Bwera Islam Media

Bwera Islam Media من الظلمات الى النور


Ohh Allah, keep us free from fear, anxiety and terror on the day of judgement, make us successful in the Meezan and allow us to be God-fearing role model with all the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that we may need.


Increase Praying for the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - , for whoever prays for him, his worries will be relieved and his sins will be forgiven.


أكثروا من الصلاة على النبي - ﷺ - فإن من لزم الصلاة عليه كُفي همّه و غُفر ذنبه .

keep the Zeal of perfuming the Night Prayers in Ramadhan and after Ramadhan

keep the Zeal of perfuming the Night Prayers in Ramadhan and after Ramadhan

make  Duas from the start of swaum till breaking the Fastand more specifically during Ifataar

make Duas from the start of swaum till breaking the Fast
and more specifically during Ifataar

Avoid false allegation, false actions, lys, false speech

Avoid false allegation, false actions, lys, false speech


Ruling on offering food to non-Muslim workers during the day in Ramadan....
With regard to offering food to them:

It is not permissible to offer food to them. If they are not Muslim and they want food to be offered to them in Ramadan, he should not help them with that. If they are kuffaar, even if they fast their fast will not be valid. However, the minor issues of sharee‘ah are addressed to them, and if that is addressed to them it is not permissible to help them in that which will go against sharee‘ah. Rather they should be advised and taught in the hope that they might become Muslim. So they should be called to Islam and told about what is good and right in the hope that they might become Muslim, then one will attain a reward like theirs. “The one who tells another about something good will have a reward like that of the one who does it.” “If one man were to be guided through you that would be better for you than having red camels (the best kind).” This is what the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said.

If they insist, then they are the ones who should make their own food. They are the ones who should take care of their own needs in this regard, in the hope that they may be influenced by this and become Muslim. Otherwise their contracts should be cancelled and Allah will bring someone better than them. He should not take this matter lightly and if they decide to leave the job, then praise be to Allah, they have given up the job and Allah will bring people better than them. So he should never help them in this matter; he should not help them to find food and drink in Ramadan, whether they are kaafirs or evildoers (faasiq) among the Muslims who do not fast. They should not help them to eat or drink in Ramadan or help them to do anything that Allah has forbidden. They can do it for themselves and buy what they need themselves. End quote.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him)


من فقه السلف في صلاة القيام والتراويح :

‏قال الكاساني رحمه الله :
أما في زماننا فالأفضل أن يقرأ الإمام على حسب حال القوم من الرغبة والكسل،
فيقرأ قدر ما لا يوجب تنفير القوم عن الجماعة،
لأن تكثير الجماعة أفضل من تطويل القراءة.
‏📚بدائع الصنائع 1/289📚

ومن أصول الإسلام : الاجتماع ونبذ الفرقة .

"ولو كان الإمام يرى استحباب شيء، والمأمومون لا يستحبونه، فتركه لأجل الاتفاق والائتلاف كان قد أحسن".

📚ابن تيمية الفتاوى جـ٢صـ١١٧📚

ما اتفق عليه الجماعة في المسجد أو غالبيتهم من الأمور التي لا تخالف شريعة فعلى الإمام موافقتهم سداً لذريعة التفرق والاختلاف .


Let's endeavor to provide iftar this Ramadan for our families, the fasting person, let our wealth be used in feeding the fasting person and the reward will come to us even in the graveyard in shaa Allah.

May Allah grant us all our heart's desires, bring to an end the acts of insurgency, kidnapping, banditry, etc, and make Paradise our final home.
Ameen Ya Mujeeb.


One must not partake in an invitation if sins are committed where the meal is offered. It is a pomposity to refuse a poor person's invitation and to accept a rich one's. To visit those who are lower in rank than you is a sign of humility


We should not say, "He does not invite me. Why will I invite him?" Our sole objective should be to seek the pleasure of Allah when we invite someone for a meal or when we accept someone's invitation for a meal, especially in this present time when things are difficult for many people, be generous to everyone around.


Giving iftar (fast-breaking) meal is very rewarding (thawab). If a person, while walking on the road, gives only a date or an olive to a fasting person, the reward for giving an iftar meal is attained.

When our master the Prophet peace be upon him declared, "If a person gives iftar to a fasting person in Ramadan, his sins will be forgiven.
And he will be given as many rewards as that fasting person, some of the Blessed Companions said that they were not so rich as to give an iftar meal to a fasting person.


Giving Iftar meal to a fasting person in this month of Ramadan. BismillahirRahmanirRahim
But before we do that, let's provide for our immediate families, parents, siblings, and relatives BCS doing this we will in shaa Allah earn a double reward, we will be rewarded for giving sadaqah and also upholding kinship.


fast during the day and cook what is good before breaking the fast and wash the dishes at night, prepare Sahuor
(Those are acts of Worship) Purify the intentions

Oh Allah wash away their sins and bless them with the highest



Accompanying the Taraweeh Imams,
In Ramadan, the Imam makes sure all his day to prepare himself to perform Taraweeh prayers..!!
And at breaking the fast, he eats something easy to maintain his fear and readiness to perform the prayer in the best and complete way..!!
And in the arch, he resists pressure and obsessions, and focuses on the similarities, and takes care of the people behind him, because they include the weak, the sick and the needy..!!
Then the Taraweeh solver comes after eating what is delicious and good at breaking the fast, to the Imam when he forgets a verse or when he is sick or prolongs the course, and you find him winking at the door of the mosque..!!
Even if he tried to enter the meharab, he would not be able to read Al-Fatiha as it was sent down, so how to dive into the depths of Surah and Ayahs..!!
Along with the Tarawih Imams, my dears

Compiled by
Faisal Masuod Muhindo
Islamic University in Uganda


The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: (If it is the first night of Ramadan .. A caller is calling out: O you who wants good, accept it, and O you who wants evil, shorten it, and Allah protects you from the fire, and that is every night).
The narration of Al-Tirmidhi


The scholar Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said:

“The fasting person should be busy with prayer, remembrance, supplication, and reading the Holy Qur’an.
So that he combines various acts of worship in his fasting.

If a person accustoms himself and trains himself to acts of worship while fasting, this will be easy for him.

If he accustoms himself to laziness, lethargy, and rest, he becomes accustomed to nothing but that.
“And acts of worship and deeds became difficult for him while fasting.”

[Collected Fatwas and Messages of Al-Uthaymeen (171/19)]


The scholar Saleh bin Fawzan bin Abdullah Al-Fawzan, may God Almighty protect him, said:

“Fasting is beloved by God Almighty.
Therefore, the fasting person must fix his intention in his fasting to God Almighty.
And he intends to get closer to God,
And to be patient with the hardship he finds in fasting.
Because it is in obedience to God Almighty,

He must have sincere intentions and must be patient.

Then again: It is not merely abstaining from food, drink, and edible or drinking desires.
However, he abstains from everything that God Almighty has forbidden.

Hearing protects him from hearing what is not permissible to listen to, such as backbiting and gossiping.
And from hearing songs, musical instruments, and psalms;
This is forbidden throughout the year.
But for the fasting person, the prohibition is more severe.
Because it affects his fasting.

He also protects his tongue from forbidden words, such as backbiting and gossiping.
cursing and cursing,
And false speech,
Although this is forbidden throughout the year,
But in the case of fasting, it is more forbidden and more sinful.
Because it breaks his fast.

He also protects his gaze from looking at attractive pictures.
And pornographic serials shown on video devices or televisions,
He protects his gaze from looking at these things in all circumstances.
But in the case of fasting, this is more severe because it spoils his fast.”

[Assemblies for the blessed month of Ramadan (15)]


EFFECTIVE RAMADAN ROUTINE; you may find it useful.

1. Sleep Daily by 10pm.
2. Wake up 3am.
3. Tahajjud 3:30am till 4:15am
4. Study Quran for 20mins, at least 10verses with meaning. 4:15am - 4:35am. Observe your Dua for 10mins, ask all your desires from Allah 4:35 - 4:45.
5. Eat Sahur from 4:45am till fajr.
5: Get prepared for Salatul Subhi after eating Sahur
7. Pray Salatu Subhi: @ the appointed time
8. Do Morning Azkar till 6am/6:30am
9. Rest/Prepare for the day till 7am.
10. Pray Salatu Duha, at least 4 Rakats. From 9:00am to 11:30am
11. Constantly Listen to Quran.
12. Pray Salatu Zuhr at the appointed time. Do 20mins Azkar.
13. Pray Salatu Asr at the appointed time & Do 20mins Evening Azkar, and recitation of the Qur'an.
14. Break your fast at sunset with what you can afford. But pray and ask Allah for anything and everything you want before breaking the fast. Pray Salatu Magrib, your Dua will not be rejected.15. Pray Ishai at the right & Pray 11 Rakats of Taraweeh till 9:00pm.
16. After Taraweeh, spend 5mins to reflect on the day, and ask yourself these questions;. What did you do well? What needs to be improved?. What needs to stop? what needs to start?

Above all increase your sadaqah ( charity giving, by helping the poor and the needy). May we witness Ramadan in good health, Ameen Ya Allah.🙏
The method of completing the Qur’an during (30 days) every day a portion of the Qur’an
Al-Fajr: 4 Pages
Zuhur: 4 pages
Al-Asr: 4 pages
Magrib: 4 pages
Isha: 4 pages

The method of completing the Qur’an during (15 days) every day has two parts
Al-Fajr: 8 Pages
Zuhur: 8 pages
Asr: 8 pages
Magrib: 8 pages
Isha: 8 pages

The method of completing the Qur’an during (12 days) two and a half parts every day
Al-Fajr: 10 Pages
Zuhur: 10 pages
Asr: 10 pages
Magrib: 10 pages
Isha: 10 pages

The method of completing the Qur’an during (10 days) every day has three parts
Al-Fajr: 12 Pages
Zuhur: 12 pages
Asr: 12 pages
Magrib: 12 pages
Isha: 12 pages

This program is for people of high determination
The method of completing the Qur’an during (6 days) every day has five parts
Al-Fajr: 20 Pages
Zuhur: 20 pages
Asr: 20 pages
Magrib: 20 pages
Isha: 20 pages


May Allāh ﷻ accept our siyām, qiyām & acts of worship and may He grant us the ability to utilise the precious moments of this Blessed month to engage in that which pleases Him.


Islamic University in Uganda Females Campus-Kabojja.



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Fasting the day of doubt

1. Defining the day of doubt:
The day of doubt is the thirtieth of Sha`ban if the moon was not legally sighted the night before.

2. Ruling of fasting the day of doubt:
It is haram to fast the day of doubt with the intention that it is in case it's the first of Ramadan or to error on the side of caution. This is the position of the Malikis, Shafi`is, [824] Except that the day of doubt has a meaning for them, where al-Nawawi said: “Our companions said: ‘the Day of Doubt is the thirtieth day of Sha`ban, and it is so if the people started to have mention among them that it has been sighted yet no just witness said so, or he did state it but his sole witness account was rejected, or a number of young boys and women said it, or some number of transgressors and slaves, and this is what makes it a day of doubt for our companions, without difference among them.

As for if none of this took place, then it is not a day of doubt, regardless whether the sky is clear or cloudy. This is the school’s position.” Al-Majmu` (401/6) a narration from Ahmad, and a group of the Salaf. It is also th


The Traveller

Firstly: Ruling of the traveller breaking his fast
It is permissible for the traveller to break his fast, and this is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.

Secondly: Ruling of the traveller breaking his fast when fasting is comfortable
If fasting presents no difficulty for the traveller, such that fasting or not makes no difference for him, then the scholars have differed over whether keeping his fast is better or breaking it. This is according to two views:
The first: It is that fasting is better for him. This is the position of the majority: Hanafis, Malikis, Shafi`is, and the choice of Ibn `Uthaymin.
The second: is that not fasting is better for him, and this is the position of the Hanbalis, a group of the Salaf, and the position of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Baz.

Thirdly: Ruling of the fast of a traveller for whom it is difficult
If fasting is difficult for the traveller such that breaking it would be easier for him, then breaking his fast is more virtuous. This is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.

Fourthly: Stay of a traveller which removes his concession
If a traveller remains in a place for more than four days, then breaking his fast is no longer permissible. This is the position of the majority: Malikis, Shafi`is, and Hanbalis.

Fifthly: Ruling of the fast of the constant traveller
Breaking the fast is permissible for those whose travel is constant – like aeroplane pilots, truck drivers, and ship captains – and he has a residence which he lives in. This is the choice of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn `Uthaymin.

Sixthly: Traveller making up days where he broke his fast
If the traveller breaks his fast on some days, he must make them up. Consensus has been quoted on this by: Ibn Hazm, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Qudamah, and Ibn Hajar al-Haytami.

Seventhly: Ruling of Ramadan entering while a person is travelling
If Ramadan enters while a person is in a state of travel, he may break his fast. Consensus has been quoted on this by Ibn Hazm and Ibn Qudamah.

Eighthly: Travelling at night during Ramadan
If a person travels at night in the month of Ramadan, leaving his town before fajr, then he may not fast the morn of the night that he left in and what follows it. This is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence and the position of the majority of scholars.

Ninthly: Ruling of a person travelling in the days of Ramadan
If a person travels in Ramadan during its day leaving his town, then he may not fast. This is the position of the Hanbalis, al-Muzani from the Shafi`is, and a group of the Salaf. It is the choice of Ibn al-Mundhir and Ibn `Uthaymin.

Tenthly: Ruling of withholding for the rest of the day if a traveller reaches his destination in the day not fasting
If the traveller arrives at his destination during the day in Ramadan while he isn't fasting, then the scholars have differed whether he should withhold for the rest of the day or not, and this is according to two views:
The first: It is that he does not have to withhold the rest of the day. This is the position of the Malikis, Shafi`is, a narration among Hanbalis, and the choice of Ibn `Uthaymin.
The second: It is that he must withhold. This is the position of the Hanafis, Hanbalis, a position among Shafi`is, the position of a group of the Salaf, and the choice of Ibn Baz.

Eleventhly: Ruling of a traveller breaking his fast if he is using comfortable means of travel
Breaking the fast is legislated for the traveller, regardless of how he is travelling and whether he finds difficulty in his travel or not. Ibn Taymiyyah has quoted consensus over this.

Compiled by
Faisal Masuod Muhindo
Islamic University in Uganda


Confirming the Entering of Ramadan

Firstly: Sighting the moon
1. Sighting the moon as a requirement:
It is a communal obligation to seek out the moon on the thirtieth night of Ramadan. The Hanafis have explicitly mentioned this.
2. Confirming the sight of the moon:
Fasting Ramadan is an obligation if the moon is sighted. Consensus has been quoted over this by Ibn Hazm, Ibn Qudamah, and al-Zarkashi.
3. The required number of witnesses of the sight:
One just witness suffices for confirming the commencement of Ramadan. This is the position of the Shafi`is, Hanbalis, a group of the Salaf, and the choice of Ibn Baz and Ibn `Uthaymin.
4. The one who sights the moon by himself:
Whoever sights the moon of Ramadan by himself and he did not bear witness, or he did but his account was rejected, then scholars have differed over what he ought to do regarding fasting according to two views:
The first: It is that he fasts based on sighting it, and this is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence, the position of the Zahiris and the majority of scholars.
The second: It is that he fasts with the masses when they fast, and does not act according to the sighting. This is the position of some of the Salaf, a narration from Ahmad, and the choice of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Baz.


The Ruling of Fasting Ramadan and the Ruling of the One Who Does Not

Firstly: Ruling of fasting Ramadan
Fasting Ramadan is an obligation and one of the five pillars of Islam. Consensus has been quoted over this matter by: Ibn Qudamah, al-Nawawi, and Ibn Taymiyyah.

Secondly: Ruling of the one who does not fast denying its obligation
Whoever does not fast Ramadan out of denial of its obligation then he has disbelieved. Consensus has been quoted on this by al-Kasani.

Thirdly: Ruling of the one who does not fast ramadan deliberately out of laziness
Whoever does not fast a single day of Ramadan deliberately out of laziness, then he has committed a major sin, and he must make up that day. This is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.







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