COLAB ITB The Individual The Talent The Business

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  • COLAB ITB The Individual The Talent The Business

COLAB ITB The Individual The Talent The Business The Colab lifestyle brand is an innovative, media, music, film, and entertainment hub. We house a ma

2. We waste energy, valuable resources, and time fighting against ourselves while blaming others, situations, and places...

2. We waste energy, valuable resources, and time fighting against ourselves while blaming others, situations, and places for a past we could never have present or future control over. Stop fighting you. You will lose that fight.

You are the only constant in your life, right? So, what's your excuse?

You are the only constant in your life, right? So, what's your excuse?


Digital Attendance is not Social Competence (DSC vs. DSI)

We take ourselves everywhere we go.
I represent me best for better or worse, with deliberate, constant daily effort to represent a better me, in spite of obstacles.
YOU represent YOU best for better or worse.

Digital Social Competence vs. Digital Social Incompetence: One is being qualified to be here, and the other is being qualified to stay. HOW WELL DO YOU REPRESENT YOUR DIGITAL SOCIAL COMPETENCE?

A Popular Viewpoint

A Popular Viewpoint


The cost of thinking Black WORTHH

The cost of thinking Black WORTHH


The Individual | The Talent | The Business (ITB)

I will stand side-by-side with any man or woman declaring war against the recognition of a true artist. A creative mind is a mind capable of problem-solving; that is the mind of an artist. To pivot is an art. Surviving many falls is an art. The reinvention of one’s talent for greater use is an art. An artist does not strive to be an artist; that is a lawful birthright. An artist strives to become better in spite of obstacles.


Own these 4 as your daily Focus and change your mental model forever:

Love. Power. Wisdom. Wealth.


I Made This With My Mouse



June 28/2022

Most of us can speak about what we intend to do. However, only a few of us know how to do what we want to do. The Ownership of Action Experience Counts: Take Action To Own Action. Yes, Take It To Own It.

Worth-Up Thinking Is An Action Attitude Adjustment.
You have to make the adjustment to own the action. Yes, You Have To Make It To Own It!



We are all MAPing.

You wouldn’t be reading this if you were not here MAPing.
Marketing, Advertising, and Promoting. We at IBMM see self-exposure and business exposure as MAPing, which is the demand to be present—to say who we are, what we do, and why we intend to own our space among the many. However, we need to consider the following: Are we looking to be relevant with superficiality, or are we looking to establish reverence with : Intent with benevolence, creativity, and productivity. Context earned by experiences of . Content for inspiring aspiring and motivating. The process is time spent learning to borrow, share, lend, and master respect, appreciation, adaptation, and acceptance for the space?)




February 05, 2022

Don’t beg! Demand, negotiate, be available, adapt, and deliver to at least match expectations.

As Worthpreneurs, we make our WORTH CONSTANT (+) or WORTH INCONSTANT (–) by at least 8 measures, in spite of obstacles:

1. The intention and viability of our ideas are critical to our levels of success.
2. Success depends on the following: The team we choose, our level of talent, knowledge, skills, experience, strategies, competence, and the timing of ex*****on.
3. Is the team I assemble to make my idea tangible on board as a unit?
4. : If we must fail, we should fail big, quickly, and start again.
5. We should not become prisoners to our failures. Instead, we should see our failures and efforts toward mastery as iterations to better.
6. There are reasons why we failed; we should insist that we learn from those reasons.
7. If we are genuinely committed to sharing and lending our WORTH to the world, no one can stop us.
8. Next is better than never.

  January 26/2022            Be Unapologetic With Your WORTH"I only debate with equals. All others I teach" -- John Henr...

January 26/2022

Be Unapologetic With Your WORTH

"I only debate with equals. All others I teach" -- John Henrik Clarke.

W.O.R.T.H. Warded Ownership Rights Through Hardship.

No one has governance of my WORTH. My WORTH is not measured to any claim other than what I choose to acknowledge and represent.

No earthly mirror can reflect our INTRINSIC WORTH. A mirror can only reflect our sense of pride or shame, confidence or lack of confidence, bravery or cowardice, self-respect or disrespect.

Drinking from the wrong fount for our minds' claims: Most of us were taught to drink to show off from the outside. A mirror can only reflect the irrelevance we feel during those moments we allow our minds to forget that we are WORTH's essence—not by gender or color, but in spite of all that we are and continue to become, we are not a race with potential. We are the potentials of this human stay of being the best representatives of intrinsic and extrinsic WORTH.

What’s Your Brand?

I’ve Made Mines WORTH2WORTH.


January 04/2022

Habit Over Wishing Day 4, January 2022

How do you feel you need to get better at being a better you? That is the question that each of us has to answer honestly. And then, as we attempt to address the next in that better direction, we could ask the following questions: What have we done differently during the last four (4) days of 2022? Is it just more of the same as last year? What can I do differently for 2022?

The truth is if we didn’t start to make changes at least eighteen (18) days before the new year, and for some of us, as much as two hundred (200) days before the new year. Our brain is still running the same old, accustomed script, and this is according to neuroscience. So, check out this link and begin to make the changes your imagination is pre-playing. Yes, that better you, that better me, that better we:

 December 31/2021        2022: Less Emotional Entropy. More Vulnerability. More Room for Love. So, there is that. Have w...

December 31/2021

2022: Less Emotional Entropy. More Vulnerability. More Room for Love. So, there is that.

Have we become so blind, loud, and emotionally weak to the obvious that we can’t see, hear, or feel our desperation as we search outwardly for approval of our internal WORTH?

WORTH: We were born, each of us Warded Ownership Rights Through Hardships. The intent is not to live in our hardships but to become better with ourselves, in spite of our hardships.

Knowing the personal, individual, and collective wealth of our WORTH is our greatest power for 2022+. Power-up! Our WORTH is within.

 December 19/2021      Codifiers Of WORTH We are to self and each other, codifiers of WORTHWe are who we are by choices....

December 19/2021

Codifiers Of WORTH

We are to self and each other, codifiers of WORTH

We are who we are by choices. WORTH is the new flexible mindset for codifying and erecting new .

Challenges show our strengths and our weaknesses. If we are of the conquered mindset: uninformed, inflexible, unwilling, or unable to personally, individually, or collectively own and represent self-recognition, understanding, and respect – we are doomed to subscribe to membership of the fallen.

I am the WORTH I seek.
I am the WORTH sought.
I am the WORTH in greater than and lesser than.

I am the WORTH measured by me.
I am the WORTH applied by me.
I am the WORTH of changes made by me.

I am the WORTH I respect.
I am the WORTH of the respect I show.
I am the WORTH of the respect I am learning to harness in growth.

 December 11/2021       The Art of Finding My Worth As often as I have looked back, it is as often as I have lent riithi...

December 11/2021

The Art of Finding My Worth

As often as I have looked back, it is as often as I have lent riithinking, riidesigning, and riifitting to my past, so I could claim in my present that our deepest certitude should be in ourselves. In fact, it is my observation that in most biblical stories, when God and His son, Jesus needed a servant, they always chose those with the deepest certitude in their selves: Joshua, Moses, Job, Noah, Daniel Paul, Solomon, Peter, and David.

There is no measuring or assessment of appearance, physical strength, education, or family connections. The only consistent requirement for service in God’s army is certitude in self: An unwavering conviction of the heart to belong to victory via self-faith and constant deliberate effort. Wrong, right, or indifferent – if we choose to serve others, that oath of service is in spite of the presence or absence of family, friends, wealth, poverty, pain, sorrow, love, abuse endured, or any joy experienced or would be experienced.

 December 01/2021     The struggle with racism as an enemy is forever. So, how do we IDENTIFY as an enemy of global raci...

December 01/2021

The struggle with racism as an enemy is forever. So, how do we IDENTIFY as an enemy of global racism? Well, here is ONE of my many contributions: I have created five level-up hashtags perspectives (Racism’s 5-Level-up Hashtags Prospective) for everyone’s participation.


Choose a number from 1-5.

 November 29/2021     This Dynamic Reveal Called DesireIn our stay as infants, it is our intrinsic desire to survive—to ...

November 29/2021

This Dynamic Reveal Called Desire

In our stay as infants, it is our intrinsic desire to survive—to intuitively demand nurturing: we should be fed, held, cleaned, stimulated to feel belonged in our growing. Older, we desire to live with better observation, awareness; less comparing, prudent measuring of what was good; what is better as we continue to attempt to frame moments with more dynamic reveals.

In our teens, hopeful, we are driven by the presence and absence of desires imagined, desires experienced—holding tightly to those desires real and imagined—longing for less of the worst, and wanting more of those dynamic reveals representing the power of our struggling through the struggle of love, confidence, faith, affinities, hope, flexibility, courage, candor, vision, and purpose if by nature or nurture.

The process of mastery: choice, error, correction—and more choices, fewer errors, fewer corrections – through which we feel compelled to anchor our budding identities: that feeling of consciousness of worth—youthful, and boastful is our claim of knowing the wealth of our worth; only to learn what we didn’t know we didn’t know about learning to learn how to better nurture self through this reveal called time.

If fortunate—if we remain within the presence of our , to know life extended to this reveal called OLDER. We’ve earned to claim with confidence: today, like every other day in my life, I am inspired to reason with all my dynamics—especially with this reveal called desire: to own my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my reactions for framing as many choices to as many moments as I possibly can, with less than worst, and better than yesterday errors—doing so, in spite of obstacles.

THE ONE NATION SONGArtists: D’Original Prophet Benjamin & Blaxx Written/Composed & Produced by De’ Kridge  Two versions....

Artists: D’Original Prophet Benjamin & Blaxx
Written/Composed & Produced by De’ Kridge

Two versions. Go check them. You will love them!

If we live and die
In this lost identity
No man could say who we were (in this becoming, becoming, yeah)
It’s up to each of us to claim our path
And fill-in the missing: our truth to power of who we are (in this becoming, becoming)

One Nation
One People
Many Voices
We are the living claims of tomorrow


 November 09/2021    ( )       Is racism an addiction? If so, who are the suppliers, who are the sellers, and who are th...

November 09/2021

( )

Is racism an addiction?

If so, who are the suppliers, who are the sellers, and who are the addicts?

I propose the white supremacists are the suppliers; the whites who profit and perpetuate the systemic racist systems are the sellers; and we who use hate, violence, racial ignorance, racial insensitivity, a failure to learn about the history of our human nature, and our overall, global, infantile claim of stupidity—we are the addicts.

In other words, death by a thousand cuts to those profiting and perpetuating, and for the addicts. So, check yourself before you choose to cut yourself to death.

There is no ending to racism, there we have failed permanently; however, if we could agree that beyond gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, nationality, education, culture, and politics. Even if you can’t agree with the concept of BLM, you can’t honestly disagree with the claim: racism is the enemy of .

Sign up in your mind for the reduction of racism simply with the following recognitions about your race:

In my case, I am black, and the things I dislike about black people, are the same things I dislike about brown, white, Asian, and all other races: ignorance is not assigned to a race; insensitivity is not assigned to a race; and most definitely, stupidity is not assigned to a race. We are not born as enemies of . We train our minds via the choices we make. So, we should check ourselves before we choose to cut ourselves to death.

Knowing the wealth of our worth

Knowing the wealth of our worth

Teaser for Soul Singer- Songwriter LAURA CHEADLE's new single, "Reverberate" with So Bold Ent/Sony OrchardDownload/Stream "Reverberate":lauracheadle.comVideo...


October 24/2021
(Our United Strengths)

Struggling Through Struggle to Live Beyond The 5
Trick-Traps of Attempting Worth-Less-Ness by Design.

1. The first Trick-Trap is the teaching about self-image based on the misrepresentation of having, earning, or waiting for worth approval. Each of us is conceived of irreversible divined, cosmic, and physical worth.

2. The second Trick-Trap is the premise—or if you wish the parallel, and contradicting premises we choose to work from. Riithinking our parallel premises is imperative.

3. The third Trick-Trap is our failure as adults to learn how to teach ourselves to distinguish in , our constructs of personal, individual, collective, and business systems onto ourselves in the services of others.

4. The fourth Trick-Trap is the personal, individual, and often collective overlooked context. The question about context that each of us should learn to ask and answer is the following: What are the contents of my will? Am I a Path, a Signpost, a Namer, or the System Gene-oath of the three?

5. The fifth Trick-Trap is not knowing how to measure, assess, and test our : Do I recognize, understand, respect, and appreciate that I am born into broken systems of struggling through Systemic Indelible Plights of Carefully Established Limitations? And if I do, what say me about the following claims:

a. I am...?
b. You are not...!
c. We are...!
d. They are not...!
e. They say I can’t…!
f. Can I?
g. Who are we?
h. Who are they?
i. Who am I?
j. Why not?

The premise here is to represent acceptance, availability, and adaptability. The Of Worth2Worth.

The One Nation Song One NationOne PeopleMany Voices We are the living claims of tomorrow.

The One Nation Song

One Nation
One People
Many Voices
We are the living claims of tomorrow.


We must first choose to agree to disagree, and to do so with recognition, understanding, and respect.


Livity By Choice, Be Inspired!


Colab’s Livity By Choice Music Community Agency promotion.




Coming Soon! COLAB’S The Artistes Community Power Drive via Livity By Choice Online Community. U.S. CONTRIBUTORS:https:/...

Coming Soon!
COLAB’S The Artistes Community Power Drive via Livity By Choice Online Community.


Discover We Are The Voices Of Livity By Choice T-Shirt, a custom product made just for you by Teespring. With world-class production and customer support, your satisfaction is guaranteed. - The LIVITY BY CHOICE Online Campaign is built...

     COLAB’S 10 Sustainable Pillars for Attaining Personal, Individual, and Collective Levels of Confidence As An Artist...

COLAB’S 10 Sustainable Pillars for Attaining Personal, Individual, and Collective Levels of Confidence As An Artiste or Band:

Talent is no longer the only requirement for global artistes' success. And if you’re not thinking and riithinking on a global level, please stop reading this information. It won’t help you. But thanks for stopping by.

1. Speech:
a) The artiste's ability to speak intelligently enables him/her to tell their personal, individual, and collective stories on a global level.
2. Signing:
a) What’s in your contract? Don’t sign what you don’t understand.
3. Composing and Writing:
a) a) If two of the artiste’s talents are composing and writing, he/she must understand how to compose and write at the highest level possible. Owning this knowledge and skill enables the artist to tell their personal, individual, and collective lyrical and musical stories on a global level. $TalentedArtists
4. Production:
a) We demand the highest levels: , , , , , and .
5. Social Media:
a) It could be an unforgiving world, and too often, there is no social in social media. So, artistes need to know the content of their posts, when to post, and who would see their posts. It's your brand. Make it count for something forever.
6. Video & Movie:
a) Consistent high-level and production representation for selling the artistes’ story globally. Once again, it’s your . Make it count for something forever.
7. Entertainment & Performances:
a) Consistent high-level performance representation for selling every member of an artiste’s crew. When done correctly, it’s a story that would be received on a global level.
8. Management:
a) If you are not making money as an artistes, you really can't afford to get good management. However, if you are fortunate to get good governance. It is up to you to learn the difference between good, great, and poor management. Good management is hard to find and harder to keep.
9. Financial Management:
a) Consistent, intelligent financial representation for selling the artistes' stories on a global level is not based on financial ignorance, bad spending, or dishonesty.
10. An Artistes Ego:
a) An artistes’ ego is his/her child. Most artistes need to learn to control that child. Nobody likes a cantankerous, intolerable, poorly informed child.

A knowledgeable Individual makes for a better Talent. A knowledgeable Individual and better Talent makes for better-applied business intelligence on both sides.

Because higher is not possible.

Sustainable success will never become accessible in the company of those whose intent is not to apply services for the s...

Sustainable success will never become accessible in the company of those whose intent is not to apply services for the sake of the collective.

OUR UNITED STRENGTHS:OUS (OUR UNITED STRENGTHS) EXPLAINEDWhen we say   amongst ourselves, we mean that we have claimed t...



When we say amongst ourselves, we mean that we have claimed the consciousness to work, borrow, share, lend, buy, and sell with each other with the unity of .

While this form of shared brotherly and sisterly love and unity is not new, our approach is unique. Our process is a proactive construct by which we practice demonstrating our personal, individual, and collective strengths beyond the words we use to describe unity. OUS represents our recognition, understanding, and respect for our ITB Worth (Individual, Talent, and Business Worth) .

We speak, act, and react with sincere intent to borrow, share, lend, buy, and sell worth within our communities. As brothers and sisters, artists, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, and leaders striving to one day thrive in this constant becoming: better-rounded individual and better-rounded people. And from our constant daily efforts, we are continually becoming of greater worth to our communities, countries, and world.



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Become a greater part of our nation’s story.

The Colab lifestyle brand is an innovative, media, music, film, and entertainment hub. We house a marketing boutique agency, Worth2Worth 10+, a production company—Right Choice Music, a record label, RIM (Reggae In Motion), a publishing and publishing administration company, trading as Vis-à-vis Music. We also power a month-to-month membership streaming platform—Colab Vizual, which offers a variety of streaming services. And, of course, Colab’s OADP (Overall Artist Development Program), our thriving, artist-cultivation-introduction within the entertainment community.

Colab’s OADP prepares individuals with talents to evaluate their worth, improve their skills, and identify profitable, global collaborations and opportunities when choosing to match worth2worth. Colab’s enhanced, global awareness approach empowers the individual to become better informed and better able to own, build, brand, manage, and franchise their total worth2worth as the talent and business best practices for ITB success, in spite of obstacles.