Beiler Hirojji Michael



“Sometimes you have to pretend to be a fool in order to prove yourself to be wise” D.O Thompson

Meaning: Sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut, not because you don't have anything to say, but because it's not the best moment to talk. Sometimes you have to allow people to think negatively of you, not because you can't defend yourself but because no matter what you say or do, it will never change their wrong opinion of you. Sometimes you have to say no to what you love. Not because that thing is in itself bad but so that you can devote your energy to something very crucial. Sometimes you have to pretend you don't know something. Not because you want to deceive anyone but because you want to learn from others. Sometimes you have to turn down invitations. Not because you are proud or anti-social but because you are one person and cannot please everyone. Sometimes you have to let others win an argument. Not because you cannot dispute their point, but so that you can have peace. There is no hard and fast rule about wisdom. There is general wisdom which we can apply towards anyone and in any given situation. But there is also specific wisdom which depends on the individual and occasion. What may be a wise thing for me to do may not be a wise for you to do, because the dynamics may be different in each case. Consider your situation critically. Be analytical! ! DM For ImageCredit
Writer: D. O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB :  Do not throw away your water just because you heard it was going to rain

Meaning: The simple meaning of this proverb is that you don’t depend on something hoped for until you know for sure that it will happen. The old saying is true that the only constant thing in this life is change. Just because someone promised you another job, doesn’t mean you should turn in your resignation at your current job. It’s okay to plan for the best, but you’ve got to prepare for the worst. Using the stock market as an example, many factors influence the price of stocks, one of which is news! However , one needs to be careful when chasing the news — as there is noise and real news. Noise is based on hearsay (or emotions, if you like) rather than on fundamental analysis. Befittingly, the name for someone who trades like that is called an idiot trader. But I want you to seriously think about what I’m about to say next. You need to start investing in the stock market if you aren’t already. Investing in stocks is not for developed countries only and is certainly not reserved for the rich. In fact, it’s one of the things that separates the rich from the poor. Poor people think they cannot invest because they have no money. The mere fact that you are reading this tells me you’ve got some money. Even if you don’t have money, start investing your time! Be rich-minded!
Writer: D.O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB : Your own dog barks at you someone else is feeding it

Meaning: When a dog barks at you it doesn’t mean it dislikes you. It could mean you have not been properly introduced to it. The reason a dog barks are many. It barks at strangers to let you know of their presence or to let the strangers know they are unwelcome without invitation. The barking itself is an expression of strong emotions, which include fear, anger, pain, stress or even happiness. It can also bark to either get attention or when it’s not getting attention. That’s where this proverb comes in. There is another African proverb that says, dogs don’t like people —they like the place where they are treated well. A dog’s loyalty is tied to how it is treated. But this proverb is not about dogs. It uses the character of a dog to teach humans a lesson. When a dog keeps barking at you the owner, it means so one else is feeding it. A dog will not keep barking at you if you feed it. Naturally a human being will not treat you as a stranger if they know you well. That person is definitely not doing that out of the blue. They’ve either being fed on some info or they imagine something of you. This proverb doesn’t justify their action. It just helps you to understand people. Be informed
Writer: D.O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB: a Flea can trouble a lion more than a lion can trouble a flea 

Meaning: The question is this: how is it that a teeny-weeny animal like the flea is able to overpower a big and brave animal like the lion? The flea is able to do that for the same reason that small companies are able to overtake big companies in business. The answer lies in what is called a 'niche'. In the case of the flea it's called an 'ecological niche' while in business it's referred to as 'marketing niche'. A niche is a strategic and specific posture that an organism or organisation adapts for survival and success. Hence the idiom, "carve a niche for oneself" means to strategize and secure an area to the point that your name becomes synonymous to it. It takes smartness to do that. There are ways your smallness will offer you great advantages. If you are small you will be able to hide better. Sometimes you need less attention to be able to focus and not get distracted. When you're small, you're able to move quickly and easily. Sometimes we need to adjust quickly and respond faster to issues. Smallness makes you fit in different shapes and space. Sometimes you need to be agile to have an advantage. So being small can be great and being short can make you stand tall. Don't underestimate your size. If you don't have claws, use creativity. If you don't have strength, use strategy. Be smart!
Writer: D.O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB: All truth is good but not all truth is good to say

Meaning will he added in 12 hrs after you’ve attempted to share what you think it means
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AFRICAN PROVERB: When a hyena wants to eat its children it accused them of smelling like goats 

Meaning: The hyena is such a fearless and somewhat peerless animal. It dares to even attack and eat the lion, something that most animals will cringe and crush to think about doing. In fact, the tension and hatred between the lion and the hyena have attracted them the name: "eternal enemies" among those who study wild life. Hyenas are not selective at all in their choice of food. Apart from eating other animals of various types and sizes, they also eat vegetable matter and other animal droppings. They are ruthless ! They devour their prey completely, leaving no leftovers -- not even a bone (in less than 30 minutes). Of all their foods, hyenas seem to have an incurable appetite for goats. There is even an African proverb that says, "if you want the hyena to eat a person then tie on him goats ears". Just as some of us humans, goat meat is their delicacy. Against this backdrop, the proverb can be understood as saying when people are bent on doing what is unconscionable they find an excuse to tip the scales of their aching conscience. But the truth is people who do that are hypocrites! They are hypocrites because they want to be seen as good people even though they know they are wrong in what they do. Be not shady!
Writer: D.O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB: Steelyn a drum is easy but finding a place to beat it is not

Meaning: Let me ask you a moral question: if you could steal without the possibility of being caught, will you want to steal? If you could lie without the truth ever being found out will you still want to lie? If you could cheat without ever being exposed, would you want to steal? Now, your answer to any of these questions shows the kind of person you are. Many of us don't do wrong, not because we love what is right, but because we fear the consequence of doing the wrong thing. We hate to ruin our reputation. And while that is good it is not the best. It is second best. How would you feel if your spouse does not cheat on you, not because he or she loves you but for the only reason that he or she does not want to be caught in the bed of infidelity? Everyone one of us must strive to love what is good and to pursue good knowing that it is right. This is the path of inner peace! Whenever you do what is wrong, you indirectly choose to be haunted by the consequence of action. And with every wrong done, you lose some inner peace. Life is not meant to do the wrong, that's why it's hard to escape the consequence of doing the wrong thing. Guilt hits on your conscience. If you want the freedom to not have to find a hiding place to beat a drum, let it be a drum you didn't steal. Be moral! !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB : Do not blame God for having created a tiger but thank him for not given it wings

Meaning: Quite often we tend to look at life through the glass of pessimism. And as a result we get a feeling of doom and gloom. But if we are going to enjoy life we must put on the glasses of optimism, where we look at the positive side of things. This proverb is an admonishment to look at the bright side of things. A story is told of two salesmen who were sent to a third world country to see if there was market for their product. The first salesman reported back saying, "This is a terrible situation, no one wears even shoes". The second salesman reported back, "This is fantastic business opportunity, no one wears shoes". Basically there are two main categories of people in this connection. There are those who grumble that roses have thorns. And there are those who are grateful that thorns have roses. Be one of the latter. Be optimistic! !
Writer:D.O Thompson
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AFRICAN PROVERB : To circumcise a leopard is not a thing. The thing is who hold him down?

Meaning: A variation of this Proverbs says, "Preparing food for the leopard is easy but who will go and feed him?". This proverbs reminds me of one of Aesop's fable in which the mice had a general meeting to outwit the cat (their common enemy). At the meeting there were many wonderful proposals. In fact one mouse suggested that they put a bell around the cat's neck to signal them whenever the cat was approaching so they could all escape. This suggestion was admired and applauded by almost all the mice until an old mouse got up and said, "That is a very great idea, but who will bell the cat?". The mice looked at one another in silence. Then the old mouse said, "it is easy to propose big ideas. The difficulty lies in carrying them out ". Some of us are good at making suggestions but never want to take any responsibility. Suffice to say that the world has enough talkertives ~ it needs doers. It has enough great thoughts ~ it needs great actions. It has enough great theories~ it needs practical steps! Be pragmatic! !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: When the shadow of a tree is bent, straighten the tree. Not the shadow

Meaning: If you see your dirty image in a mirror, changing the mirror won't help you. You will need to clean up yourself. Allowing everyone to own a gun or disallowing every one from having a gun won't solve the issue of homicide. A lot of times our approach to solving problems is merely a symptomatic treatment of the issues. That is to say, we spend much effort in addressing the symptoms, instead spending the bulk of our time and resources in addressing the root cause. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. The root cause is our heart condition. The solution is love. People must be taught to love. They must be taught not to try to find quick-fix solutions to their issues but to develop the patience to find lasting solutions. People must be taught to manage their anger and to keep their desires in check. They must be taught how to disagree without being disagreeable. They must be taught how to respect themselves and respect the rights of others. People must be taught how to forgive and reconcile. We must learn effective communication, conflict management, and communal living. Any law, policy or campaign that does not inspire love among people is a "shadow-straightening" strategy. Be practical! !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: When you see a rat running into fire, know that what it is running into is hotter than fire

Meaning: Naturally, no one in his or her right mind would choose to run into fire particularly when not attempting to save anything or anyone from perishing. Even a mad person would instinctively run from fire and not into fire. Don't think people always have good or great options to choose from. Some people have had to choose between going through 'hell' and 'bushfire'. People are not crazy. At least not everyone you think is crazy is in fact crazy. Instead of condemning people as being insane, be curious about their issue and find out why they are having to take a certain path. In Uganda, they say, “it’s survival, not bravery that causes a man to climb a thorny tree” As the saying goes, “desperate situations calls for desperate measures. Meaning , in adverse circumstances, actions that might have been rejected under other circumstances may become the best choice. Condemning people who already feel condemned will only add fuel to their fire. Don't judge people's decisions before you know of their difficulties . Don't judge people's scars before you know of their struggle. Don't judge people's sin before you know of their story. Don't be judgemental. Be just! .
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: The she’s butter laughs at the salt when it rains, forgetting the sun will soon shine

Meaning: With the current trend to move away from artificial to organic products, shea butter demand has really soared on the international market. Shea butter, sometimes referred to as “women’s gold” because it provides employment and income to women in many African nations, is a good source of essential acids, and is rich in vitamins A, E,D and F as well as antioxidants. It takes up to fifty years for the Shea tree to mature to produce nuts , out of which Shea butter is produced. The English word "shea" comes from s’í, the tree's name in the Bambara language of Mali. In its raw state, shea butter is edible and is used as cooking oil in Benin. Its real color ranges from ivory to yellow. There are different grades, Grade A (raw and unrefined) being the highest quality and Grade E being the lowest quality (i.e. with contaminants). I thought I should share that with you. The proverb advises against gloating or making fun of the misfortunes of others. It also speaks to us about the seasons of life. Things can and do change. Today, you may be strong and powerful, but remember that the ugly and old banana leaf was once young and green. Be humble!

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African Proverb: For the sake of the rose we must water the thorns

Meaning: We know that almost every rose has thorns. Life is like a rose. It can be full of thorny issues. We also know that the rose produces beautiful flowers which are also very delicate. The same is true of life. Life has its rosy and fragile side. Thus, it requires a lot of carefulness and wisdom to handle the issues of life. Sometimes we don't always get what we want when we want it. It is up to us to manage what we have and make the most of it. It has been said that, "The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything". So optimize what you we have! And at other times too in order to get what we want we must put up with some things. For the sake of the flower we must water the thorns. Practically, it means for the sake of your marriage partner you must put up with his or her difficult in-laws. For the sake of your grade you must put up with sacrificing some of your sleep. And for the sake of peace sometimes you have to be the one to say 'I'm sorry' , even though you are not at fault. Be accomodating! !
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African Proverb: When the roots are deep, there is no need to fear the wind

Meaning: The most important part of a tree is the root. A tree can live without branches. It can live without a stem. It can live without leaves and fruits. But it cannot live with roots. The root of a tree is the foundation of its life. The deeper the roots, the greater the chances of survival against wind, rain, drought and fire. When the root is deep you need not fear the wind. Now what this means is that often times our fear is a symptom of a deficiency we have within us. For instance, a student who is going to write an exam may have fear because he or she is unprepared. The same student would not fear if they have adequately prepared. So that fear was a symptom of his or her incomplete preparation. Another is as regards judgement after death. Some people who don't believe in that still have fear about that. And the reason is often that they know in their conscience that there's something wrong with how they are living. They have a questionable secret lives. If there is nothing wrong with their lives, they would not fear any judgement. Be well-grounded! !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: Horns do not grow before the head

Meaning: In the construction of a building you cannot have the superstructure before the foundation. The superstructure is supported on the foundation. That said, the foundation is important for many reasons. The main reason is that it provides strength and stability to the building. A shoddy work in the foundation, puts the whole building at risk. And if any mistake in the foundation is not addressed, it compounds (gets worse as you go up). A bad foundation is no foundation. It's like a horn without the head: it's hollow. And according to the Webster dictionary if something is described as hollow, it means it has "no real value or meaning. That is, lacks substance. Alas, many things we do are hollow. They are horns without heads. This is because instead of first ensuring we have good foundation, we focus our energies on the superstructure. We have reversed the correct order. We have put the cart before the horse. No wonder, we have more books and less wisdom; more possessions and less contentment; tall egos and short tempers; more medicine and less wellness; more treaties and less peace; more creeds and less morality; great visions and narrow viewpoints and more social media and less real relationship.It's a travesty of success! Be unconventional !
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African Proverb: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together

Meaning: Working alone has some advantages: you do things the way you want to, since you are your own boss; it is easy to focus; there is no outside pressure; you have full knowledge of what is going on; you can take full credit or pride in getting the job done by yourself and ultimately, things tend to get done quickly. But the question is: how far can one go working alone? Going far requires the support of others. With teamwork, you have others to let you know when you are going the wrong way, to lift you up when you fall, to encourage you when you are in despair, and to carry you when you're worn out. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes the wise thing to do is to pull ahead and not wait for others, particularly if the others are lazy and uncooperative. So one needs to critically consider the issues at stake in order to determine what option is best and wise. But generally speaking, it is better to go far than to go fast! The world has come this far, not by the contribution of one man but by the collaborative efforts of many. Don't be so conceited as to think you can go far in life all by yourself. Be farsighted! !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: When the desirable is not available, the available becomes desirable

Meaning: Nothing is as deceptive as human desire. Desire becomes deceitful in three way. 1. Material 2. Motive 3. Means . Number one tells us that sometimes you can have a good motive and follow the right path, but what you desire may not be right or best for you. Number two tells us that you can for crave something which is not bad or wrong but the motive or why you want that thing is bad. Number three tells us that having the right goal or good motive is not enough, we must use the right means. This is where the saying “the end justify the means” is wrong. The end does not justify the means. The means must of themselves be justified. All corruption begins with with one of these three points. It begins when we say it doesn’t matter what we want to achieve if we have a good motive and use use a good means or when we say it doesn’t matter our motive behind what we do, so long as what we want to achieve is good and we use the right means or when we say it doesn’t matter the means we use, so long as what we want to achieve is good and have a good motive. That’s just a word of caution to guard our desire lest it lead us into destruction. Now, this proverb teaches us to learn to appreciate and work with the available while we pursue the desirable. The fact of life is that life we won’t always get what we want. In fact, we will sometimes get what we don’t want. Be appreciative!
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: Give a stammerer enough time and he pronounce his fathers name

Meaning: It sounds interesting but think about it. Isn't it the case that many times we require from people more than their abilities would permit them? How unfair many of us are. Justice demands that we bear with people who are lagging or lacking in the abilities that we have. I am confident that if only we would be patient with people as much as we want others to be patient with us there will not be as many patients as we have now. Patience is not something that comes naturally to us. We are all by nature hard and critical on others and soft and bearing with ourselves. But the fact that we may have been born with those inclinations doesn't not mean we should give in to them. The world needs change and that change doesn't begin with someone else, it begins with you. Give people who do not have your abilities enough time to be like you. Whatever you are, you did not become in a day. Speed is not everything. Love is everything! And love is patient and understanding. Your patience and understanding may be all someone needs to mention his father’s name. A child often mutters his fathers name before its mother. Not that the mother is unimportant. It goes to show the success and humility of the mother because it’s the mother who teaches the child to do so. And when a child mentions his fathers name, it’s a sign of progress,love,connection etc. Be forbearing! !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: You always know who you love but you won’t always know who loves you

Meaning: Love is such a serious subject. But unfortunately not everyone takes it seriously enough to study about it. Perhaps that's why there is so much abuse and misunderstanding of it. Sometimes what doesn't seem like love may actually be love. For instance, did you know that just because a person hurts you doesn't mean they don't love you? People who love you will want to tell you the truth. And truth often hurts. Besides, some people will hurt you not because they want to but because they just don't know how to express their love. Good intentions don't always correspond with good deeds. The reverse is also true. Sometimes behind good deeds are evil intensions. Just because someone buys you gifts doesn't mean the person loves you. A gift may be a bait to get you into doing something against your will or conscience. Such is not the way of love. Love neither lies nor deceives. The way of love is the way of truth and selflessness. But the point of this proverb is that you won't be able to always tell instantly as to what is driving a person's actions or interest: whether it's love or lust. Don't be quick to draw conclusions. Be curious!
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: To one who dies not know, a small garden is a forest

Meaning: The greatest enemy to our own progress is ourselves. The greatest enemy to success is ease. The greatest enemy to freedom is ignorance. Ignorance is as dangerous as a lie, if not more dangerous! The one who does not know anything is a better candidate for deception than the one who knows something. Where there is ignorance, failure is inevitable. The proverb teaches us that ignorance magnifies our problems, causing us to see them as bigger than they really are. With ignorance, a small and safe garden appears as a huge and dangerous forest. Ignorance is fear’s best friend. But there’s another way we can look at the proverb. If it is others that are ignorant, the proverb teaches us to be understanding. People who are ignorant see things the way they do, not because they want to, but because that’s all they know. Like the idiom, they cannot see the forest for the trees. Be understanding.
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African Proverb: All good friends are bad friends to lose

Meaning: A fictional story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. “Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me. “Sure,” they replied, “we’d love to meet him.” "There’s something you should know,” the son continued, “he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us.” "I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.” "No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.” “Son,” said the father, “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He’ll find a way to live on his own.” At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police that their son had died after falling from a building. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. On seeing his body, they discovered to their shock that their son had only one arm and one leg. Indeed, good friends are bad friends to lose, because when we lose them we lose a crucial part of us. Be considerate. !
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: The more you spend on peace, the less you spend on war

Meaning: Peace is not a product of happenstance. If you find peace anywhere, you can be absolutely sure that it was created or is being maintained by some concerted effort. If you want peace in your relationship or marriage, then you must work for it, because you will not automatically have it. Now, my observation is that there are two root causes of war. Number one is unrestrained self-interest. Look anywhere - whether inside or outside of you - and you will find that whenever someone is having too much concern for himself or herself and none for the needs and feelings of other people, there are fights or quarrels. The second fundamental cause of war is pride. Wherever and whenever there is pride there is tension. Pride is thinking or holding yourself too highly than you ought to. The more pride and selfishness at work in a place the less peace there would be. A place full of pride and selfishness would be invariably a place full of war. Tell me how much time and resources are you spending towards peace ? Is it more or or is it less what you are expending on war? Whatever the case may be, remember: the more you spend towards peace, the less you will spend towards war. Be wise! #
Writer: D.O Thompson
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African Proverb: When brothers fight to death, a stranger inherits their property

Meaning: When two grasshoppers fight to death, it is the crow who gets to feast. When two antelopes fight to death , it is the vulture that benefits. And when two brothers fight to death, a stranger inherits their father's estate. "Brothers" in this context can be companies, countries, siblings, societies, families or groups that share the a common bond. A house that is divided against itself bows to the ground. Unity is what beautifies a family. A united family is like a fortress -- it's hard to pe*****te. There is no hurdle a united family cannot surmount. A wise family works together. When a family does not work together, their effort is dispersed and dissipated. And in the end, a stranger or outsider becomes the one who gains the most. The wealth of a stupid family always goes to a stranger. You may think I'm being harsh for saying 'stupid', but the last time I checked my dictionary, a stupid person is one who lacks common sense. And common sense teaches us to be united in order to able to fight any intruder. Be unfettered !
Writer: D. O Thompson
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