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Mark 16:15-18
[15]And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
[16]He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
[17]And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
[18]They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

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And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith...

Morning PrincipleWith Ap Steve Calebs07/06/2020Exod.3.1(NLT)- One day Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law, ...

Morning Principle
With Ap Steve Calebs

Exod.3.1(NLT)- One day Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he went deep into the wilderness near Sinai, the mountain of God


Moses tending the flock of his father-in-law was a litmus test for stewardship.

What is the litmus test for stewardship? The litmus test for stewardship states that, " if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?"(Luke16:12)

Any great man before they are given that which is there own, they have been faithful in that which was another man's.

Before Moses was assigned to his own task, he was faithful in tending the flock of Jethro. Elisha was faithfully serving the man of God Elijah. Joshua did faithfully serve Moses.

They first exhibited faithfulness in what is another man's, before they were released into what's there own

God wants to release you into your own ministry, family, business and office but you got to be a good Steward first in another man's ministry, family and business.

Don't expect to handle what's your own very well, when you did not handle very well what's another man's.
You can't handle your own very well, if you didn't handle what was another man's very well

NB:They first exhibited faithfulness in what is another man's, before they were released into what's there own.

Search Depths,1Corithians4:1-4

PRAYER Dear Father for the entrance of your word giveth life to my outer man and Understanding to my inner man! Am bless and eleveted with this light of this work that has Edified my spirit in Jesus Name Amen.

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Mark A Paskazio31/05/2020Exod.3.5 - "Do not come any closer," God told him. "Take off your sanda...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Mark A Paskazio

Exod.3.5 - "Do not come any closer," God told him. "Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground."


This is the mystery of "taking off your sandals" he says "for you are standing on holy ground".

To tread or step on holy ground with sandals means to treat what God has sanctified as unholy.

There so many people who are treading on holy ground with sandals.
They are calling what God has made holy, unholy

They are calling what God has cleansed, unclean. They are also calling what God has blessed, cursed.

Acts 10:15 says, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common." For instance, child of God, your the righteousness of God but if you say your a sinner, you do tread on holy ground with sandals.

You need to treat your self the way God treats you. Call yourself the way God calls you. That's removing your sandals!

NB:To tread or step on holy ground with sandals means to treat what God has sanctified as unholy


SPEAK, I am holy , bless,fruitful anointed through Christ Jesus who strengthens me !
I became the Holy Ground by His Grace upon my life therefore I shall not confess negativity upon my life in the might Name of Jesus Christ Amen

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs28/05/2020Gen 1:1(NLT) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth THE ...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Gen 1:1(NLT) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth


The place from which God created heavens and the earth was "In the beginning " you will realese the place in the beginning was in the mind of God .

The nature and the likeness of God contain the noun called 'CREAT' which God also transferred into a man which was in His own image and likeness(Gen1:27)It means you bear the image and likeness which was mixed together with the ability of creation in the beginning.

The place beginning is a place of creation out of nothing. In Verse two there was darkness on the surface of the earth translated as misfortune, dilemma problems in the surface of the earth ,He has to remember his creation ability in Verse one to solve the problem with a solution called 'LIGHT'

The results of the solution came from the word of God which was in John 1:3
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made
If God can used His own word to solve problem on his way , what of you child of God who carry the word in you !Think about

Many Believer gave up at the beginning of situations instead of creating solutions for the situations.

The place of beginning was not of giving up but creation. The beginning of problems is creation of answers! Praise the Lord.

When sickness begins creat healing,when poverty begins creat weath ,when lack begins creat abundance in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ

NB:The place of beginning was not of giving up but creation. The beginning of problems is creation of answers!

SEARCH DEPTHS, John1:1-5 .Genesis 1:3 Genesis 1:27

CONFESS, Heavenly I bear your image which has the ability of creation in the place called in the beginning. From today onward instead of of giving up in the beginning of ministry of entire life I will start the process of creation in Jesus Name ! Amen

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs27/05/2020 2 Corinthians (5:7KJV)For we walk by faith, not by sight:)WALKING BY FA...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

2 Corinthians (5:7KJV)For we walk by faith, not by sight:)


Paul shown to the corithians how a child of God live a life in Christianity or salvation. He discovered and said "WE WALK BY FAITH" not by sight .

It means a child of God can either Walk by Faith or by sight, without doubts
Walking by Faith is always being consience of God's word remember Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Roman 10:17) while walking by sight is observing the line vanities and visible things

The word of God said By Faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen {NLT} hebrews11:3

The whole world was broughtforth through the word of God !Faith can bring in to existence what the world has never seen.

It doesn't matter what dilemma you see which needs unseen solution! Faith can give to you child of God.

Faith is way you live not what you see !
God gave it to you to provide solution to your family, Education, career and your both spiritual and physical life to the edification of His ministry upon your life .

NB: Faith is way you live not what you see !It doesn't matter what dilemma you see which needs unseen solution! Faith can give to you child of God.

SEARTH DEPTHS , 2Corinthians 4:18, Hebrews11:3 Hebrews11:7

CONFESS ,Thank you spirit of God I now know that my way of living, walking, running, sleeping were all by Faith not by sight. From now I ceased from focussing to the line vanities to the Glory of your Holy in my life !Amen

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs26/05/2020Prov 4:22 (NLT) For they bring life and radiant health to anyone who dis...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Prov 4:22 (NLT) For they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning


From our therm scripture God told us that any one who discovers the meaning of the word of God receives life and radiant life.
The reward of the meaning of God's word is Life and Radiant health as paraphrase in our therm scripture.

You will definatly release that the students of the word of God has "SUPPER HEALTH" or simbily Diven health because the word of God is shapper than any two edges sword (Hebrew 4:12)

Are you struggling with sickness , unhealthy issues, simple register in this class called the students of God's word it's free of charge only "BELIEVES" and give your self to be taught with our senior teacher the Holy Spirit

The word of God can enter beyond what ever the Doctors can enter upto your Spirit ,souls and even bone marrow to get that unhealthy issues away from your life forever and ever in Jesus Name.

NB: Supper health is simply got from discovering the meaning of God's word! You can become the student of God's word and experience "SUPPER HEALTH"


DECLARATION PRAYER, My Loving father am blessed for the words of Supper health upon my spirit and I promise to become the ever present student of the senior teacher the holy spirit to experience the Supper Health in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Mark A. Paskazio24/05/2020Exod.3.5 - God said, Do not come near; put your shoes off your feet, f...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Mark A. Paskazio

Exod.3.5 - God said, Do not come near; put your shoes off your feet, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.


When Moses encoutered with God in Mount Horreb by the burning bush which consumed not.
God definitely instructed him to put off his shoes because the place he was standing was holy ground.

Why was the place a holy ground? What made it a holy place?
Very simple, the presence of God that manifested there in the burning bush sanctified the place.
It made the place a holy ground. At that time it didn't matter what had ever happened on that ground, but as long as the presence of God almighty was there the place shared it's holiness.

This is exactly what happened to you child of God on the day you got born again,the same presence of God manifested in you. And this presence makes you a holy ground.

It does not matter what your past was like (2 Corinthians 5:17),Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new..

It does not matter how awkward and wayward life was in time past, but now you're God's holy ground. The presence of God in you makes you holy. Your holy because of the presence of God in you.

NB:The presence of God in you makes you holy. Your holy because of the presence of God in you and this presence makes you a holy ground.

SEARTHDEPTHS 1Corithians6:11,2Corithians5:16,17

DECLARATION PRAYER, Heavenly Father I thank you fro the princeless knowledge of this truth. That am the Holy ground and fertile ground where the word of God grows and bear fruits for the perfection of the ministry of the Gospel upon my life to the Glory of your holy name Amen

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs20/05/2020 Psalms1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ung...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Psalms1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.


The above scripture reveals the manifestation of blessings in both realm , Physical and Spiritual in a man's life! The root of all the manifestation lays in "THE GODLY COUSEL "

The word 'cousel' can be define as 'Prudence' which means provision and caution of wisdom to perform a task Praise the Lord.

The God's prudence leads to the manifestation of blessings upon your life Child of God where as the one of the ungodly takes you to manifest the opposite.

(John5:24) .......and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. The only Godly cousel is simple hearing the word of God that grand unto you life of it's fullness.

Hearing the word of God from mature people, from the Bible , from the Inspirational books opens you to Devine Coucel of God . The cousel of God bringsforth life to your family, sickness, affliction ,your studies, relationship all mountains standing your ways Praise God!

The Godly cousel brings Faith while the ungodly cousel bringsforth Fear !
Always do the needful to please God and He shall please you through Faith .

NB:The Godly cousel brings Faith while the ungodly cousel bringsforth Fear ! The only Godly cousel is simple hearing the word of God that grand unto life of it's fullness.

SEARCH DEPTHS, John5:24 Proverbs 12:20 Proverbs 1:7

DECLARATION PRAYER Father I thank you for the wonderful and expensive commoty you have offered to me that bringsforth the manifestation of blessings and life of it's fullness to the glory of your holy name Amen !

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs19/05/2020 Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the ...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.


Our therm scripture paraphrase as... Out of it are the "ISSUES OF LIFE" ! From Greek definition the word issues is refered as "SOURCE " Praise God

It means God refered your heart as a house that contain the source of your life as well the origination of your strength, ability and potential to do his ministry!

Child of God believing Christ is the santification, renovation, purification and redemption of your heart to contain the deliverance of your entire life .

In Proverbs 3:1 ,God boldly recommended that your heart was specifically ordained to keep his commandments. Shockingly It's Jesus the wisdom of God ,the man who gave you ever possible answer you want in heavenly places.

The place of breakthrough, new ideas, success , advice is not from people but from your purified heart through Christ Jesus! You are the Carrier of your solution why because you have purified "HEART"

Your heart is the source of every good thing you want be it deliverence , ministry, family issue what ever, it is possible with your heart Praise God!

NB:The heart is the source and the origin of every good thing a man ever need !The place of breakthrough, new ideas, success , advice is not from people but from your purified heart through Christ Jesus!

SEARTH DEPTHS Proverbs 3_1 Proverbs 4:21_22

DECLARATION PRAYER, Heavenly father thanks and houner be unto you for the light of your word gives understanding to my inner man ! To stand ,sit ,move and sleep in your now Truth wisdom to the glory of your holy Name Amen.


Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,


The above scripture has explain to us the assignment given to us by God called salvation, or RACE OF FAITH!

In running earthly race there is always a winners and a loser .The winners win through excess exercise to strengthen their muscles as well as race of faith needs practice to it to be strong!

What is salvation? What is Faith ? How can faith Comes? Roman 10:17 , hebrews11:1
The just live by faith! The more you study the word of God the more faith Comes.

Praying always in the spirit , meditation, studying the word of God gives you the practice in this race!

Christ you believe has run the race to the end Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith ,It means you are in Christ and Christ is running with you through that situation, affliction,pain , because he has finish the race for you!

The inheritance of Christ in heavenly places belongs to you In Jesus Name!

NB:Praying always in the spirit , meditation, studying the word of God gives you the practice in this race.Christ you believe has run the race to the end

SEARTH DEPTHS :Hebrew 12:2 Ecclesiastes 9:11 Ephesians 6:18

DECLARATION PRAYER, Heavenly Father thank you for the wonderful and priceless knowledge. I shall walk with this wisdom which determined the race of my enternal life to the glory of your name! Amen

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs16/05/2020 Mark 11:23For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Mark 11:23
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.


The ability and responsibility of removing and casting mountains out of your life has got out of the Hands of any thing we have apart from "Your careful words" ! It means your word is the controller of your Life !Praise the Lord !

What are mountains of life's ; these are unshakable and unmoverable circumstances and situation in life for example Epidemic sickness that authomatical transfer from one person to another and poverty as well .Child of God you will realize that the solution for all troubles and problems in life is your careful words.

SHOCKINGLY! Our old testament minister spake his own word and heaven backed it up[1king17:1_3] as well Joshua spake to sun and it Obeys {Joshua 10:12} !How much more do you think can work for you child of God??

Deeply! Your life is in your word, reckless word leads to reckless life and vice versa to care full words. You can start controlling your marriage, business, carrier, projects, company, family, education all by mastering and hounering YOUR CAREFUL WORDS!

NB:Your life is in your words ,reckless word leads to reckless life and vice versa to care full words.The solution for all troubles and problems in life is in carefully words.

SEARTH DEPTHS:1King17:1-3 Joshua 10:12 Job 22:28

DECLARATION PRAYER: Loving father I thank you for revealing to me the most expensive commodity in heaven and on the Earth to start controlling my entire life to the glory of your holy name Amen!

Daily DevotionalWith Ap Steve D Calebs15/05/2020 Romans 8:31[31]What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us...

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Romans 8:31
[31]What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?


In the therm scripture Paul was asking a powerful question to the Believers in Roman who were about to give up !

The same I ask to you ! If God is for you who can change it?? I need an answer from you! It's a challenging thing for a believers to speak the same language like the world!

Indeed the Lord made powerful open declaration which says ; I shall not leave you an orphan shall sent thee a helper that is the holy spirit! Child of God you must believe that Jesus is in you , Jesus is with you , Jesus Upon you and Jesus a head you Praise the Lord!

Revelation 1:8
[8]I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

It's matter which situation facing you he is interested in your Faith and believe !
He is not not interested in a shaming your enemy but to save them!

NB:It's matter which situation facing you he is interested in your Faith and believe !
He is not not interested in a shaming your enemy but to save them

Your body , your soul and your spirit is in Him and even your thoughts he was aware! He shall never leave you radder be with till the end!

SEARTH DEPTHS: Revelation 1:8, Hebrew12:2 Isaiah 43:2

DECLARATION PRAYER! Heavenly father thank for the truth you shown me that you knew me before am formed in my mother's i shall not fear failure ,lack and be bold to do your ministry to glory of your holy name .Amen



Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

KJV Ephesians 1
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:


The place in Christ has offices of blessings called "Spiritual Blessings" ! When a man accept Jesus Christ as His only Lord and Savior that man's source of blessings permanently dry out from the earthly realm to the realm of the spiritual.

Remember the spirit in us is not the spirit of this world it's the spirit of God that we may know the free gifts given unto us (1corithian2:12)

That free gifts is what is called the ; Spiritual Blessings! It's the inheritance of a son of God indeed the person led by the spirit of God (Roman8:14) Praise God !

Truthly am a born again but poor! A minister of the gospel but it seems poverty around my neck! The channel to be the partaker of the Spiritual Blessings it's just knowledge! (John8:32)!

Poverty , lack , sadness were all bo***ge but there padlock key is in the truth Glory to God!

Child of God only pay the price of knowledge you shall be the active partaker of Spiritual Blessings ! Hallelujya

NB:Poverty , lack , sadness were all bo***ge but there padlock key were in the truth.Child of God only pay the price of knowledge you shall be the active partaker of Spiritual Blessings ! Hallelujya

SEARCH DEPTHS: John8:32 Philippians 4:19 1corithian2:12

DECLARATION PRAYER! Father I thank you for the priceless knowledge of the now truth I will stand ,walk and sleep in this truth to the Glory of your name !Amen.


Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

KJV Hebrews 10
35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward


The word "Recompence". means to repay for endurence of faith! the next verse said; 36 ,for you have need of endurence,so that when you have done the will of God ,you may receive what was promised.

It mean the race which make man to receive this great reward! It mean the more you endure the more you wait on the Lord ! He said those who wait on the Lord shall renew thy strength Think about it!

Casting not confindence leads to great Recompence in ministry , family in work place and gives you the boldness of Christ Jesus!

To shock you Jesus is our great Confidence the alpha and Omega, the author and the finisher of our faith Hallelujya!

NB:Casting not confindence leads to great Recompence in ministry , family in work place and gives you the boldness of Christ Jesus!

SEARTH DEPTHS:Hebrew10:36 Hebrew12:2

DECLARATION PRAYER! Heavenly Father,I thank you for opening my eyes to see this confindence which has great ever reward in my Life that is Jesus the wisdom of God the beginning and the end of my Life Glory to your Holy Name Amen



Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

1 Samuel 17:29
[29]And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?


The above scripture reveals to us the cause placed on David by God! What God placed on you Nothing can changed it!

David was a Shepherd he has and encouter with the wild beast which has given him the ability to carry a diven cause!
The word cause in geek refers to us "Dabar" which is translated as Matter and matter is any thing that has weight and occupies space! Matter can changed your words , your access to the revelation of God , matter protect you in the evils days , matter makes you overcomeer on every side of your life!

That diven cause flows inthe linage of David, Elijah and final with Christ Jesus ! Follow me through! Paul understood and saw that ability and said ;I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) and All things walk together for good (Romans8:28) Praise the LORD.

It mean you have the ability to do everything and the creature also response to your direction especially business , marriage, relationship, career, education they all work good for you !

NB:You can do all things through Christ and all things work together for you because you are call for the Divine cause of God!

SEARTH DEPTHS:1King17:1-3 ,Romans8,28 Philippians 4:13

DECLARATION PRAYER! Father I offer thanks unto you for the priceless wisdom and knowledge that am call for a cause in the kingdom of God to Preach the gospels to all Nation to the Glory of your Name ! Amen

Morning Principle

Morning Principle

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

KJV Ecclesiastes 11
6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.


The leading scripture gave us general duty of a child of God of course it's showing seed!

There is nothing much better thing a child of God can do than sowing seed every new Inspiration in the spirit! What is the seed! How can I sow this seed!

You must understand that children of God has only one primary parable to lived with that is KJV Luke 8
11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

The seed is not the seed of plants as you but the truth word of God ! Praise the Lord .
It is required of you Child of God to be consince of this new tastment Truth !

Speaking the word of God is the the only best way of sowing this seed which is the word of God ! Speaking the word of God brings forth peace and life which is of course feeding the spirit not the flesh(Galatian6:8)

It's your duty to wake up today to speak the word ,upon your Life,Plans, Business, your career, education, family which has doubtless reward in the evening! Praise be God!

NB:Speaking the word of God is the the only best way of sowing this seed which is the word of God !It's your duty to wake up today to speak the word ,upon your Life,Plans, Business, your career, education, family which has doubtless reward in the evening! Praise be God!

SEARCH DEPTHS: Galatian6:8 ,Luke8:11,Roman 8:6

DECLARATION PRAYER! My Father my maker ,I give thanks to this knowledge which has doubtless reward in my entire Spiritual life in the morning and the evening of my time to the glory of your Name .Amen

Good morning

Good morning

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

KJV Romans 10
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


Salvation happens when your mouth and your heart agreed together!

The combination between you mouth and your heart is a solution as the leading scripture revials!

If a man unknownly can said words which was in his hearth and salvation or solution can manifest , you can also say something today and you shall receive! Think about it!

KJV John 14,If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.! Praise the Lord ! If Christ can do it ! Then who are you not to do it!

It means a man can have everything thing he want when he understands the relation of his mouth, heart and Jesus! Properity, breakthrough,peace , are all hidden in mouths ,hearts and God Hallelujya

NB: You shall have everything you want when you known yours God ,mouth and heart !

SEARCH DEPTHS Proverbs 4:23 Roman 10:10

DECLARATION PRAYER! Heavenly Father ,I give thanks to you for opening my inner man In this priceless knowledge! I understand that my life life at only three things that God,mouth and heart to the glory of your Name. Amen

Good morning!

Good morning!

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Philippians 2:9
[9]Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name,


From our leading scripture we have seen a new name give to a man and it carries glory,houner and respect! It means no one without a name can never be houner, respected, recognized in the certain way in heaven and on the earth.

Which name did God exalted ??? Which name are you exalting?? think about it!
In the realm of the spirit what you lifted is what will work for you in naturally life

Hebrews 11:3 the Spiritually created the naturally! When you call unto the name of God He shall answer you (Jeremiah 3:3)!

Healing can never happened to a man who lift up the name of the sickness higher compared to the name of God ! Praise the Lord.

The next verse of the leading Scriptures says; after when a man exalted the name of God every knee and every tounges under heaven and under ground should bow.

The Principles is calling, praying to the new name of the Lord that is Jesus Christ and then solution, answers shall follow you!

Stop exacting and lifting the name of sickness , companies, home background, wealth but lifting the name of Jesus far above every mountains in your life and you shall rejoice in Miracles ! hallelujah !

NB: The Principles is calling, praying to the new name of the Lord that is Jesus Christ and then solution, answers shall follow you

Search Depths
John 14:13-14
Philippians 2:10_11

Heavenly Father, I thank for the reveling to the revelation of the name of the person of Jesus Christ with the power of bowing every knees and tounges :Thanks because I understood and exalted your name above every situation upon my life to the glory of God the Father .

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

Colossians 3:3
[3]For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.

The above scripture gives a clear division of Diven life and normal! there comes a question what is divine life?

Diven life is a new,real and sure life hidden with with Christ in God! As well as the scripture remain us of the life we lost that is the earthly life .

Diven life has it's character as well as normal life !

This scripture give us how can a man partook Diven life which is through having the Son (1John5:12)!

A man with Christ in Him can never be recognized as normally in the world because of diven operation of the life of God upon his Life! Think about it .

Diven Life manifest ,Diven health,Diven wealth,Diven rest ,Diven prosperity,Diven excellence and also make men masteries over this world!

NB: A man with Christ in Him can never be recognized as normally in the world because of diven operation of the life of God upon his Life

Search Depths

Father , I thank you for the gift of diven characterized with diven operation of the life of God in Christ Jesus. I decler from today I will walk ,live and stay in this life of God with Christ Jesus to glory of your name :


Know which one ,to marry marry in your life .



Daily Devotional
With Ap Steve D Calebs

John 14:6 "I am the Way," replied Jesus, "and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The word the way means "hodos" translated as 'means', it's interpreted as channel through which something can be achieved.
Very many numberer of people under the sun wanted to achieve particular goal or vision in different office especially ministry, business, relationship,etc but they mess up with the ways to follow.
The leading scripture told us ,;Iam the Way not ways .It means what a man needs in this World is just the Way ,think about it !
God Made His Ways know to Moses and the acts to the children of Israelites (Psalms 103:7)
It's the way that brings the acts.
Child of God you need the way, and Miracles, sings ,and Wonders shall follow you.
What is the Way?? Jesus is way for every path of success in your life Praise God
NB: Jesus is the only way for every path of success in your life.
Search Depths
Psalms 103:7
Heavenly Father , I bless your name for these wonderful revelation upon my spirit to know that Jesus Christ is my Only Way of success on the earth and in heaven to come . I give glory to you for giving the way of success and may your name be praise to glory of your name.






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