If you cut your hair often, it will grow faster
In fact, this is not a cause, but a consequence: the shorter the hair, the faster it grows. Short hair grows 2 centimeters a month, and long (30 centimeters) - only 1 centimeter.
Hair and electric tongs
Some women think that the constant use of electric curlers is harmless to hair. Actually it is not. Daily curling of hair with their help quickly causes significant damage to our hair. The same can be said about "sparing" tongs (for example, with a Teflon coating).
The fact is that hot metal draws moisture out of the hair, and they become dry, brittle, with split ends. Therefore, we must try to alternate forceps with curlers.
Fight against dandruff
According to scientific research, every second person has experienced dandruff at least once in their life. It comes into our lives, as a rule, unexpectedly, delivering a lot of unpleasant troubles. However, most people do not know how to deal with dandruff and simply buy the appropriate shampoo.
However, dermatologists note that, constantly using anti-dandruff shampoos, a person, figuratively speaking, "sits on a needle." The body gets used to the constant “doping” and relaxes. Replacing a special shampoo with a regular one can then cause a real “breaking” of the hair, and not only figuratively, but also literally.
In the fight against dandruff, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence, which may be:
hormonal imbalance;
seborrhea (dysfunction of the sebaceous glands);
disruption of the digestive system and the immune system;
severe stress;
development of chronic infections;
genetic factor (sensitivity to oleic acid);
improper care of the scalp (using the hot mode of the hair dryer, improperly selected shampoo, balm);
taking certain medications (such as antibiotics);
deficiency of vitamins (A, B, C);
unbalanced diet (abuse of alcoholic beverages, soda, fast food).
Thus, in order to quickly and effectively eliminate dandruff, it is necessary to establish the cause of its development. It is necessary to understand what it signals: about the body's reaction to stress, the formation of seborrhea, and violations of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. And of course, you need to seek help from a dermatologist.