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Istiqlal English Official page of "Istiqlal English". We use reliable sources to reveal China’s genocide crime.

The U.S. Trade Representative's office said on Friday it was continuing to develop final determination on Section 301 ta...

The U.S. Trade Representative's office said on Friday it was continuing to develop final determination on Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports and will make a decision public in the coming days.

China is looting East Turkistan's huge lead and zinc resourcesChina is plundering huge amounts of lead and zinc resource...

China is looting East Turkistan's huge lead and zinc resources

China is plundering huge amounts of lead and zinc resources from the Khosaoyun lead and zinc mine in Hotan, which has the largest reserves in Asia and the sixth largest in the world.

According to the Chinese propaganda agency Diyarotag Network, in August of this year, the mining of Khosaoyun lead and zinc mine in Hotan, which is located in the deep Karakurum Mountains, continued urgently. The mine has more than 21 million tons of lead and zinc reserves, and Chinese companies have mined more than 600,000 tons of lead and zinc resources so far.

In recent years, the Chinese regime has been auctioning the rights to use and develop most of the mines in East Turkistan to Chinese companies, including the prospecting and exploration rights of Khosaoyun lead and zinc mine on January 16, 2023. The mine is an important part of the world-class lead and zinc mining belt and is also the best quality and largest reserves of lead and zinc ore found in East Turkistan.

According to Chinese media reports, in 2011, the Geological Department of China discovered this huge resource, which is claimed to be one of the important mining results in East Turkistan, China.

At the beginning of 2023, Xinguang Group bought the mining rights of Xuzhou Yun lead and zinc mine for 25 billion yuan. The company also invested more than 18 million yuan in geological exploration for the project, and drilled at a depth of nearly 5,700 meters. Including newly discovered reserves, the mine's lead and zinc reserves are more than 21 million tons.

China has been plundering vast amounts of natural resources since its invasion of East Turkistan, and in recent years has been selling exploration and development rights to Chinese companies. The people of East Turkistan, who were the original owners, are deprived of the resources of their land and live in poverty. In the name of "supporting the innocents," China continues to commit forced labor and torture the people of East Turkistan, and continues to commit genocide in East Turkistan.

China continues to demolish and transform houses built in the Uyghur ethnic style in East TurkistanChina continues to de...

China continues to demolish and transform houses built in the Uyghur ethnic style in East Turkistan

China continues to demolish and transform houses built in the Uyghur ethnic style in East Turkistan under the pretexts of "transforming old residential areas," and "making them earthquake-resistant.".

On August 29, a video circulated on social media revealed that China has continued to forcibly demolish Uyghur houses in East Turkistan this year under various pretexts, despite the fact that they are new and solidly built.

The video shows that China forced a Uyghur man to flash his brand new house in the name of "safe house construction.". The living room is decorated in the ethnic style with various beautiful patterns and carvings, painted beautifully, and even the living room and the corridor are laid with flower tiles. It was clear that the house had not been built long. The pillars of the house are also carved pillars, and the walls of the house are decorated with carved shelves and large and small mihrab carvings. In addition to the carvings on the heads of the domes and beams, they are also beautifully painted. The courtyard is also specially designed in the Uyghur national style. This video proves that not only the so-called "renovation of old and weak houses," as China is suing, but also the forced demolition of newly built houses, destroying the Uyghur community.

Uyghur China, who released the video, announced that they would burn down the house under the pretext of "turning it into a safe house." The owners of the house began to urgently move the things inside, and the buyers said that they would provide the wood used for the pillars and roofs of the house.

According to Chinese media reports, the Chinese regime began to demolish Uyghur ethnic style houses and destroy Uyghur communities in East Turkistan under the so-called "demolition of sheltered communities" in 2010. came out and changed it to Chinese style. By the end of 2023, a total of more than 1,797,000 houses in the cities and towns of East Turkistan have been demolished and renovated.

In recent years, China has imprisoned the East Turkistan people in prisons and concentration camps on a large scale, forced them to give up their religious and ethnic values, and their own identity by various means. The circulating videos show that the genocide in East Turkistan has not subsided at all, and China is continuing to carry it out this year.

US national security adviser visits ChinaUS National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan arrived in Beijing on August 27 and ...

US national security adviser visits China

US National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan arrived in Beijing on August 27 and held a new round of strategic exchange talks between China and the US in Beijing.

According to French International News, this is Jack Sullivan's first visit to China as US National Security Adviser, and he met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his three-day visit. This is part of the strategic relationship between the United States and China to stabilize the relationship.

Currently, China and the United States have been warning each other over the South China Sea issue, and China has warned the United States not to support the Philippines in the South China Sea issue. But in the high-level talks held in Beijing on August 28, the US side emphasized its support for its allies. The White House said it has begun preparations for a possible phone conversation between US President Joe Biden and Xi Jinping in the coming weeks.

Chinese media also reported on August 27 that Foreign Minister Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Office of the Chinese Central Committee, held a new round of strategic discussions with US National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan in Beijing.

The report said that Wang Yi welcomed Sullivan's visit to China and the Sino-US strategic exchange talks, that the Sino-US relationship will affect the world, and that the relationship between the two countries has been full of setbacks in the past few years.

In his speech, Wang Yi also said that it is the joint responsibility of China and the United States to implement the consensus reached by the heads of the two sides in the San Francisco meeting, and that this is the main task of the strategic dialogue.

In this analysis, the US government is trying to avoid the escalation of bilateral relations before the presidential election. Sullivan's visit is the latest attempt to restore the instability in China-US relations. On the other hand, China, whose economic situation is deteriorating, needs a stable international environment.

Pakistan PM: Separatist forces aim to destroy China-Pakistan Economic CorridorPakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif sa...

Pakistan PM: Separatist forces aim to destroy China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that armed forces have carried out a series of large-scale attacks in the southwestern province of Balochistan aimed at destroying and blocking economic development projects that are part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

According to Voice of America, the Balochistan Liberation Army, which is seeking independence in Balochistan province, launched multiple attacks on August 25 and 26. Apart from attacking Pakistani security forces and police in many places, they blocked vehicles, killed passengers, and damaged infrastructure such as highways and railways. At least 73 people were reported killed in the attack.

It was the Balochistan Liberation Army's largest offensive in years, and Pakistani security forces immediately retaliated. A statement from the Pakistani military revealed that 14 soldiers and policemen were killed in the attack, and 21 militants were killed. In addition, 38 civilians were killed in the attack.

"Terrorists are trying to block the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and development projects," Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said in a televised cabinet meeting on August 27. He said that the armed forces are trying to break the line between Islamabad and Beijing.

Balochistan province is rich in resources and is also one of the important areas of economic cooperation between China and Pakistan. China has invested in the construction of a port in Pakistan and the development of a gold mine and a copper mine.

The construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which has been under construction for many years, is expected to reach 65 billion dollars, which is one of the key projects in the so-called "One Belt, One Road" plan proposed by Xi Jinping.

Reuters reports that Pakistan has sought Chinese funding and other assistance as it has been unable to build the infrastructure needed to unlock the resources of the impoverished province of Balochistan. This weakness of Pakistan is exactly the opposite of Xi Jinping's so-called "One Belt, One Road" plan. But since the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor passes through Balochistan province, it has faced strong opposition from pro-independence forces in the region.

An international organization has called on China to stop its crimes against UyghursHuman Rights Watch has called on the...

An international organization has called on China to stop its crimes against Uyghurs

Human Rights Watch has called on the UN and the international community to continue to demand that China stop its crimes in East Turkistan.

According to Voice of America news, the International Human Rights Watch issued a statement on August 28, saying that China continues to commit crimes against humanity against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in East Turkistan, but China denies it.

In the statement, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released on August 31, 2022, on the eve of the two-year anniversary of the publication of the report condemning the human rights situation in East Turkistan, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the United Nations member states put pressure on China to stop its crimes. asked for reinforcements.

Wang Songlian, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's China affairs department, said it is not surprising that China has shamelessly refused to effectively deal with its proven crimes in East Turkistan, but that this situation calls for strong, consistent action by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN member states. He stressed that despite China's claims, punitive actions against millions of Uyghurs in East Turkistan are still causing great suffering.

Human Rights Watch said in a statement that over the past two years, China has ignored calls to end its brutal crackdown in eastern Turkistan. China's crackdown includes mass arbitrary abductions, torture, enforced disappearances, mass surveillance, cultural and religious persecution, family separation, forced labor, sexual violence, and violations of children's rights.

The statement also said that Uyghurs living abroad are unable to communicate with their families in East Turkistan, many live without knowing that their family members and relatives have been detained or disappeared without a trace. Despite their release, they revealed that they still live under strict police surveillance and continue to face various restrictions on their rights.

The UN has released an updated version of its report on East TurkistanThe Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human R...

The UN has released an updated version of its report on East Turkistan

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has called on China to review its policies related to human rights abuses in East Turkistan.

According to Voice of America, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said on August 27 that China should conduct a comprehensive review of the "problematic laws and policies" that have caused concern among the international community.

August 31st is the two-year anniversary of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights' release of an important report on human rights violations in East Turkistan. On August 27, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released an updated version of the report. According to reports, a UN delegation visited China in June this year and held talks with relevant authorities, focusing on so-called "anti-terrorist" policies and the criminal justice system.

Although this issue was discussed, the report emphasized that the international community still has strong concerns about the laws and policies being implemented in East Turkistan. The UN has once again called on China to comprehensively review its national security and anti-terrorism legal system from a human rights perspective.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk's spokeswoman, Ravina Shamdasani, was interviewed by Voice of America and talked about continuing to pay attention to human rights issues in East Turkistan. He stressed that there are still many problematic laws and policies in East Turkistan, so the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights once again called for a comprehensive review of the national security and anti-terrorism legal system from the perspective of human rights.

Volker reportedly called on China to respect human rights in Tibet and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The U.S. has revised its nuclear weapons strategy manual to counter China, which China has protested, saying the U.S. is...

The U.S. has revised its nuclear weapons strategy manual to counter China, which China has protested, saying the U.S. is looking for an excuse for its own interests.

Canada wants to charge 100% tax on China's electric carsCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a 100% tariff o...

Canada wants to charge 100% tax on China's electric cars

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a 100% tariff on electric cars imported from China.

According to Canadian International News, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau told reporters in New Halifax on August 26 that Canada will impose a 100% tariff on electric cars imported from China, and a 25% tariff on steel and aluminum imported from China.

Earlier, Canada's Deputy Prime Minister Freeland collected 30 days of public opinion on China's tax on electric vehicles and related components. The deputy prime minister said Canadian auto workers and industry are facing unfair competition from Chinese-led, deliberate overproduction policies that have harmed the competitiveness of Canada's electric vehicle industry both domestically and globally.

Bloomberg reports that Canada's economy is heavily dependent on trade with the United States. In particular, the automobile industry is closely related to the United States, and the vast majority of the one and a half million cars that Canada produces each year are sold in the American market. Canada has followed suit by the United States and the European Union by imposing tariffs on Chinese-made products. However, the EU tax on China's electric cars is much lower than the amount decided by the United States and Canada.

Chinese army conducts drills on Sino-Burma borderThe Chinese military conducted armed patrols and live-fire military dri...

Chinese army conducts drills on Sino-Burma border

The Chinese military conducted armed patrols and live-fire military drills in the Sino-Burma border area.

Voice of America said China sent army troops to the China-Burma border on August 26 to conduct joint air and ground military exercises to maintain the security and stability of the border area, amid escalating clashes between the Burmese military government and anti-government armed forces. In addition, the Chinese military has announced that it will hold a three-day live-fire military drill near the Burmese border starting August 27.

In a statement issued by the Chinese military's Southern War Zone, it was announced that these forces conducted exercises in the border areas such as Ruili and Jinkang.

In the recent fierce fighting in Burma's northern Kachin and Shan states, artillery shells landed on Chinese territory, causing casualties and property damage, as well as threatening China's infrastructure.

China has claimed that the purpose of the exercise is to test the ability of the war zone forces to conduct rapid maneuvers, multi-level control and joint strikes.

According to another statement issued by the Chinese military on Monday, a certain unit of the Chinese military plans to conduct a live-fire drill on the Chinese side of the China-Burma border from August 27 to August 29.

Some American analysts who previously served in Burma said that regardless of which power wins the conflict, China will still try to protect its investments and strategic interests in Burma. While it is too early to say how things will turn out, what is certain is that the Burmese military is no longer in the lead.

The US has placed a number of Chinese companies and individuals on the sanctions listThe United States has announced tha...

The US has placed a number of Chinese companies and individuals on the sanctions list

The United States has announced that it has sanctioned nearly 400 companies and individuals who aided Russia in the Russia-Ukraine war.

According to the French International News on August 26, the United States will further restrict Russia's investment in the sale of metal and mining products through this decision. A tenth of the sanctioned companies and institutions were registered in China or Hong Kong, and one Hong Konger was charged with money laundering for Russia.

The US Treasury announced the new sanctions list on August 23, the day before Ukraine's Independence Day. Nearly 400 companies and individuals have been sanctioned inside and outside of Russia, including 60 of Russia's defense and science and technology companies. Companies outside of Russia are spread across Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and these companies are accused of providing products and services to Russia to continue the war and evade sanctions.

Among the sanctioned companies and individuals, 23 companies are registered in Hong Kong and 18 companies are registered in China. In addition, one citizen from both places was punished. They are accused of buying military-military dual-use technology and electronic components for Russian military industrial enterprises, as well as helping Russia continue its attack on Ukraine. According to foreign media statistics, more than 1,000 Chinese organizations have been placed on the US sanctions list.

The Hong Kong man, who is on the sanctions list, was accused of money laundering along with two Russians. It was revealed that they registered many dry companies in the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong, and traded gold produced by a sanctioned Russian company into other countries' currencies or cryptocurrencies.

In addition, the US Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security has also listed 123 new companies and institutions as sanctions, including 42 Chinese companies and addresses, including three in Hong Kong designated as "high-risk transfer locations." If traders are involved in these addresses, they should obtain a business permit from the government. But getting permission can be difficult.

The discovery of the ruins of a long-lost city in northern Mongolia believed to be built by Uyghurs roughly 1,400 years ...

The discovery of the ruins of a long-lost city in northern Mongolia believed to be built by Uyghurs roughly 1,400 years ago enhances knowledge of Uyghur civilization amid the Chinese government’s efforts to rewrite the Muslim group’s history to fit into its own narrative, historians and other experts said.

Japan confirms 1st-ever intrusion by Chinese military aircraft into airspaceJapan's Defense Ministry says it has confirm...

Japan confirms 1st-ever intrusion by Chinese military aircraft into airspace

Japan's Defense Ministry says it has confirmed the first-ever intrusion by a Chinese military aircraft into the country's airspace.

The ministry said a Y-9 intelligence-gathering aircraft entered the Japan's Air Defense Identification Zone over the East China Sea and was flying in the direction of Kyusyu on Monday morning.

The ministry said its Air Self-Defense Force fighters were scrambled to respond and radioed the Chinese aircraft not to get close to Japanese airspace.

It said that around 10:40 a.m, the Chinese plane started to circle over waters southeast of the Danjo Islands in Goto City in the southwestern prefecture of Nagasaki.

Then, around 11:29 a.m, it entered Japanese airspace from about 22 kilometers east of the islands and stayed there for about two minutes.

It left Japanese airspace at about 11:31 a.m. from the southeastern side of the islands.

After that, it continued circling the area. It headed for mainland China at about 1:15 p.m.

The ministry did not say whether it received any response from the Chinese aircraft while it all happened. It said the Japanese fighters did not use any weapons, including signal flares, for warning shots.

Ministry officials are analyzing the possible objective of the Chinese military flight, and are on the alert and monitoring Japan's airspace.

The ministry says it is extremely regrettable that the violation occurred. It says the government used diplomatic channels to strongly protest the act and urge Beijing to prevent a recurrence.

Chinese non-military aircraft have entered Japanese airspace before. A propeller aircraft of the now-defunct State Oceanic Administration was confirmed to have entered airspace over waters off the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture in December 2012. A small unmanned aircraft also entered around the same area in May 2017.

Japan controls the Senkaku islands. The Japanese government maintains the islands are an inherent part of Japan's territory. China and Taiwan claim them.

China slams U.S. for adding firms to export control list over alleged support for Russian militaryChina on Sunday said i...

China slams U.S. for adding firms to export control list over alleged support for Russian military

China on Sunday said it “resolutely opposes” the U.S. decision to add multiple Chinese entities to its export control list in a bid to further curb Russia’s access to advanced U.S. technology required for its weapons.

In a statement published on state media Xinhua, a spokesperson from China’s Ministry of Commerce called the move “a typical act of unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction.”

The spokesperson also said the act “undermines the international trade order and rules” and impacts the “security and stability of global industrial and supply chains.” The spokesperson said Beijing will take action to safeguard the rights and interests of Chinese firms.

The U.S. on Friday said it is tightening export controls to “further restrict the supply of both U.S.-origin and ‘U.S. branded’ items to Russia and Belarus for the Kremlin’s illegal war on Ukraine.”

A total of 123 entities were added to the list, including 42 located in China, 63 from Russia and 14 in Türkiye, Iran, and Cyprus.

Firms on the “Entity List” are subjected to export restrictions and licensing requirements for certain technologies and goods.

“We will continue our multilateral approach to attack this problem from all sides and use every tool in our arsenal to prevent Russia from gaining access to the advanced U.S. technology needed for its weapons,” Undersecretary of Commerce for Industry and Security Alan Estevez said in a statement.

The U.S. also targeted diversion through shell companies by adding four “high-diversion risk addresses” in Hong Kong and Türkiye to the Entity List. Parties using those addresses to conduct transactions will require a license to do so.

The Biden administration in February imposed trade restrictions on 93 entities from Russia, China, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyzstan, India and South Korea for allegedly supporting Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.

In April, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative initiated a probe into China’s maritime, logistics and shipbuilding industries, alleging that Beijing used “unfair, non-market policies and practices” to dominate these sectors.

Archeologists unearth ruins of ancient Uyghur city in MongoliaThe discovery of the ruins of a long-lost city in northern...

Archeologists unearth ruins of ancient Uyghur city in Mongolia

The discovery of the ruins of a long-lost city in northern Mongolia believed to be built by Uyghurs roughly 1,400 years ago enhances knowledge of Uyghur civilization amid the Chinese government’s efforts to rewrite the Muslim group’s history to fit into its own narrative, historians and other experts said.

“This discovery fills a historical gap,” Saban Dogan, the project’s lead archaeologist from Izmir Katip Calabi University in Izmir, Turkey, told Radio Free Asia. “Second, it advances the understanding of [Uyghur] Turkic urban and residential life by another hundred years.”

Turkish and Mongolian archaeologists discovered remnants of the lost city of Togu Balik in June and July during excavations in the Tuul River Valley, known as the Tugla River valley in Uyghur historical documents, according to Turkiye Today, which first reported the findings.

Dogun suggested that Togu Balik was constructed between 630 and 680 CE, making it one of the earliest cities built by Uyghurs.

Today, the Uyghurs are concentrated in East Turkistan (Xinjiang), where some 11 million live under Chinese rule and are subjected to a genocide, according to the United States and the parliaments of some Western nations.

Togu Balik, built by the Toquz Oghuz — a confederation of Turkic Tiele tribes known as the “nine clans” in Inner Asia during the early Middle Ages — was a key city of the Uyghur Khaganate, or empire, under the Orkhon Uyghur nobility.

That empire existed between 740 CE and 840 CE, following the Uyghurs’ destruction of the Second Turkic Khaganate, an empire in Central and Eastern Asia founded by a clan of the Goturks, another Turkic people, which lasted from 682–744 CE.

The Uyghur Khaganate controlled a vast area of the Euro-Asian steppes, stretching from Lake Baikal in the north to the Great Wall of China in the south, and from Manchuria in the east to the Tian Shan mountain range and Lake Balkhash in the west.


The discovery of the ruins comes at a time when Uyghur history and archaeology have become sensitive political topics as Chinese historians attempt to reshape Uyghur identity within the notion of the “Chinese nation,” experts said.

These historians claim that Uyghurs have been part of the Chinese nation since ancient times and are not Turkic. Some argue that the Uyghurs migrated to what is now Xinjiang in the 9th century CE and that the Han Chinese were the original inhabitants of the area, contrary to historical facts.

The discovery of Togu Balik intensifies the debate over Uyghur history, archaeology and the origins of the Uyghurs, the experts said.

But Chinese historical documents also indicate that Uyghurs lived in a vast region from the north of the Tuul River in Mongolia to Tian Shan in present-day Xinjiang, said Alimjan Inayet, a professor of Uyghur folklore at Ege University in Izmir, Turkey.

“Uyghurs have inhabited the East Turkistan geography since time immemorial,” he told RFA.

“These historic documents show that Uyghurs didn’t come to East Turkestan in the 840s CE like current Chinese historians allege, but are the most ancient tribes that lived on this vast land,” Inayet said. “There is no historical basis for China to claim that Uyghurs came to this land only after the 840s.”

Kahar Barat, a Uyghur-American historian known for his work on Buddhism and Islam in Xinjiang, agreed, saying Uyghurs at that time migrated from one side of the empire to the other, and did not invade others’ land.

The United States on Friday imposed sanctions on more than 400 entities and individuals for supporting Russia's war effo...

The United States on Friday imposed sanctions on more than 400 entities and individuals for supporting Russia's war effort in Ukraine, the State Department said, including Chinese companies that US officials believe are helping Moscow skirt Western sanctions and build up its military.

American drug firms accused of clinical trials in East TurkistanAmerican pharmaceutical companies are carrying out drug ...

American drug firms accused of clinical trials in East Turkistan

American pharmaceutical companies are carrying out drug trials in East Turkistan (Xinjiang), where the United States says a genocide of the Uyghur population is taking place, U.S. lawmakers say.

In a letter to the Federal Drug Administration, the two top lawmakers on the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party requested an explanation of the practice, which they said is recorded in “hundreds” of entries on the FDA website “”

The letter does not name any individual companies, but requests information from the FDA about how it approves such trials.

In the letter, Rep. John Moolenaar, a Republican from Michigan, and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat from Illinois, questioned “the ethics of conducting these trials in Xinjiang,” where they said Chinese officials “force ethnic minorities … to participate in gruesome medical procedures, which likely overlap with FDA-approved research.”

Given that China does not allow independent evaluators to examine facilities in East Turkistan (Xinjiang) for rights violations, they added, there was reason to query if Uyghurs were being forced to undergo medical testing.

“As we know, there is simply no ability for firms to conduct due diligence to ensure that clinical trials done in [Xinjiang] are voluntary,” they wrote. “Given this, we believe that U.S. biopharmaceutical entities could be unintentionally profiting from the data derived from clinical trials during which the CCP forced victim patients to participate.”

The involvement of China’s People’s Liberation Army, they added, also raised “serious concerns” that the intellectual property of U.S.-based companies had been compromised and “co-opted” by Chinese firms.

American drug firms accused of clinical trials in East TurkistanAmerican pharmaceutical companies are carrying out drug ...

American drug firms accused of clinical trials in East Turkistan

American pharmaceutical companies are carrying out drug trials in East Turkistan (Xinjiang), where the United States says a genocide of the Uyghur population is taking place, U.S. lawmakers say.

In a letter to the Federal Drug Administration, the two top lawmakers on the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party requested an explanation of the practice, which they said is recorded in “hundreds” of entries on the FDA website “”

The letter does not name any individual companies, but requests information from the FDA about how it approves such trials.

In the letter, Rep. John Moolenaar, a Republican from Michigan, and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat from Illinois, questioned “the ethics of conducting these trials in Xinjiang,” where they said Chinese officials “force ethnic minorities … to participate in gruesome medical procedures, which likely overlap with FDA-approved research.”

Given that China does not allow independent evaluators to examine facilities in East Turkistan (Xinjiang) for rights violations, they added, there was reason to query if Uyghurs were being forced to undergo medical testing.

“As we know, there is simply no ability for firms to conduct due diligence to ensure that clinical trials done in [Xinjiang] are voluntary,” they wrote. “Given this, we believe that U.S. biopharmaceutical entities could be unintentionally profiting from the data derived from clinical trials during which the CCP forced victim patients to participate.”

The involvement of China’s People’s Liberation Army, they added, also raised “serious concerns” that the intellectual property of U.S.-based companies had been compromised and “co-opted” by Chinese firms.

In a list of questions for the FDA, the lawmakers also asked if the regulator has ever reviewed trials undertaken in East Turkistan (Xinjiang) or inspected facilities in the region. They also requested the FDA’s internal rules to ensure “ethical and safety standards” are observed in foreign trials.


A spokesperson for the FDA declined to comment directly on the claims and told Radio Free Asia only that the regulator had “received the letter and will respond directly to the Members of Congress.”

In 2021, the U.S. government declared that a genocide was taking place against the mostly Muslim Uyghur minority in China, after years of mounting evidence about mass internment camps, torture, forced labor and forced sterilization taking place in East Turkistan (Xinjiang).






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