Samurai Saint Cross.

3 Major Things You Should Never Borrow to Do:1. Burial: I honestly do not understand why the living should go as far as ...

3 Major Things You Should Never Borrow to Do:

1. Burial: I honestly do not understand why the living should go as far as borrowing or selling off their properties just to raise enough money to give the dead a loud burial.

At the burials of some people who suffered hunger and hardship until they died, their families slaughter fat cows, rent tens of canopies, invite breweries, and feed a community.

All these show, for me, is just for the ego of the living, not for the peace of the dead. We waste so much where it’s highly unnecessary.

2. Weddings: A lot of people have messaged me soliciting for monetary assistance for their weddings. I don’t think twice before declining and advising them to have weddings they can effortlessly afford.

Weddings, without the self-imposed pressures to impress outsiders, are one of the cheapest things to do.

I have seen a man who sold the only piece of land he has just to have a big wedding. I have seen others who struggled to pay the monies they borrowed to throw wedding talk-of-the-town parties.

No sane couple should put themselves under such unnecessary pressure just to impress people who would still go home not satisfied.

Do a little wedding, go home and have your peace. Don’t go about adding strangers to your committee of friends just because you want to raise enough money to feed another set of strangers.

3: Car: I know a lot of people who mortgaged the only assets they have for a loan to buy luxury cars just because they want to feel among.

By day they feel like a king, by night, they can’t sleep because of the amount of monies they owe people. Borrowing to service your liabilities and debts like Uganda. That’s f00lishness.

Instead of living above your means, live below it. Don’t die struggling to impress people who will not hesitate to march on your head and move on when you are down.

In the book of Luke 4:24, Jesus said “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.” This is because of over...

In the book of Luke 4:24, Jesus said “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.”

This is because of overfamiliarity. They know your father, they know your mother, they know your siblings.

They have seen you in your worst days and they know that you are just a human being too like the rest. Why should they respect, or see the greatness in you?

That’s what overfamiliarity does.
It happens even in marriages.

From afar you could see the beauty of this lady and the prestige of this man. She’s your life and he’s your Lord.

But when you guys start living together, you see that her hair is not always well-packed. You see that he goes to the toilet like every other man. You see everything about her and she sees everything about you.

Gradually, the fantasies in your head about them will begin to diminish. You will become blind to her beauty and she will get used to the things that fascinated her about you.

Outsiders will admire both of you and wish they were so lucky, but you two no longer see what the outsiders see. Not because it’s not there but because you have SEEN IT ALL.

Most of the people you admire have very close pals who see nothing special about them.

Most of the people you wish you were close to so that you could learn from their well of wisdom, some are living with them in the same houses but learn nothing from them.

Be careful of SEEN IT ALL When someone gives you privileged access, one of the dem+ons you will face in a fierce fight is overfamiliarity.

Don’t make friends with those you should make mentors. Don’t get too used to those you should be learning from. Don’t destroy the value of something in your head just because you now have them.

Be intentional and focused lest you get starved amid abundance.

The praise-singers will get tired of singing. When they do, scorn will replace their sycophancy. The claps and shouts of...

The praise-singers will get tired of singing. When they do, scorn will replace their sycophancy.

The claps and shouts of adulation will stop and leave in its wake, quiet dark loneliness.

Your success will stumble and life will twist and turn into highs and lows.

The beauty will fade and inevitable wrinkles of all that you once thought you would not become will be the first thing everyone would see when they look at you.

Gradually, everything you built with your life will take a new path, bear a new face, and silently obscure your name.

Lives will die, love will become hate or lose its vitality and exciting madness.

Age will throw knocks, kicks, and slaps of sicknesses and the memories of everything you once felt proud of will blur, bend, and break into jolts that breeze in and breeze out.

And finally, you will realize that your life starts and ends with you and that every other thing or person was just crossing paths to their own destinations.

When you get to this point, nothing would matter anymore—not the shame of defeat nor the glory of victory….but you, alone, lost in the pains of the tears you can no longer shed, laughter that would struggle to find a scratch through the thick and thin of the wrinkles on your face, and the comfort of your lonely wandering soul.

When you have survived so many things, you no longer get scared by whatever life throws at you. When challenges come, yo...

When you have survived so many things, you no longer get scared by whatever life throws at you.

When challenges come, you look at them and be like “OK, nice one life. We will fix it.”

It’s like a man full of scars. You can’t threaten him with tattoo needles.

It’s like a warrior who has fought and survived different battles. You can’t scare him with street squabbles.

There’s this confidence and strange peace that comes from being at this stage, but there’s a fight that precedes it that nobody wants.

To become strong, you must first endure the shame of weakness.

To become intelligent, you must first endure the suffering of learning.

To become successful and remain successful, you must first endure the frustration of failure and the pain of discipline.

To become a leader, you must first endure the humility of service.

The things you don’t want must first happen to you before you can become the thing you want to be.

This is why a seed must be buried before it can live, grow, and bear fruits.

Stop being afraid of challenges. Stop being too up to bend. The things you hope for are oftentimes just waiting for the first punch of boldness to come through.


When you’re going through a tough situation and you ask for help, people ignore you, shut you out, pretend like they will help only to go mute on you….etc.

When you decide to shut everyone out, deal with your problems between you and God; which is usually the best option, then you share after; then you hear “what? You went through all that? Alone?😭 why didn’t you tell me?”

In my head….what were you going to do?🙄.

We all have those very few countable friends who we know will always come through for us. Let’s value those; let’s normalize praying for blessings upon blessings for them.

The rest of you, let me pray for you 🙏🏾

You can be a very good cook and still not make money with it. You can be a very skilled barber and still not see anyone ...

You can be a very good cook and still not make money with it.

You can be a very skilled barber and still not see anyone to barb.

You can be a very gifted fashion designer and die unannounced.

You can be a talented singer and no record label would look your way.

Skillsets and talents do not make anyone successful or rich. It’s the strategic positioning and creative marketing of it that does.

Strategists are the most priced people. They may not know how to sing but they can make those who know how to sing a superstar in the music industry.

They are the life, the fiber, the light and lungs, and the propitiator of success in every business and skill set.

Tesla was nowhere before Elon, a strategist, took over the company.

Instagram was nothing until Mark, a strategist, took over the business.

There’s a reason why big businesses pay outrageous amounts of money to hire strategists.

Until you begin to be creatively and competently strategic in marketing your skillset and business you will remain average.

Prayer won’t work. Confessing success won’t suffice. Faith won’t work. Spraying holy water or anointing oil won’t work. Tithe and laying of hands won’t bring the breakthrough.

I give you an assignment: take a look at your business or whatever you are trying to develop or market. Think about the structure. If you were selling to yourself, think of how to best convince you to buy.

Stop being afraid of attempting new strategies or taking risks. Step up. It's the only way!



Money is a funny manipulator.

Some are hustling to get it.

Some are struggling to prove that they have it.

And those who truly have it are struggling to hide it.

This thing is always in control, whether you are above or below.

It ensures that having too much is a problem, having little is a heartbreak, and having too little is a bigger problem and no one knows what it means to just have enough.


How To Think In The Face of Rejection...

How you handle rejection will determine how long it will take you to move to your next victory.

You will get many NO's in life - it doesn't matter how much you fast, pray or sow seeds.

Your job application may be rejected.

Your lover or spouse may dump you.

A potential customer may choose your competitor.

They may not include your name in the appointment list.

Your visa application may be rejected.

Your loan application may not be successful.

Your inbox message to your crush or hero may not be replied.

When these things happen, do not think that something is wrong with you... There's nothing wrong with you.
Just understand that in life, YOU WILL WIN SOME AND LOSE OTHERS.

In my case, I've lost more than I've won - but the few times I won covers the Many times I lost.
One big win can cover a thousand small loses. Focus on the big win.

When you win, you don't ask yourself "what's wrong with me?"

Why then do you think that something is wrong with you the moment you lose?

Be intentional with your thoughts in a season of loss or Rejection.
There's nothing wrong with you...
Your Village people are not behind your losses...
No juju is working against you.

This is just how life works - you will Lose, lose, lose, lose, lose and lose ... Then you will Win one and the circle continues.

The problem is that some of you give up on your 3rd loss, and start running after Native doctors and spiritualists to reveal what's wrong with you. You don't have the mental power to push past that major loss - that's a sign you don't have the Mental capacity to handle the big win when it comes.

It's all in our minds - EVOLVE...


If you are born into a family of Jews, you will believe that Judaism is the true religion.

If you are born into a Muslim family, you will believe that Islam is the true religion.

If you are born into a Christian family, you will believe that Christianity is the true religion.

Religious faith has never been about the truth; it's about conformity.

To get to the truth, you must ask questions. Unfortunately, the first thing that religion teaches you is that questioning God is blasphemy.

Since you are not allowed to ask questions, you are left with just one choice; live and defend what you were born into and h@te others for their own conformity.

I am not your perfect man or your infallible role model. If you look for flaws in me you will find them. I am not your s...

I am not your perfect man or your infallible role model. If you look for flaws in me you will find them.

I am not your saint nor your sinner, If you look for shortcomings in me you will find many. If you look for weaknesses, you will find them, but there’s also another side....plurality.

If you look for a reason to hate me, well haters don’t even need a reason to hate.

If you look for terrible mistakes, I have made many. If you look for fears in me, you will find dozens of them.

I have offended some people sometimes; I am not always right.

I have overreacted sometimes; I am not always in my best mood.

I have loved and lost and failed to love others in return so many times.

I have been a bad boy, a good boy, a lover, and a player, and every version of my story has suspense, mistakes, weaknesses, bravery, defeats, and victories.

I don’t know about you but this is me. An imperfect man who even in his shortcomings strives to be the best he can be to himself and to others. A man whose conscience and humanity are still wide awake even in his imperfections and most importantly, a man who is intentional and in control of himself. When you tell my story, please, tell it this way.

Don’t forget; it’s dangerous to appear perfect. Your perfection is what your enemies will hold on to hang you, but when there’s no such claims of perfection, they will scramble in vain.

You know sometimes I just ignore all messages and calls from everyone including family members. I do this when the press...

You know sometimes I just ignore all messages and calls from everyone including family members.

I do this when the pressure and burden become too much to avoid the risk of losing my mind.

Oftentimes, those who are unlucky to need me within this period would feel like I don’t care about them whereas I’m just fighting my own monsters.

I wish people could be more considerate of those they look up to. I wish everyone, both those above and below, could be more humane and sensitive and provide emotional support for one another.

That man you look up to for encouragement also needs to be encouraged.

That woman you look up to for help also needs help.

That strong man also feels weak sometimes.

That confident woman also feels nervous and afraid sometimes.

Sometimes I feel like my head wants to explode. Sometimes I feel like running away to a distant land where no one will be able to reach me.

Sometimes I wish it was possible to die for a few years and return.

Sometimes I feel scared, nervous, sad, and angry, and in order to protect my sanity, I would refuse to pick up any calls or respond to any messages, and just try to relax my nerves, refuel my mind, and come out to face my responsibilities and the challenges that life throws at me.

Everyone feels this way, no matter how mighty, strong, rich or powerful.

So, when you get the least of what you expect from someone, don’t call them uncaring. They may be going through tough times emotionally too.

When you feel that someone don’t want to help
you enough, understand that they have their own problems too.

Life f**ks us all.
No one, not even a baby will escape from this world a virgin. Life f**ks everyone. The bigger you are the harder it f**ks.

So, be mindful of how you talk about people’s inability to help you. Be mindful of how you feel entitled. And be grateful for every moment and help that someone gives you.

The reason why unbelievers prosper in almost everything they do, more than believers, is not because they are servants o...

The reason why unbelievers prosper in almost everything they do, more than believers, is not because they are servants of Satan or whatever you call it, but because they focus on what they can do for themselves while believers focus on what God can do for them.

Unbelievers focus on how they can have adequate security in their countries, believers leave security for God.

Unbelievers focus on how they can build good roads to limit road accidents. Believers believe accidents can only be stopped by their God.

Unbelievers stay awake at night studying and learning how to build their business and make money, believers stay awake at night praying to God to send them ‘unmerited’ prosperity.

Unbelievers see the blessings that abound in this world and strive to make the world a better place, believers believe that their blessings will come from God and that the world is not their own.

Unbelievers believe in man’s ability to fight sicknesses and diseases through science and advanced technology, believers keep asking God to send Angels to heal their sick and after praying, they run to unbelievers to beg for vaccines like they did during COVID-19.

The point I’m making is this; unbelievers seem to understand the principles of the order of things in this world more than the believers and that’s why the most powerful and prosperous nations on earth are the ones that depend less on God but their God-giving abilities.

Think about this with an open mind. I am not against your God or your religion, I’m just against your resolve to remain a baby to your father, always waiting to be fed even with your gray hairs.

Some of you have lost great relationships forever because of your unbridled Sentiments and emotional outbursts for a cas...

Some of you have lost great relationships forever because of your unbridled Sentiments and emotional outbursts for a case you know nothing about.

Whatever a couple tells you about their marital problem is Never the whole truth. I have used my Nightshow to counsel hundreds of married people including people going through divorce. It's only a F00l that takes anything one party is saying as the whole Truth.

When a wife approaches me to complain about the husband, I will focus on BRINGING HEALING TO HER SOUL - not judging who's right or wrong.

When I hear from the husband, I also focus on healing - not who's right or wrong.

You can't even tell who's lying or telling the truth from who was CALMER OR HOT... No. You will make mistakes. Just focus on healing them or amicably separating them. The major problem is usually not disclosed and sometimes, it rotates around what happens in the Other room. And with matters of the other room, it's kept private 😂.

Sharpen your intelligence. ..

Be intentional....

Here are four of the many things that I am not. _______1. I am not RICH yet. I have constantly maintained here that I am...

Here are four of the many things that I am not.

1. I am not RICH yet.

I have constantly maintained here that I am still very much financially broke regardless of the things you think I have.

What you see as being rich is what I see as the first few pages of the book that is to be written. It’s what I see as a tiny brick step. Not even enough to solidify the foundation of the monument that can be built.

2. I am not a Mr. Nice man.

Seen as a nice man is one of the things I constantly try to avoid. I don’t want to be perceived or adjudged to be a nice man. I prefer to be seen and known as a principled man. Being Principled instead of nice will get you through the emotional blackmails that fly around from family, friends, followers, and the society. Even my siblings know that I do not do anything for them because of the sheer emotion of being siblings, but only when they earn it.

3. I am not a Philanthropists.

This is one big title I do not want anywhere close to my name. These days, anyone who could afford to give out 10k to his followers immediately add philanthropist to their titles. I do not want that. The most important philanthropic work I do here is my teachings. I don’t have money to share. So, you can call me a teacher instead. 😂

4. I am not a MESSIAH.

I k!lled the messiah complex long time ago. Please, Google the meaning of Messiah Complex. Don’t look at me and say your help is in my hands. Don’t look at me and say I am your only hope. Don’t look at me and say if I don’t help you you will d.I.e.

Don’t put me in that situation. I will fail you. I will disappoint you. I will not be able to help you. I am not a messiah. It’s only God that’s always available to help us.

Understanding these things about me will help you not to feel disappointed.

Take me as I am is one of the most F00lish things people say. It smells of rotten selfishness and it’s a lie when you sa...

Take me as I am is one of the most F00lish things people say. It smells of rotten selfishness and it’s a lie when you say you don’t care how people see you.

Everyone gives a damn!

Deep down in your heart, you do care. I care about what I represent to people. I care about my reputation and whatever that will put a dent in it freaks me out.

I care about my relationships. I care about what I make others feel about me. I care about the things I do wrongly, the words I misuse, and the people I offend, I care and make frantic efforts to work on my darkness.

This is not conforming or trying to fit into what’s generally acceptable; I mean those obvious negative things; those annoying or self-destructive habits you know you have but are too lazy to change.

You care about a lot of things too — more than you are willing to admit and it’s wickedness to ask people to accept the negative things about you especially when you are not making any efforts to effect a positive change.

People can only bear with you for some time. There are things no one can ever accept from you comfortably.

It’s time to start working on yourself and stop fighting people for not accepting your pot of s**t. Bitter is bitter even if it drops from a honeycomb.

Clearly define what you want to represent and do away with what does not align with it.

On my couch in a cold evening, listening to herbalist on the radio emphasizing that men above 40s should keep playing wi...

On my couch in a cold evening, listening to herbalist on the radio emphasizing that men above 40s should keep playing with their balls to detect any sign of prostate. As I was moving my hand paving a way on sides on my shorts to touch my cold folded balls, bwonna nga busajja bwatu bwekwase olwempewo, I heard a bang on the door.. ddooo ddooo doooo.

Kko nze ate olubadde? Was someone peeping in the window and could see that what I was doing was not working or someone was confused on what I was about to do. I move up. The herbalist..."togayala muganda wange, ebitula bizanyise zanyise...gwe buli lwofuna obudde..."

Opening the rear door, old woman my neighbor on the extreme left standing nga enkuba emuyisemu. " mwami Samurai gyebaleko taata....nsonyiwa okusumbuwa..."

Kko nze nti "tewali shidda mukadde...waliwo obuzibu?
Kko ye nti " nedda naye nze mbadde ngamba gya obusolo bwo mu bwamuwala wange...!

My heart skipped out!! Siwulidde nyabo, in a shock. Then she realised I was lost, nti nze mbadde ngamba obubuzi bwo bwayingide ewa muwala wange bonna enkuba ebugweredde...tetumanyi bubwo ne bwa Nabadda...jangu otuyambe obwawule.

My heart recovered. Nga mize enseko, I went back inside the house to get gumboots. Namuwulira atolotoma..."gwe ssebo tunayawula tutya nti buno bubwe buno bwa Nabadda...obusolo bwabwe bwegasegase dda..."

Let me be very sincere to you. On the last day, (If there’s anything like that). If I see 'some' of these pastors and pr...

Let me be very sincere to you. On the last day, (If there’s anything like that). If I see 'some' of these pastors and prophets of this generation going to heaven, I will choose hell.

I have seen them tear families apart with false prophecies.
I have seen them sow seeds of discords amongst husbands and wives with their lies.
I have seen them destroy businesses of gullible followers with extortion.
I have seen them willfully repeatedly commit some of the most unspeakable things one could ever imagine.

When you go to worship your God, go with your head and heart, don’t leave one at home.

“For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24

I always say, The threats against the Church are from the pulpits.
From those that are supposed to be shepherds but are now predators.
The threats are from those that have decided to feed the people what they want to hear instead of the truth.
The threats against the Church are from those that have monetized the gospel. Not me or my kind.
If everyone follows the true teachings of Christ the world would be a better place.

Christ's message was centered on love and He was a rebel against established religions that were teaching what the majority of religious leaders are teaching now. Unfortunately, your highly exalted conmen now disguise themselves as anointed of God to steal, K!ll, and to destroy.

But you are so emotionally attached to your faith and beliefs that you can’t see these things.

I’m most appalled by a mind that’s quicker to invent a thousand excuses than accept a piece of responsibility. I’m even ...

I’m most appalled by a mind that’s quicker to invent a thousand excuses than accept a piece of responsibility.

I’m even more appalled by a mouth that speaks of its suffering, disadvantage, lack of luck, at every turn, and rarely speak possibility of positive outcomes or command any energy free of a bucket of complaints.

Once I notice that the only thing you talk about is your suffering and those things that will make me feel pity for you, I will withdraw from you.

Help does not come to those who have given up but to those who, despite their suffering, are clinging on to life and focused on winning their battle rather than attracting pity.

In the story of the tortoise and the vulture, the tortoise would never outwit the vulture if he had focused on how much the bird that feasts on the dead frightened him. The troubled tortoise remembered that even though he was wounded, the vulture could only feast on his bald head if he died. So, instead of limping, the tortoise began to dance, to show the vulture that death was not near.

Regardless of how you feel, this is the bitter truth. Bleed but don’t water your garden with bl00d. Show strength and warriors will rise for you. Show weakness and they will abandon you in your defeat. It’s the way of men and the same in the wild.

Stop chasing the trophy of the one who tell of his suffering the most. Chase the trophy of the one person whose suffering could not break or turn to a cry cry baby.

There's nobody who has an endless supply of money.... Not even the government that Prints Money hence they still borrow....

There's nobody who has an endless supply of money....

Not even the government that Prints Money hence they still borrow...

Abeg Stop making demands and ending it with "this is nothing to you".

Be kind to anyone who has ever given you 1 cent or 50 shs.... Even if they weren't able to give you again. You don't deserve it. It wasn't even God that touched them to give it to you. They touched themselves by their own humanity to give you. Be grateful to them.

It's January - the official month of begging. Just beg INTENTIONALLY 🙏 😂.

Last night, alone at Nsambya Hospital, I felt sad and angry about all the mistakes and things I could not achieve throug...

Last night, alone at Nsambya Hospital, I felt sad and angry about all the mistakes and things I could not achieve throughout the year.And more so for the Pain my Father was going through as an Invalid in his vegetative state.

I left the hospital to a nearby supermarket, feeling very unhappy. Just as I was paying for the things I bought, a tall dark man jumped out of his car panicking.

He ran into the pharmacy part of the supermarket and asked if there was any pharmacist available. This was just a few minutes past 11 PM.

His daughter who’s asthmatic was having a serious attack and her inhaler was not effective enough to help her.

I saw this little beautiful girl struggling for her tender life fighting for breath. I saw the pain on her face and the fear on her father’s.

At that moment I felt like an idiot. While I walked back to the ward a tear dropped from my eyes. I could not help but keep thinking of that little girl and so many others like my Dad, whose only wish is just to be alive or walk as free men and women.

I realized how ungrateful I am and I felt really very broken and sorry that I could not see how blessed I have been. Yes my Father is in ICU but atleast i can still talk to him. Even though he's speech is uncoordinated at times.

It was as if God said, “Follow me, Samurai, let me show you the struggles of others.”

The struggles of that little girl, the pain of other attendants loosing their patients, although very unfortunate, reminded me of the things I should not forget in the new year.

Congratulations to us all for making it this far. There’s always something to be grateful for.

Happy New Year. 🎆

What if I tell you that sometimes I feel very depr+ssed too? What if I tell you that I feel like a failure regardless of...

What if I tell you that sometimes I feel
very depr+ssed too?

What if I tell you that I feel like a failure regardless of all the things I have been able to achieve?

What if I tell you that I feel empty, sometimes sad, angry, and stagnant?

What if I tell you that I stay awake most nights thinking of how to take one more step and not be crushed by the weight of the burden upon my shoulders?

What if I tell you that most times I get as broken and confused as you are because I have not been able to succeed at the one thing that I’m certain will give me the fulfillment my heart longs for?

What if I tell you that I probably feel twice the amount of fear you feel and yet walk down my path courageously?

What if I tell you that I’m braving these fears because there’s no other option, not because I am stronger than you?

What if I tell you that my heart has been broken so many times and made me very afraid of loving again?

Don’t sit in your darkness and feel like everyone else has seen the light.

Don’t sit in your loneliness and feel like everyone else is happy and fulfilled.

Don’t sit in the background of your failures and feel no one else has failed.

Don’t sit with the hurt of lost love and feel no other heart has been broken.

Don’t feel you are weak because you cry. I cry very often too.

Don’t feel like a f00l because of your mistakes. I have made dozens of costly mistakes too.

Don’t feel weak for letting your heart love. I have played Love’s Puppet too.

Don’t feel left behind because you have not succeeded, I and many others have not succeeded too.

Don’t say you would prefer to be me than be you. You may not be able to stand the heat that comes with being me.

Don’t envy me or anyone else, you don’t know the demons every individual has to deal with every day.

Be comforted by the fact that we are all fighting our individual battles, and like soldiers, we will always have battles to fight. When you accept that it’s what makes life interesting and less boring, you will feel better and stronger in your own wars.

When you pray, don’t pray to be like me or anyone else. Nobody’s life is perfect. Pray for the fulfillment of your own destiny.

Do not enter the new year in a relationship with someone who has been manipulating you for their selfish gains...If they...

Do not enter the new year in a relationship with someone who has been manipulating you for their selfish gains...

If they are always taking from you but do not give back as much as they take, dump them. They are manipulating you.

If you always choose them over others but they can't choose you over their friends, dump them, they are manipulating you.

If they act offended each time you demand accountability, dump them. They are manipulating you.

How can you not ask your partner where they are without them getting offended? You have every right to know where your partner is and if they are not willing to be held accountable, they are manipulating you. Dump them.

If you are dating a single parent who cares more about their own children and restricts you from taking care of your own children, you are dating a manipulator. Dump them.

If they promise you a great future together but do not match it in action, dump them. They are manipulating you.

If they make you pay for their lifestyle without caring about your finances, dump them. They don't care about you.

If they always take a break from you when things are tough for you only to resurface when things are better, dump them. They are emotional manipulators.

If they disrespect you but respect others you might be better than, do yourself a favour and dump them.

If you are afraid to say NO to them, they probably have emotionally manipulated you to be their puppet. Walk away and regain your powers. You can't be in a relationship where you are afraid to say NO in order not to offend your partner. Are they your slave master?

If your life has become worse, bitter and unhappy since you have been with them, you have 48 hours to dump them.

Psychologists claim that the best time to dump emotional manipulators is just before you enter a new year otherwise it will be difficult to secure your freedom from them.

Now is the best time to type that break up message.... Oh wait.... I will help you type the message "hi, I'm sorry to end this relationship but I need to do it to focus on becoming a better version of me in the new year. Have a great life and know that I wish you well". Copy and forward to them. Take a deep breath and move on.

You can't start 2024 with manipulators in your life. If you don't give emotional manipulators QUIT NOTICE, you will continue to go in circles.







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