Boxing Day Greetings from the #Cousumae family.
Serious question indeed...what do you do on the days you are not motivated?
#Cousumae #MakesItBetter #GetMotivated #CarrotsForPower #VeggieHamburger #WednesdayNightPrep #NoRest #WorkHardWorkSmart
That's my baby!! See post in feed for recipe🫛
#TuesdayMotivation #HoneyMustard #ThatsMyBaby #SnackIdeas #VeggieFries #WeekdaySnack #WowEffect
One of those fl*ping days....
In the prep room and cannot find my water cup , so a #Cousumae toum jar to the rescue.
And cannot breathe.
It's been a REALLY rough like REALLY.
When I cannot breathe...and feeling giddy...only @cocacola_tt in the glass bottle fixes it.
Breathe, drink @cocacola
And everything go be irie mon!!!
Back to work.
#SweetPotato #CleaningDay #Cousumae #MakesItBetter and we are #AlwaysFresh with #NoPreservatives
Check out our Shop Us Highlight on Instagram or whatsapp us at 330-4378
Get excited.
Check your favorite stores or call us at (868) 330-4378 ...restocking of this liquid gold ( Cousumae Honey Mustard) happening today and this week.
🥬 Eat your greens, people say.
We take great pride in triple washing our spinach for our #TastierVegan veggie and bean 'burger' patties.
And we never buy pre-cut. We cut every, single, stalk and leaf.... ourselves.
Here are some reasons to choose our #NotJustForVegans patties (loaded with spinach goodness)
Some benifits of Spinach:
🔅reduces blood sugar
🔅aids in good bone health
🔅good for your eyes
🔅reduces hypertension
🔅keeps your body relaxed
See Shop Us Highlight for list of stores. Go get stocked up. We are fully stocked!!!
#Cousumae #MakesItBetter #VeganGoodness #NoCardboardTaste #BeanandVeggie #WashYourVeggies #ForMeatEatersToo #SpinachLover
#HoneyMustardGlazedHam from Cousumae. Why? Because #Cousumae #MakesItBetter
🐷 Cook the ham as you normally do and use COUSUMAE'S HONEY MUSTARD to make this decadent Honey Mustard Glazed Ham the Cousumae Way!
🐔 (you can also use a turkey ham if you do not eat pork or use your 🥦 veggies of choice, if you do not eat meat)
🌲 As we start the week of Christmas, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
🙏 AND, a huge THANK YOU for all the support that you have given us and our small business. We could not have gotton this far without our trusted supporters.
#MerryChristmas2022 #SmallBusinessSupport #TrinidadSmallBusiness #ChristmasWeekBegins #ILoveLocalTT #SupportLocalTT #ThankYouForYourSupport #YouMatter #LoyalCustomers #MadeInTrinidadAndTobago #LetsGetCooking #HoneyMustard #NoPreservatives #BestOnTheIsland #TasteTheHoney #NoThickners #NaturallySweet #BestHoneyMustard #MakeTheSwitch #AllNatural #YouWillNotBeDisappointed
In the middle of filming my phone stand broke, I improvised.
#Cousumae #MakesItBetter #SlowIsOk #KeepGoing #ChristmasMarkets #BagPrep #DoNotQuit #StayFocusedOnYourGoals #TrinidadSmallBusiness #ItsThatTimeOfTheYear #ShowMeTheMoney #Quality #NotQuantity #BuildStrong
#YouBetterFixMyEntireLife #Cousumae #MakesItBetter #GarlicSensation #MagicInABottle #HomeMade #FlavorToTheEnd #GarlicPop #WeInEverything #NotJustADressing #Marinade #ADip #ASauce #ASpread #MondayBlues #GarlicFixesEverything #HelpMePlease #BrokenSpectacles
Quality control is very important to us. We test our patties every single morning.
#Cousumae #MakesItBetter #ICanCook #ICanCookVegan #QualityControl #BetterToTest #QualityOverQuantityAlways #TastierVegan #NoCardboardTasteHere #BlackeyedPea #VeggiePatties #AllNatural #Gourmet #NotGourmetPrices
It's Friday. All stores stocked. Do yourself a favor...go buy a pack of THE TASTIER VEGAN PATTIES.
#Cousumae #MakesItBetter #TastierVegan #ItsFridayImInLove #WeekendReady #VeggieBurgersRock #Gourmet #NotGourmetPrices #BeanPatties #VeggiePatties #AllNatural #IngredientsYouCanPronounce #WholesomeGoodness #DoYourBodyRight #NoPreservatives #SupportLocalTT #MadeInTrinidadAndTobago #ILoveLocalTT #SupportSmallBusiness #TrinidadSmallBusiness #NotJustForVegans #SupportWomanOwned