Word of encouragement and truth!
A word of needed encouragement and truth!
We are here to upport. Not Distort
Too many 'they say them say' and not enough encouragement.
Oh Hell No!!! 31st/03/ 2021
Last night on the After Dark Show we experienced some serious issues with the internet connection resulting in the Live prematurely ending here is a look of the closing segment 'Oh Hell No' that you missed.
Welcome to the after dark show
Hot Topic: who determines that sex is enough
The music that are being played are only for entertainment and hence we don't have the right for it.
Welcome to the After Dark show Hot Topic:Would you use obeah to get a man or woman
Music and video being played on this live is for entertainment purposes and hence we have no rights to such.
Welcome to the After Dark Show Hot Topic: Can you love an ugly guy?
Music and video the is being played on this live is only for entertainment purposes and so we don't own the right to it
Brothers Keeper Network Business Seminar.
Just sharing a little bit of inspiration.
Brothers' Keeper Network Visits 'Hot Roti On D"Spot' in Marabella opposite KFC.