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Assets vs liabilitiesThe idea is to have more assets than liabilities. An asset is something you own that generates inco...

Assets vs liabilities

The idea is to have more assets than liabilities. An asset is something you own that generates income or increases in value. Typical assets include things like land, buildings, businesses, farms, forests, equipment, inventory, receivables, cash, treasury bills and bonds, unit trusts, provident funds, precious metals, digital assets, brands, shares, etc.

A liability is something you owe someone else and costs you money. Examples of liabilities include loans, mortgages, credit, payables, etc.

The difference between your assets and liabilities is your net worth. You increase your net worth by using your income or savings to buy assets while reducing your liabilities. Your income comes from deploying your unique gifts, talents, skills and experiences to solve problems or provide a useful service to other people.

 .Halloween first originated from the ancient Celtic festivals. It was part of the end of the year celebration known as ...


Halloween first originated from the ancient Celtic festivals. It was part of the end of the year celebration known as "Samhain". The Celts, which lived in now modern-day Ireland, UK and northern France, would celebrate the New Years on November 1st. This day marked the end of summer and the beginning of a long, cold, dark winter. So New Year's Eve would be the night of October 31st where everything began. It was known as All Hallows Eve. On this evening, it was believed that evil spirits would be resurrected from their graves and go around haunting the townspeople.

Since winter was a frightening, dark and uncertain time, food supplies would sometimes run short, so on All Hallows Eve, the townspeople would be terrified to go out in fear of encountering ghosts. So, in order to get rid of and protect themselves from these evil spirits, the townspeople would disguise themselves in costumes and light up bonfires in order to confuse the evil spirits and avoid being recognized. This way, they are mistaken as fellow ghosts. Bowls of food would also be placed right outside of their homes to please the evil spirits and prevent them from entering the homes.

By time, different practices of this night gradually evolved. All Hallows Eve eventually became known as Halloween. This night became a night of public events, sharing ghost stories with one another, dancing and singing… In the second half of the 19th century, new immigrants (mostly the millions of Irish escaping famine) flooded America and later on, helped nationally popularize the Halloween celebration. It is now a night of fun, trick-or-treating, gatherings, eating sweets and partying. In replacement of bone fires, people would crave pumpkins into jack o lanterns.

The hunter of the ostrich will find it.Meaning.Whatever you seek, don’t give up and you will find it. All we need is pat...

The hunter of the ostrich will find it.

Whatever you seek, don’t give up and you will find it. All we need is patience.
from Morocco

When u see a pregnant goat in the market, there is a pregnant problem at home.  from Uganda(apac)

When u see a pregnant goat in the market, there is a pregnant problem at home.
from Uganda(apac)

In the journey of life we keep trying........There you go

In the journey of life we keep trying........
There you go

10 LESSONS FROM RICH DAD, POOR DAD 1. Manage your money:Many people are able to make money, but not everyone learns how ...


1. Manage your money:

Many people are able to make money, but not everyone learns how to manage it properly.

Financial intelligence starts with learning the difference between assets and liabilities.
ensure that you have more money coming in than going out, which is what will make you richer.

2. Pay Yourself First:

Most people earn and spend their salary paying bills.

A rich person always pays himself.

Invest in
- Courses
- Books
- Experiences

3. Saving and investing are different:

Saving is considered a must and a good habit.

You need to invest your money instead where it grows at a higher rate than inflation.

Saving weaken the purchasing power while investment will increase the value of your money.

4. Learn taxes:

If you are rich and lack financial literacy, you will end up paying a lot of taxes.

The rich have their investments often in learning, so they have to pay fewer taxes.

You need to have financial IQ in different areas like accounting, investing, market forces, and the law.

5. Do not rely on a single source of income:

Most people rely on a single source of income.

You can never become rich and financially secure if you are one of those.

You should have 2 to 3 streams from where you earn money.

You will be in better position even if you face some financial crisis if you multiple income streams.

6. you become smarter by taking risk:

Unless you take a risk, you cannot grow, grow as in grow really big.

You should take a risk because some opportunities in life have the potential to change the course of your life.

7. Everyone needs to be a financially literate:

Intelligence solves problems and produces money.

Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.

The sad part about the education system around the world is that it teaches to work for money.

The system never teaches how to make, manage, and keep the money.

You should learn how to create wealth and make a plan to achieve

REASONS WHY YOUR WIFE WANTS YOU HOME EARLY1. The night is the most intimate time. Who you give your night to, is your pr...


1. The night is the most intimate time. Who you give your night to, is your priority

2. She wants your children to bond with you before they sleep

3. You are the King of the house. Why be absent yet your presence at home is needed as head of the home?

4. She wants to catch up with you and know how each other's day has been before she gets tired and sleep

5. To make love to you. At night is when she often feels h***y, touchy, sensual and in need of attention

6. To end the day right. She doesn't feel OK sleeping without sufficiently talking with you

7. Because your home is not a lodge that you go to late in the night just to sleep. Come home early so that you enjoy your family

8. To pray with you. Prayer needs to be allocated to time

9. To eat with you and the family

10. To know you are OK. You are a grown man but she'll feel safe when you are home, lying on her thighs or bosom, cuddling with her

Happy new week

Happy new week

  city in pictures

city in pictures

Good new music for grab⏭️Let's Support the boarderless brothers

Good new music for grab⏭️
Let's Support the boarderless brothers

AFRICAN PROVERBFrom NIGERIA (Yoruba)Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth. —

From NIGERIA (Yoruba)
Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth. —

LOVE IS THE SIMPLE THINGS1. Love is making the bed together when you wake up in the morning2. Love is cleaning each othe...


1. Love is making the bed together when you wake up in the morning

2. Love is cleaning each other's ears with earbuds when you two are chilling, what a relaxing feeling

3. Love is him helping her decide which clothes to wear, her helping to straighten his tie

4. Love is doing shopping together as you bump into friends and say hello to the cashier at the supermarket

5. Love is she shaving his facial hair, him helping to unstrap her bra and zip on her dress

6. Love is waiting for each other so that you eat as a family

7. Love is tickling the baby together, teamwork parenting

8. Love is having a pillow fight, competing against each other, choosing opposing teams as you watch a sports game, nicely bullying and teasing each other

9. Love is filling a crossword puzzle together, playing indoor games

10. Love is him blowing away the eyelash that has entered her eye and causing her irritation, her wiping the stain on his shirt

11. Love is looking at old photos together

12. Love is sending each other funny, inspiring or sweet messages, articles and videos

13. Love is asking her to slow dance when you're just you two in the house

14. Love is praying together

15. Love is taking walks together, jogging together or cycling together

16. Love is visiting your parents as a couple

17. Love is listening to good music together whether as you drive, or at home

18. Love is hearing the silly stories from your children or sharing great conversations with them as a couple. Giving them amazing memories

19. Love is covering each other with a blanket when the other is too sleepy and dozes off

20. Love is when your spouse is your best friend

MARRIAGE IN SOUTH SUDAN MEANS 4 YEARS OF FREEDOM FOR BRIDE Dinka custom of marriage. Despite payment of dowry that range...


Dinka custom of marriage. Despite payment of dowry that ranges from 100 to 500 cows, women are treated godly.

Once a man gets married, his wife will not cook or sweep for 4 years. This period is called "Anyuuc" (Generous Welcoming). It is meant for the new bride to rest, relax and study her husband homestead values.

During this time, her husband's sister will do the cooking, washing utensils, collecting firewood, fetching water, and doing other domestic work till later.

After 4 years, her husband decides to arrange a very big party called "Thaat" (cooking festival) where 3 cows and 5 goats are slaughtered to initiate a wife into cooking for the family.

But if the man misbehaved during the 4 years the wife can decide to leave and she doesn't even have to pay back anything.

Real talk.....

Real talk.....

From the medical wingBut ah..........

From the medical wing
But ah..........

Happy new month and may all your heart desires "GOOD" be fulfilled

Happy new month and may all your heart desires "GOOD"
be fulfilled


Short and sweet....
Check it out


Factor is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells in most people (about 85% of humans). It is also referred to as Rh Factor. People who have the Rh have “positive” (+) blood types, such as A+, O+ or B+ are said to be rhesus Factor positive, while those who have the Rh “negative” (-) blood types, such as A–, O– or AB– are said to be rhesus factor negative . The “+” and “-” in front of the blood group is the Rhesus factor. Generally, we have A+, A–, B+, B–, AB+, AB–, O+ and O–. Rhesus factor is genetic in nature. It is inherited from the parents, emphatically the father.

How does Rhesus Factor cause miscarriage?

If a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh–, there wouldn’t be any problem. However, if a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh+, there would be a problem if the baby inherits Rh+ from the father . We have here what is medically called Rhesus Factor Incompatibility. The baby would obviously be Rh+. During child birth, once the baby’s Rh+ comes in contact with the woman Rh- during delivery, the antibodies are immediately activated by the woman’s body’s immune system.

The activated antibodies would see the new Rh+ as foreign body or a threat and consequently they would be at alert to attack and get rid of the foreign body. Unfortunately as such, after this particular child birth, the woman would keep having miscarriages because the activated antibodies would see subsequent Rh+ pregnancies as foreign bodies and would keep fighting and taking them off.

Women with Rh activated antibodies are said to be Rh sensitized and once these antibodies are activated , they can never be deactivated until the woman dies. Rh induced antibodies are activated in a Rh- woman by child birth, abortion, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

If a Rh– woman commits an abortion for a Rh+ man and the antibodies are activated in her system, the woman might end up childless throughout her life except if she later marries another man with with the same Rh–. The possibility of a Rh– woman finding a Rh– man is slim as about 85% of human beings are Rh+. This is a warning to our young girls who commits abortions all in the name of boyfriend-girlfriend relationships.

If you’re a woman with Rh– and your fiance is Rh+, and you haven’t committed abortion for him and you don’t want to leave him, then, you need to take note of the following:

In order to prevent the activation of the antibodies, doctors would give women in this category an injection called Rhogam during and after pregnancy to prevent spontaneous abortion due to Rhesus factor incompatibility. The injection is normally administered 28 weeks into pregnancy, 72 hours after delivery, after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. If the injection is not administered and the antibodies are activated, they would never be deactivated again!

In many African cultures up till today, women who are so unfortunate to find themselves having serial spontaneous abortions due to Rhesus factor incompatibility are considered witches by some of their people. Some of the women would accuse their in-laws of being behind their predicament.

So, if you’re a woman with Rh– , you need to be very careful. It might be difficult for you to get a husband with a Rh– because about 85% of human beings are Rh+. So, in order not to find yourself in the aforementioned problem, put all that have been said at the back of your mind and go for genetic counselling. If you have a daughter or a sister with Rh–, counsel them on Rhesus Factor Incompatibility and the dangers lying therein.

It should also be noted that a Rh– person(man or woman) cannot receive blood donation from a Rh+ person even if they have the same blood group. The consequence of such blood transfusion is fatal. It would lead to death as the blood would clot. This is due to the incompatibility in their Rhesus factor.
So therefore we should stop blaming unty, uncle,inlaws for some of this issues. Knowledge is power.

DID YOU KNOW???.🤔🤔🤔🤔All women/ladies/females have all the eggs/Ova needed before they are born.(when still in their moth...

DID YOU KNOW???.🤔🤔🤔🤔
All women/ladies/females have all the eggs/Ova needed before they are born.
(when still in their mother's womb)

In any human beings, the egg’s development starts before the female that carries it is born;
From around 8 to 20 weeks after the fetus has started to grow, cells that are to become mature ova/eggs have been multiplying, and by the time that the female is born, all of the egg cells that the ovaries will release during the active reproductive years of the female are already present in the ovaries.
These cells, known as the primary ova, number around 400,000.
The primary ova remain dormant until just prior to ovulation , when an egg is released from the o***y. Some egg cells may not mature for 40 years; others degenerate and never mature.

DID YOU KNOW????..🤔🤔Twins can have two different fathers but same mother.  Is the fertilization of two or more ova from ...

DID YOU KNOW????..🤔🤔
Twins can have two different fathers but same mother.

Is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by s***m from separate acts of sexual in*******se.
The term is also sometimes used to refer to the instances of two different males fathering fraternal twins and this is accurately known as
This therefore leads to the possibility of twins also being half-siblings.
Though it may be very rare in humans due to 1:1 heterosexual partner pairings among humans but A woman who has sexual relations with two or more men at short intervals within the same ovulatory period can be impregnated by both men.
Read more........

DID YOU KNOW???🤔A pregnant woman can become pregnant again. ,Is a phenomenon that occurs when a pregnant woman releases ...

A pregnant woman can become pregnant again.
Is a phenomenon that occurs when a pregnant woman releases an egg, usually a few weeks into her pregnancy, and it's fertilized and implants in the uterus. The result is two separate pregnancies happening at the same time.but it is always very very rare in human beings...

Is this for real????....

Is this for real????....

As simply said

As simply said

.: The teachers are the parents away from home. When they do it with love, they love your child like a parent. If they do it with hatred, then it's different.


. General-Secretary, Filbert Baguma: Think about a teacher earning UGX 400,000, with fuel prices and skyrocketing commodity prices.


. General-Secretary, Filbert Baguma: In this country, those who do the donkey work are the ones who are paid peanuts.

Chose wisely

Chose wisely


Don’t be afraid of going slow, just be afraid of stopping/standing still.”





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