AGAMASs Investments

AGAMASs Investments 🧠 SUCCESS starts with your MINDSET 🧠

THE CONNECTION BETWEEN WATER AND THE BRAIN The brain is approximately 75% water, and even mild dehydration can impair it...


The brain is approximately 75% water, and even mild dehydration can impair its function.

βœ”οΈLack of adequate hydration can lead to reduced focus, slower processing speeds, and memory difficulties.

Studies show that dehydration as little as 1-2% of body weight can negatively impact attention and short-term memory.

βœ”οΈProper hydration supports the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood.

βœ”οΈDehydration can lead to irritability, fatigue, and increased anxiety.

βœ”οΈDehydration can cause brain fog, leading to confusion, lack of mental clarity, and difficulty concentrating.

βœ”οΈStaying hydrated helps maintain mental sharpness and alertness.

βœ”οΈWater is essential for transporting nutrients and oxygen to brain cells.

βœ”οΈAdequate hydration ensures efficient energy production and cellular function within the brain.

βœ”οΈWater aids in the removal of toxins and waste products from the brain through the lymphatic system.

This detoxification is particularly active during sleep, highlighting the importance of hydration for brain recovery.

βœ”οΈWater helps maintain cerebrospinal fluid levels, which cushion the brain and protect it from trauma.

βœ”οΈProper hydration reduces the risk of headaches, often caused by dehydration.

Drink Water oh!!!

Proverbs From Different Countries:1. "He who shakes his neighbor's house will have his own house shaken." (Swiss Proverb...

Proverbs From Different Countries:

1. "He who shakes his neighbor's house will have his own house shaken." (Swiss Proverb)

2. "If a person eats his fill, he cannot taste the bread." (Scottish Proverb)

3. "If you don't know how to smile, don't open a shop." (Chinese Proverb)

4. "Good looks are the strongest recommendation." (English Proverb)

5. "Doing good deeds without expectation of reward is like pouring perfume into the sea." (Polish Proverb)

6. "To know the progress of a nation, look at its women." (French Proverb)

7. "We often see things differently because we only read the title." (American Proverb)

8. "Other people's mistakes are always clearer than our own." (Russian Proverb)

9. "Contentment is half of happiness." (Italian Proverb)

10. "Every man creates his own destiny." (English Proverb)

11. "Adorn your mind with knowledge, not your body with jewels." (Chinese Proverb)

12. "Self-love is the child of ignorance." (Spanish Proverb)

13. "Love that depends on gifts is always hungry." (English Proverb)

14. "Beware of the woman who talks about her virtues and the man who talks about his honesty." (French Proverb)

15. "Love your wife and confide in your mother." (Irish Proverb)

16. "Make your child a prince for five years, a slave for ten years, and a friend thereafter." (Hindi Proverb)

17. "Being human is easy; being a man is difficult." (Russian Proverb)

18. "My family taught me to speak, and people taught me to be silent." (Czechoslovak Proverb)

19. "He who looks at people with knowledge hates them; he who looks at them with reality forgives them." (Italian Proverb)

20. "Anger is a strong wind that blows out the lamp of reason." (American Proverb)

21. "Those who give should not speak of their giving; those who receive should." (Portuguese Proverb)

22. "A large tree gives more shade but fewer fruits." (Italian Proverb)

23. "Put your worries in a torn pocket." (Chinese Proverb)

MOST MISTAKES FARMERS MAKE ON ARRIVAL OF DAY OLD CHICKS.A lot of farmers have lost a number of birds(DOC) due to mistake...


A lot of farmers have lost a number of birds(DOC) due to mistakes done on arrival.

Delay to heat up the brooder before arrival of birds .

The brooder should be heated up 2-3hrs before chicks are introduced. This enables the room to have favourable temperatures that are required by the birds.

Giving feed as soon as chicks are introduced to the brooder.

It's important to note that birds should be given water containing glucose and vitamin for atleast 2hrs before giving them feed. This will enable them have some moisture in their GIT that facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Using bigger feeders

It's noted that birds can't access feed when served in this big feeders in their 1st week. We therefore encourage use of trays for the first week and later on change to baby feeders and progress as they grow.

Use of tarpaulin in place of brooder paper.

This pre-disposes your birds to coccidiosis at an early age. Tarpaulin holds fowl droppings without absorption,predisposing to coccidiosis.

Use of feed that has big particles.

Starter feeds should always have very tiny particles close to mash. This enables faster digestibility and birds can easily pick them unlike when they are big.

Failure to cover husks with brooder paper.

Day old chicks can't differentiate between litter and feed. When husks are not covered in the first 3 days, birds peck at them and causes blockage of the oesophagus. This fills the crop thus leaving no space for feed. This can be evidenced by constipation and pm results.

Too much heat in the brooder

which causes dehydration and constipation.

Inadiquate spacing

To mention but few......
To give your birds a good start,always give glucoses & good multivitamin to reduce mortality during brooder stage.

FoT class in session... Only for serious students.... 50 marks... Write your own conclusions about these two pictures......

FoT class in session...
Only for serious students....

50 marks... Write your own conclusions about these two pictures...
Title :while others are talking one Passport and unity others are marching to war?
What is wrong on this picture? FoT

β€˜The Meaning Of Life!’Once upon a time, there was a young man named Alex who was always searching for the meaning of lif...

β€˜The Meaning Of Life!’

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Alex who was always searching for the meaning of life. He read books, consulted philosophers, and talked to wise men, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

One day, he decided to embark on a journey to find the answer himself. He left his home and traveled far and wide, visiting different places and meeting people from all walks of life. He saw the beauty of nature, witnessed the kindness of strangers, and experienced the joys and sorrows of life.

Years went by, and Alex had not found the answer he was looking for. He became tired and disillusioned, thinking that maybe the meaning of life was just an illusion. But then one day, as he sat under a tree, he noticed a butterfly struggling to break free from its cocoon. The butterfly seemed to be in great pain, and Alex thought he could help by breaking open the cocoon.

But as he reached out to help, a wise old man appeared before him and warned him not to interfere. "The butterfly needs to struggle to break free," he said. "It is only through the struggle that it gains the strength it needs to fly."

Alex realized that the same was true for humans. It is through the struggles and challenges of life that we gain strength, wisdom, and character. The meaning of life is not to avoid the struggles but to face them with courage and determination, and to use them as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

From that day on, Alex stopped searching for the meaning of life and instead focused on living his life to the fullest, embracing its challenges and joys with open arms. He found happiness and contentment in the present moment, knowing that the true meaning of life is not a destination to be reached, but a journey to be experienced.

Thanks For Reading!πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


To be successful the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.

Thanks for talking about work GIGI

π™π™π™§π™šπ™š π™Žπ™©π™€π™§π™žπ™šπ™¨ 𝙩𝙀 𝙗𝙀𝙀𝙩:1. Nokia refused Android2. Yahoo rejected Google3. Kodak refused Digital Camerasπ™‡π™šπ™¨π™¨π™€π™£π™¨:1. Take ch...

π™π™π™§π™šπ™š π™Žπ™©π™€π™§π™žπ™šπ™¨ 𝙩𝙀 𝙗𝙀𝙀𝙩:
1. Nokia refused Android
2. Yahoo rejected Google
3. Kodak refused Digital Cameras

1. Take chances
2. Embrace the Change
3. If you refuse to change with time, you'll become outdated
𝙏𝙬𝙀 π™’π™€π™§π™š π™¨π™©π™€π™§π™žπ™šπ™¨:

1. Facebook takes over whatsapp and instagram
2. Grab takes over Uber in Southeast Asia
1. Become so powerful that your competitors become your allies
2. Reach the top and eliminate the competition.
3. Keep on innovating
𝙏𝙬𝙀 π™’π™€π™§π™š π™¨π™©π™€π™§π™žπ™šπ™¨:

1. Colonel Sanders founded KFC at 65
2. Jack Ma, who couldn't get a job at KFC, founded Alibaba and retired at the age of 55.

1. Age is merely a number
2. Only those who keep trying will succeed
𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙗π™ͺ𝙩 𝙣𝙀𝙩 π™‘π™šπ™–π™¨π™©:
Lamborghini was founded as a result of revenge from a tractor manufacturer who was insulted by Ferrari founder Enzo Ferrari.

Never underestimate anyone, Ever!
βœ…Just keep working hard
βœ…Invest your time wisely
βœ…Don't be afraid to fail


Minding your business won't stop them from coming at you. In fact, the more you do your thing and avoid drama, the more they attack you cos being inexplicable to people make them mad.

They want to know everything about you.
The way you think, your plans, your financial status, your relationship status, your family, everything.
They are so invested in your life that they lose theirs while chasing yours.

They want you to give them the least opportunity to drag you. To say, "I knew it".
They want you to do something that will make them come at you.

When you go about your life peacefully, keeping distance from anything that will disturb your peace or cause you trouble, they hate it. They feel you are acting too big and important.
They feel you are calling them idle and jobless. So they immeditately jump in to crucify you when something pops up about you.

That's how depressing some people's lives are.
Living off others misery.


Well, keep them guessing and confused with your distance and positive energy.
Protect your space and avoid unnecessary crowd and friendships.





Never move with people who despise you.

Never move with people who do not value your person.

Never move with people who never see your quota in the bargain.

Never move with people whose target is their aim alone.

Never move with people who are always waiting for you to make your next mistake.

Never move with people who are ready to trample dowm on you when you fall.

Never move with people who see nothing good about you, no matter how hard you try.

Never move with people who never want to celebrate your little progress.


Move in the company of people, who are chasing the same vision as you.
People who have the same values as you.

People who believe in the grace of God upon your life.

People who believe in God's several abilities deposited in you.

People who bring out the best in you.
People who feel your pain in your down town.

People who challenge you to do better.

People who genuinely love you.

People who are open to you.

People who will see your mistakes and genuinely want to help you.

People who will genuinely help you up, even when you fall.


Being in the right company of people can be the defining factor that changes how far you can go in life.



If You Are Looking For Wealth, Somebody else Is Looking For Health.

If You Are Looking For Health, Somebody else Just Dièd.

If You are Looking For Power, Somebody else Has Acquired And Used it, And he/she is now Powerless.

Each Time You Drive A Fancy Car, Somebody, Somewhere Is Dying In A Car Crash.

Each Time a New Mansion Springs From The Earth, A New Grave is Dug Below The Earth.

Each Time You Throw Away A Morsel, Somebody else somewhere is Searching For a Morsel To Survive.

Each Time You Throw Food Into Dustbin, Someone else Is Looking For Remnant To Eat.

Each Time You Ask God To Promote or Change Your Present Situation, Someone else Is Praying to Get To Your Present Situation.

For Each Smile On The Planet, There's a Drop Of Tear In Another Place On The Planet.

For Each Celebration Of Childbirth, There Are Tears of BΓΉrial.

Each Time You Urinate Or Drink Water, Remember Someone Is Using Pipe For The Same PurpΓ²se.

So Always Be Thankful.

Think of the Goodness u have rather than the vanities u long for,..

Good morning my Billionaires comrades.

Good morning my Billionaires comrades.



Your friendship and company affects the direction of your life. He that walketh with the wise shall be wise, and he shall walk in a wise direction.

Your friendship or company affects your mindset and your thought process. How you think is affected by the kind of company you keep.

Your friendship or company affects your character, because association is assimilation. The friend of a thief is either a thief or will soon become a thief , or does not mind being a thief.

Friendship has a way of changing you from who you are, to what you don't even know.

Your friendship or company affects your choices. The decision and the choices you make is affected by the people that surrounds your life.

There are people who failed to marry whom they were meant to marry, because a so called friend didn't like the person they were about to marry, and there are so many people that ended up marrying who they were not supposed to marry, because a so called friend recommended a person or encouraged to do so, so choices are deeply affected by the friends you keep.

Your friendship or company affects your action step. Most times, the steps you take can be affected by the company you keep around you.

Your friendship affects your outcome in life. How you ended in life is affected by who surrounds you.

Your friendship or company also affect your eternal destiny, so you need to be careful of the kind of company you keep.

Stories of Hope

WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE GIVING UP, READ THIS :1. This is a Phase.Tough times are just a phase.Sickness is a phase.They don't ...


1. This is a Phase.

Tough times are just a phase.
Sickness is a phase.
They don't last forever.
Life is a cycle of highs and lows.

Remember, this too shall pass.
You're in the middle of the storm now, but clear skies are ahead. Hold on.

2. You Are Stronger Than You Think.

Never underestimate your resilience.

- You've survived 100% of your bad days.
- Inside you, there is an inner strength.
- Your potential is greater than any problem.

Remember, you're stronger and more capable than you believe.

3. Small Steps Count.

Progress isn't always a leap forward.

Sometimes it's tiny, almost imperceptible steps.

Each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal.

Celebrate every bit of progress. Slow and steady can still win the race. Keep moving forward.

4. Remember Your 'Why'.

Think back to the reasons why you started.

Reconnect with your motivation and your goals.

5. Failure is a Stepping Stone.

It's okay to fall but it's important to rise again.

Every setback brings learning opportunities.

Remember, every great success story involves overcoming obstacles.

Keep going. Your story is being written.

6. Practice Self-Care.

Self-care is essential, especially during tough times.

- Eat nutritious food
- Exercise regularly
- Get adequate sleep
- Connect with loved ones
- Engage in activities that bring joy.

It’s not selfish, it's survival. Your well-being matters.

7. It's Okay to Ask for Help.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

- Reach out to friends, family, or professionals
- Open up about your struggles
- Seek support when you need it

Strength isn't just about enduring in silence. It's also knowing when to ask for help.

To my friends and readers,

Fight for yourself. No matter how difficult it becomes, never let yourself give in.

After some time, your spark will eventually return.

You will come out happier, healthier, and wiser.

Stories of Hope βœοΈπŸ’―

A Story of Great Patience...A farmer once planted a bamboo tree. The farmer watered the crop daily fora year but saw no ...

A Story of Great Patience...

A farmer once planted a bamboo tree. The farmer watered the crop daily for
a year but saw no sign of life. No growth, no sprouts, no hope. The second year was the same as the third and fourth years.

His patience and faith in this β€œmiracle” bamboo plant faded. During the fifth year, just as he was about to give up on his dream of growing the plant, he noticed it sprout. The bamboo sprung up 60 feet over the next six weeks!

This is an excellent story of both patience and hard work. Life is just like this.

There is no overnight success. It takes a long time for success to happen, but this also doesn’t mean sitting there and doing nothing.

The crop didn’t grow independently; the farmer had to plant it, take care of it, and be patient.


With Dr Fami – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers!

Indeed to travel alone and reading a book is ultimate Goal

Indeed to travel alone and reading a book is ultimate Goal



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00



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