
nos:books Indie publisher from Taiwan since 2009. Limited edition books and art things. Hong Kong artist Chihoi has been a partner at nos:books since 2014.


nos:books is an independent publisher founded by artist Son Ni in 2008 in Taipei. We strive to realize artists' ideas and concepts in unique book forms. Our books are limited edition works by artists from Taiwan and abroad. We also run a space about books called nos:bookspace.

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK available online——————————𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙗𝙮 𝙇𝙚𝙚 𝙆𝙞𝙩 李傑《Chair》——————————一張椅子的照片。那是李傑曾下塌的一間旅館房間的椅子。這椅子的影像,曾於他幾次展覽裡...

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK available online
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙗𝙮 𝙇𝙚𝙚 𝙆𝙞𝙩





Photographs of a chair that Lee Kit once encountered in a hotel room.

The images of this chair have been shown in the video works in several exhibitions of the artist.

Lee Kit’s exhibitions often blend video installations, paintings, words, music, ordinary objects and natural light, into site-specific spaces that yet efface authorship. The emotions, at times exigent, are finely tempered into a mild caress in the mind.

These mesmerizing qualities are echoed in the anonymity of the chair in Chair.

The book invites the readers to revisit this first, and the last, encounter.

💳 網路購買(台灣)—>
💳 International Order—>
⛳️ nos:books space-> 台北市泰順街2巷14號2樓

We’ve made another stamp for mailing printed matter. Meow! 😻

We’ve made another stamp for mailing printed matter. Meow! 😻

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK available online——————————𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 𝙗𝙮 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙯 台灣繁體中文版大衛・赫維茲《雅賊指南:天一亮、眼一睜,拿了書就跑。》————...

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK available online
𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 𝙗𝙮 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙯 台灣繁體中文版

大衛・赫維茲 (David Horvitz)的著作 How to shoplift books 是一本關於如何偷書的指南。它詳細介紹了 80 種偷書的方法,非常實用、機智、富有想像而浪漫。英文版最初於2013 年出版,而後Edition Taube與不同語言的出版社合作出版,目前已有三十多種版語言本面世,各自融入當地人生活。

The artists’ book “How to shoplift books” by David Horvitz is a guide on how to steal books. It details 80 ways in which one can steal a book, from the very practical, to the witty, imaginative and romantic. Originally published in 2013, this paperback reissue is making the sought after title available again at an affordable price (for those who don’t yet know the techniques described within) and is released first in an english, spanish, french version, german, italian, greek and mandarin version.
This project by David Horvitz with Edition Taube is an ongoing translation and publishing work. For each language we collaborate with a publisher from the corresponding language region.
 This is the Taiwanese Traditional Chinese edition. Translated by 陳建銘 Chen Jian-Ming, who feels wasted if he doesn't steal a copy when it is published. 

💳 網路購買(台灣)—>
💳 International Order—>
⛳️ nos:books space-> 台北市泰順街2巷14號2樓

🕒 週六、週一 15-18pm

Thank you all FANatic book FANS who came through the heat in the FANtastic Fukuoka Art Book Fair  over the last weekend ...

Thank you all FANatic book FANS who came through the heat in the FANtastic Fukuoka Art Book Fair over the last weekend in the beautiful Dazaifu Tenmangu. We hope you enjoy as we do! See you next time! 🫶❤️🙏⛩️

⚡️外電狂賀⚡️ 最近,法國龐畢度中心  舉辦世紀漫畫大展,從地下1樓到地上6樓,漫畫佔領了整幢美術館。當代實驗漫畫合集  在展期間慶祝創刊十週年,展出歷年精選作品,同時發表最新第七期《Pluie》(雨)。台灣藝術家、挪石社主編Son Ni...

最近,法國龐畢度中心 舉辦世紀漫畫大展,從地下1樓到地上6樓,漫畫佔領了整幢美術館。
當代實驗漫畫合集 在展期間慶祝創刊十週年,展出歷年精選作品,同時發表最新第七期《Pluie》(雨)。
台灣藝術家、挪石社主編Son Ni 有幸搭上Lagon順風車,一同於龐畢度展出。

➊ Lagon龐畢度展覽現場
➋ Lagon團隊在龐畢度
➌-➍ Son Ni 作品在龐畢度展出〈Upstream〉(上游),2019年刊於第五期《Marécage》(沼澤)。
➎ 同時展出Lagon藝術家各種出版品
➏ 挪石社出版之Son Ni絕版作品
➐ Lagon最新第七期《Pluie》(雨),nos:bookspace少量進貨,下週有售!
➑ Lagon本期收錄智海與Son Ni作品。
➒ -➓Son Ni在nos:books最新出版《Dress Rehearsal》(彩排),為Lagon收錄的作品的姐妹作。

⚫️Team: sur une invitation de .pottebonneville et Géraldine Gomez.
Photographies: .veronese

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK available online——————————𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙍𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙣 𝙉𝙞Son Ni 《彩排》——————————Recent comic by Son Ni. Dress R...

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK available online
𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙍𝙚𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨𝙖𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙣 𝙉𝙞
Son Ni 《彩排》
Recent comic by Son Ni.

Dress Rehearsal further extends ideas stemmed from the artist’s parallel work “Karma Cheque”, published in Pluie, Lagon R***e #7 in 2024. Dress Rehearsal depicts a drama in vacuum, staged in intriguing, conjugating and intersecting planes. The actors develop an unknown tie to one another that they carry off stage. And yet, this is a never-ending dress rehearsal, a prelude before the real performance.

《彩排》為Son Ni近期漫畫作品。

本書的意念,源自於藝術家同步發表於法國漫畫合集《Pluie, Lagon R***e #7》之姊妹短篇漫畫〈業障支票〉。《彩排》描繪一場真空的戲劇,演員穿梭於某種耐人尋味、而經常變化的切面上上演,演員彼此間於舞台內外建立了無以名狀的連繫。然而,這是一場永無止境的彩排,是真正表演前的前奏。

💳 網路購買(台灣)—>
💳 International Order—>
⛳️ nos:books space-> 台北市泰順街2巷14號2樓

🕒 週六、週一 15-18pm

Today is the last day of The New York Art Book Fair. Some news in the last day. ➊  Welcome to our booth on the 3rd floor...

Today is the last day of The New York Art Book Fair. Some news in the last day.
➊ Welcome to our booth on the 3rd floor E13. We have a big grape 🍇 on the wall.
➋ People mountain people sea.
➌ We were nominated for the Jason Polan Award. 🥹❤️🥹
➍ Son Ni is launching her new book “Dress Rehearsal”.
➎ We are also launching the traditional Chinese version of “How to shoplift a book “ by . We co-publish with
➏ This book is also in table 2nd floor booth C6.
➐ 立花文穗 in the house.
➑ 立花文穂 Tachibana Fumio’s new book “幽靈 Haunting” is launching as well at our table.
➒ We are smiling under the mask and welcome you.☀️🤪

👋 🕊️Hi New York! We’re preparing some tasty books for you at New York Art Book Fair by  . See you next week Apr 25-28, c...

👋 🕊️
Hi New York! We’re preparing some tasty books for you at New York Art Book Fair by . See you next week Apr 25-28, come visit our TABLE E13.

展覽最後今天💥今天有開 15:00-18:00 【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展,今天最後一天。HHH Studio 海欣黃*********活動資訊*...

展覽最後今天💥今天有開 15:00-18:00

【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】
黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展,今天最後一天。
HHH Studio 海欣黃

▎時間:3pm - 6pm
▎地點:nos:bookspace 台北市大安區泰順街2巷14號2F






因此十分感謝製作過程中幫忙的朋友,他們都是有能力把手工做到跟機器一樣精準,也有辦法用機器做出像手工一樣仔細:包括 台灣冊工作室 的黃先生,謝謝他穿線以及賜教;謝謝 時分印刷 / 凸版印刷 / Teleport Press Letterpress Production 的湯先生,他們做凸版印刷的,謝謝他們做刀模裁切跟燙金。另外,還有感謝我們長期合作的 經緯印藝 的林先生,跟他公司同仁,他們沒嫌棄我們印量不多而且做工複雜,每次做書都獲益良多。

【GOOD NEWS】- Chihoi’s Viewfinder that we published this year, has got Silver Medal of “Golden Butterfly Award”, the book design prize of Taipei International Book Exhibition 2024.

Here are some making-of photos behind the year.

The books, in limited 105 copies, are sold out in the few book fairs we participated. Thank you so much for all who came by. ❤️

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK ------------------------------𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜黃海欣 《巴塞爾藝術展後》---------------------------...

新書上架 🎨🎨 NEW BOOK
𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜
黃海欣 《巴塞爾藝術展後》

本書與黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜 平行出版。

黃海欣作品「巴塞爾藝術展 Art Basel」描畫了疫情前的全球化藝術市場盛世。而本書則取自同系列的另一組件「 巴塞爾藝術展後 After Art Basel」,描畫了藝術家本人第一次參與博覽會展出,反而無暇以觀眾的身份觀展,但得以觀察華麗舞台背後真正的幕後工作景況,也巧妙地呼應了疫情下的各大藝術盛典被取消的現象。

此一畫作原尺寸近5 x 2 公尺,本書的編排依比例切割,分頁如同博覽會地圖,惟盛會已然結束,讀者穿梭於其中,與埋首幹活的展覽人員一樣檢拾細軟與心情,不知道這是一年一度的光輝再現,還是當下的藝術已隨流逝去。


HHH Studio 海欣黃


This book is published in parallel with Art Basel by Hai Hsin Huang.

Hai Hsin Huang's drawing "Art Basel" depicts the global art market's flourishing and nonchalant period just before the pandemic. The sequel, "After Art Basel" happens when the fair ends, when all the VIPS are gone and the place is left with the very important craftsmen of the fair. The glamorous art fair suddenly is filled with busy anonymous figures, bustling gear and oversized crates, which appears to Huang's eyes as a show in itself, a behind-the-scene fair.

The huge original drawing, approx. 5m x 2m, now spreads across the pages of the book like a map, where you no longer find the orientation as the fair dismantles. It leaves you wander and wonder, at some last moment before an unpredictable future, if it is depicting an annual story or paying homage to a bygone art history.

(Hai Hsin Huang's double book launch exhibition "HHH on Paper" is now on view at nos:bookspace, opens Sat & Mon until Jan 8, 2024. )

💳 網路購買(台灣)-->

💳 International Order-->

⛳️ nos:books space-> 台北市泰順街2巷14號2樓

🕒 週六、週一 15-18pm

今天有開 15:00-18:00 聖誕快樂 🎄【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展進行中HHH Studio 海欣黃 *********活動資訊******...

今天有開 15:00-18:00 聖誕快樂 🎄

【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】
黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展進行中
HHH Studio 海欣黃

▎時間:3pm - 6pm
▎地點:nos:bookspace 台北市大安區泰順街2巷14號2F

就在明天12/23,Jingle Bell~Jingle不要錯過。🔔🔔🔔【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展*********活動資訊*********▎活...

就在明天12/23,Jingle Bell~Jingle不要錯過。🔔🔔🔔

【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】
黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展

▎時間:3pm - 6pm
▎地點:nos:bookspace 台北市大安區泰順街2巷14號2F

🐲本週六🐲【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展*********活動資訊*********▎活動日期:2023.12.23~2024.1.8(逢週六、一)▎...


【紙躍龍門 𝗛𝗛𝗛 𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿】
黃海欣𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡雙新書發表暨紙上作品展

▎時間:3pm - 6pm
▎地點:nos:bookspace 台北市大安區泰順街2巷14號2F

🐲本週六🐲【紙躍龍門 HHH on Paper】 #黃海欣 Art Basel & After Art Basel雙新書發表暨紙上作品展*********活動資訊*********▎活動日期:2023.12.23~2024.1.8(逢週六、...

【紙躍龍門 HHH on Paper】
#黃海欣 Art Basel & After Art Basel雙新書發表暨紙上作品展

▎時間:3pm - 6pm
▎地點:nos:bookspace 台北市大安區泰順街2巷14號2F

nos:books今年出版黃海欣兩本作品Art Basel & After Art Basel by Hai Hsin Huang,先後在洛杉磯與東京藝術書展首賣。現在回到台北主場,本週六 12/23日起,將於nos:bookspace舉行新書發表會暨紙上作品展「紙躍龍門HHH on Paper」。現場展出黃海欣近年多種從未發表的紙上創作,以及一系列最新剪紙拼貼作品,年終來個happy ending再跨躍新年,海欣粉絲萬勿錯過!

**Art Basel & After Art Basel by Hai Hsin Huang
黃海欣作品Art Basel「巴塞爾藝術展」完成並首展於2019年——全球新冠疫情前最後一次的實體香港巴塞爾藝術展。作品描畫了疫情前的全球化藝術市場盛世。通過捕捉並编排稍縱即逝的瞬間,藝術家將博覽會的整體形象,形塑成一幅生動的畫卷:一個充斥着觀察與被觀察兩種狀態的社交場合,同時也是一個自我展示的平台。藝術博覽會是呈現藝術本體的場所,更是讓觀眾能展現自我之處。

同系列另一組件After Art Basel「巴塞爾藝術展後」,則描繪了藝術家本人首次參與博覽會展出,反而無暇以觀眾身份觀展,但得以觀察華麗舞台背後,真實的幕後工作景況,清空的現場也巧妙呼應了後來疫情下各大藝術盛典被取消的現象。
 兩組原畫尺寸,每組近5 x 2 公尺,兩本書的編排依比例切割,分頁如同博覽會地圖,讀者猶如置身其中,穿梭於衣香鬢形的藝術盛會裡。

挪石社出版:沒有未來、現在過去式、在公園、SINGLE、Art Basel & After Art Basel By Hai Hsin Huang。

【紙躍龍門 HHH on Paper】黃海欣 Art Basel &fter Art Basel雙新書發表暨紙上作品展*********活動資訊*********▎活動日期:2023.12.23~2024.1.8(逢週六、一)▎時間:3pm...

【紙躍龍門 HHH on Paper】
黃海欣 Art Basel &fter Art Basel雙新書發表暨紙上作品展

▎時間:3pm - 6pm
▎地點:nos:bookspace 台北市大安區泰順街2巷14號2F

nos:books今年出版黃海欣兩本作品Art Basel & After Art Basel by Hai Hsin Huang,先後在洛杉磯與東京藝術書展首賣。現在回到台北主場,本週六 12/23日起,將於nos:bookspace舉行新書發表會暨紙上作品展「紙躍龍門HHH on Paper」。現場展出黃海欣近年多種從未發表的紙上創作,以及一系列最新剪紙拼貼作品,年終來個happy ending再跨躍新年,海欣粉絲萬勿錯過!

**Art Basel & After Art Basel by Hai Hsin Huang
黃海欣作品Art Basel「巴塞爾藝術展」完成並首展於2019年——全球新冠疫情前最後一次的實體香港巴塞爾藝術展。作品描畫了疫情前的全球化藝術市場盛世。通過捕捉並编排稍縱即逝的瞬間,藝術家將博覽會的整體形象,形塑成一幅生動的畫卷:一個充斥着觀察與被觀察兩種狀態的社交場合,同時也是一個自我展示的平台。藝術博覽會是呈現藝術本體的場所,更是讓觀眾能展現自我之處。
同系列另一組件After Art Basel「巴塞爾藝術展後」,則描繪了藝術家本人首次參與博覽會展出,反而無暇以觀眾身份觀展,但得以觀察華麗舞台背後,真實的幕後工作景況,清空的現場也巧妙呼應了後來疫情下各大藝術盛典被取消的現象。
兩組原畫尺寸,每組近5 x 2 公尺,兩本書的編排依比例切割,分頁如同博覽會地圖,讀者猶如置身其中,穿梭於衣香鬢形的藝術盛會裡。

**關於 HHH Studio 海欣黃
挪石社出版:沒有未來、現在過去式、在公園、SINGLE、Art Basel & After Art Basel By Hai Hsin Huang。

期待已久的傻瓜書日書展  終於開始了。 敝社特約藝術家黃海欣  及 Luc Jolivet  今天起一連3天,將現身現場曬書賣書,精選nos:books出版的攝影書籍,及藝術家最新出版品,歡迎大家來摸書聞書買書。地點:C-Lab 圖書館 n...

期待已久的傻瓜書日書展 終於開始了。 敝社特約藝術家黃海欣 及 Luc Jolivet 今天起一連3天,將現身現場曬書賣書,精選nos:books出版的攝影書籍,及藝術家最新出版品,歡迎大家來摸書聞書買書。

地點:C-Lab 圖書館
nos:books 攤位:2樓51號桌
日期:12/15 (五) 15:00-20:30
12/16 (六) 13:00-20:00
12/17 (日) 13:00-20:00

Fri-Sun!  HHH Studio 海欣黃跟Luc Jolivet將代表nos:books在傻瓜書日 Fotobook DUMMIES Day與你在 C-Lab 相會!📚

Fri-Sun! HHH Studio 海欣黃跟Luc Jolivet將代表nos:books在傻瓜書日 Fotobook DUMMIES Day與你在 C-Lab 相會!📚

See you today 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆 of Tokyo Art Book Fair.   😉𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧 of   via 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 of Chihoi

See you today 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆 of Tokyo Art Book Fair.
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧 of
via 𝙑𝙞𝙚𝙬𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 of Chihoi

Thanks to everyone who came to the book signing today~

Thanks to everyone who came to the book signing today~

💅Book singing now💅  &

💅Book singing now💅


News📢Very delighted and honored to visit the lovely lively studio of 立花文穗さん  yesterday. We had good time smelling papers...


Very delighted and honored to visit the lovely lively studio of 立花文穗さん yesterday. We had good time smelling papers and talking about books and books and more.
Some of his exceptional books will be available at our table in Tokyo Art Book Fair. Chance is rare, get a copy!

Special thanks to Monique of who introduced his books to our generation of creators since some 10 years ago.

十分榮幸及高興昨天拜訪立花文穗先生@tachibanafumiopro 的工作室。他在印刷機器、紙香與收音機聲響的包圍之下勤快工作,我們聊到種種除了書之外,其實還都只有書。
這次在Tokyo Art Book Fair,我們的攤位,將販售立花先生的一些出版品,也會帶一些他的出版品回台灣,機會難逢,請勿錯過!

特別感謝「下北沢世代」書店@shimokitazawabooks 店長Monique,她早在Flickr時期已把立花文穗的書介紹給我們一代創作人。這次有緣人一起見面,念念不忘,必有回響。🙏

💋Hello TokyoWe’re joining the 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼 𝗔𝗿𝘁 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿 by  opening tomorrow Thursday at 12pm.We have some new titles - ❶ “Cha...

💋Hello Tokyo

We’re joining the 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼 𝗔𝗿𝘁 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿 by opening tomorrow Thursday at 12pm.
We have some new titles -
❶ “Chairs” by Lee Kit.
➋ “After/ Art Basel by Hai Hsin Huang” by Hai Hsin Huang. And her “To be your saint”
➌ “Out Of Office” by Luc Jolivet.
➍ “Viewfinder ” by Chihoi (Just a few copies for Tokyo!)
➎ “Take my book away” by Son Ni
➏ “nos:books catalog 2008-2023”

And more titles!
Find us 𝗻𝗼𝘀:𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀 - “Chairs!” 🥂
(B2 Exhibition Space)

Hai Hsin Huang’s 2 new books - 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜 & 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜will be released in   from...

Hai Hsin Huang’s 2 new books -
𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜 &
𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙡 𝙗𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞 𝙃𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙜
will be released in from Nov 23-26. The artist will be present at our booth for signing session on Saturday 25th at 4pm-5pm.
Come visit our booth in Exhibition Space (B2). We have many good stuff to show you! See you~ 🫶


敝社nos:books將參加東京藝術書展,推出幾本精彩新書稍後再介紹。nos:bookspace 11/18開始店休,12月初重開,到時候更多精彩活動和展出,請勿錯過。請密切留意  或 ~更多新書美書絕版書歡迎光臨nos:bookspace...


nos:bookspace 11/18開始店休,12月初重開,到時候更多精彩活動和展出,請勿錯過。請密切留意 或 ~



風と物語 深井隆(東京人形町戶外雕塑)

Coming up: Lee Kit’s new book “Chair”, to release in  from Nov 23-26. And congratulations to his solo show “A blank star...

Coming up: Lee Kit’s new book “Chair”, to release in from Nov 23-26.

And congratulations to his solo show “A blank stare like a gasp” at Shugo Arts, opening on Nov 18.


今天有開 Open Today15:00-18:00Jin AngdooBlack, White and Green on Grey L’Institut Sérigraphique 2023早前介紹的韓裔美國藝術家Jin Angdoo 最...

今天有開 Open Today
Jin Angdoo
Black, White and Green on Grey
L’Institut Sérigraphique 2023

早前介紹的韓裔美國藝術家Jin Angdoo 最新小畫冊本,由法國Institut Sériegraphique 出版,三色絹印,限量100本。



今天有開 Open Today15:00-18:00 🚶‍♀️Moderato 行板李昀鎂nos:books 2017李昀鎂描畫的尋常靜物,緩緩墜落,卻沒有摔破,埋疊之中依靠彼此。不徐不疾的降下,適切的速度,翻頁前進如樂曲般的行板。更多新書...

今天有開 Open Today
15:00-18:00 🚶‍♀️
Moderato 行板
nos:books 2017






Opening Hours

Monday 15:00 - 18:00
Saturday 15:00 - 18:00


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