr. Update avuddeyo nasekerera abo abamuyeeya nti teyasoma. Agamba nti ye empapula ze azirina nti era Kidandala Suleiman alina kasajja ku mutima akukutte ejjambiya.

Government has promised to provide more assistance to local campanies and businesses that are still struggling to find t...

Government has promised to provide more assistance to local campanies and businesses that are still struggling to find their feet since COVID-19 shut down last year.

"As we enter the new financial year , cabinet last week approved some measures of bailing out for big businesses" - Ofwono Opondo - Govenment Spokesman

We keep u updated

Ingrid Turinawe questions Muhammad Ssegirinya about his UCE and UACE results, Turinawe claims Ssegirinya produced fake r...

Ingrid Turinawe questions Muhammad Ssegirinya about his UCE and UACE results, Turinawe claims Ssegirinya produced fake results hence will end up failing to enter Parliament.

"Dear my slow learner Student

Don't spoil your chances.
Look at your UCE Results, when you pass science subjects at O level, you can't opt to study History at A level which you failed

When you excel at S.6, you have scored 20 points with BBBC5, you can not opt to go for a diploma course from unknown institution yet Makerere universty is waiting to offer you a degree course of your choice on Government sponsorship!!!

But also, and very important, when you are submitting a passport photo while you register for UNEB exams, you must take photos in school uniform. Now, your passport photo at school wont be the same photo that you use for campaign posters 12 years later!!!!

First remove your future red tie and black suit, put on school shirt, take a passport photo which you submit to teacher for registration.

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Repost From Hon KyagulanyiSTATEMENT ON THE DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT OF MR. OWINY DOLLO Fellow citizens!Mr. Owiny-Dollo has di...

Repost From Hon Kyagulanyi


Fellow citizens!

Mr. Owiny-Dollo has disgraced himself, the judiciary and the office of the Chief Justice. The moral thing for him to do is to resign.

Yesterday morning, the Supreme Court of Uganda convened to give detailed reasons for blocking me from amending the Petition I filed against Mr. Museveni's purported election as President; and for blocking me from filing additional evidence against him. You may recall that it is these unfair incidents that eventually compelled me to withdraw the Petition.

Led by Chief Justice Alphonce Owiny Dollo, the judges arrived in Court more than 1 hour late at about 10:40AM. Suffice to note that on each of the occasions when Court held proceedings in the Petition, the Judges always arrived more than 1 hour late and yet Mr. Dollo still saw no irony in rejecting our evidence on grounds that it had been ‘filed late'.

After Justices Ruby Apio Oweri, Paul Mugambe and Ezekiel Muhanguzi had finished reading their decision, the Chief Justice adjourned Court for what was supposed to be a short break. He announced that they would reconvene at 01:30pm for Lady Justice Esther Kisakye Kitimbo to deliver her judgement, in which she disagreed mostly with the unfortunate conduct of the Chief Justice!

By 01:30PM, my lawyers were already at Court waiting for the proceedings to resume but the judges were nowhere to be seen. At about 02:00PM, lawyers led by the Attorney General Mr. William Byaruhanga were called for a private meeting with the Chief Justice. What they discussed is unclear, but the subsequent events perhaps reveal some of it.

At about 02:30PM, Justice Esther Kisakye returned to Court alone with a few bodyguards. No sooner had she sat down than the Attorney General and lawyers representing Mr. Museveni also walked back into Court. They then removed their professional gowns, gathered their files, and marched out of Court as the Judge looked on in silence.

To relieve the tension, Justice Kisakye briefly addressed my lawyers and informed them that the Chief Justice had confiscated the file that contained her dissenting ruling. She thereafter went to his chambers to retrieve the file, only to return 20 minutes later to find that lights and microphones in the dimly-lit tent (turned into the courtroom) had been switched off. She then addressed my lawyers again and stated that;

“This is a rare circumstance where I deliver my ruling without Court officials including the Registrar of Court and the Clerk who usually calls the file. My file has been confiscated by the Chief Justice of Uganda to gag me by denying me the opportunity to read my dissenting ruling. Nevertheless I am working from a duplicate copy. The reason he gave was that I had not circulated my Ruling to ‘them’ to ‘vet’. There is no law in Uganda that requires me to do so. It is surprising that the Chief Justice has chosen to use barbaric means, and to use his powers in the manner that he has chosen. The Chief Justice had directed that my Ruling would be read at a later date that he would set after he had ‘vetted’ the Ruling. I found that order unconstitutional and chose to disobey it. When I was appointed a Judge of this Court in 2009, I swore to uphold the Constitution of Uganda and I also took the Judicial Oath and I am acting based on those undertakings I made. I felt it my constitutional duty to disobey the unlawful orders of the Chief Justice and fulfill my duty as a member of this Coram to deliver my decision within the 45 days required under the Constitution.”

In the Ruling she subsequently read, Justice Kisakye demonstrated that her colleagues had acted unfairly when they blocked my intended amendment and affidavits for being ‘late’ yet in other cases they always issue new timelines for litigants who miss their deadlines. She exposed the hypocrisy of the Attorney General and Mr. Museveni’s lawyers who argued that the eleven days I spent under house arrest did not disadvantage me, but that the one extra day I sought to file more affidavits would disadvantage them. She disagreed with her colleagues on concluding that I had NOT been blocked from collecting evidence for the Petition yet I had proven that my phone signals were disabled, internet switched off, my witnesses abducted, and my lawyers had to work in hiding.

Justice Kisakye’s Ruling painted in graphic detail the true picture of the incapacitating conditions to which Mr. Museveni subjected me and my lawyers and witnesses to disable us from prosecuting the Petition. It is those conditions, which Mr. Owiny Dollo did everything possible to downplay, that ultimately compelled me to withdraw from Court. His conduct validated feelings shared by majority of ordinary citizens that the Court was paying allegiance to Mr. Museveni but not to the Constitution or to the People of Uganda.

Friends, you may recall that the leader of the Uganda Law Society recently published a statement condemning my lawyers and me for what it claimed to be indecorous conduct towards the Court. This was in response to concerns I had shared with the public about the biased manner in which the Court was handling my Petition. Several other public individuals and entities have voiced, in choreographed fashion, similar criticism. At all times, they conveniently justified and blamed on us the unfair treatment we were receiving from the Supreme Court. Not once did they acknowledge the obvious merit in our complaints against Mr. Owiny Dollo who heads the Court. I am glad that we have now been vindicated. I am sure the vast majority of the members of the Uganda Law Society are equally appalled at the conduct of Mr. Owiny-Dollo who has dragged to the gutters the image of the judiciary. The Law Society must never again seek to defend courts of law just for the sake of it. It must rise to the occasion and defend the integrity of the judiciary at whatever cost!

Whereas Justice Kisakye indicated yesterday that she would deliver another ruling today morning in an application that another litigant filed seeking for the Chief Justice’s recusal from hearing my Petition, I have learnt that the litigant and journalists who had turned up for the ruling today were blocked from entering the Court.

Fellow citizens, this is what Gen. Museveni has turned our country into- a complete laughing stock! An institution which must be protected as much as possible is the judiciary, simply because it is the last place of refuge for citizens.

Mr. Owiny Dollo ought to resign from office with immediate effect, if he still has any conscience in him. His scandalous conduct yesterday, and indeed on several other occasions during the Petition, should be condemned in the strongest terms possible. No judge who demonstrates such vile disregard for the Judicial Code of Conduct should be left to get away with it.

I salute the Hon. Lady Justice Esther Kisakye for living up to the Oath she took to protect our Constitution. This is evidence that all is not lost. There is still hope for our country.

As we all remember, judicial officers like Benedicto Kiwanuka served Uganda in the most difficult times. Some of them paid a very high price for their stand. But to date, their names are etched in the annals of history.

Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert
National Unity Platform

Developing StoryJudiciary Spokesperson, Solomon Muyita: Yesterday, there was some bit of disagreement between the justic...

Developing Story

Judiciary Spokesperson, Solomon Muyita: Yesterday, there was some bit of disagreement between the justices.

The practice is every case that comes, the justices work on it together. In this particular case, I learnt that the justices agreed that some of them would generate their rulings, and share with colleagues.

Yesterday, Justice Kisakye had indicated that her ruling wasn't ready. When they asked her to circulate, she said she was finalizing something.

After the health break, she hadn't come back by 1:30 pm and they had to wait for her up to 2:00 pm.

The CJ sent for her and when she came she said she wasn't willing to share her ruling. The other justices didn't find this proper so they didn't follow her to the courtroom.

Previously, she had received copies of the other justices and they expected the same from her. That doesn't mean they intended to change anything.

When the CJ saw that something wasn't right, that is when he decided to move the matter to a later date


Pray He will hear u cz his ears are not deaf


Omulamuzi wa kkooti ensukkulumu Esther Kisakye awuniikirizza kkooti bw'alumirizza Ssabalamuzi Alfonse Owiny Dollo okubuzaawo fayiro eyalimu ensala ye ku musango gwa Kyagulanyi "Fayiro eyali mu ensala yange ku musango guno yabuzibwawo Ssabalamuzi era essawa eno nkozesa njokesemu (duplicate) " bwatyo omulamuzi Kisakye bwategeezezza bwabadde awa ensalawo ye kukya Kyagulanyi okujjayo omusango gwe ogw'ebyokulonda.


A must listen 👂



Today, I led a delegation of senior officers on behalf of the Inspector General of Police, to purposely meet the Rtd Emeritus John Baptist Kagwa at his home in Masaka and delivered apologies to him, his family and the catholic church fraternity, over the disruptions caused during the thanksgiving ceremony of the Mbogo clqan at the clan headquarters in Mugulu village, in Singo.

The IGP carried out a thorough review and evaluation of the incident, and acknowledges the operational lapse which led to the use of teargas that spread and impacted on the congregation and the public.

He extended further apologies in addition to the earlier ones made, regarding this regrettable incident.

He applauded the Bishop for his resilient and steadfast leadership during this disruptive incident by the territorial Police.

He further requested that all leaders (including religious leaders) should always involve the Police in programmes such as these for better coordination during this Covid19 pandemic in order to mitigate the risks of Covid-19 transmission among the entire public.

The Uganda Police Force Force would like to use this opportunity to thank the general public for the support so far in the fight against the Covid19 pandemic.

AIGP Asan Kasingye
Chief Political Commissar
Uganda Police Force.

Katikkiro alagidde abavubuka bulijjo okulwanirira ebintu ebibakwatako naddala obuwangwa n’ennono ng’Abaganda singa wabee...

Katikkiro alagidde abavubuka bulijjo okulwanirira ebintu ebibakwatako naddala obuwangwa n’ennono ng’Abaganda singa wabeerawo embeera yonna ebityoboola.

Bino Katikkiro abitegeezezza abavubuka ba Buganda n’abakulembeze abamutwalidde ekiwandiiko nga kiraga obutali bumativu bwabwe ku bikolwa by’okukuba ttiyaggaasi ab’Embogo abaabadde ku butaka bwabwe e Mugulu ku Lwomukaaga.

Katikkiro asiimye abavubuka olw’obutatiririra Buganda nebavaayo okulaga obutali bumativu ku bikolwa ebyakoleddwa nga bityoboola obuwangwa n’ennono.

  bwebalumbaganye bazukulu b'omutaka Kayiira n'abakungu abenjawulo abaabade bakungaanide kukitebe kye Embogo nebabakubam...

bwebalumbaganye bazukulu b'omutaka Kayiira n'abakungu abenjawulo abaabade bakungaanide kukitebe kye Embogo nebabakubamu tear gas era mububaka bwayisiza ku mukutu gwe omugata Bantu bwati bwategeezeza👇👇

Obwakabaka bwa Buganda buvumirira ebikolwa by’abokwerinda ebityoboola obuwangwa n’ennono

Ku Lwomukaaga nga October 17, ab’Ekika ky’Embogo bategese omukolo ku butaka bwabwe e Mugulu mu Ssingo ogw’okusaba nga beebaza Katonda olw’okusobozesa Omutaka Kayiira, Omukulu ow’Akasolya mu kika kino okuwereeza Ssaabasajja Kabaka ng’Omukubiriza w’Olukiiko lw’Abataka okumala emyaka mukaaga era omukolo baaguteseseese nga bagoberera ebiragiro by’abasawo olw’embeera gyetulimu eya Ssenyiga Kolona. Baaguteseteese nga balina obukokoolo, nga banaaba mu ngalo era nga balina obulagala obutta obuwuka era nga batudde beewa amabanga. Era emikolo mingi ennaku zino bwegitegekebwa.

Naye ab’ebyokwerinda batuuse ku butaka neebasasaanya ababaddewo ne bakuba n’omukka ogubalagala nnewankubadde ng’Omusumba John Baptist Kaggwa ow’e Masaka eyawummula yasobodde okusoma emissa naye ebyabaddewo byonna byabadde bya bunkenke.

Obwakabaka bwa Buganda bwennyamivu nnyo olw’ebikolwa ebirabika nga bityoboola obuwangwa n’ennono. Ab’Embogo bangi era bagwa mu biti eby’enjawulo era bayina endowooza z’eby’obufuzi zanjawulo, basoma eddiini zanjawulo naye bonna ba Mbogo.

N’olwekyo, omukolo bwegubeera ku butaka, kifanaanako abantu bwebagenda mu massinzizo kubanga Emizigiti oba Ekkanisa ziyingibwamu abantu abamawanga ag’enjawulo n’eby’obufuzi eby’enjawulo. Ku butaka, buli wakika ekyo agendayo n’olwekyo tuvumirira nnyo ekikolwa eky’okutyobola ennono n’obuwangwa ebyayoleseddwa e Mugulu ku butaka bw’Ekika ky’Embogo okukuba omukka ogubalagala n’okulemesa abamu ku bataka abakulu mu Kika okutuuka ku butaka okubeera ne jjajjabwe.

Tusaba abakwatibwako ensonga eno bazikwate n’obwengendereza era tusubiira nti ebikolwa eby’engeri ng’eno tebiddeyo kubeerayo naddala ebikolwa ebityoboola obuwangwa n’ennono.

Owek Charles Peter Mayiga

 Repost from Hon Namuwanga MariamDear All, For starters, I am proud of the fact that I am one of the first women in east...

Repost from Hon Namuwanga Mariam

Dear All,

For starters, I am proud of the fact that I am one of the first women in eastern Uganda to publicly identify with People Power which later metamorphosed into The National Unity Platform and I have always dedicated my time and resources into The National Unity Platform because it is a party that has always best represented my beliefs.

I have unapologetically spread the gospel of change with a red beret on my head and gone down the trenches of Jinja City reaching out to each and every person that had skepticism about a new party bringing the change it was preaching. My journey in the National Unity Platform has and will always be one to cherish!

Admittedly, there has been a lot of foul play going on in Eastern Uganda and precisely Jinja regarding the new party and it is my prayer and wish that such mishaps do not happen again for the good of democracy. We need to be a breed of honest politicians!

When I learnt of the news of losing out on the flag, I was deeply disappointed and I have since received calls urging me to run on an independent ticket, a proposition I have carefully scrutinized.

However, running as an independent candidate undermines my beliefs and at no point in time did it ever cross my mind. I am an ardent disciple of the National Unity Platform and a true devotee of the struggle. I am still an acquiescent member of the National Unity Platform.

I congratulate Ms. Kyebakutika Manjeri on this victory and we are now one side of the same coin.

I thank everyone that has been beside me throughout this journey and I am exceedingly proud of you.

Victory to Robert Kyagulanyi!
Victory to the National Unity Platform!



NATIONAL UNITY PLATFORM Where Bobi Wine is its president is headed for Self-destruction after its former president Kibalama claims Bobi Wine failed to pay US$5MILLIONS (about UGX 18 BILLION. NOW HE WANTS BACK HIS PARTY. Wait for development story

Omwogezi wa Uganda Police Force owa Kampala Metropolitan Police SP Patrick Onyango avuddeyo nategeeza nga Poliisi olwale...

Omwogezi wa Uganda Police Force owa Kampala Metropolitan Police SP Patrick Onyango avuddeyo nategeeza nga Poliisi olwaleero bwekoze ekikwekweto ku offiisi za National Unity Platform (People Power - Uganda) nekwata abawagizi b'ekibiina kino nga 20 nga babadde bakungiddwa Fred Nyanzi Ssentamu okwekalakaasa nga baagala Poliisi ekwate Charles Olima aka Sipapa olw'okulumba nebakuba amasasi emirundi ebiri nga 30 - August ne 15 September 2020 ku Offiisi zaabwe.
Poliisi egamba nti bano babadde bazibye ekkubo lya Old Kira Road nebipiira wamu n'emiti. Poliisi egamba nti abawagizi ba NUP besomye okugenda mu maaso n'okwekalakaasa okutuusa nga Sipapa akwatiddwa.
Abakwatiddwa bagiddwa mu kizimbe kya Nyanzi. Poliisi egamba nti era erina amawulire nti emipiira emirala gisobebwa.
Poliisi esabye abawagizi ba NUP okukozesa ebitongole bya Gavumenti eby'enjawulo bawaabe eyo ensonga zaabwe.


Balaam: "I will never forgive Hon Nambooze for calling me a 'Useful Idiot' on TV when my family is watching, my employees, and people who believe in me. Am a big man with a family and you call me a 'Useful Idiot'?? Ok madam thank you. I showed you respect but you called me a 'Useful Idiot'

Disanto TV

Museveni is the Greatest Hero in the History of Uganda 🇺🇬 ~First son Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba

Museveni is the Greatest Hero in the History of Uganda 🇺🇬 ~First son Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba


Now, in public interest, let's yet again set the record straight regarding Bobi Kyagulanyi academics and age!

Bobi Wine States That;

1. I was born on February 12th 1982 in Nkozi. My brother Julius Walakila, who I follow- same father, same mother, was born on 23rd October 1979 according to all his official records. There is no way I would be born on 12th February, 1980, only four months after the birth of my elder brother.

2. I started school in 1986 at St. Mary Gorreti Nursery School in Kamwokya.

3. For my P.1, I went to City Primary School (now Arya Primary School) in Kamwokya in 1987.

4. For my P.2. I went to Kanoni UMEA (Uganda Muslim Education Association) in 1988. That is where I learnt reciting Islamic prayers that have stayed with me to-date.

5. For my P.3. I went to Kasaka Primary School in 1989 still in Gomba.

6. For my P.4. and P.5. I went to Kanoni Catholic School from 1990 up to 1991.

7. For my P.6 I went to St. Aloysius Bukalagi Primary School in 1992.

While I was at Bukalagi in P.6, my father went and requested the Mr Kato, the headmaster of my former school, Kanoni Catholic School to allow me register and sit P.7. exams there. I therefore spent my third term of P6 in P.7. I registered there and sat for PLE in 1992.
My father was advised that in order for my age to match with that of other candidates who included my elder brother Julius Walakila who was sitting PLE at Bukalagi the same year, he needed to increase my age by two years. That is when my year of birth was altered from 1982 to 1980. Despite sitting PLE without studying P.7, I passed my exams well.

But I would continue with this anomaly in age throughout my education both at S.4, S.6 and university education. 9years ago, in 2011, my late father, J.W. Ssentamu talked about this story and the video recording is available. Similarly, 14years ago, in 2007, my elder brother Eddy Yawe was interviewed by the New Vision – an extract of which is available. He also spoke of how I skipped P.7 and sat PLE. The same fact is spoken of in previous different interviews by my elder brother Chairman Nyanzi. From as far back as 2008, I have done several interviews in which I spoke of this story.

Therefore, it was at the point of getting my first Passport in March the year 2000 that I decided to correct this anomaly in my date of birth to reflect the real which is February 12th 1982. I remember swearing an affidavit to reflect this change, which is what was required at the passport office at the time.
I saw some misguided people claiming that I changed my age at the time I was joining Parliament in 2017. No. All my records outside the academic documents since 2000 bear my true year of birth.

Regarding the arrangement and spelling error in my names, I swore a Statutory Declaration in 2017 as required by law, and filed it accordingly. It was the basis of my nomination as Kyadondo East Member of Parliament. At that time, I also applied for verification of my UNEB results and they were verified.

I hope this clarification brings comfort to all those well intentioned supporters and comrades who might have been worried about these schemes.
I have been a law abiding citizen who values and treasures integrity, my shortcomings here and there notwithstanding. If my legal team deems it fit to undertake any other steps to clarify these issues in light of the most recent jurisprudence, they will do so, and I will inform you friends accordingly. For now, we stand confidently right before the law and any other moral code! The detractors as we say, will die in their own movie!

8. Back to my education, when I proceeded to Secondary School, I went to St. Maria Goreti Katende in 1993 for my S.1. first term.

9. For my S.1 second term up to senior three, I was at Brain-trust Academy in Rubaga. That was from 1993 to 1995.

10. For my S.4. I went to Kitante Hill School and that is where I dat for my UCE in 1996.

11. For my S.5. first term, I went to Alliance Advanced Secondary School in Kamwokya in 1997.

12. For my S.5. second term, I went to Lubiri Secondary School in 1997. That was the time I lost my mother.

13. For my S.5. third term, I went to Kololo Senior Secondary School, still in 1997 and stayed there until I completed Senior Six (S.6) in November/ December 1998.

14. I was admitted to Makerere University for a Bachelors Degree of Social Sciences in 1999. I studied for the whole year (majoring in anthropology, political science and economics), but later dropped out of the course on account of lack of tuition.
I applied for a Diploma in Music Dance and Drama (MDD), Makerere University because I was aiming at getting a government scholarship and also because I had started picking a lot of interest in music and drama.

15, In the year 2000, I was admitted on government scholarship to study Music, Dance and Drama and I graduated in 2003.

The good thing is that for all my school life and for each of the schools I have mentioned, I studied with some people who are now prominent in society and hopefully some of them will one day tell the story.

16. As it is well known, in August 2016, I decided to go back to school- this time to pursue legal studies. I joined the International University of East Africa (IUEA) in Kansanga for my Law degree. A few months later when Cavendish University opened its law school in Kamwokya, I transferred from IUEA because Kamwokya was much nearer to my workplace (firebase) than Kansanga.

17. I also did a short course on Leadership for the 21st Century at Harvard, and I am currently enrolled at the Southern New Hampshire University for further studies.

I have had to put both my studies at Cavendish and SNHU on halt on account of the busy schedule and the ongoing persecution. God willing and time permitting, I hope to complete both courses at the right time.

By this time, I am sure the question on everyone’s mind is why I was always moving from one school to another. Well, I have told this story many times but let me repeat here that my life was a real hustle.

 I rarely pause from very important work to respond to regime propaganda aimed at detracting us from our mission.But in ...

I rarely pause from very important work to respond to regime propaganda aimed at detracting us from our mission.

But in the recent days, allegations have been made about my academic documents and age intended to cast doubt on my integrity and character. For the benefit of the brothers and sisters who may be shaken by these state sponsored attempts, I will address the nation tomorrow at 10am and clarify on a number of things. I will be live here.




This morning, my attention was drawn to an alteration in my information on the website of Parliament. My year of birth was altered from 1982 to 1980 without my knowledge. I immediately called the IT department of Parliament and they claimed not to know who made that change. I have tasked them to explain that and will be speaking to the Director soon. In the meantime, they rectified the anomaly immediately.

My assurance to all of you friends is that there is no cause for alarm with regard to all my records - whether academic or otherwise. I will soon address all of you about the specifics. In the meantime, treat these as the usual desperate attempts by the regime to block, embarrass or detract its opponents. Unfortunately, at every interval, they have always easily found some tools to use in these shameful manoeuvres. They have done worse things and they will do more, but NOTHING, COMPLETELY NOTHING will stop our revolution.

Source Hon Kyagulanyi






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