NAMBOOZE STINGS M7 OVER OIL -STAND OFF WITH EU- Predicts Regime downfall......
From America where she went for specialized treatment of a broken spine resulting from the beating by Museveni's prestigious force SFC, the MP for Mukono Municipality Bakireke Nambooze Betty has authored a Facebook article in which she has thrown veiled attacks on President Museveni. Calling M7 A potentate (autocratic ruler) Nambooze answered back M7 on his Wednesday Presser in which he attacked and denounced the European Union over their resolution to stay Oil drilling in Uganda.
Nambooze writes;
MUNYWEZE SSAPULE, ENKUBA EVA AWO ETERA OKUBAMU EMBUYAGA.....When African despots contemptuously dismiss their bosses from the West;
Age is of essence when the Potentate haughtily refers to people's female Members of Parliament as " young girls" who are trying to question him! Yet it's more appropriate for the young people wherever they are in this world to care more for the global peace and environment because the future is theirs.
I know for a fact that European union can put " a lien on Uganda" eyinza okubowa Uganda olwamabanja ate nnetukabya agajjulujjulu ng'ettumye obuyambi. For example Since 2017 To-date, the EU has supported humanitarian action in Uganda with more than €240 million.
From funds to keep Uganda green €90.4millions, commercial forests €16millions, Beef production €15, Northern Uganda 160bn Uganda shillings, Bundibugyo €30 millions, job creation....to mention but a few. Funding, funding...loans and loans some to be paid in a period of fifty years!
As an adult woman, I can attest that through Parliament Uganda has frequented the European Development Fund for loans with barely a week passing without us borrowing millions of Euros for everything and anything the Country wishes to do or not to do.....Ago mazima.
These are the monies sometimes they carry in sacks to buy support, Audiences and fund patronage. These are the funds that drive the Potentate to move around chest thumping that ekyaaji-kijudde ( the granary is full) and purports to "donate" for development as the citizenry clap and his credulous praise singers call "yellow cash" which shouldn't benefit opposition as individuals but more disturbingly as Constituencies!
Because the transactions make quite a long list please visit https://www.eeas.europa.eu>node which is the Official Website for Uganda EU relations for you to appreciate what I'm trying to say.
Above all the single EU member countries which include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden...Aid and give loans to Uganda individually.
Watching the Potentate at a Pressers denouncing the European Union over the Oil deal that is struggling with a possible flop, I feel I have nothing useful to say apart from going back to one of William Shakespeare's famous tragedies King Lear Act one that I was reading before, this time reflecting more on his quote, "How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child"!