Katondozi Eiraka Radio 89.7fm

Katondozi Eiraka Radio 89.7fm Katondozi is a program. that critically give news on Eventualities, Personalities, Politics, Technol


US hands Bagram Airfield to Afghans after nearly 20 years

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — After nearly 20 years, the U.S. military left Bagram Airfield, the epicenter of its war to oust the Taliban and hunt down the al-Qaida perpetrators of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, two U.S. officials said Friday.

The airfield was handed over to the Afghan National Security and Defense Force in its entirety, they said on condition they not be identified because they were not authorized to release the information to the media.

One of the officials also said the U.S. top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Austin S. Miller, “still retains all the capabilities and authorities to protect the forces.”

Miller met Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Friday and according to a Dari-language tweet by the presidential palace the two discussed “continued U.S. assistance and cooperation with Afghanistan, particularly in supporting the defense and security forces.”

There were no specifics but the U.S. is already committed to paying nearly $4 billion annually until 2024 to finance the Afghani national security forces. While no one was calling Miller’s visit a farewell, in the backdrop of the evacuation of Bagram Airfield it had the hallmarks of a goodbye.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan’s district administrator for Bagram, Darwaish Raufi, said the American departure was d one overnight without any coordination with local officials, and as a result early Friday dozens of local looters stormed through the unprotected gates before Afghan forces regained control.

“They were stopped and some have been arrested and the rest have been cleared from the base,” Raufi told The Associated Press, adding that the looters ransacked several buildings before being arrested and the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) took control.

“Unfortunately the Americans left without any coordination with Bagram district officials or the governor’s office,” Raufi said. “Right now our Afghan security forces are in control both inside and outside of the base.”

The deputy spokesman for the defense minister, Fawad Aman, said nothing of the early morning looting. He said only the base has been handed over and the “ANDSF will protect the base and use it to combat terrorism.”

The Taliban too welcomed the American withdrawal from Bagram Airfield. In a tweet by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, they called it a “positive step,” urging for the “withdrawal of foreign forces from all parts of the country.”

The previous U.S. administration had signed an agreement with the Taliban promising to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan.

The withdrawal from Bagram Airfield is the clearest indication that the last of the 2,500-3,500 U.S. troops have left Afghanistan or are nearing a departure, months ahead of President Joe Biden’s promise that they would be gone by Sept. 11.

– EXPLAINER: When is the US war in Afghanistan really over?
– Anxious Afghans fear tomorrow; many seeking to leave
It was clear soon after the mid-April announcement that the U.S. was ending its “forever war,” that the departure of U.S. soldiers and their estimated 7,000 NATO allies would be nearer to July 4, when America celebrates its Independence Day.

Most NATO soldiers have already quietly exited as of this week. Announcements from several countries analyzed by The Associated Press show that a majority of European troops has now left with little ceremony — a stark contrast to the dramatic and public show of force and unity when NATO allies lined up to back the U.S. invasion in 2001.

The U.S. has refused to say when the last U.S. soldier would leave Afghanistan, citing security concerns, but also the protection of Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport is still being negotiated. Turkish and U.S. soldiers currently are protecting the airport. That protection is currently covered under the Resolute Support Mission, which is the military mission being wound down.

Until a new agreement for the airport’s protection

 # Kenneth KaundaIMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGESKenneth Kaunda was one of the pioneer leaders of a new Africa, as countries th...


Kenneth Kaunda was one of the pioneer leaders of a new Africa, as countries threw off colonialism in favour of independent statehood.

A man of great personal charm, he was hailed as a modernising force in the continent despite his initial rejection of the concept of multiparty democracy.

As a committed pan-Africanist, he began the task of building a new Zambia, free to determine its own way in international affairs.

But poor economic management caused his popularity to plummet, and he was voted out of office when free elections were held in 1991.

Kenneth David Kaunda was born on 28 April 1924 at a mission station near the border between what was then Northern Rhodesia and the Congo.

Martin Luther King & Kenneth Kaunda in 1960
Kaunda was strongly influenced by the policies of Martin Luther King.

His father, an ordained Church of Scotland minister, died while he was still a child, leaving the family in straitened circumstances.

But the young Kaunda's academic ability won him a place in the first secondary school to be formed in Northern Rhodesia, and he later became a teacher.

His work took him to the country's Copperbelt region and to Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, where for the first time he experienced, and deeply resented, the full impact of white domination.

One of his first political acts was to become a vegetarian in protest at a policy that forced Africans to go to a separate window at butchers' to buy meat.

In 1953 he became the general secretary of the Northern Rhodesian African National Congress but the organisation failed to mobilise black Africans against the white-ruled Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

Two years later he was imprisoned, with hard labour, for distributing leaflets that the authorities deemed subversive.

Disillusioned with what he saw as the failure of his party to take a stronger line on the rights of indigenous Africans, Kaunda set up his own party, the Zambian African National Congress.

Within a year it was banned and Kaunda was back in prison. His incarceration turned him into a radical.

By 1960 he had become the leader of the new United National Independence Party (Unip) and, fired with enthusiasm following a visit to Martin Luther King in the US, he began his own programme of civil disobedience which involved blocking roads and burning buildings.

Kaunda stood as a Unip candidate in the 1962 elections which saw an uneasy coalition with the African National Congress (ANC) take power in the legislature.

The prime minister of newly-independent Northern Rhodesia, Kenneth Kaunda, inspecting the Northern Rhodesia police.
He became the first Prime Minister of the newly created Northern Rhodesia

The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was dissolved at the end of 1963 and, a month later, Kaunda was elected prime minister of Northern Rhodesia. The country, renamed as Zamia, gained full independence in Oct 1964 with Kaunda as its first president.

Kaunda started with the great advantage of leading an African state with a stronger economic base than any of its neighbours but there was a shortage of native Zambians who had the skills and training to run the country.

His position was also gravely imperilled by Ian Smith's unilateral declaration of independence in Southern Rhodesia.

Political opposition
The policy of sanctions imposed by the British government on the breakaway country proved at least as damaging to the Zambian economy.

In the circumstances, Kaunda found it increasingly difficult to sustain his reputation for moderation - though his calls for British military intervention were no shriller than those of leaders of other African states whose interests were less directly threatened.

In 1969, at huge cost, he nationalised the copper mines, which accounted for 90% of the country's foreign exchange earnings. But the price of copper collapsed, imported oil prices soared, and the economy, already weakened, was soon in serious trouble.

Copper Mine Of Mufulira In Zambia 1964
A fall in the price of copper undermined the Zambian economy

At the time of independence Zambia was one of the richest countries in sub-Saharan Africa, but by 1991 it had debts of $8bn.

Kaunda was not slow in taking a firm line against political opposition. In 1972 he declared a one-party state, a situation that was not relaxed until 1991, when free elections were held.

"It would have been disastrous for Zambia if we had gone multiparty," he once said, "because these parties would have been used by those opposed to Zambia's participation in the freedom struggle."

Peaceful evolution
As chairman of the six frontline states in the campaign against apartheid, he led opposition first to Ian Smith in Rhodesia and then the regime in South Africa.

Nevertheless, he continued to work for a settlement in Rhodesia, and had meetings with South African leaders John Vorster, PW Botha and FW de Klerk.

He harboured political exiles from South Africa in his country, and clashed with Margaret Thatcher in particular, over her opposition to sanctions against the apartheid regime. It was an issue that threatened the very future of the Commonwealth.

He worked with South Africa's leaders to find a solution to the Rhodesia problem

In the new Africa's political spectrum he was a moderate, dedicated to multiracialism, and always hoped for a peaceful evolution that would accommodate white Africans as well as black.

In contrast, he remained a staunch defender of the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's policy of land reform, under which white farmers were driven from the country, resulting in economic meltdown.

"I've been saying it all along, please do not demonise Robert Mugabe. I'm not saying the methods he's using are correct, but he was put under great pressure."

The cracks began to appear in Kaunda's rule in late 1980. There were reports of an attempt to overthrow his government, and a dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed over much of the country.

During the next 10 years, two further attempts to topple him were reported. The last of these, in the summer of 1990, followed food riots in the capital, Lusaka, and the Copperbelt region, over the government's crash austerity programme.

More than 20 people died in three days of rioting, and the security forces stormed the campus of Zambia University and closed it down to stifle unrest.

Kaunda was coming under increasing pressure both from inside Zambia and from the wider world to introduce real democracy. Eventually he agreed and called elections on 31 October 1991.

From the moment that campaigning began, it was clear that he was in trouble, and there was little surprise when the voters rejected him in favour of the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy, led by Frederick Chiluba.

But he still had great influence in Zambia and the new government perceived him as a threat.

Kaunda was arrested on charges of treason in 1997, although the new government was forced to back down after international pressure.

A later attempt to have him declared stateless was eventually thrown out by the courts.

He turned his attention to the fight against HIV and Aids and was the first African leader to publicly admit that one of his sons, Masuzyo, had died of an Aids-related disease.

A prolific writer, he published a number of books advancing his ideology of African Socialism, which was picked up by other African leaders including Kwame Nkrumah in Ghana and Julius Nyerere in Tanzania.

Away from politics Kaunda was a keen ballroom dancer and, in 2011, was spotted as an enthusiastic audience member at a performance of Dancing with the Stars, the international version of Strictly Come Dancing.

He also played an accomplished guitar player and composed liberation songs which he played as he travelled the country to drum up support for the campaign against colonial rule.

In the main Kenneth Kaunda avoided much of the strife that was seen in other newly independent African nations and succeeded in uniting the disparate parts of his country under his slogan One Zambia, One Nation.

But his economic policies turned a country that had huge earnings potential into a state in which poverty remained widespread and life expectancy was among the lowest in the world

Here are some of the key points from today:The two leaders met in Geneva for their first summit together today. It came ...

Here are some of the key points from today:

The two leaders met in Geneva for their first summit together today. It came amid tensions on a number of issues, from alleged Russian cyber-attacks to Russia’s role in Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to reporters in a news conference for about an hour
He described the talks as “constructive”. He said that both sides had agreed to return ambassadors after they withdrawn earlier this year
Biden said he told Putin that “human rights is always going to be on the table” and that his agenda is not against Russia but for the American people
The US president became visibly frustrated by journalists' questions on how he could trust Putin without concrete action
The two leaders released a joint statement - reflecting a tone of mutual cooperation

While the presidential plane waited to leave Geneva, President Biden took questions from reporters who were pressing him on what he had achieved during the Putin meeting.

"To be a journalist you have to have a negative world view, it seems," Biden said, chiding reporters for "never" asking a positive question.

Pushed over whether or not he accomplished anything, he responds "we will see".

Over the audible pleas of the president's team asking reporters to wrap up the questions, Biden continued to speak with them and defend his position with Putin.

Biden apologised for being "short" and a "wise guy" to reporters, who he then called "the brightest people in the country".


Who is Naftali Bennett the new Isreal Prime minister?

Naftali Bennett, born 25 March 1972) is an Israeli politician serving as the 13th prime minister of Israel since 13 June 2021.

He served as minister of Diaspora Affairs from 2013 to 2019 and as minister of Defense from 2019 to 2020. He has led the New Right party since 2018, having previously led The Jewish Home party between 2012 and 2018.

Reuven Rivlin

Yair Lapid

Preceded by
Benjamin Netanyahu

Ministerial roles
Minister of Economy

Minister of Religious Services

Minister of Diaspora Affairs

Minister of Education

Minister of Defense
Faction represented in the Knesset

The Jewish Home

New Right


New Right

Personal details
25 March 1972 (age 49)
Haifa, Israel

Political party
New Right (2018–present)

Other political
Likud (2005–2008)

The Jewish Home (2012–2018)

Gilat Bennett ​(m. 1999)​
Ra'anana, Israel

Military service
Israel Defense Forces
Years of service
Rav seren (Major)
Sayeret MatkalMaglan
First Intifada
South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000)
Second Intifada
2006 Lebanon War
Born and raised in Haifa, the son of immigrants from the United States, Bennett served in the Sayeret Matkal and Maglan special forces units of the Israel Defense Forces, commanding many combat operations, and subsequently became a software entrepreneur. In 1999, he co-founded and co-owned the US company Cyota, operating in the anti-fraud space, focused on online banking fraud, e-commerce fraud, and phishing.[3] The company was sold in 2005 for $145 million. He has also served as CEO of Soluto, an Israeli cloud computing service, sold in 2013 for a reported $100–130 million.[4]

He entered politics in 2006, serving as Chief of Staff for Benjamin Netanyahu until 2008. In 2011, together with Ayelet Shaked, he co-founded the My Israel extra-parliamentary movement.[5] In 2012, Bennett was elected as the party leader of The Jewish Home. In the 2013 Knesset elections, the first contested by The Jewish Home under Bennett's leadership, the party won 12 seats out of 120.[6] He served under Prime Minister Netanyahu as Minister of Economy and Religious Services from 2013 to 2015 and as Minister of Education from 2015 to 2019. In December 2018, Bennett defected from The Jewish Home to form the New Right.[7]

On 2 June 2021, Bennett agreed to a rotation government with Yair Lapid, whereby Bennett would serve as Israel's prime minister until 2023, after which Lapid would assume the role until 2025.[8] Bennett was sworn in on 13 June 2021. He is the second prime minister of Israel (after Netanyahu) who was born after the establishment of the Israeli state.

Netanyahu out as new Israeli government approved.Benjamin Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett in the Knesset ended Benjamin Ne...

Netanyahu out as new Israeli government approved.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett in the Knesset
ended Benjamin Netanyahu's long tenure in office
Benjamin Netanyahu has lost his 12-year hold on power in Israel after its parliament voted in a new coalition government.

Right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett has been sworn in as prime minister, leading a "government of change".

He will lead an unprecedented coalition of parties which was approved with a razor-thin majority of 60-59.

Mr Bennett will be prime minister until September 2023 as part of a power-sharing deal.
He will then hand power over to Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid, for a further two years.

Mr Netanyahu - Israel's longest-serving leader who has dominated its political landscape for years - will remain head of the right-wing Likud party and become leader of the opposition.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's unseated long-term leader
The rise of Naftali Bennett, Israel's new PM
During the debate in the Knesset (parliament), a defiant Mr Netanyahu promised: "We'll be back."

After the vote, Mr Netanyahu walked over to Mr Bennett and shook his hand.

However, representatives of the Palestinians have reacted dismissively to Israel's new government.

"This is an internal Israeli affair. Our position has always been clear, what we want is a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital," a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said.

"It is an occupation and a colonial entity, which we should resist by force to get our rights back," said a spokesman for Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza.

US President Joe Biden has already sent his congratulations to Mr Bennett, saying he looks forward to working with him.


Katondozi is a program. that critically give news on Eventualities, Personalities, Politics, Technology, among many other news.

G7.G7 is a term that is used to describe the Group of Seven. This is a group of seven countries that have the largest an...


G7 is a term that is used to describe the Group of Seven. This is a group of seven countries that have the largest and most advanced economies in the world. These are the most industrialized nations in the world.

When breaking down the numbers, the G7 countries represent over 46% of the gross domestic product globally based on nominal values. These countries represent over 32% of the GDP based on purchasing power parity. The countries in this group have more than 62% of the global net wealth – or a total of $280 trillion.

This organization of nations was originally founded in order to allow the members to share macroeconomic initiatives. This was in response to the collapse of the exchange rate in the 1970s, the energy crisis and the recession that followed.

Since the mid-1970s, the group meet each year to discuss economic policies. The Finance Ministers of the member nations meet up to four times per year. The organization, during its history, has launched an initiative to help out heavily indebted poor countries. It has also become involved in the Financial Stability Forum.

The nations that are part of G7 include;
6-United Kingdom
7-United States of America. Of these nations, all seven are top-ranked countries for the highest net wealth per capita, all are leading export countries, and five are on the list of top 10 countries with the largest gold reserves.

The current leaders of the G7 are:

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
Emmanuel Macron, President of France
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister of Italy
Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Joe Biden, President of the United States


Katondozi is a program. that critically give news on Eventualities, Personalities, Politics, Technology, among many other news.


UAE to suspend inbound flights from Zambia, DRC and Uganda from June 11
Transit flights heading to these countries are not include in the ban

15:39 June 9, 2021
The General Authority of Civil Aviation called upon all travelers affected by the decision to contact the relevant airlines to reschedule their flights and ensure their safe return to their final destinations without delay.
Image Credit: Bloomberg
John Benny Staff Reporter
Dubai: UAE has announced the suspension of inbound flights from Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, as of Friday, June 11, 2021.

Transit flights coming to the UAE from other destinations and heading to these countries are excluded from the decision confirmed National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA)

The move includes extending the suspension of entry for travelers who were in these three countries in the 14-day period prior to arrival in the UAE.

Flights between the three countries will continue to allow the transport of passengers from the UAE to Zambia and Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda and the transfer of exempted groups from these countries to the UAE who have applied for exemption.

Who are exempted?
The list of exempted passengers includes UAE citizens and their first degree relatives, those on diplomatic missions accredited by the UAE and the three countries (including administrators working in embassies), official delegations and businessmen with prior approval, golden and sliver residence holders, and essential job holders (according to the classification of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA).

Crews of foreign shipment and transit aircraft will be subject to precautionary measures that include a 10-day quarantine and PCR testing at the airport and on the fourth and eighth days after entering the country.

The required PCR testing period prior to travel has been reduced from 72 to 48 hours, and all tests must be administered by accredited laboratories that issue results carrying a QR code.

The General Authority of Civil Aviation confirmed that travelers coming the three countries through other countries are required to provide proof of a period of stay in those countries of no less than 14 days in order to be allowed to enter the UAE. Cargo flights will continue to operate between the three countries.

The General Authority of Civil Aviation called upon all travelers affected by the decision to contact the relevant airlines to reschedule their flights and ensure their safe return to their final destinations without delay.

Katondozi Updates # #


From the president's speech on 6th June 2021.
New directives for the next 42days.

1. Schools closed for 42 days effective tomorrow

2. Churches, mosques and open air worship closed for 42 days

3. All teachers to get vaccinated before returning to school

4. Public, cultural gatherings and conferences suspended for 42 days

5. Travel from category A countries remain suspended except for returning Ugandans

6. Agriculture activities like cultivating and ploughing gardens and fishing to continue

7. Non agricultural activities like factory, construction, shopping malls and super markets to continue while observing SOPs

8. Factories, hotels, Markets, to operate under strict observance of SOPs

9. Marriage ceremonies and other social gatherings allowed with a maximum of 20 people under strict observance of SOPs

10. House parties are strictly banned

11. No. Of persons at burials and vigils should not exceed 20 people

12. Weekly non food markets suspended for 42 days

13. Cattle markets suspended for 42 days

14. All public transport between and across districts are suspended for 42 days from 10th of June 2021

15. All inter district travel banned except between Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono for 42 days. Only cargo trucks excepted. Registered travel vehicles and service vehicles excepted.

16. Public transport allowed within districts

17. Cargo trucks are allowed only 2 people



Benjamin Netanyahu calls to block Israel's newly formed coalition
3 June 2021

Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu has lashed out at a newly agreed coalition which looks set to remove him from power after 12 years as prime minister.

Mr Netanyahu called on right-wing members of parliament to block the coalition from taking office.

Eight parties reached an agreement to work together to form a new government late on Wednesday.

But the group, from across Israel's political spectrum, still needs parliamentary backing to take office.

No date has so far been set for such a vote in the Knesset (parliament). But it is expected to take place next week at the latest, and there is still a chance this newly formed coalition could be upended by defections.

In his first comments since the coalition was announced, Mr Netanyahu urged members of the Knesset "elected by votes from the right" to oppose the coalition.

Who is Naftali Bennett, Israel's likely next PM?
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu: Commando turned PM
In a post on Twitter, he criticised them as "left-wing" and "dangerous". He has previously called the proposed new government the "fraud of the century", saying it endangered the state and people of Israel.

Observers have already noted that Mr Netanyahu - who failed to form his own coalition despite his Likud party winning the most seats in the March vote - is likely to try to prevent the group getting the support it needs.

Knesset coalition
News of a fresh coalition emerged late on Wednesday, when Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid party, called President Reuven Rivlin to let him know that agreement had been reached.

He pledged to form a government which would "work in the service of all Israeli citizens... respect its opponents and do everything in its power to unite and connect all parts of Israeli society".

The right-wing Yamina party's Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid party, after reaching an agreement
Image caption,
The right-wing Yamina party's Naftali Bennett (left) and Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid party, after reaching an agreement

However, Mr Lapid will not become prime minister immediately. Under a rotation arrangement, the head of the right-wing Yamina party, Naftali Bennett, would serve as prime minister first before handing over to Mr Lapid in August 2023.

The coalition members span the full spectrum of Israeli politics with little in common apart from their plan to replace Mr Netanyahu. For the first time in decades, the government will include an Israeli Arab party.

An image carried on Israeli media showed Mr Lapid, Mr Bennett and Mansour Abbas, leader of the Arab Islamist Raam party, signing the agreement, a deal many thought impossible.

Uganda MartyrsThe Uganda martyrs, killed during the first decade of Christian presence in Uganda, play a huge role in Ug...

Uganda Martyrs
The Uganda martyrs, killed during the first decade of Christian presence in Uganda, play a huge role in Ugandan Catholic and Anglican life.

This was a group of 23 Anglicans and 22 converts to Christianity. The Uganda Martyrs Group became part of the historical kingdom of Buganda and now part of Uganda.

The Uganda Martyrs were executed between 31st January 1885 and 27th January 1887. Under the orders of Mwanga ll, the Kabaka (king) of Buganda by then.

It was a group of 45 men that were forced to abandon and stop believing in their faith (Christianity). They refused and under the orders of Kabaka Mwanga were brutally killed.

It’s said that various people of Buganda had started to convert to Christianity which Kabaka Mwanga didn’t want.

Up to date, the lives of these young men are celebrated by the world on the 3rd of June every year. Very many people from different areas pay pilgrimage to Namugongo Martyrs shrine which was put in commemoration of the Uganda Martyrs.

According to history, the Arabs that entered in Uganda in the 1830’s, the Anglican missionaries arrived in Buganda in 1877. Later the Catholics Missionaries also arrived in the era of king Mutessa 1. They settled in Buganda and converted a lot of people to their religion.

After the death of king Muteesa in 1884. He was succeeded by his son Kabaka Mwanga ll.

The new faith of Christianity started contradicting with the beliefs of the traditional faith in the kingdom. This forced them to abandon the traditional religions, practices and the way of living and take on the Christian way of life.

When Mwanga was still a young prince, he loved Christians. The arrival of the missionaries just before they took over his father’s throne. After taking of the seat as the king of Buganda, he realized that the foreigners were interfering into the traditional of the kingdom and the thought that this would bring his powers down as the king of Buganda

By 1884, Kabaka Mwanga had succeeded his father. He passed an order for the killing of Makko Kakumba, Nuwa Serwanga and Yusuf Rugarama. That were killed at Busega Nateete. The three were killed on the 31st January 1885 making them the first Uganda martyrs. The second killing occurred in Busoga. Where by the newly appointed head of Eastern Equatorial Africa Bishop James Hannington was returning to Buganda using the eastern direction.

Historically, one wise man of Buganda once said that the enemy of the king would come from the Eastern direction. This was the same direction Bishop James Hannington came from and there then he was looked at as an enemy and was killed in October 1885.

Joseph Balikuddembe another martyr was beheaded at Nakivubo on the 15thNovember 1885. He was the first catholic convert to be killed. It’s said that he was a senior advisor to King Mwanga. He strongly condemned the king’s orders for the killing of Anglican Bishop James Hannington minus a chance to listen to his reasons as to why he had used this direction. This annoyed the king and he ordered for his arrest and killing.

Many people had converted to Christianity, the king asked them to denounce this new faith they had followed and they refused. A lot of these young men refused to obey the King’s orders. They knew they disobeyed the kings orders they had to be killed.

They walked from Munyonyo to Namugongo. Collecting firewood that would be used to kill or burn them. A group of 26 young boys and men were put in the same locality with firewood and fire was lit to burn them.

Therefore, it is believed that the last Martyr was beheaded, on 27thJanuary at Mengo in 1887. He was called jean-Marie muzeeyi and was a catholic convert.

Many more converts were found and beheaded or burnt and some were jailed but not reported missing. History states that King Mwanga ll killed more than 45 martyrs in Uganda. The 45 Ugandan martyrs are remembered by many Christians in the world,today.

Pope Benedict XV affirmed the 22 catholic Martyrs as blessed and this was very important step in the catholic church.

List of Uganda Martyrs.

Kakumba Makko
Sserwanga Nuwa,
Balikuddembe Mukasa
Mukasa Musa
Kaggwa Anderea
Yusuf Rugarama
Ngondwe Posiano
ssebugwawo Denis
Bazzekukeeta Antanansio
Gonza Gonzaga
Mbwa Eriya
Mudduagauma Mulumba Matiya
Muwanga Daudi
Kayizza Kibuuka
Mawaggali Nowa
Mayanja Kitoogo
Lwanga karoli
Baanabakintu luuka
Buuzabalyawo Yakobo
Kiuuka Ambrosio
Kiriggwajo Anatoli
Lugido Mukasa Adolof
Sserunkuma Bruno
Tuzinde Mbaga
Kadoko Alexanda
Mubi- azaalwa
Munyangabyangu Robert
Kiwanuka Giyaza
Kizza Fredrick
Muwanga Njigija
Lwakisinga Mukasa
Nakabandwa Danieri
Walukagga Nuwa
Muzeeyi Jean-Marie.







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