Mukono Report Media

Mukono Report Media Mukono Reporter media/news company

Receiving the body of the Late counsel Anthony Wameli at Entebbe airport. Known for being a human rights lawyer, Mr Wame...

Receiving the body of the Late counsel Anthony Wameli at Entebbe airport. Known for being a human rights lawyer, Mr Wameli who was a pastor at Ebenezer Christian Fellowship in Kanyanya shot to limelight around 2017 when he represented suspects accused of killing former police spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi.
The former Nakasongola grade one magistrate was first hospitalized at St. Anthony medical center in Kasangati, Wakiso District in May 2021 due to stomach-related complications.
Former Bubulo East MP contestant and the head of National Unity Platform (NUP) legal team, Anthony Wameli died on 08th February, 2023, the party president Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine announced his death.
Wameli died from the US where he has been undergoing treatment since mid-2021.
Mukono Municipality has been represented by Hon Bakireke Nambooze Betty and His worship Erisa Mukasa Nkoyooyo -Mayor Mukono Municipality.

Olutindo e Lweza bweruti bwerufanana oluvanyuma lwa namutikwa w'enkuba afudembye enkya ya leero. Kinajjukirwa nti eyabad...

Olutindo e Lweza bweruti bwerufanana oluvanyuma lwa namutikwa w'enkuba afudembye enkya ya leero. Kinajjukirwa nti eyabadde town clerk w'ekibuga Mukono yalese asabye RDC oluguudo luno lugalibwe kubanga lwabulabe ate lwazimbiddwa abantu batamanyi ppaka nga council efunye ssente ezirukola. Oluguudo luno kwekuli omwaala ogutambuza amazzi agasinga obungi mu kibuga Mukono era lwelwawula ekyalo kyeLweza ne Kikooza. Mukuwayaamu nabamu kubakozesa oluguudo luno okusingira ddala abatambuza abaana abagenda ku masomero bano bategeezeza nti basanyufu olwokuba nti oluguudo lwakolebbwa era kino kyagonzeza eby'entambula. Bano era bayogende nebatutegeeza nti babadde bakalubirizibwa okutindiga nokwekoloobya wabula kati kino kyabawonyeza kinene omuli okukuuma obudde n'okukkekereza amafuta.

Olunnaku lwa leero amyuka omwogezi w'ekibiina Kya National Unity Platform Alex Waiswa Mufumbiro akyaddeko mu kibuga Muko...

Olunnaku lwa leero amyuka omwogezi w'ekibiina Kya National Unity Platform Alex Waiswa Mufumbiro akyaddeko mu kibuga Mukono okulaba ku mubaka Nambooze Betty Bakireke. Omubaka Bakireke Nambooze asobodde okulambuza omugenyi we ku lutindo oluzimbiddwa abatuuze bokukitundu nga bano bakulembeddwa omubaka kenyinni ne ssentebe w'ekyalo nga bayita munkola eya Bulungi bwansi. Ono era alaze amyuka omwogezi w'ekibiina kye ebbaluwa eyamuwereddwako copy nga yawandikidwa abadde town clerk w'ekibuga Mukono Mw. Godfrey Kisekka Bwebukya eyatwaliddwa mu Gulu. Mu bbaluwa ono abadde awandikide RDC nga amutegeeza nti omulimu gwolutindo ogwakoleddwa abatuuze mubi nnyo era gwabulabe era namusaba akwaate mbagirawo abo bonna abenyigidde mukukola omulimu. Ono era yategezeeza nti tamanyi bakola lutindo nawa ssente gyebazijja. Mwami Kisekka Godfrey ayongedde nasaba RDC okumuwa obukuumi okusobola okuziba ekkubo lino.
Mu bubaka bwe Allex Waiswa Mufumbiro yebaziza omubaka wamu nabatuuze olw'okusitukiramu nebagonjoola ebizibu byabwe mwebasobodde n'okuzimba oluguudo okwanguuya eby'entambula mukitundu. Ono agumiza omubaka nabatuuze nti babeere nagumu kubanga ekikutte obudde kigenda kubuta era nabasaba okwongera okukozesa amanyi g'abantu.
Omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono Mp Bakireke Nambooze yebaziza abantu b'eLweza olwokerekereza nebazimba olutindo olwaali lwayawula ekyalo era nabagumya nti tajja kukkiriza muntu yenna kuzanyira ku maanyi g'abantu. Ono ategezeeza abadde town clerk nti ssente zebabadde bagaala okuzesa okukola omwaala baziyiwemu kolaasi ku luguudo luno era bongere okulungiya olutindo lufuuke eky'obulambuzioba bagende bazimbe emyaala emirala okugeza nga Nakawolore egiri mumbeera embi.

Olunnaku lwa leero omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono Bakireke Nambooze Betty ne mayor w'ekibuga baguddewo olutindo ku kyalo Lweza...

Olunnaku lwa leero omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono Bakireke Nambooze Betty ne mayor w'ekibuga baguddewo olutindo ku kyalo Lweza oluzimbiddwa ku musingi ggwa Bulungi bwansi. Abatuuze nga bakulembeddwa ssentebe w'ekyalo Joachim Ssendi basonze ensimbi n'okuleta ebintu ebikalu okuzimba olutindo luno.
Olutindo lwali lwaggwaamu era nga 12 January, 2023 ssekiboobo Elijah Bogere Mulembya yatema evvunike erisooka okutandika okuzimba olutindo luno.
Ku mukolo guno era abantu ab'enjawulo basimiiddwa era nebawebwa certificate ezibasiima.
Mububaka bwe omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono yebaziza abantu ku kitundu okusitukiramu okukola oluguudo nga tebalinze gavumenti era nabasaba okwongera okwenyigiramu mu bizibu ebibaluma.


NBS barometer akasameeme


Ettu ly'ekisaakate laba ! yiga ! Kola ! @ Kabembe Muza High School

Olunnaku lwa leero president w'ekibiina Kya National Unity Platform Bobi Wine  awamu n'amyuka omukulembeze wa FDC Lord m...

Olunnaku lwa leero president w'ekibiina Kya National Unity Platform Bobi Wine awamu n'amyuka omukulembeze wa FDC Lord mayor Erias Lukwago n'omubaka wa Kira Municipality Ibrahim Ssemujju ŋŋanda basisinkanye mu kuziika maama w'omubaka wa Mukono North Kiwanuka Abdallah Kayongo. Hajjat Rhadia Kayongo azikiddwa Buwate nga awerekeddwa abakulembeze b'eddini nga bakulembeddwa supreme m***i Sheikh Ggalabuzi era banabyabufuzi ab'enjawulo babaddewo okumuwerekera okubadde Omubaka omukyala owa district ye Wakiso Betty Ethel Naluyima , secretary general wa Nup David Lewis Rubongoya , Mayor Julius Mutebi Kira Municipality .
Mu bubaka bwe president wa National Unity Platform ayongedde okulaga obutali bumativu ku mbeera y'ebyobulamu embi mu ggwanga awamu nekiwamba bantu ekifundikidde ejjembe nga okusingira ddala kizingaramu abayisiramu.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un


Message From Hon Betty Nambooze
Mukono municipality Mp
CcMp Bakireke Nambooze

The two of you are a blessing not only to each other but to all those around you. Your love ripples out into the world a...

The two of you are a blessing not only to each other but to all those around you. Your love ripples out into the world and inspires your friends, family, and community. We are so happy for you and look forward to watching you grow in love as a couple as Mukono Report Media congratulations Councillor Justus munyigwa Mukono Municipality


justus weds Juliet

Olwaleero giweze emyaka abiri bukya omwami n'omukyala Bakireke bafuna esakaramentu lya Matrimonio. Ku lwa banaMukono tuy...

Olwaleero giweze emyaka abiri bukya omwami n'omukyala Bakireke bafuna esakaramentu lya Matrimonio. Ku lwa banaMukono tuyozayoza omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono n'omwami okutuuka ku kula lino era netubakwaasa Mukama Katonda okubeera nga mu maka gabwe.

“Mutukoledde ebirungi bingi naye nnina byempulira nti mugenda kukuba emizinga, naye nze singa mbadde mmwe emizinga sandi...

“Mutukoledde ebirungi bingi naye nnina byempulira nti mugenda kukuba emizinga, naye nze singa mbadde mmwe emizinga sandigikubye kubanga omwami wange tayagala mmundu”
Nnamwandu wa Dr. Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere.


Ekiro ekikeseza olwaleero Abantu 3 Ababade Mu Mutooka ebadde eva mubitundu bye Mbale bawonye okugifilamu
Webatuse Emukono emotooka yabwe nga bagiwuliramu ekikya nebakyama okufuna Makani abade atadisse okugyekebejja ekyembi emotooka nekwata omuliro Neteta negwawo police egeze okutukawo nga emotooka ewedewo

Where are you watching the   from?

Where are you watching the from?

Kitalo: Dr Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere avudde mubulamu bwensiKitalonyo

Kitalo: Dr Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere avudde mubulamu bwensi


Abavubuka Babiri batasidwa Police yekitundu kye wanton kubavubuka ba Boda Boda Ababakute nga Balina Room gyebapangisa ku...

Abavubuka Babiri batasidwa Police yekitundu kye wanton kubavubuka ba Boda Boda Ababakute nga Balina Room gyebapangisa ku kyalo Lweza Mukono Municipality nga wano Webamala Okubba Piiki We bazipangululira

Bano Aba Bbiri bakwatidwa Ne Piiki ezitebelezebwa okuba ezibe nga bazipaguludde era nga bazitwala akuzitunda Mubitundu tundu

Kitalonyo nyo Muganda waffeEra Muweleza Munaffe kumukutuguno Era Nga ye Muyambi womubaka Wa Parliament Owa Mukono Munici...

Kitalonyo nyo Muganda waffe
Era Muweleza Munaffe kumukutuguno Era Nga ye Muyambi womubaka Wa Parliament Owa Mukono Municipality Hon Betty Nambooze Ayitibwa
Namugera Robert Kakeeto yafilidwa Maama We

Kitalonyo twagala okusasirako nyo era Tusaba katonda omwogwa maaama agulamuzze kisa

Okuzika kwalunaku Olwenkya Ku Lwokusatu Ekisoga Mukono

She Cranes has defeated world number one Australia 32:30 early this morning. Go Girls!

She Cranes has defeated world number one Australia 32:30 early this morning. Go Girls!

Bitabuse council Meeting ya Mukono Municipality eyiise Town clerk nomumyukawe ababade balina okunyonyoa ensoga nomivuyo ...

Bitabuse council Meeting ya Mukono Municipality eyiise

Town clerk nomumyukawe ababade balina okunyonyoa ensoga nomivuyo nani ali emabega wokugoba abasubuzi ba Katale Ke Seeta tebalinye mukimu okikakana nga town clerk adduse mu Council era neyiika

CMukono MunicipalityCouncil Meeting Etudde Olunaku olwaleero Tosubwa Update Kukiki ekiriyo nekifuddeyo wano KuMukono Rep...

CMukono Municipality
Council Meeting Etudde Olunaku olwaleero Tosubwa Update Kukiki ekiriyo nekifuddeyo wano Ku
Mukono Report Media

Ffetulina agaffe Mukono yona

KITALO:Abayizi abasoba  (11) nga bonna bamuzibe bebateberezebwa okuba nga bafiiridde mu muliro ogukutte ekisulo ku ssome...

Abayizi abasoba (11) nga bonna bamuzibe bebateberezebwa okuba nga bafiiridde mu muliro ogukutte ekisulo ku ssomero lya bamuzibe e Mukono


President wa National Unity Platform Kyagulanyi ( Bobi Wine )wamu ne munne Nubian li bakyaliddeko omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono Hon Bakireke Nambooze Betty mu ggwanga lya America gyafunira obujjanjabi. Bano bamugumiza era nebongera okumusabira okussuuka obulungi akomewo awereze ekibuga Mukono n'eggwanga okutwaliza awamu. President Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu Ali mu kawefube w'okununula banayuganda abawaŋŋamidde ku kyeyo mu nsi za Bawalabu era nga bakusibwa singa ebbanga erya baweebwa liggwako nga tebavuddeyo. Mu kawefube ono, president Kyagulanyi Ssentamu akuŋŋanya ssente ng'ayita mu kutegeeka ebivvulu era nga ssente ezivaamu zigulira abaana ticket ezibakomyaawo mu ggwanga🙏.

Mukono Municipality member of Parliament Bakireke Nambooze Betty suffers a dislocation of the Acromioclavicular joint. S...

Mukono Municipality member of Parliament Bakireke Nambooze Betty suffers a dislocation of the Acromioclavicular joint. She says that she has currently been going through severe pain thus unable to write or eat with the right hand. She is to undergo an operation on the 19th October 2022.

As , we continue placing her in the hands of the Almighty and wish her a successful operation

Kitalo: Omwami w'Essaza Kyaddondo ,Kaggo Agnes Nakibirige Ssempa afudde. Gutusinze ayi beene twakuumye bubi.

Kitalo: Omwami w'Essaza Kyaddondo ,Kaggo Agnes Nakibirige Ssempa afudde.

Gutusinze ayi beene twakuumye bubi.


Buganda Kingdom yafuna obwetwaaze nga 08 -10 -1962.

Ayii Ssabasajja Kabaka,

Nze omuzaana wo Nambooze ggwewasiima mbeere omubaka wa Palamenti mu kibuga kyo ekikulu e Kyaggwe ekya Mukono Municipality.

Nyinimu nkulembedde abantu bo mu kibuga Mukono okuwera n'okukuliisa Magulunyondo okutuuka ku lunaku luno olukulu mu Bwakabaka bwo, Baffe!

Nga guno ggwegusoose mu myaka emingi Omutanda waffe obutafuluma lubiiri ku lunaku lwa Bulungi Bwansi nga 8 October, tetulema kuwanjagira Katonda waffe otukkumira Ekikubagizo kyaffe.

Katonda ow'obuyinza tumusaaba October 8 omwaka ogujja 2023 lutuuke ng'Omulungi waffe Omulamuza Ddembe, Omwana wa Muteesa, Muzzukulu wa Sir Daudi Chwa Mutebi, nga atebbuse abalabe era nnalinyira ddala ku nfette embeera eriwo. Katonda eyawanga Ensi ne Ggulu nga anywezezza Obuganda nga buladde n'okusingawo.....Amiina.

Tweyanziza Beene bw'osiimye tukulaabako ku Terefayina nabalala nnebawulira ku ddoboozi lyo ku Radiiyo wonna ate n'otusuulayo ebigambo ebijjudde amagezi ag'ensibo, Nantasibwamugge.

Olamudde nnyo Maasomoogi era Ssabalongo nze omuzaana wo Nambooze Betty ggwewankwasa Musajjawo Bakireke alabirire ssiriwulirwako mu balikujjemera oba abaligayaala ng'olagidde Ssegwanga. Mufumbyaganda obwo obweyaamo bukola kulwange, ku lw'amaka ga Bakireke-Mukasa Henry wammu ne kulwa Bantu bo mu Mukono Municipality.

Namunswa nkuloopera nti abantu bo ezaali e Ssente kati baziyita Kasente anti ne Banka enkulu ey'eggwanga yabulako aw'okugikulira....ssimanyi Mukamawange oba kati yagalwa ?!

Kabwejungira abantu bo Emmere kati bagiyita Kammere era nga omuntu bwalya ekyemisana ekyeggulo akifuuwa mu mindi! Abaana tebakyasooma Nanyinimu, ensiyo yajjamu zibakuntumye baziyiita "Drone" era zibuzizawo bangi abalala bazizza kiwa, abamu bannunulwa nga balemadde era Bukajjumbwe nange omuzaanawo mwenagendera nga Katonda yazza bibbye kuba kabulakatta nsomooke mukamawange. Nantasibwamugge, ggwe Kkale akatubikkako obutamalibwawo era tweyanza bya nsuso ggw' EKiryo-Sseruranda.

Ccucu amaziga g'omuziira gakalira ku nnyago ate mbangi mbansooseyo dda era ndayiira nga nokuweera mpera gy'oli Nnyanjatemanyirwa nti tewakyali kisanidde okujjako okufungiza ensonga Ssemasonga tuziwandiike ku kisenge ekisingayo obuwanvu. Abaliggwa baliwandiikwa mu byafaayo naye okutusindikiriza mu nsi ya Bajjaaja ffe kugenze waala Muzzangooma.

Abasajja Balugondamajja, Ekitiibwa kya Buganda ne Nnamulondo bagiyuuya,enkola ya Federal teyogerwako tuwulira bisanja, ettaka liremeďe mu nkola ey'ekiryazamanyi, Obwavu obuva ku ntekateeka embi mubyenfuna n'enkola ya mwana waani bulemeseza abantu bo okwekulakulanya ate batabangudde buli kiwayi Obumu tebukyasobooka nga batemye ne mu Buganda nga abatono abatawera na kikonde bawerekerwa Poliisi okugoba Kattikiro n'emipiira kya Buganda e Kkooki, Kkome ewaffe e Kyaggwe ne Buvuma babiri bubbi. E Bugerere, Mugerere alamulira ku kifuggi nga abappatike batudde mu mbugayo. Gutisinze ñyo Ssabatakka!

Muly'azaawo ffe tubanja byaffe era tetugenda kuyiiwa musaayi. Ayii Ssebintu omuti ogubala ebikkomo watukutira okwagala n'okuba obuumu ne Bannayuganda abalala era ekyo twakikwata Lukeberwa, abalyazamanyi bekwese nnyo mu ky'okutukwasa essonyi eno nga bwebatufuttiza. Kalemakansinjo luno olutabaalo lwa kuyimirira batubaale anti Amaanyi ga bantu twakizudde gasinga byansuso Eryanyi ly'Aboobuyinza!

Ngusinze Nnatalabwa mu kammwa ssiramula naye EMPOLOGOMA Enngooma ya Bulungi bwansi gy'okubye... yentanudde.

Wangaala Ssabasajja Kabaka.

Biwandikiddwa Omubaka w'ekibuga Mukono
Bakireke Nambooze Betty

NAMBOOZE STINGS M7 OVER OIL -STAND OFF WITH EU- Predicts Regime downfall......From America where she went for specialize...

NAMBOOZE STINGS M7 OVER OIL -STAND OFF WITH EU- Predicts Regime downfall......
From America where she went for specialized treatment of a broken spine resulting from the beating by Museveni's prestigious force SFC, the MP for Mukono Municipality Bakireke Nambooze Betty has authored a Facebook article in which she has thrown veiled attacks on President Museveni. Calling M7 A potentate (autocratic ruler) Nambooze answered back M7 on his Wednesday Presser in which he attacked and denounced the European Union over their resolution to stay Oil drilling in Uganda.
Nambooze writes;
MUNYWEZE SSAPULE, ENKUBA EVA AWO ETERA OKUBAMU EMBUYAGA.....When African despots contemptuously dismiss their bosses from the West;

Age is of essence when the Potentate haughtily refers to people's female Members of Parliament as " young girls" who are trying to question him! Yet it's more appropriate for the young people wherever they are in this world to care more for the global peace and environment because the future is theirs.

I know for a fact that European union can put " a lien on Uganda" eyinza okubowa Uganda olwamabanja ate nnetukabya agajjulujjulu ng'ettumye obuyambi. For example Since 2017 To-date, the EU has supported humanitarian action in Uganda with more than €240 million.

From funds to keep Uganda green €90.4millions, commercial forests €16millions, Beef production €15, Northern Uganda 160bn Uganda shillings, Bundibugyo €30 millions, job mention but a few. Funding, and loans some to be paid in a period of fifty years!

As an adult woman, I can attest that through Parliament Uganda has frequented the European Development Fund for loans with barely a week passing without us borrowing millions of Euros for everything and anything the Country wishes to do or not to do.....Ago mazima.

These are the monies sometimes they carry in sacks to buy support, Audiences and fund patronage. These are the funds that drive the Potentate to move around chest thumping that ekyaaji-kijudde ( the granary is full) and purports to "donate" for development as the citizenry clap and his credulous praise singers call "yellow cash" which shouldn't benefit opposition as individuals but more disturbingly as Constituencies!

Because the transactions make quite a long list please visit>node which is the Official Website for Uganda EU relations for you to appreciate what I'm trying to say.

Above all the single EU member countries which include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden...Aid and give loans to Uganda individually.

Watching the Potentate at a Pressers denouncing the European Union over the Oil deal that is struggling with a possible flop, I feel I have nothing useful to say apart from going back to one of William Shakespeare's famous tragedies King Lear Act one that I was reading before, this time reflecting more on his quote, "How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child"!


Kitalo!Omukadde Angerina Nnaabakooza eyakweka Ssekabaka Sir Edward Muteesa II mu 1966, afudde!Omukadde Nnaabakooza afiir...

Omukadde Angerina Nnaabakooza eyakweka Ssekabaka Sir Edward Muteesa II mu 1966, afudde!
Omukadde Nnaabakooza afiiridde ku myaka 110.
Abadde awaangaalira mu ssaza Mawogola era gyeyakweka Ssekabaka Muteesa II Obote lweyalumba Olubiri.
Lindirira ebisingawo.


Sad News
coming in Accident along Ssemutto Road

Singer Landy Grace (Layira) is Dead, Alimpa Ronald (lusuku lwa cement) Hasan Nduga, Ragga fire in critical conditions

Psalms 18:2-6"The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress. My God is my protection, and with him I am safe. He pr...

Psalms 18:2-6
"The Lord is my protector; he is my strong fortress. My God is my protection, and with him I am safe. He protects me like a shield; he defends me and keeps me safe.
I call to the Lord, and he saves me from my enemies. Praise the Lord!
The danger of death was all round me; the waves of destruction rolled over me.
The danger of death was round me, and the grave set its trap for me.
In my trouble I called to the Lord; I called to my God for help. In his temple he heard my voice; he listened to my cry for help."

Recovering Mukono Municipality member of Parliament drops her walking stick. During the year 2017 parliament was invaded by men in uniform to force the amendment of article 102B so as to enable the Nrm chairman continue ruling Uganda. As a result, Hon Bakireke Nambooze Betty who was one of the staunch opposers of the amendment was grabbed and beaten nearly to death. After that , invasion her life changed and she couldn't walk on her own. She could use the help of the stick but the moment has been getting worse until recently when she was admitted for further treatment from a better facility. Optimistically, her current health status is promising and she's likely to travel back home in October.
As Mukono Report Media we continue praying for her to come back and represent her people of Mukono and the majority of poor Ugandans in the August house.



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