Russia Today exposed (self irony): See how invaders global propaganda bullhorn really works!
( In Every country that is taken ower by Federation #MartHelme #EestiMeedia #EstoniaINtelligence - labeled as "New guide for "new conservative right" puppet poppulists for putting order in to state television
https://viv.ee/articles/read/ekre-avaldas-video-kuidas-tuleb-eesti-telelevisiooni-juhtida_7.html (another self ideology irony)
(New Network &Facebook Videos: https://oxo.world ?)
Original irony:
Finally! What everyone has been waiting for how Russia Today TV really works!
Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan shows how we operate!
Russia Today (RT) is a Russian global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. Russia Today is the first news channel to break the 1 billion VovTube views benchmark.
Russia Today
@RT @RussiaToday @Russia @Today @Video @LIVE
And more exactly from the Mother Source it self: #RussiaToday
From 4 years ago original RT channel:
•Dec 13, 2015
Lady Kersti Kaljulaid: Meeting Estonia School Headmaster or a Mr. Trump is about the same for us.
#BuzzFeed #KerstiKaljulaid #Estonia
David: "..wondering how You prepared for that meeting?" (with Mr. Trump)
Lady Kersti: "I didn't specially prepare in any different way then I would prepare with a meeting with, let's say.. - a Headmaster of a School in Tallinn" (3m:13s)
David: "..what the average Estonian think's of whats happening in US' in the moment ... that moment in another day in UN, You say You was not there ...it was Powerful moment I think for a lot of Americans.."
Lady Kersti: " I think it is weird question to ask, :D because — do You Really think that every American, Every day thinks what is happening, example — in European Union?
This is not the case. Similarly, I think our people Really do not think Too much what is every day happening... " (2m.42s)
David: ""...as a young female leader on a world stage, do You find that (disrespect) continuing?"
Lady Kersti: "I do not have this kind of disrespect shown to me because I am a woman - I think this is ridicules notion."
Original Link:
1. October. 2018