John Darryl Lyons

John Darryl Lyons BORN IN KYIV...

Does he also want to talk about corruption? Nope.. Just missed you a lot! )

Does he also want to talk about corruption? Nope.. Just missed you a lot! )

60% of analysts believe that the war will end in 2024. I have the same opinion. Or, just, I really want to)...

60% of analysts believe that the war will end in 2024. I have the same opinion. Or, just, I really want to)...

John Darryl LyonsIn great honor in the Mayan tribe, a woman who in Guatemala is called the Guardian of the Time. Our doc...

John Darryl Lyons
In great honor in the Mayan tribe, a woman who in Guatemala is called the Guardian of the Time. Our documentary group was able to talk to her in 2021. At the end of the conversation, she said that Ukraine was facing difficult challenges. And we and operator Olesandr Tupik will have to change our favorite job.
Now I can't even believe how the Guardian turned out to be! And the bracelet she gave me to "energize up" in times of danger is heating up. And he also has the effect of lightning and returns evil to who generates it.
If you look closely, you can really see lightning in the middle of the smoky topaz!
P. With. In order for this artifact to bring energy to you, it is necessary to make a charitable contribution to the company of help with the mining of Ukraine

We continue our hit parade of the most dangerous countries on the planet. Come on in second place. It might be appropria...

We continue our hit parade of the most dangerous countries on the planet. Come on in second place. It might be appropriated in Mexico.
The logic of things, the Mexican United States should flourish just as its great northern neighbor. According to the idea, first their wonderful democracy is carried to the nearest neighbor and then to the neighboring continent. But something went wrong: in Mexico, drug cartels fighting among themselves start shootings right on the streets. Kidnapping for ransom (kidnapping) and robbing tourists with murder. Worse, a civil war broke out in this federal state in its southernmost state of Chiapas, bordering Guatemala on January 1, 1994. And it hasn't ended to this day! On one side, the armed Mayan Indians spoke out, demanding, like in Guatemala, the constitutional rights of Mexico's indigenous peoples. The army of the federals is fighting against them. Maya rebels call themselves "Sapatists" in honor of General Sapata. It's like Che Guevara, only Emiliano Sapata. The fighting in the state of Chiapas is going on with variable success and tension, but the Mexican government does not recognize it with a civil war. Therefore, if you fall captive by sapatists, don't rely on the law. Save yourself with the help of the family Knorozov. This Kharkiv citizen deciphered the Mayan alphabet and Sapatists respect him as much as General Sapata.
When our group was in Mexico in 2018, there was a report that on August 11 in San Pedro Cholula, Puebla State a Ukrainian woman disappeared. Her decomposed body was found in the field of Uhotsingo Municipality. How did we find out then that it was 37-year-old Yaroslav Nenastina. She was born in Kiev, has lived in Mexico for about 20 years and had two children - 10-years-old and 13.
We will not scare you, but we will just give Mexico second place in our hit parade of the most dangerous countries on the planet.
Who is the leader among the most dangerous people in the world, I will tell you in the next post.

Argentina took 4th place in our hit parade of countries with beautiful people. In my opinion, the most beautiful people ...

Argentina took 4th place in our hit parade of countries with beautiful people. In my opinion, the most beautiful people in South America live in Argentina. This country is not as racially diverse as its neighbors. African slaves were never used in Argentina. The last Indians were physically destroyed by the Spanish colonialists in Operation Conquest of the Desert of 1878–1885. Then, at the end of the 19th century, Argentina offered the most tempting conditions for European settlers. Thousands of Italians, Germans from Germany and Volga Germans from Russia, Ukrainians and Russians moved to the country. Perhaps for this reason, Argentine boys and girls are so attractive to our eyes and temperamental exactly according to our temperament.

Argentines are distinguished by their athletic physique: women have a sculpted figure, men have physical endurance. No wonder Argentina is the birthplace of real gaucho cowboys, with their own music, literature, and martial arts. Texas movie cowboys imitate the Argentine ones. Here, tango is considered a popular pastime, so rhythm, musicality, and ease of movement are in fashion. The physical and spiritual culture of Argentines encourages close communication.

John Darryl Lyons

Прежде, чем назвать пять стран с самыми, на мой взгляд, красивыми людьми, вынужден сделать известные оговорки. Ну, о том...

Прежде, чем назвать пять стран с самыми, на мой взгляд, красивыми людьми, вынужден сделать известные оговорки. Ну, о том, что все расы и нации равны, и что красивые все люди на планете, но каждый по-своему. Что красота в душах, а не во внешности. И что каждого из нас природа одарила уникальной внешностью. Записали там себе? Ну, смотрите, холивар не начинайте, я предупредил.

Что ещё важно знать? У меня взгляд европейца. Соответственно мой субъективный взгляд находит красивым …

John Darryl LyonsContinuing the hit parade of the most sh*tty countries in the world, I would like to tell you about Pap...

John Darryl Lyons

Continuing the hit parade of the most sh*tty countries in the world, I would like to tell you about Papua New Guinea. It's islands, beaches, rainforest, picturesque underwater world. However, in the capital of Port Moresby there is a village on the swamps - Hanubada, the sea beneath it is invisible due to floating garbage! In the south-west of Port Moresby, soars the 99-metre-high Pag Hill, completely covered by a city dump with tracks of stolen and seized cars. Port Moresby's city beaches,actually beautiful. But only if you look from a distance. It's actually an unbearably dirty.
In the rainforests there are dumps, behind farms there are dumps. Coastal waters are clogged by household reefs stuck by papuas straight into the warm sea. And the most terrible thing is that there are entire islands in the ocean made of plastic bottles.
Therefore, with a clear conscience, we assign the 4th place of the dirtiest countries in the world to this island state. Personally, I am offended. Because Papua New Guinea has unique natural masterpieces. To take at least a huge hole deep in the earth, the cave in which the famous "Sanctum" was filmed..

Those who do not want to go vote, on the question "Why?" ", they answer with one phrase - "It doesn't matter how they vo...

Those who do not want to go vote, on the question "Why?" ", they answer with one phrase - "It doesn't matter how they vote, it matters how they count. »
And many believe that nothing can be done about it. And I'll give you an example of how even papuas found a way out. So true, it's really horrifying.
When Papuan New Guinea voters saw that the winner was not the one for whom they voted, they...
The members of the election commission were eaten! No, you read that correctly: They ate the members of the Electoral Commission. The election was rigged. I had to re organize them. Ballots were delivered by military helicopters to remote cannibal tribes and a new vote was conducted under increased security. This time there were no violations or complaints. We shot a story about it when we were in those areas.
I, of course, do not urge Ukrainians to do the same, if it turns out that their candidate did not win. But to those who are going to mess with the people's choice, I warn you just in case: do not, we are fooled!

I will say unpleasant but important words for someone. But they start from afar. From Istanbul. No, from Constantinople....

I will say unpleasant but important words for someone. But they start from afar. From Istanbul. No, from Constantinople. No, from even earlier times!
Over thousands of years in Turkey melted and then "poured out" an inconceivable number of ethnicities, religions, ways of life, images of death, paths and dead ends of consciousness, breakthroughs beyond suffering, philosophies and misconceptions, searches and practices.
Judge for yourself: on the territory of today's Turkey, the Cromanians who came from Africa mixed with Neanderthals, and their joint descendants became light-skinned. 12 thousand years ago, they carried out the Neolithic Revolution: they switched from the appropriation economy to livestock and agriculture.
Then, they settled in Europe and Asia, spreading vegetation, livestock and fair skin.
And two thousand years ago, it was from Constantinople that Christianity spread all over the planet, and a half thousand years later - Islam.
And every year, many of us also dive into this "melting pot". Relaxing in Turkish hotels. We melt together with Kurdish lamb "buryan" and mix in a pot of testi-kebab. In shopping tents of Syrian refugees and in the endless streets of Grand Bazaar. In the sacred places of Byzantine and cemeteries of the Ottoman Empire, in the clubs "for our own" on the roofs of the Levent skyscrapers, in the crowded Ayasofya Mosque, in the slums of the Greek enclave Fener and the Jewish ghetto Balat, in nothingness and greatness, pain and ecstasy - everywhere we are soaked in the smoke of shawarma and the aroma of Turkish coffee.
We dive into the aero hub of the 21st century - Üçüncü Havalimanı and think: "this time I've seen everything, there's no reason to go back." But time after time we come back here again..
And most importantly, for thousands of years, the current Turkey has not remained a backward land of Neanderthal people. Rather, on the contrary - it absorbed all diversity and became a powerful modern power. Self-sufficient - she does not sacrifice her independence for the sake of the European Union or for the Asian. He is a member of NATO, irritating Russia and buying Russian missiles, not afraid of the wrath of the Great West. She is doing what is only beneficial for her. Don't care about cries and threats at least from the East, at least from the West. Especially, from the North or the South.
It is true, there is a lot to learn from the "patriots"!

Istanbul's "Third Airport" Üçüncü Havalimanı - very much resembles a cosmoport from the movie "People in Black". Do you ...

Istanbul's "Third Airport" Üçüncü Havalimanı - very much resembles a cosmoport from the movie "People in Black". Do you remember there was such a secret at the intergalactic intersection? Here in "Ujunchu Khavaliman", on one square kilometer you can meet representatives of at least a hundred nations and ethnicities from all over the planet Earth: athletic black guys in flip-flops and socks; Arab patriarchs in bags and arafatkas; pale-faced European businessmen in kurguz jackets and expensive shoes; gourmet Iranian women in hijabs and the appearance of beauties from the Brazilian TV series "Clone"; Sikhs in sorcerer turbans; dark-skinned Pakistanis, light-skinned Afghans; Lebanese who have lived here for many generations; Libyans, Iraqis, Kurds, indistinguishable Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese; fly Kazakhs, Ukrainians... Azerbaijanis are externally indistinguishable from Turks, Armenians are indistinguished from Greeks. There are two types of Syrians: those who came looking for a job and vagrants who came to Europe. These, not very skillfully pretend to be homeless Turks, collecting money to continue the trip to the EU. Gastarbeiters and vacationers, backpackers and bourgeois from VIP lounges, young graces in miniskirts and ageless women in brackets, ladies in jasmine saris with gray hair, brightly painted Natashas in search of a "normal man with a bubble" all merge into a colorful, friendly dream. And in this dusk of delusion, I feel like a molecule of humanity of the 21st century.
And I'm bothered by one simple question: why do Turks manage it all, and we, further high-steam words "Let's build the largest hub in Europe and put a super-speed hyperloop to it" - nothing works out? When I am under the dome of the VR, I always ask our "Servants" with you: why so?! The answers were varied - from the global economic collapse to the coronavirus. And I think to myself: why doesn't our southern neighbors stop creating all this? And what do you think?

In great honor in the Mayan tribe, a woman who in Guatemala is called the Guardian of the Time. Our documentary group wa...

In great honor in the Mayan tribe, a woman who in Guatemala is called the Guardian of the Time. Our documentary group was able to talk to her in 2021. At the end of the conversation, she said that Ukraine was facing difficult challenges. And we and operator Olesandr Tupik will have to change our favorite job. Now I can't even believe how the Guardian turned out to be! And the bracelet she gave me to "energize up" in times of danger is heating up. And he also has the effect of lightning and returns evil to who generates it. If you look closely, you can really see lightning in the middle of the smoky topaz! P. With. In order for this artifact to bring energy to you, it is necessary to make a charitable contribution to the company of help with the mining of Ukraine. Link and details in the first comment under the post

In order not to be burdened with the burdens of today's difficult life, bloggers set up cats and dogs.And I'll tell you ...

In order not to be burdened with the burdens of today's difficult life, bloggers set up cats and dogs.
And I'll tell you how I was defeated when I saw a small bird that hung over a flower for the summer and drank nectar from it. At first we decided it was a bumblebee. But after looking closer, I realized it's a bird! The realest hummingbird).
What an amazing planet we have. Let's preserve it for ourselves and our descendants!

A ring worth half a million dollars! And this is just one of the finds of the luckiest treasure hunters. Mal Fisher stud...

A ring worth half a million dollars! And this is just one of the finds of the luckiest treasure hunters. Mal Fisher studied ocean currents, the history of hurricanes and sea maps for 16 years. Every single day he went out to sea and said, "Today is the day!" » Lost my savings, the trust of lenders and even relatives. And finally, he found the trace of the sunken galle of Nuestra Senora de Atocha. The debris covered by elm spread over many kilometers at a depth of 15-20 meters.
According to historians, there were 47 tons of gold and silver on board the Spanish galleon, not counting contraband jewels, which accounted for 20 percent of the total cargo
But for me, the most surprising thing is not the jewels at all, but that Dmitry Kharitonov and I got into this expedition! Now I'm not really interested in reading about pantry searches. I could write a whole book about this myself. And out of respect for the loving memory of Dima, I can tell you about this. Do you want some ?

The murder of a policeman for a remark in a supermarket once again divided society into those who believe that the free ...

The murder of a policeman for a remark in a supermarket once again divided society into those who believe that the free sale of short-barreled weapons should be allowed and those who believe that the protection of citizens is the responsibility of the state.

"Shurashka" is a Portuguese beef on a spiral, actually a dish of Argentinian origin, but in Brazil it is considered a na...

"Shurashka" is a Portuguese beef on a spiral, actually a dish of Argentinian origin, but in Brazil it is considered a national dish. Well, it's like dumplings invented by the Chinese, changed by the Siberians, and I strongly believe "a sophisticated Ukrainian dish". ))
Yeah, I love not only to eat, but also to tell the story of one or another dish. For example, the local Cat Pies were invented by a court cook in the 19th century, when Brazil was an empire. He invented cat cakes when there were no chicken tenders in the kitchen that the future emperor Pedro II loved so much as a child. The son of emperor Pedro I the dish came to his taste. Since then, cats have become very popular in Brazil.
The most delicious thing is to eat them with ketchup or with very hot pepper. Because cats are very tasty and inexpensive. A recipe to share?

Comrades of women! Don't be afraid! We will put an end to your exploitative husband, and in the meantime you are at the ...

Comrades of women! Don't be afraid! We will put an end to your exploitative husband, and in the meantime you are at the disposal of Comrade Sukhov! He will feed and protect you, he is a good man!

In my previous posts, I talked about the mystical Mayan civilization city lost in Honduras. Scientists found the longest...

In my previous posts, I talked about the mystical Mayan civilization city lost in Honduras. Scientists found the longest inscription carved in stone.
Some interesting fragments of ancient inscription I have quoted for you. But not all of them. For example, I think that the message is important that
before reigning in Kopan, K’inich-Yash-K’uk-Mo made a pilgrimage to Teotiuakan, where from the local priests he received Knowledge and signs of supreme power - a two-headed serpent (spiritual) and an ax (secular).
And if the symbols of power are more or less clearer, it remains a mystery - what kind of Knowledge did Kynich-Yash receive from the Aztec priests?!

It turns out that monkey girls are playing with dolls. In the wild, they are made from sticks and leaves. And the monkey...

It turns out that monkey girls are playing with dolls. In the wild, they are made from sticks and leaves. And the monkey boys will gut these dolls. Monkeys also know how to love and be jealous. And baby monkeys, who grew up without parents, also abandon their children.
But real mother monkeys are happy to take care of and raise both their own and others. Learn, people!

Thanks to the drawings of Frederick Catherwood, a town lost in the jungles of Honduras, gained popularity among Mayan ci...

Thanks to the drawings of Frederick Catherwood, a town lost in the jungles of Honduras, gained popularity among Mayan civilization researchers. Scientists have been trying to solve the puzzle for many years: are these drawings the fruit of the artist's inflamed imagination or sketches of actual ritual objects?
Yes, I myself studied these drawings of a strange British man for a long time. A few put here . Still, I do not even believe that I myself was able to compare them with reality and touched the mystery!.. And that's what I tell ya!..

Just returned from Chernihiv..

Just returned from Chernihiv..



Have you ever wondered about anything as weird as Friday the 13th? Today, there is a reason to think about it. It makes ...

Have you ever wondered about anything as weird as Friday the 13th? Today, there is a reason to think about it. It makes sense that Friday is like a pre-holiday. Tomorrow is the day off. A week behind us. No, right? It is "Friday, the 13th" that causes mystical horror. Why isn't it Monday? It happens that on Monday the thirteenth is the number 13!
Studying the Masonic archives of Santaren Castle, I seem to understand what it is all about! Superstitious fear of the phenomenon of "Friday the 13th" appeared in the Middle Ages, when on Friday, October 13, 1307, the Knights of the Order of "Poor Warriors of Christ and the Temple of Solomon", living in France. is. the templars were arrested by the knights of French King Philip IV the Handsome. Merciless interrogations and mass executions have begun. The arrests were made in the name of the Holy Inquisition, and the properties of templiers were confiscated. Now that was a shock! After all, Templers were considered to be the most powerful and untouchable. That Friday was so bloody that it instills panic horror in the souls of some 21st century residents. Although no one can really explain why. But now you know!

An intensivist from Poland, Sabina Oleks-Kondor, who works in one of the clinics in Madrid, citing the latest research, ...

An intensivist from Poland, Sabina Oleks-Kondor, who works in one of the clinics in Madrid, citing the latest research, claims that domestic animals not only do not transmit the coronavirus, but also have antibodies against this strain. Allegedly, owners of cats and dogs can get immunity from their pets or get sick from them more easily.
Considering the multitude of fakes and speculations, I decided to check this statement. And here's what I found in the official WHO statement:
"To date, there are no data on cases of transmission of the nCoV infection among domestic companion animals (cats, dogs) or on the spread of the virus by them.

If you are reading these lines, then, speaking in the language of horoscopes, you have moved from the constellation of G...

If you are reading these lines, then, speaking in the language of horoscopes, you have moved from the constellation of Gutenberg (the inventor of the printing press) to the constellation of Zuckerberg. Of course, in the new constellation there are scientific articles and there are social networks, and there is chewed and properly arranged "food for the brain", which is commonly called information. Be honest, where do you dive more often?




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