Love and heartbreak sayings

Love and heartbreak sayings Is an inspiration page on love and other issues in life.our sayings are to encourage the users and keep their spirits up.


There's beauty in tragedy and progress in pain. It took me a while to realize asking God for strength meant asking for tough times to get through. It took me a while to realize asking God for love meant asking for hate to gain appreciation for the love I was receiving. It took me a while...and now I finally realized we don't get what we pray for, we get the opportunity to get what we prayed for. The answers to our prayers are in our daily opportunities and habits.


Do yourself a favour and learn how to walk away.
When a connection starts to fade, learn to let it go.
When a person starts to mistreat you, learn how to move on to something and someone better, or just be alone.
Don't waste your energy trying to fix something that's not meant to be.

Make it a point to start dating people who really want to be with you.
You don't have to suffer because of love.
Who does that? It should not be love endured. It should be enjoyed.
The truth is, for every one person who doesn't value you, there are tons more waiting to treat you better.

You're not a tree.
They no plant you for dey.
if you are not treated right ,if you are not happy ...
Some of you will say I encourage separations...No no ...I encourage value...I encourage happiness.
People are dying in their emotional trips of endurance.
I'm only telling you what is...
The choice is still yours.
I have only seen things.


1: Asking Men for Money
2: Spending time alone with other men
3: Chatting endlessly with other men
4: Giving attention to other Men
5: Been alone in private settings
6: Not shutting up men down when they flirt with you
7: Honouring other men more than your husband.
8: Calling other Men dear, darling etc
9: Flirting with other men
10: Comparing your spouse
11: Fantasising about other Men
12: Touching other men
13: Hugging other men
14: Participating in activities that prioritize another man over your Husband
15: Making other men your best friend
16: Telling other men your intimate relationship with your husband
17: Using social media inappropriately
18: keeping In touch with past romantic partners
19: Telling other Men your marital challenges.
20: Dating other men
21: Sleeping with other men
(These are applicable to married Men too)
To read what 41 things Married Men must not do with other Women, click the link below



1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she love. (liability)

2. A lady who can't get you birthday or valentine gift but expect you to bring down the world for her during hers.(liability)

3. Someone who can't comfortably call you on phone for 5 minutes.
Always flashing, complaining and requesting for data and airtime...(liability)

4. I wonder how some Men cope with ladies that think relationship is an occupation where she's supposed to be paid and taken care of??
(S*x is not a benefit to only men.). She might not even allow you have the s*x, yet you keep spending on her like government, kwantinue (liability)

5. Stop dating a liability no matter how beautiful she is. Beauty is a bonus, focus on her content!
Date a lady who can add something meaningful to your life.
Things like: financial intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence.

6. Date someone who's capable of managing multiplying whatever she has and the ones you give to her, your soul will be at peace!
Not someone that will always be at the receiving end.

7. I'm not saying she must be rich.
But let her have something doing no matter how little it is, because no matter how much money you make, she must be able to assist you during the rainy days...

weekend #



It is dangerous to force yourself on someone or marry someone who does not love you. When there is no love in marriage, the wedding ring becomes a little handcuff and your marriage becomes a prison yard instead of a paradise on earth.

A man who does not love a woman during courtship will find it difficult to cherish her after getting married. There are people who will never love you no matter how much you show love to them. That's the reality of life. Love is a choice. Don't force yourself on anyone.

Don't keep fighting to be with someone who isn’t fighting to be with you, you can’t keep holding onto someone who is not holding onto you, you can’t keep planning your future with someone who doesn’t plan theirs with you, you can’t keep running back to someone who is running away from you, you can’t keep loving and caring about someone who shows that they no longer love you, and you can’t keep taking someone as a priority yet they are taking you as their option.

Trust me, it’s a waste of time and energy. No matter how hard and hurting it is, you have to let go and open up a new chapter for your life. Because There are thousand of people who are praying and wishing to spend the rest of their lives with you!

Why kill yourself over someone who thinks he/she is doing you a big favor by being in a relationship with you.

You deserve to be happy, loved and cared for not to be sad all the time, to have sleepless nights, to cry and plead for someone’s love. Think about it.

You have to be in a relationship in which you are loved, celebrated, honored and not tolerated. But until you let go of the wrong person from your life, you can't see the right person for your life.
Sometimes We may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reasons. But one thing is for sure, mistakes help us to find the right person. Know your place in people's life and act accordingly. It's not pride, it is self respect.


Five Lessons I've Learned About Relationships:
1. Communication is key. But it's not just about speaking your truth - it's about truly listening to your partner and understanding their perspective.
2. Prioritize time together and create shared experiences that strengthen your bond.
3. Understand that love is a choice that you make every day and that it takes effort and commitment to maintain a healthy relationship.
4. Never forget to show appreciation for your partner and let them know how much they mean to you.
5. Celebrate each other's victories, no matter how small they may seem.


1. Always remember that there is nobody on this earth that does not have problems. You are not the only one that has problems.
2. Challenges are part of life. It is only a dead man who has no challenges.
3. no problem has no solution. There are solutions to the pains you are going through.
4. The way you picture yourself in your mind can affect your happiness. Picture yourself as a valuable and beautiful person. Avoid low self-esteem and inferiority complex.
5. Do not mind about what people say about you. Some people are sadists. They can just say something just to make you feel sad.
6. Make friends with reasonable people who make you happy. Do not make friends with people who make jest of you or laugh at you over your challenges.
7. In your leisure time, keep yourself busy with your favourite hobbies like sports, games, watching movies, surfing the internet, playing computer games, etc.
8. Do not allow anyone to intimidate you with money and material things. A poor man today can become rich tomorrow. Change is constant.
9. No matter what you are going through today, do not give up. As long as there is life, there is hope.
10. Be very prayerful. Pray without ceasing. Prayer is a catalyst that can speed up your blessings to come to you on time.
11. Be courageous to go for what you want. Life is all about risk. If you don't take a risk, you will not get the desires of your heart.
Never change your originality for the sake of others. Because no one can play your role better than you.
You are the best. So be yourself...



A wife material is not just someone who can cook, wash your clothes or clean the house. Besides anyone can do that; you can always get a maid for that.

A wife material is that woman, even when the world is against you she's got your back.

She's that woman who no matter how things get rough/tough you can always count on her.

She is that woman even when you don't know who to turn to anymore, she's always telling you I'm here for you and will never let go.

She’s never your pain. She is that woman who can turn your house into a home. Not everyone can do it.

Husbands please appreciate her if she’s one because they’re rare.



Dear Men, If you find a woman who is showing you love at your struggling stage in life, do everything to keep her and always respect her.

Dear Ladies, If you love two people at the same time, choose the second because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

NOW LISTEN TO ME EVERYONE BE CONTENTED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE: There will always be a guy richer than your boyfriend and there will always be a girl hotter than your girlfriend.

Help your man become your choice and help your woman become your queen. That should be one of your relationship goals. Be Contented .



📌Life doesn't wait for you to be okay. Get up every day and keep pushing through.

📌Never force anyone to choose you. You should learn the art of spending time alone.

📌Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation at any time anywhere.

📌To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they are not for what you want them to be.

📌Everyone will show you who they are, just give them time. None pretends forever.

📌You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business. What doesn't concern you, leave it.

📌Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on.

📌Nobody cares, work hard to get better every day. After all, you are on your own.

📌If you don't work to build your dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose.

📌Free yourself from society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing.

📌30 years is too long to sit in an office being told what to do. Think about what you can do on your own.

📌You shouldn't take advice from people who are not where you want to be in life.

📌Life is 100% better when no one knows anything about you. Privacy is a top tier.

📌You become ten times smarter when you quit the news and put politics out of your topics.

📌You need to be smart enough to create and make your opportunities, don't wait for them to come to you.

Take a whole different move this year. See the outcome. 💯🙏👑


Focus on you, people come and go.
Focus on being someone worth coming to,
Focus on being someone regrettable leaving,
Focus on the being center of your existence,
Focus on being the person you cheer the most
Focus on being the person you forgive the most.


It's OK not to be OK buts it's not OK to stay "Not OK" for long. At some point you have to make a decision to be OK. Speaking up can deflate a mountain.

Exod.3.7 Then the LORD told him, "You can be sure I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries for deliverance from their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering.


Once I've stopped arguing with you & checking up on you, just know that you've lost me for real.

Get yourself this remote controlled bulb to share the love

Get yourself this remote controlled bulb to share the love


Never Do These 8 Things in Life.

1. Never play with someone's feelings just for your happiness. You may win the game, but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a lifetime.

2. Never stop to make yourself better. No matter what you know, the minute you stop building yourself, you begin to deteriorate.

3. Never think that you are not good enough. In life, people will take you for what or how you present yourself.

4. Never lose hope in life. To hope, is to breathe life, to free your mind from fear and pessimism and fill it with optimism and positive thinking. So, no matter how difficult your life gets, never deprive yourself of hope.

5. Never lose your self-respect. Self-respect is a form of self-care.

6. Never beg for opportunities. Sn**ch them. When you beg for opportunities (including jobs), you will be seen as inexperienced and of low value. It is much better to have confidence in the value you have to offer than to beg.

7. Never take anyone or anything in life for granted. Taking things for granted is considered irresponsible, even damaging. Taking your spouse for granted is a surefire way to make them feel unloved. Taking your income for granted can put you at financial risk if you lose your job. Taking your health for granted can lead you to take poor care of yourself.

8. Even if the world takes advantage of you, never let the good in you d!e



1. Every male( including a little boy) has the instinct of detecting disrespect and dishonour from your words and actions towards them .

2. Men feed on honour and respect. They value it over food. Do all you like to a man but don't touch his respect and honour.

3. Men hate it when they're talking to you and you are talking back at him. He hates it when he is talking and you are walking away.

4. Men hate to be challenged by their wife. Challenging him is stirring up the beast in him. That is unprofitable for you, woman

5. Men can do anything for their peace of mind, even it makes them look like a coward. When a man looses his peace at home, his life is about to relocate to another place to seek it with anyone who can give it him.

6. When a man is complaining about a particular thing, he has reached his breaking points of endurance. Do your best to pay attention to that thing and find a way to help him.

7. When a man is talking to you, he needs you to be silent and pay attention to him by focusing on him. Your calmness can make him reduce the tone of his voice if he was shouting at you.

8. The silence of a woman scares a man naturally, he can do anything just to make sure he finds out what went wrong.

9. A man is never never too busy for the woman he loves.
10. What a man wants from his woman after every day activities is peace of mind. Keep the issues away from him till he has been refreshed with food and warm/cool bath.

11. Whenever a man gets a gift for his woman, it means he has thought about her deeply before doing so.

12. A man is not always far from his investment. He either carries it in his mind or he go with it anywhere he goes.

13. Men love s*x . Women love lo******ng.

14. Men shade the most honest tears after children since they rarely show emotions.

15. Every man you see has a baby side of them that yearn for deep pampering and petting. That's why we call them baby 👌👌👌👌👌👌


Your beauty shines as bright as the morning Sun. It radiates all over you. What I found in you is among the things that swept me off my feet. You are really beautiful, I must confess.







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