Gingers Media

Gingers Media Gingers Media and Organization of Ukrainian Producers make a documentary about the first month of the Russian-Ukrainian war Against All Odds.

The documentary Against All Odds begins its journey to viewers. The film will premiere on the German television channel ...

The documentary Against All Odds begins its journey to viewers. The film will premiere on the German television channel N-TV (RTL Group) on 20 February 2023.

Artem Litvinenko, director of “Against All Odds”, says: “I am very pleased that Germany will be the first country to broadcast our film. We could see how Germany's attitudes to Russia had changed ever since the invasion began. And we see them changing still. In this regard, the German premier is very symbolic”.

Christian Hensgens, Channel Manager N-TV, says: “This documentary impressively explains how Ukraine to this day has managed to successfully defend their country against a seemingly overpowering enemy. High-ranking experts, elaborate visualizations and a special attention to detail make this film particularly exceptional. I am grateful that we were able to secure this film for N-TV’s primetime, premiering on February 20th at 9:05 pm (CET)”.

The documentary depicting the first month of the Russo-Ukrainian war is a joint project of The Organization of Ukrainian Producers (OUP), Gingers Media (Ukraine) and Liev Schreiber’s Illuminated Content, produced with the support of Andriy Zagorodnyuk's Center for Defence Strategies. Liev Schreiber is attached as a narrator, the voice-over session was recorded at Mirrortone Studios in New York.

The creators sought to tell the story of the most pivotal events of the first month of the war through an unbiased lens. The team traveled along the route of Russia’s advance and talked to the witnesses of these events, Ukrainian defenders of Hostomel, Irpin, Moschun. They also discussed the events with the current and the former Ministers of Defence of Ukraine, Oleksii Reznikov and Andriy Zagorodnyuk, as well as international military experts, such as Ben Hodges, the former Commanding General of the United States Army in Europe, William Taylor Jr., a former United States ambassador to Ukraine and Major General Andrzej Fałkowski, Polish Military Representative to NATO.

AUTENTIC DISTRIBUTION is the international distribution partner of Against All Odds and is the sales division of the documentary label AUTENTIC and a subsidiary of the German Beta-Group.

Mirjam Strasser, Head of Sales & Acquisitions AUTENTIC DISTRIBUTION, says: “We are very proud to extend our partnership with OUP and to have again secured the distribution rights for their latest film, "Against all Odds". This gripping film is about the heroes of the Ukraine, men who were snatched from their normal everyday lives and who managed to protect the Ukraine against the Russian war of aggression. Something that seemed impossible before is really happening: the Ukrainian men have defended their country to this day. This film shows why and how these brave men managed to withstand the first months of war against Russia and succeeded to stop Russia’s blitzkrieg in its track”.

Igor Storchak, co-founder of the OUP, founder and producer of Gingers Media, says: “We are very grateful to our colleagues and friends at Autentic and N-TV. Showing the film on N-TV is a great honour for all of us. We believe that our film will make a contribution and tell an honest and unbiased story of this unjust war”.

Actor Liev Schreiber became the narrator of the documentary film, Against All Odds: The Failure Of Russia’s Blitzkrieg.“...

Actor Liev Schreiber became the narrator of the documentary film, Against All Odds: The Failure Of Russia’s Blitzkrieg.

“Any film becomes alive once it acquires a voice, - shares Artem Lytvynenko, the director. - Liev Schreiber was extremely engaged in the process, he cares about what’s going on in Ukraine. He has recently visited Kyiv and saw the destruction with his own eyes, therefore, he understands what he is narrating about quite well. Liev tried to remain unbiased in his narration and refrain from imposing his own emotions onto the viewer. He was also involved in the text adaptation to make it more dynamic and relatable to an English speaking audience”.

“Do you know what his terms for joining our film were?, - tells Igor Storchak, the Executive Producer of Against All Odds. - It wasn’t about the money. He asked to be able to screen “Against All Odds” for fundraising purposes to help my country and her people. It touched us all deeply, the director and the producers, because it means that our values are shared with millions of people all over the world. It gives us hope”.

“What I responded to was the simple, clear chronology of an invasion. It is hard to believe that in our lifetimes we would ever witness a ground war like this again, so to see its evolution in vivid detail is an invaluable reminder of the fragility of our democracy and the ferocity with which the Ukrainians defended their own”, - comments Liev Schreiber.

The narration was recorded at Mirrortone Studios (New York). The team of the studio was very enthusiastic about joining the project. “We wanted to help Ukrainians tell their story about this war of aggression being waged by Russia, - says Jay Rothman of Mirrortone Studios. - If we can help, in some small way, give a voice to the people in Ukraine fighting for their right to exist, we’re going to do our part. It was an honor that the filmmakers asked us to contribute”.

The Organization of Ukrainian Producers (OUP), Gingers Media with the support of Andriy Zagorodnyuk’s Center for Defence Strategies are now finishing work on Against All Odds.

The film will premiere in 2023.


«За спиною рідні. Тут їм не пройти!"
«Наперекор всьому», документальний фільм про те, чому провалився російський бліцкриг.

"Our families are behind us. They won’t pass here!"
Against All Odds, a documentary on why the Russian blitzkrieg failed.

Director: Artem Litvinenko
Producer: Igor Storchak, Viktor Mirsky
With the support of Центр Оборонних Стратегій

Соцмережами розлетівся трейлер фільму «Всупереч» про провал російського бліцкригу. Як створювали стрічку:Ідея стрічки пр...

Соцмережами розлетівся трейлер фільму «Всупереч» про провал російського бліцкригу. Як створювали стрічку:

Ідея стрічки про провал російського бліцкригу належить OUP Documentary . «Ми думали, хто з режисерів може зробити це круто, – згадує продюсер «Всупереч» Ігор Сторчак. – Артем створював серіали, що ставали всесвітніми хітами. Він має талант бачити речі водночас креативно і неймовірно чітко».

Литвиненко погодився одразу. На його думку, зараз – час знімати документальне кіно та фіксувати реальність.

У жовтні 2022 року на екрани вийде «Всупереч» (Against all Odds) – українська документалка про те, як Україна витримала російський наступ та перекреслила надії Путіна на шви...

102 lata temu armia rosyjska stała pod Warszawą i marzyła o zajęciu całej Europy. Jedynym sojusznikiem Polski w tej bitw...

102 lata temu armia rosyjska stała pod Warszawą i marzyła o zajęciu całej Europy. Jedynym sojusznikiem Polski w tej bitwie była Ukraińska Republika Ludowa.

15 sierpnia 1920 roku armia rosyjska została rozbita, w wyniku czego odstąpiła. Polska nie tylko obroniła swoją niepodległość, ale też uratowała cały świat przed nową wielką wojną.

Dzisiaj armia rosyjska ponownie stanowi zagrożenie dla całej Europy, próbując zająć Ukrainę. Polska jako jeden z pierwszych krajów mało tego, że nie bała się pomóc słowem, ale również czynem.

Walczymy nie tylko o swoją ziemię, razem walczymy Za naszą i waszą wolność!

102 роки тому російські війська стояли під Варшавою, мріючи захопити всю Європу. Єдиним союзником Польщі у цій битві була Українська Народна Республіка.

15 серпня 1920 року російські війська були розбиті та відступили. Польща змогла не лише захистити свою незалежність, а й урятувати весь світ від нової великої війни.

Сьогодні російські війська знову загрожують усій Європі, намагаючись захопити Україну. Польща стала однією з перших країн, яка не побоялася допомогти нам не лише словами, а й справою.

Ми захищаємо не лише нашу землю, ми разом із вами боремося За вашу та нашу свободу!

“When we prepared for filming the whole team spent hours discussing with different experts the first month of the war. W...

“When we prepared for filming the whole team spent hours discussing with different experts the first month of the war. We had a feeling that there was a unique, very sophisticated plan for David to beat Goliath. The picture now is different. We have the world’s top experts. They have an exceptional and sharp point of view on what has happened; their comments are very precise”, - Igor Storchak told Cineuropa.

Against All Odds documentary’s director Artem Litvinenko and co-founder of the Organization of Ukrainian Producers (OUP), producer at Gingers Media Igor Storchak gave an exclusive interview to Cineuropa.


"If Ukraine fails, who is next?", Philip Jones, Independent security consultant UK


Russia is purposefully hiding behind nuclear facilities. This is their tactic. Now the attention of the whole world is focused on the Zaporizhzhya NPP. A huge nuclear power plant occupied by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine is "completely out of control", the head of the UN's nuclear agency says. Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said in an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press that the situation is getting more perilous every day at the Zaporizhzhia plant in the southeastern city of Enerhodar.

As the experience with the Chornobyl nuclear power plant has shown, Russia is alien to the concept of radiation safety even for its own soldiers. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the exclusion zone were occupied by Russian troops at the very beginning of the invasion. Military equipment was driven through forbidden territories, soldiers were setting up trenches and barriers in the ground, raising tons of radioactive dust into the air. The radiation doses received by the invaders are comparable to those received by the liquidators in 1986.

From the exclusion zone the invaders started shelling of the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. Had at least one shell hit the sarcophagus of the fourth block, the capture of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant would have turned into a world catastrophe.

The station staff also suffered from Russian nuclear terrorism - they were held hostages for several weeks.

Against All Odds documentary will tell you what the exclusion zone turned into after the Russian invasion, and how its capture became one of the reasons for the Russian army’s retreat.

Director Artem Litvinenko about his documentary Against All Odds:⠀I am watching a footage from our documentary Against A...

Director Artem Litvinenko about his documentary Against All Odds:

I am watching a footage from our documentary Against All Odds. By starting work on this film, we set ourselves a difficult task of finding reasons for something that no one could even imagine or simulate before February 24, 2022. Something that could address a question of how can a small country like Ukraine resist the "second army of the world" and break their blitzkrieg?

We filmed a lot of absolutely incredible stories about the guys from the front line. Those, who before 24 February were psychologists, logistics professionals, truck drivers and bartenders, and who now are with weapons in their hands, risking their lives for the sake of the country. These are real professions that our soldiers had before 24/02 - many of them were not in the military before the invasion.

We want our story to be as objective as possible. That is why our film features not only opinions of people directly involved in the war: our Minister of Defence, Oleksii Reznikov, generals, commanders and soldiers, but also views of experts who, despite great empathy, can impartially assess current events. These experts include the former commander of the NATO army in Europe, Ben Hodges. Retired Lieutenant General Hodges, who being a man with a military background, was still shocked by the start of a full-scale invasion and amazed at the resilience of the Ukrainians. He provides an interesting analysis of the events.

We will share findings from our investigation in autumn.

Ukraine could push the occupying forces back to the borders as they stood on February 23 by the end of this year, if the...

Ukraine could push the occupying forces back to the borders as they stood on February 23 by the end of this year, if the West continues to supply arms, - Lieutenant General (Retired) Ben Hodges, an expert at the Washington-based Center for European Policy Analysis, said.

But the war will continue until winter. The key point in it will be the logistics and morale condition of the fighters, which has already deteriorated among the Russian troops.

Also in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, Ben Hodges noted that he considers an attack by Belarus unlikely and expects Putin to begin to lose the support of his people.

In our documentary "Against The Odds", Lieutenant General (Retired) Ben Hodges and other military experts analyze how Ukraine managed to hold back against an enemy that outnumbered it by several to one.

Gingers Media supports this important initiative for the Ukrainian industry by Українська Кіноакадемія and Netflix. We h...

Gingers Media supports this important initiative for the Ukrainian industry by Українська Кіноакадемія and Netflix. We hope that due to such international projects, the world will discover many new talented names.

Українська кіноакадемія у співпраці з Netflix, оголошує про проведення Програми “Грантова Програма: розробка сценаріїв та ексклюзивні онлайн сесії з експертами міжн...


While the United States discussed whether to supply Ukraine with Stinger missiles or not, the Ukrainian Army repelled attacks of the occupier. Russia was several times stronger, and its militaries had been preparing for the invasion for years. But why did the West, seeing how Russia is trying to wipe Ukraine off the face of the earth delayed with weapons?

Gen. Ben Hodges, who served as a commanding general of the United States Army Europe, believes that weapons were delayed because no one in the world could imagine war in modern Europe.

An interview with Ben Hodges will appear in the "Against All Odds" documentary film. We will tell how it happened that Ukraine was able to stand against the “second army of the world”.

Gingers Media and Organization of Ukrainian Producers with support of the Ukrainian Centre for Defence Strategies make a...

Gingers Media and Organization of Ukrainian Producers with support of the Ukrainian Centre for Defence Strategies make a documentary about the first month of the Russian-Ukrainian war Against All Odds.

The authors explore how Ukraine managed to thwart the “blitzkrieg” of the world's second army, superior to the Ukrainian one, and defeat the aggressor near Kyiv.

A group of Ukrainian producers have come together to make a documentary about the first month of Russia's war on their country, to be directed by Artem Litvinenko (The Sniffer).




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